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Setting up Prometheus on Azure Kubernetes Cluster

I am setting up Prometheus on a production aks cluster. The app deployment on this cluster is exposed using ngnix ingress behind a load balancer and a firewall device. How do I access Prometheus ...
sakshi's user avatar
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Issues with Aliyun Scheduler extender in AKS

I am trying to use Aliyun scheduler extender to be able to use a T4 nVidia GPU with multiple PODs, I have a managed AKS cluster with a default NodePool with standard VMs (Standard_D2_v3) and added an ...
Diego Satizabal's user avatar
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airflow git-sync-init not able to access secrets from SecretProviderClass

I am trying to build AKS with GitOps for FLux configuration and CSI Secrets provider for Airflow. I am able to pass secrets from KV to AKS and to other pods, secrets are populated as AKS secrets, ...
Adam's user avatar
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502 Error When Accessing AKS via Application Gateway Ingress in Azure Private network

I have configured an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with an Application Gateway in a private network setting. To facilitate communication between them, I've set up an Application Gateway Ingress ...
Rahul's user avatar
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I'm getting the error "InvalidParameter" while trying to create nodes in my AKS Cluster

I'm trying to install CAST AI, a tool that helps to reduce kubernetes costs, the tool is trying to create a agentPools in my cluster but i'm getting the following error: { "code": "...
vero's user avatar
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Upgrading personal AKS cluster

I have a personal Kubernetes cluster on AKS and Azure is making it mandatory for me to update the Kubernetes version in order to add a new node into the cluster. Now that I have to do this, I would ...
deniable_encryption's user avatar
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Data written to PVC using job pod is not available in main POD

I have a job pod with a bash script that executes and writes data to the PVC, however, the same data is not available when I check in from the main POD, both the deployment & job use the same PVC, ...
Naveen Naidu's user avatar
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Azure kubernetes service private cluster

I have a private Kubernetes cluster that needs to be accessible by a client, but I still want to keep everything enclosed within a VPN. Unfortunately, the VPN I created requires an address space that ...
DevLookForHelp's user avatar
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Clarification Needed on Lifecycle Management of AKS LoadBalancer IP Addresses Labeled 'Static'

I'm currently managing an AKS cluster and have come across a point of confusion regarding the public IP addresses allocated for LoadBalancer services. These IPs are labeled as 'Static' in my Azure ...
Christian Matthew's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry Collector Data not being fetched by Prometheus in Grafana

I have a requirement where I have some container workload in Azure AKS cluster and I need to use OpenTelemetry to gather data like metrics, logs and traces. I also have Grafana as the visualisation ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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How to fix access denied error for aks kubernetes commands?

with service principal logged in with azure cli. Below command got this error. az aks command invoke --resource-group rg-licanltcs-aks-prod --name aks-licanltcs-prod-eastus --command "kubectl ...
uday kiran reddy's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry K8s Operator Collector - Exporter Configuration for Prometheus

I have some container workloads in Azure AKS cluster. I need to use OpenTelemetry to get the metrics, logs and trace data from the container workload and get it collected by the OTEL collector. I have ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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What happens to Pod-Workload if a Node gets destroyed

when running pod-workload on an AKS-cluster with autoscaling enabled, what happens, if the pool gets scaled down? If a Pod is running workload on a node, and this node is being removed because of ...
greterpiffin's user avatar
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AKS System Node Pool and number of nodes

The AKS docs mention that 3 nodes are recommended in Production for System Node Pool. What is the rationale behind this? Does the fact that the cluster is a private cluster change anything in the ...
Maximusawesome's user avatar
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Restrict access to a Prometheus server in AKS can only be achieved with nginx-ingress?

Prometheus server with its respective Loadbalancer in AKS. I wanted to secure the access to /metrics through network rules...but it doesn't work. I can still acess to the endpoint with any device. ...
Wadjet's user avatar
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AKS Kubectl command doesn't return completed pods

I am using AKS with Kubernetes v1.25.6 and I have started to see a number of pods with a Completed status. From what I understand these are generated when an exit 0 code is returned on the process the ...
David Hirst's user avatar
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Why do my AKS node have public IP even though "enableNodePublicIP" is set to false?

I have an AKS cluster where I added a new node pool. While creating the node pool, I set the option "Enable public IP per node" as Disabled. However, I still notice that my nodes in the VMSS ...
faizan's user avatar
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strict MIME type checking is enabled issue with PGAdmin in Azure application gateway

I am trying to install pgAdmin (image: 'dpage/pgadmin4:6.21') in Azure AKS. I am able to access the application when I use a Kubernetes LoadBalancer service, but when I use an Azure Application ...
k.elgohary's user avatar
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cert-manager failing to generate certificate in kubernetes, how to fix that?

In the aks cluster, the helm chart I installed: Chart got from link And the ingress chart I used helm repo add jetstack helm repo update helm upgrade --install \ cert-...
user2331760's user avatar
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How to build a docker image from jenkins agent running on kubernetes?

I tried below pipeline code to check whether docker commands work first but failing. pipeline { agent { kubernetes { yaml """ apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod ...
user2331760's user avatar
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invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable

enter image description here Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable Error: Get "http:...
gotothesky's user avatar
2 votes
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What does the MEMORY(bytes) value mean in "kubectl top nodes" on Windows AKS nodes?

When I run kubectl top nodes on my Azure Kubernetes Services cluster with Windows nodes, I get a value back for MEMORY(bytes): PS >kubectl top nodes NAME CPU(cores) ...
Fabian Schmied's user avatar
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AKS Isolate Service in namespace

We deploy a service to our existing AKS cluster that needs to be isolated as much as possible so it can't access other services or resources in our cluster. I created a new kubernetes namespace and ...
Markus S.'s user avatar
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How does Azure Loadbalancer work with Azure AKS

I recently tried to figure out how an Azure Loadbalancer in front of an Azure AKS cluster actually routes traffic to the cluster nodes. Our (quite basic) setup: AKS cluster version 1.23.x with the ...
antaxify's user avatar
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ETCD snapshots causing etcdserver: leader changed

For a while now we've experienced regular errors from operations on kube API in AKS resulting in etcdserver: leader changed message. From what we've learned there is an ETCD snapshot performed every ...
Radek 'Goblin' Pieczonka's user avatar
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How to access aks service from same vnet?

I have created an aks cluster and deployed an application there and exposed it as a service. Can be accessible through LoadBalancer. To access it internally, I created a windows VM in the same vnet (...
user2331760's user avatar
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How are Kubernetes persistent volumes related to AzureDisks in AKS?

Say I have One K8s node with Two pods. Each pod claims 5Gi of PV storage. The provisioned AKS VM (node) has a 32GiB SKU SSD AzureDisk data drive. Will/can both of the 5Gi K8s volumes be located on the ...
maloo's user avatar
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How to create a service connection with access to all namesapces in azure kubernetes pipeline?

I tried to create a service connection to azure kubernetes cluster, but it is asking to provide namespace mandatory. So I provided one namespace and set the cluster admin option selected. And in the ...
Sara June's user avatar
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How to set flux to deploy latest image tag for every build?

I have added github actions to build a docker image for every latest commit and push it to our container registry in azure. We have created yaml files to deploy the docker image to kubernetes on azure....
Sara June's user avatar
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AKS Multiple Nginx Ingress with internal LB

Azure Kubernetes - AKS - K8s version - 1.20.9. Trying to setup multiple nginx ingress with Internal LB. ingress controller with ingress-class - helm install test1 ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \ --...
sanjayparmar's user avatar
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How to launch a sql file on kubernetes pod creation?

We have our database either in aws rds or azure postgres or even on a different online server based on customer. But our product will be running in azure kubernetes as a pod and service with database ...
uday kiran's user avatar
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How to expose services in private AKS cluster?

I've created a private cluster on AKS and deployed some workloads to it, but I'm not sure how to connect to the services. They are all NodePort services, both TCP & UDP. Initially, I thought that ...
Sentrigan's user avatar
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Custom CRDs not getting deleted in aks cluster, how to delete that?

I have installed consul helm repository to default namespace. Now, want to change it to a custom namespace. So, deleted the help chart using helm uninstall command. Now, when I try to install again, ...
uday kiran's user avatar
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How to redirect the port in ingress?

In that ingress section of AKS, we can add routes to multiple application but all having container port as 80 only. With Ingress, our application is using port 8080. But with ingress, even if I keep ...
Sara June's user avatar
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Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller Failure using Helm on AKS

When going through the setup of a K8 ingress controller, which is documented here I am unable to get past the step of "Create an Ingress Controller" During the Helm command step and placing ...
thxmike's user avatar
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What is the right way to assign Network Contributor Role to an AKS cluster via ARM / Bicep template?

I'm trying to configure a Load Balancer for my AKS server using Bicep/ARM. I am using the NGinx Ingress Controller in kubernetes and it does seem to work but when I first spin things up I am ...'s user avatar
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Use fwmark in iptables on a container running in Azure K8S

I have a weird use case, where a pod running in Azure Kubernetes needs to route traffic from specific ports to specific targets through a dedicated VPN tunnel. But those targets are private IPs and ...
neomax's user avatar
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AKS with Azure Key Vault - env variables don't load

I'm trying to use secrets from Azure Key Vault in my Kubernetes deployment as env variables and I'm struggling to do so. I'm using Azure pod identity and the secrets get mounted to the file and that ...
dywan666's user avatar
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How to install Consul on azure kubernetes with policies enabled?

I have installed azure kubernetes with azure policy enabled. I followed the steps in the getting started guide of consul as is: link But when the consul is deployed, the pods are not deployed. When I ...
Sara June's user avatar
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Consul containers are creating as privileged containers, how to change that?

With the azure policy addon enabled(as per organization policy), we can’t create privileged containers on the aks, azure kubernetes. Our application is set to security context as below. ...
uday's user avatar
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Limit exceeded for cluster creation on Azure Kubernetes, where to cleanup?

I have deleted the old clusters by deleting the resource group completely. But when I try to create a new cluster, I am getting error as limit exceeded. As you can see in the below error. {"code&...
uday's user avatar
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Deployment not able to spin the hashicorp vault linked containers, how to fix that?

I have followed the steps mentioned in the link Came till the deployment part, last before step. After deployment, the pods status is stuck at creation. kubectl get pods --watch NAME ...
uday's user avatar
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Azure key vault volume not accessible, how to fix that?

I have followed the walkthrough provided in this link And at step 6, I have tried to create a pod with the volume linked to the keyvault. But it is not able to access the volume. kubectl get pods NAME ...
uday's user avatar
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istio gateway Not launching internal links, how to fix that?

I have deployed application in kubernetes. It is working if we expose to a default load balancer service in azure kubernetes. But, after setting a virtual service linked with istio ingress gateway, it ...
uday's user avatar
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How to configure consul to access webpage from Ingress gateway

I am trying to configure ingress gateway for consul deployed in AKS. As per their documentation , I have created a sample deployment and ingress gateway to it. yaml files: github kubectl apply -f ...
uday's user avatar
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How to move kubernetes to a different subscription in azure?

I have two subscriptions under my account. When I check today, the balance is low in my subscription where I deployed the cluster. So, I click on change subscription option and selected the second ...
uday's user avatar
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Kubernetes clusters should not grant CAPSYSADMIN security capabilities

In Our AKS, found high severity alerts related to this in Azure Security Center. What is CAPSYSADMIN meant for? Is the pods by default enabled with this property? Because we didnt specifically enabled ...
Vowneee's user avatar
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How to access container custom logs,azure kubernetes?

Our container creates log files in /var/appname/app1/java log and other multiple log files. While development,we used to connect the container directly and access the log file using bind mounts. Can ...
uday's user avatar
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I have deleted all the Azure AKS Kubernetes Nodes, how to restore back the Cluster to it's original state?

I am new to the Azure AKS Cluster world, and while messing with a test cluster i have deleted all its Nodes with kubectl delete node xxxx, thinking that the cluster will heal itself. Boy, was i wrong. ...
bumbo-jumbo's user avatar
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AKS Certificate Manager upgrade w/ namespace change - Wrong cert-manager hook ID

Recently, we changed uninstalled our cert manager and reinstalled it into a new namespace. There were no issues with the uninstall / reinstall of the cert manager. When we tried to create a new ...
Brennan Mann's user avatar