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k8s : Calico node is not coming up

I am trying to bring up k8s cluster with calico. Calico node install-cni container is not coming up root@stage:/etc# kubectl version Client Version: v1.28.10 Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-...
Sandeep Lade's user avatar
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How to setup k8s Windows node using Calico Operator

I have now tried for a week to properly setup Windows k8s node using Calico without success. I have followed official Calico documentation I have tried both Operator and Manual install ...
Bran's user avatar
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Understanding Calico CNI Behavior: Masquerading of Pod IP with tunl0 Interface IP

I have a query regarding pod-to-pod communication across nodes with different subnets in Kubernetes using Calico CNI. In my Kubernetes cluster, I have one control plane node and two worker nodes, each ...
Karthik's user avatar
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Pod can't ping other worker node

Now, I successfully created a cluster including 1 master, 3 worker nodes. All cluster be communicated by Calico CNI Master node: I have a IP static public be attach into node (special) My error: I ...
Trourest's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does kubeproxy, apiserver and etcd not need CNI plugins to start?

I have initiated a k8s cluster on a server with the below configuration: OS: Ubuntu 2022 LTS Container Runtime: containerd CNI: Absoloutley nothing installed! Cluster initiator: Kubeadm init-...
mmafshari's user avatar
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Microk8s Cluster - Pods cannot reach nameserver/CoreDNS pod - No route to host

Disclaimer: This is my first question in ServerFault and I'm a complete noob. I have the following set up: remote VM, running CentOS 7, running MicroK8s (v1.28.3). It's a single-node cluster so I have ...
okariotis's user avatar
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My Kubernetes Pods keep crashing with a CrashLoopBackOff error on my worker nodes

I'm new to Kubernetes so this may be a dumb problem. Any pods I try to deploy on my worker nodes crash with a CrashLoopBackOff error. This only happens to pods running on my worker nodes and not my ...
JamesyBoy2394's user avatar
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Kubernetes + Calico + CRIO - Pod access issue

I have a Kubernetes cluster (bare metal) with one control-plane and 10 nodes. All the worker nodes are the same: same OS, same kube / crio / iptables / ufw versions. I'm using Calico, the pod CIDR &...
Corentin's user avatar
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Failed to destroy network for sandbox + coredns pod not running Kubernetes

This is my settings: Kubernetes cluster root@k8s-eu-1-master:~# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION k8s-eu-1-master Ready control-plane ...
Raphael10's user avatar
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failed to create cluster: failed to join node with kubeadm

I've been told my k8ssandra people that the following errors are related to kubernetes What do I have to do to detect, and solve, the issue? kind seems working fine: root@k8s-eu-1-master:~# kind ...
Raphael10's user avatar
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3 answers

Pods in a specific node don't have internet access

Pods in a specific node (let's call it mynode) don't have access to the internet, remaining pods scheduled in other nodes do have internet access. mynode has access to the internet, I can ssh into it, ...
Melardev's user avatar
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[WARNING][66] felix/health.go 154: Health: not ready from Kubernetes calico node

Today I found my pod could not access the internet, then I trace the calico node and found log like this: 2023-10-03 13:45:41.724 [WARNING][66] felix/health.go 188: Reporter is not ready. name="...
Dolphin's user avatar
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How to debug cannot access services from outside Kubernetes cluster (onpremise) with load balancer IP

I have an on-premise Kubernetes (v1.24) cluster setup with cri-o as container runtime, calico as cni and metallb for load balancer IPs. Masters and workers OS runs on rockylinux9, selinux enabled but ...
shadowlegend's user avatar
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Install k8s 1.26 with Kubespray skipping all Calico steps

I am working on installing/upgrading k8s cluster to version 1.26 and I wonder if I can somehow skip all the steps which tests/installs/configures Calico. The reason - I want to use Tigera operator to ...
Eddy's user avatar
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Calico-node doesn't works

I deployed the cluster with kubeadm. CRI is containerd and CNI is Calico. I made 3 node cluster. While deploying Calico, two nodes are deployed well, but one is not. For node which has problem, it ...
김민성's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows Node HNS Network Restart Error 0xc0000005

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 2 Linux nodes and 2 Windows Server 2019 running Kubernetes v1.26.0 and Containerd v1.6.20 also Vmware tools version 10.3.2 The Linux nodes are running just fine, but ...
Kafiti's user avatar
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Calico Node and Kube Proxy crashed permanently on a new node

I have a Kubernetes cluster in version 1.25.0 with some nodes (Ubuntu server machines). I use calico from Now I am ...
Tamino Elgert's user avatar
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cannot download calico on kubernetes cluster

I am trying to set up a kubernetes cluster on centos, and installing calico is one of the steps. My control plane is ready, but coredns are still pending. From the internet, i got the below command to ...
noob_coder's user avatar
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Calico : Virtual Network Interfaces not created by calico

I had been using calico-policy-only (v 3.22) mode with kubernetes 1.24.1 in my worker nodes. Recently worker nodes were upgraded to 1.25.4 , so for compatibility we had to upgrade calico as well to ...
devcodes's user avatar
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K8S cluster pod can't solve service name if pod on different node from coredns pod

I created a k8s Cluster v1.26.0 with kubeadm and I am using Calico as CNI. I deploy calico with the helm chart and I followed the steps by the Calico official page and chart. The container engine is ...
Peeradis Sa-nguantrakul's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does kubernetes readiness probe fail, when manually calling the exec command returns success code?

I used kubeadm to deploy a bare-metal cluster with one control plane node and one worker node on the same LAN. After initializing the cluster (kubeadm init on the cp and kubeadm join on the worker ...
zckl902's user avatar
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Error While installing Calico CNI

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 1+1 configuration . I used the following steps to install Calico curl -o calico.yaml kubectl apply -f calico....
Anvay's user avatar
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Pods on a k8s node are unaccessible, kube-proxy or CNI failed

I have add a new node to my k8s cluster, but I found some allocated to this node cannot show logs like this: $ kubectl logs -n xxxx xxxxx-6d5bdd7d6f-5ps6k Unable to connect to the server: EOF Using ...
Andy Huang's user avatar
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Calico CNI calio-apiserver issues, on-premises kubeadm based kubernetes v1.24.2 cluster

I am unable to get calico CNI fully functional on a on-premises kubeadm based kubernetes v1.24.2 cluster. The calio-apiserver pods (in the calio-apiserver namespace) have the status "...
Allan K's user avatar
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kubeadm based kubernetes (v1.24.2) worker nodes are still in "NotReady" status even after installing calico CNI ("Error querying BIRD")

kubeadm based kubernetes (v1.24.2) worker nodes are still in "NotReady" status even after installing calico CNI ("dial unix /var/run/bird/bird.ctl: connect: no such file or directory&...
Allan K's user avatar
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kubeadm based kubelet 1.24.2 calico CNI issues

I have installed a kubeadm based kubernetes cluster (v1.24.2) on Centos7. I have attempted to install calico CNI as per the instructions at "
Allan K's user avatar
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kubeadm based kubernetes Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host

I have deployed a kubeadm based kubernetes cluster v1.24.3 which consists of one control-plane node and 3 worker nodes (all Centos 7 VMs). These are all "on premises" on a single physical ...
Allan K's user avatar
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Calico HA cluster - not-ready:NoSchedule

Installed Calico on a K8s HA cluster Note: same installation worked on single node installation, removing taint. But in a HA Cluster it does only have taint: ...
Chris G.'s user avatar
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Why is access to Kubernetes lost if I turn on the IPVS mode?

The problem is that after enabling the IPVS mode in the kube-proxy, everything works fine for me. But as soon as I install Traefik, I immediately lose connection with Kubernetes. OS: CentOS 7.9 $ ...
Maksim's user avatar
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Calico Kubernetes Network Policy is denying all traffic and not working as expected

I am trying to implement some Calico based Kubernetes Network Policies. I have already setup Calico in my cluster and all the Calico based pods are running fine. In my cluster, There are two pods. 1. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Calico deployment not saving tolerance for master node

I was trying to setup a Kubernetes Cluster using Amazon EC2 and Kubeadm. I created a 't2.large' EC2 instance based on Ubuntu 18.04 AMI. Setup kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl and docker as the container ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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How to re-trigger failed flannel to calico migration?

I have a 3 node kubernetes cluster with k8s 1.22 version with flannel setup and running fine. I did run live migration steps from flannel to calico as describes in here. Cluster migrated to calico ...
Siddharood's user avatar
3 votes
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Kubernetes: route traffic to a subnet via a pod (accesing management VPN clients from pods)

Given two pods deployed on different nodes: myapp pod deployed on apps node wireguard pod deployed on vpn node, using a subnet like I need myapp to be able to be able to route traffic ...
nemesisdesign's user avatar
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Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS 7 with kubeadm 1.24 - calico => coredns stuck in ContainerCreating

In order to install a master kubernetes node on centos7 with containerd and calico : I followed this steps : After the ...
awot83's user avatar
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iptables REDIRECT to Kubernetes NodePort causes request to hang

I am attempting to direct client traffic to a kubernetes cluster NodePort listening on (https port). Client's needs to make a request to so I added the following ...
tiger_groove's user avatar
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Maximum throughput between Kubernetes pods with LACP bonding

We currently have a kubernetes cluster (using calico) where all worker nodes are connected together with lacp bonds (2x10GB links with LACP Mode 4 - 802.3ad). However, the maximum throughput we manage ...
E. Jaep's user avatar
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K8s nodeLocalDns pod times out connecting to coreDns after upgrading base os to ubuntu20.04 ConnectX-4 card

Team, I have Mellanox Nic ConnectX-4 on a k8s worker node and it hosts a nodeLocal dns pod on it. The nodeLocalDns pod is timing out when trying to connect to coreDns service on k8s cluster. Same ...
AhmFM's user avatar
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Changing the name of a single Kubernetes master with a temporary master

I have a lab environment for studying Kubernetes. It has Calico CNI installed. Kuberentes version: 1.20. I would like to rename the single master node in the cluster. Preferably, without recreating ...
jwalker's user avatar
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How to do live migration from flannel to calico on single node kubernetes cluster?

I am trying to migrate from flannel to calico in k8s cluster. I am able to do it successfully in 3 node cluster. Live migration from flannel to calico is working as described in the documentation. But ...
Siddharood's user avatar
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Pods on two different nodes communicate very slow, any idea why?

I am learning k8s and I have 3 nodes k8s cluster. I have just recently deployed k8s with kubeadmin and so far it is working great. everything working perfectly but the only problem that I am facing is ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Calicoctl rejecting certificate on fresh k3s install

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu, a fresh install of k3s, and a fresh download of calicoctl. I have installed it the following way. curl -sfL | K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644"\ ...
P H Kaznowski's user avatar
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Why does bgp OPEN message get Connect Socket: Connection reset by peer when node is on a different subnet/gateway

My network setup: Kubernetes network setup With this setup, only nodes on same subnet can establish bgp connection. Other nodes (that do a full 3 way tcp handshake), responds to hte OPEN message with [...
tFlolo's user avatar
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How to fix "Failed to apply 'Node' resource: [update conflict: Node(...)]" while trying to apply Calico node config?

I'm playing with Kubernetes and got two VirtualBox machines - master and worker. Every one has two network interfaces - one for Internet and other for communication between each other VM and host ...
Dmitrii Vinokurov's user avatar
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Kubernetes setup with different networks for intra and inter-cluster communication

I have this use case: Setup multiple k8s clusters that can communicate with each other. I also have one network per cluster for intra-cluster communication and another network for inter-cluster ...
Laurentiu Soica's user avatar
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How to enable ipv6 for ingress-controller services when installing using Helm nginx-ingress chart?

I have a baremetal K8 cluster setup using Kubespray (Calico as CNI) and have dual stack enabled. I can see that all the pods that get deployed get both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but when I try to ...
mickey9's user avatar
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Only have connectivity to nginx pod from the node its running on

I've installed kubernetes master and one node v 1.20. I deployed nginx with kubectl run nginxpod --image=nginx $ kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP ...
Dean Schulze's user avatar
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apply calico manifest through ansible kubernetes core module

I am trying to install calico on an existing single-node kubernetes cluster (installed through kubeadm). The two manifests are tigera-operator and custom-resources. This works fine if I manually ...
Lethargos's user avatar
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Cannot reach pod from pod in some machines but tunnel in node is reached

I have a pod with a cluster IP of in a bare metal Kubernetes 1.19 cluster with Calico 3.16.9 as CNI. Let's call this Pod A. In most nodes (which is different from the node of Pod A), a ...
Christian Alis's user avatar
2 votes
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What's necessary for a bare metal dual stack kubernetes setup?

We are about to start setting up a new kubernetes cluster on bare metal at our own datacenter. The documentation for the k8s moduls and services is great, however I was not able to find any ...
Daniel Becker's user avatar
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How can I delete manually calicoctl and iptables created by calico from my k3s setup

I have a K3s setup with calico pods [calico-node- & calico-kube-controllers-] running. On uninstalling K3s, calico pods get deleted but I see that calicoctl and iptables -S commands still running ...
solveit's user avatar
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