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Apisix kubernetes Discovery not work

I am using official helm chart to install the APISIX in my Kubernetes. I only override the following values from the official helm chart: useDaemonSet-> true serviceAccount -> set create to ...
paddy's user avatar
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3 answers

Rook Ceph storage and MySQL space very big difference

Can someone please advise me what could be the cause of this condition? I have a Rook Ceph cluster on which MySQL database with 3x replication is stored. This database is used by me for development ...
JDev's user avatar
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Expose local kubernetes function to my pc

So I have a function running in my kubernetes cluster. NAME BUILDSTATE SERVINGSTATE BUILDER SERVING ADDRESS AGE minio-event ...
David Backx's user avatar
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AWS application load balancer not registering targets for Kubernetes EKS node target group

I have an EKS cluster with public/private access on a VPC with public and private subnets. I've setup my ALB in the public subnets on port 80, internet-facing and ip and installed the AWS controller ...
Alex Radwan's user avatar
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Deploy a Redis cluster in Kubernetes with High Availability

I am looking at deploying a Redis cluster (3masters, 3workers/slaves) on Kubernetes. I found the Redis Operator as being the best option but the “capability level” doesn’t look that attractive to me. ...
Jérémy Ferfer's user avatar
2 votes
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Setting up a cluster with workload distribution

I want to setup a server cluster which can keep by servers as busy as possible while still giving fair compute time to everyone. I have setup a basic Kubernetes setup but the issue is that if some ...
starhawk's user avatar
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Deploying Multi-Cluster/Multi-Region Gateway AND have redundant stateful services with GKE Autopilot?

I want two clusters to each be in a different region so I have basic region redundancy. Some of the services I want to run are stateful (which includes keeping track of user sessions). I am not ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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Possible to deploy service to GKE Autopilot cluster without YAML?

Is it possible to deploy to GKE Autopilot cluster without YAML and just command line? I have inherited a project where deployment generates command line to deploy to CloudRun. I am in the process of ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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Access to Kubernetes service non-HA or HA cluster

My setup has previously been one control node (non-HA) and a few worker nodes on Kubernetes. New I'm building up a new cluster with three control nodes (HA) and 9 worker nodes. Connection from browser ...
ajlind's user avatar
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Kubernetes Load Balancing with Redis Cluster and microservices

I have the following scenario: N kubernetes Nodes A redis cluster with N instances, each node has a single instance There are requests coming into the nodes in a round-robin format After the requests, ...
me_the_bo's user avatar
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Can not start etcd cluster when setting up a HA K8S cluster

I am following this article to set up a HA k8s cluster: Guide: Kubernetes Multi-Master HA Cluster with kubeadm I have three master nodes(3,4,5) and four worker nodes(2,6,7,8) (one of the worker nodes ...
Erika's user avatar
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"CrashLoopBackOff" while deploying mysql on multi-node cluster

This is my configmap.yaml file: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: mysql labels: app: mysql mysql data: primary.cnf: | # Apply this config only ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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kube-apiserver logs that certificate has expired but it's not

kube-apiserver pod print following log: authentication.go:104] Unable to authenticate the request due to an error: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid I already renewed all certs renew ...
RedBluff's user avatar
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Multi-Master K8S cluster fails when half of the masters are down

i have a 4 masters HA K8S cluster , (accross 2 datacenters , 2 in each site) , but the kubectl command stops working after shuting down 2 masters , is this the expected behaviour? I want the cluster ...
Kratozz's user avatar
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Pod running kubectl trying to reach external cluster

I am using a pod (image bitnami/kubectl) in a kubernetes cluster (clusterA) but kubeconfig is set to point to another cluster (clusterB). Using on premises kubernetes 1.21.7 (on VMs) installed via ...
brgsousa's user avatar
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Accessing Kubernetes services in the cluster from outside of the local network - Bare Metal

I'm running a simple bare-metal multi-master "high availability" enviroment with 2 masters and 2 workers, as well as another VM with HAProxy serving as external Load Balancer. My question is:...
ReaperClown's user avatar
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No Pods reachable or schedulable on kubernetes cluster

I have 2 kubernetes clusters in the IBM cloud, one has 2 Nodes, the other one 4. The one that has 4 Nodes is working properly but at the other one I had to temporarily remove the worker nodes due to ...
deHaar's user avatar
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k3s pods not deployed on correct node

I have a k3s cluster with several nodes, let's say 3 nodes. On each node, I have several pods to deploy. It's a "static deployment", meaning that I want to deploy each pod on a specific node....
iAmoric's user avatar
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Attribute a static public ip for a pod in kubernetes and specify in service

As per Link , we can create pods with multiples networks , if the application opens port with non-default network (eth2,3 etc) How can we expose it as service? In service yaml i do not find any way to ...
Nasir's user avatar
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ETCD Cluster configuration for Kubernetes: Which one should be considered?

I would like to know how to deploy a ETCD cluster for Kubernetes. It seems like there are two different documentation and I don't know which one must be considered or the impact of each of them. From ...
Mael Fosso's user avatar
2 votes
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kubernetes mariadb-galera cluster - bitnami helm chart - Readiness probe failed

I am trying to setup a mariadb-galera cluster through the bitnami helm chart in my kubernetes cluster (1 master, 3 nodes). I have modified the myvalues.yaml to include an existingClaim: dbstorage and ...
realShadow's user avatar
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Zero downtime with Kubernetes on top of GlusterFs on top of a ZFS raid - Is this the best solution?

TL;DR A client requests me to make a robust system to run containerized microservices within their LAN. Restriction: They give me 2 machines and 6 data-disks. No more hardware. I have to build "...
Xavi Montero's user avatar
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Kubernetes lab cluster setup

Done a lot of googling and reading, as well as viewing as a guest from Google searches on this topic as my goal is to setup a small kube lab cluster from scratch myself. Decided to sign up today and ...
Kub-cluster's user avatar
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Kubernetes + AWS Lambda [closed]

I currently have an API service running on AWS Lambda, but it's getting expensive due to high AWS costs. My aim is to replace 95 % of the usage with a cluster of servers and still handle peaks with ...
ile's user avatar
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Attribute a static public ip for a pod in kubernetes

In my data center, I implemented a Kubernetes infrastructure with 3 workers and one master node. I'm looking to build 5 pods running postfix mail server, but because of risking to be blacklisted, I'm ...
Demba's user avatar
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Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock

I'm following the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Certification, and in their manual they are providing a bash file to deploy a master node using Kubeadm, and this is it's content : ...
Croviajo's user avatar
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Gcloud create node-pool hangs forever in auto-repair with no nodes

Adding a new node-pool to an existing cluster is failing with no nodes registering. The command used to add the node-pool is as follows (project name changed): gcloud container --project my-project ...
Peter Evans's user avatar
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Istio & K8S - Ingress with IPv6 and IPv4

We are currently evaluating a K8S (version 1.17 using CRI-0 version 1.17 & Calico CNI) installation using Istio 1.5.0. All nodes have a valid and reachable IPv4 and IPv6 (ubuntu server 18.04 - on ...
chrstnwhlrt's user avatar
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Nodeport is not sending the traffic to service port in GKE private cluster

I have a private cluster created in GKE and gitlab is running as a pod in this cluster. Here, nodeport is not sending the traffic to service port and hence unable to push images to gitlab. Error ...
Meghana B Srinath's user avatar
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How to set up Kubernetes (k8s) environment on an open-wrt based node connected in a cluster?

Openwrt OS support ".opk" file format extensions for the packages to be installed on the top of it. For that k8s, kubelet binaries are availbale but the procedure is to generate an installable ...
user554272's user avatar
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Resolved - Only 1 nodes out of 2 have registered on my node-pool if I have a GPU activated on my cluster

I have a managed k8S cluster with 1GPU (Tesla K80) activated in west1-b and west1-d (Each zone has this GPU model enabled, and my quota is ok). Each time that I create a node pool with 2 nodes only ...
Baptiste GAILLET's user avatar
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Connection timeouts when scaling more than one pod instance in Kubernetes

Running Kubernetes with flannel on a local ESXI server with 3 VMs, a master and two nodes. On all of the nodes, I have Kubernetes 1.15.5, Ubuntu 18.04, and Docker 18.09.7. A green field install. ...
Dave Brunkow's user avatar
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Kubernetes Istio sidecars namespaces

I am currently evaluating the istio mesh within a bare metal kubernetes deployment. Everything just fine so far, I use the sidecar auto injection with the namespace labels. Now to my question: ...
chrstnwhlrt's user avatar
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Connect MongoDB to ElasticSearch by MongoConnector in Kubernetes

I have a MongoDB and ElasticSearch cluster which I've run by Kubernetes. I am trying to connect my ElasticSearch to MongoDB on Kubernetes but I can't find any relevant document. Can anyone help me ...
meisam bahrami's user avatar
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Elasticsearch - Kubernetes [handshake failed, mismatched cluster name]

When setting up Elasticsearch cluster on Kubernetes with 2x data, 2x master and 2x client nodes (each container on sepearete physical node) i get the following error in client-node: [2019-01-28T12:25:...
yvr's user avatar
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Kubernetes, partitioning around clusters and namespaces

Let's say we have 2 subsystems: A & B. And we have 2 env: QA & Prod. What would be a better way to organize it around cluster & namespace?. Is it: One cluster for subsystem A, another ...
Cokorda Raka's user avatar
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An Azure Cluster with Two Node Types

I want to create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure with different node types. The cluster will be used for a web application that performs complex calculations. I want the web application to run on one ...
zmbq's user avatar
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Kubernetes and ansible - missing module

I'm trying to deploy application with Ansible on my Kubernetes cluster. I tried to use this module kubernetes cluster module but when i try to execute my example playbook copied from documentation I'm ...
user3069488's user avatar
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Should io and cpu intensive servers be separated in kubernetes cluster?

We are designing a new cluster architecture for our web service and are planing to use Ceph object storage and kubernetes for our services. for optimizing our servers We have different options: Use ...
Mehran Akhavan's user avatar
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In a container cluster like Kubernetes or Docker 1.12 Swarm, how do you resolve with external DNS to the good container on the good host?

Maybe I am dumb, maybe am I just not using the good words, but I can't find even one answer anywhere on Stackexchange or the whole Web. I have created lots of website, mostly with Wordpress, Drupal, ....
Yannovitch's user avatar
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Kubernetes cluster ip not answering

We've setup a kubernetes cluster with 3 masters and 3 workernodes. Then we've installed the kubernetes-dashboard which failes because it can't connect to kubernetes (api-server). It's looking for ...
meme's user avatar
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Exposing service in Kubernetes

I'm new in Kubernetes and there are some doubts I have. I have setup a Kubernetes cluster that consists of one master/node and one node. I have deployed a very simple NodeJS-based app, using ...
Héctor's user avatar
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