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Containers can't resolve hostname rke2 cluster

I am currently running into a problem around connecting to websites from an rke2 container. Whenever I try to connect to a site from inside of a container I receive an unknown host error. for example ...
Mudrock's user avatar
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Collecting logs from Kubernetes container file system (not from stdout or stderr)

I am trying to find a way to get Promtail collect logs from a container file system. These logs were not generated using the standard output, which automatically gets discovered by Promtail. They have ...
kloudkid's user avatar
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Kubernetes Cluster Initialization Fails with Kubeadm and CRI-O on Ubuntu 22.04

I am setting up a Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04 using Vagrant, with Kubernetes version 1.28.7 and CRI-O 1.28.2 as the container runtime. I'm encountering an issue when initializing the ...
Mile Stanislavov's user avatar
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How to initialize kubeadm in a non-default network interface?

I have been trying to set-up Kubernetes in my university server which has two network interface. The default interface (10...*) is connected to my university network and there is another interface (...
Sadman Amin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Windows: What could be the reason for a "paging file is too small" error even though there is plenty of physical memory available?

In one of our applications, we received an error message indicating "The paging file is too small for this operation to complete" while the application was trying to load a DLL (a .NET ...
Fabian Schmied's user avatar
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How can I find TLS settings for Traefik running in Kubernetes containers, to stop allowing weak cipher suites?

I have some servers that have been flagged as allowing insecure TLS/SSL cypher suites, etc for HTTPS. I need to get it corrected. However, the web servers on them are running from Docker/Kubernetes ...
techsplosion's user avatar
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How do I make `ctr image pull` always use a custom `--hosts-dir` without specifying it in the command line?

I've got a custom file in /etc/containerd/certs.d/ that has some configuration set up for a local registry container running on my servers. This is working fine when I ...
2rs2ts's user avatar
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OpenSearch Cluster deployment in Kubernetes - Connection Refused Issue 9200 Port

I am running a Kubernetes cluster in AWS EC2 instances. I have one master node (t2.2large EC2 Instance) and two worker nodes (t2.xlarge EC2 instance). I created the cluster using KubeADM. The cluster ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Can the host-local CNI IPAM plugin be configured to use a node's PodCIDR?

I am experimenting with the built-in CNI plugins, and I'm unclear about the host-local IPAM plugin. The examples show the plugin being manually configured with the subnet to use for a node, this works ...
kai's user avatar
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k3s fails to parse registries.yaml

I have set up a k3s Kubernetes standalone server with a insecure private registry but k3s fails to pull images from it. The registries.yaml file is set as documentation says. It is below. mirrors: &...
lauksas's user avatar
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Getting ioctl(setctty): operation not permitted: unknown error in K8S-Docker setup

Getting the permission error when trying to start a container in Ubuntu-AWS virtual machine. I am using kubectl apply -f test.yaml to deploy. Nginx is working normally in the same VM. I tried changing ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Kubernetes: After building a cluster through Flannel network components, nodes cannot access each other through Flanner network segments

After Kubernetes built a cluster through the Flannel network component, they were unable to access each other through the Flannel network segment, and the master node ping (node1 node ...
房新国's user avatar
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Trigger OS shell script post kubernetes container boot

I am running truenas scale 23.01 with kubernetes. On the system I have a container X and a small app Y running natively that interacts with this container through its local IP and port. Whenever ...
cmplieger's user avatar
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nslookup output shows result and error within a container

/ $ nslookup Server: Address: Name: Address: Name:
Prabhat Saxena's user avatar
2 votes
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Why "Skaffold" creates 2 different images for each container?

I have a Skaffold file like this: apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta1 kind: Config build: artifacts: - image: app/auth context: auth sync: manual: - src: src/**/*.ts dest: . ...
best_of_man's user avatar
2 votes
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kubernetes - assign individual storage to each replica in statefulset

I am running a statefulset in my cluster and am trying to assign each of the replicas (3 in total) to assign their own PVC. Unfortunately, I can only provide 1 name as claimName. How do I make sure ...
realShadow's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sonarqube app pod is not connecting with PostgreSQL DB pod when deploying to Kubernetes

I am trying to setup SonarQube in a Kubernetes cluster. The cluster was made using KubeADM in the AWS cloud. I have the following files for the setup. Sonarqube App Deployment file Sonarqube App ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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nginx readonly container complains about /var/lib/nginx/off

I am trying to run a nginx container in readonly rootfs but when nginx tries to start it complains about : [emerg] 10#10: open() "/var/lib/nginx/off" failed (30: Read-only file system) nginx:...
Jose's user avatar
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Can each GPU be used on Kubernetes as dedicated to a specific Pod?

I have the following environment: Pods: Pod0, Pod1 (launched as a k8s Job) GPUs: GPU0, GPU1 GPU0 is dedicated to Pod0, and GPU1 is dedicated to Pod1. There can be multiple Pod0s and Pod1s at the same ...
Daigo's user avatar
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Access entire filesystem of a container from another container

Hi ServerFault Community. I am in need of your help with a rather annoying edge case problem, which I hope can spark an universally helpful solution: I need a solution, similar to a sidecar container, ...
stack3r's user avatar
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How to re-trigger failed flannel to calico migration?

I have a 3 node kubernetes cluster with k8s 1.22 version with flannel setup and running fine. I did run live migration steps from flannel to calico as describes in here. Cluster migrated to calico ...
Siddharood's user avatar
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PostgreSQL as stateful k8s application - issue with mounted volumes ( in regards to ownership)

I am trying to adopt a stateful k8s PostgreSQL cluster based on this article to the local environment in my company. EDIT this is a vmware tanzu cluster, which I do not have not set up myself, so I do ...
vrms's user avatar
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I Could not ping or curl master node flannel interface

I have 3 nodes in the cluster, one is the master node and two are the worker nodes. I use CNI flannel for the Kubernetes cluster. I run an Nginx ingress in my cluster for the load balancer and the ...
newcomers's user avatar
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How to do live migration from flannel to calico on single node kubernetes cluster?

I am trying to migrate from flannel to calico in k8s cluster. I am able to do it successfully in 3 node cluster. Live migration from flannel to calico is working as described in the documentation. But ...
Siddharood's user avatar
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Cannot execute dpkg command in kube-proxy container

I'm currently trying to get a list of all installed debian packages (dpkg) on the container. First I tried to execute dpkg -l in the running container as a part of my ...
Daigo's user avatar
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Java large heap in container environment

I'm trying to run a Jetty webserver on kubernetes, it needs an extremely huge amount of heap ~ 250 GB in our production environment, ~ 50 GB in our test environment. I'm using jetty:9.4-jdk11, I'm ...
montss's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Any point in running containers as non-root on openshift

The openshift documentation reads : To further protect RHCOS systems in OpenShift Container Platform clusters, most containers, except those managing or monitoring the host system itself, should run ...
bryan hunt's user avatar
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can different pods run different containerization technologies?

for example, can I have one pod running docker and another running cri-o? I am new to the world of kubernetes and I've not been able to find the answer in the documentation.
honestSalami's user avatar
9 votes
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How to find out PID of the container using crictl

Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as CRI engine. Now there is containerd and CRI-O, which can be used as an alternative to it. Both can be managed via crictl from cri-tools. I need some common way to ...
kvaps's user avatar
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Kaniko (GitLab CI, K8s) can not push to Nexus Repository Manager: UNAUTHORIZED: access to the requested resource is not authorized

my GitLab CI job build a example container image with Kaniko with the GitLab runner on K8s. All services are in my LAN behind a static IP. The build process pulls an ArchLinux image from my first ...
Kokos Bot's user avatar
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haproxy logs in a container

I’m struggling to get access and health check logs from haproxy when I run it inside a container, so I’ve followed the instructions in the docs (Setting up logs using Docker | HAProxy Enterprise 2.2r1)...
Bren's user avatar
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7 votes
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SECURITY: Should containers run TLS or can they rely on its sidecar?

I wonder how security experts think about making container traffic secure. Let's take a simple K8S cluster as an example. I guess we all agree that running HTTPS instead of HTTP within each container ...
xpepermint's user avatar
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Why root user is allowed by default in public cloud Kubernetes services?

In a Kubernetes environment, I suppose that the root user should not be allowed by default to mitigate the risk in case the host OS was accessed from inside a container. This setting should be done by ...
rks's user avatar
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Starting a container on a Kubernetes cluster from another container

I have two docker containers as follows: A web server coded in python A python script which performs a computational activity and then terminates I want to be able to have the web server start the ...
hojkoff's user avatar
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Why are my Kubernetes worker nodes attempting to pull the infra-pod image when kubelet is run with container-runtime remote?

I have a set of worker nodes that are successfully joining my K8s cluster, but they are failing to schedule any pods due to their inability to pull the infrapod image from the internet. Our cluster is ...
stix's user avatar
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pause a container of a multi container pod in kubernetes

I've a pod with two containers. I need to pause one of them because when it's getting error whole of pod will restart and the second container start all things from beginning. I need to suspend first ...
Vahid Alimohamadi's user avatar
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Configuring Kubernetes Ingress

I'm trying to configure Google Kubernetes Engine Ingress properly to a load balanced Docker application which runs on port 3000. I'm clearly making an obvious mistake somewhere, but I have no idea ...
James's user avatar
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Unknown errors when upgrading/planning Kubernetes cluster upgrade

When upgrading kubernetes cluster with kubeadm, I am seeing the below errors when running "kubeadm upgrade plan".I am not sure how to work around these errors: I0716 10:45:02.966479 27758 ...
mmiara's user avatar
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Pod using Vernemq helm package cannot start

I'm using helm to install vernemq on my kubernetes cluster The problems is it can't start, I accepted the EULA Here is the log: 02:31:56.552 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.195.0> with 0 ...
Lê Minh Quân's user avatar
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Can I set 3 containers in a K8s pod, with each one writing in its own volume?

I want to set up a service in a Pod, composed of 3 different containers. In this container, there is a process that need to write in a file. The 3 containers write the same thing at almost the same ...
Arnaud's user avatar
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Can I use different container runtimes in a single cluster?

I was looking into different container OS (K3OS, CoreOS, Talos...) and I see that they all come with different container runtime. I was wondering if I can use different container runtime on different ...
FuXiang Shu's user avatar
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Append domain to container hostnames in a Kubernetes StatefulSet

I have created a Kubernetes StatefulSet. There are three pods in the StatefulSet with names mysql-0, mysql-1, and mysql-2 each with a single container. If I "log" onto the container in pod mysql-1 ...
user35042's user avatar
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Deploy hundreds of thousands of short lived jobs per day

I have a system that needs to deploy hundreds of thousands of short-lived jobs per day. Each job runs anywhere from a few seconds, to a couple of hours. Each job makes HTTP requests to external web ...
Brett's user avatar
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How To Share Volume With Code Files Between Two Containers In A Single Pod?

I created a GKE cluster and inside it I created single pod with 2 conatiners with this yaml settings. apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: django-nginx spec: restartPolicy: Never volumes: ...
Sollosa's user avatar
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11 votes
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How do I give a docker container its own routable IP on the original network?

Main question Imagine this scenario. A network of A computer with hostname 'Docker-Host' is running a docker engine at 'Docker-Host' has sshd server running On 'Docker-...
TrevorKS's user avatar
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4 votes
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Unable to list services in AWS EKS

I'm setting up my first Kubernetes EKS cluster by following the Getting Started guide but I can't get past the step that verifies access with kubectl get svc. Instead of the list of services I'm ...
KeepLearning's user avatar
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How to get a file out of a failed build-pod from OpenShift?

I have a buildconfig on OpenShift which fails to build. The output tells me that the server.log file might contain more info. But OpenShift is deleting the build-pod immediately after the run, so I ...
sinned's user avatar
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Kubernetes node breaks on restarting containerd

After upgrading to the latest docker (18.09.0) and kubernetes (1.12.2) my Kubernetes node breaks on deploying security updates that restart containerd. I have: /etc/docker/daemon.json: { "storage-...
vdboor's user avatar
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Can not find kubectl executable in PATH

Azure Kubernetes Service created and now to open Kubernetes dashboard, following the steps and getting error: az : ERROR: Can not find kubectl executable in PATH). PS C:\Program Files (x86)> az ...
Kannan GK's user avatar
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Remote command execution on kubernetes container

I am having kubernetes cluster where I am trying to check disk utilisation of containers running on it. $kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5", GitVersion:"v1.5.8", ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar