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GitLab web service not connecting to the registry

On an on-prem GitLab server hosted on Kubernetes, after an upgrade of GitLab to the latest version 17.1.0, I notice that the webservice fails to connect to the registry service: {"component":...
Paul's user avatar
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Building SAMBA AD DC container with Docker and Kubernetes gives wrong content to volumes

I am building a container for Kubernetes that runs a SAMBA Active Directory Domain Controller. I am doing the job through Ansible and the container is being deployed in a Kubernetes cluster (K3S). ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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Kubernetes: Influxdb 1.8.10 container can’t create users

I deployed on docker InfluxDB v 1.8.10 with command: docker run --name influxdb -t -e INFLUXDB_HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED=“true” -e INFLUXDB_DB=“mydatabase” -e INFLUXDB_USER=“user” -e INFLUXDB_USER_PASSWORD=“...
Marco Ferrara's user avatar
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EFK Data is getting lost on pod restart

I am facing the data persistence issue for EFK setup when pod gets restarted. I have setup the master, data and client pod. Please have a look at below configurations. master.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 ...
Wagh's user avatar
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Containerd can`t find the image in the private registry, so k8s can't get the image for the container

I try configure k8s cluster. I have private docker registry on the nexus server and try pull image from it. When i use docker pull all work correctly, but when i use helm for deploy my app, i have ...
discreight's user avatar
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How to run a kubernetes pod as NFS server?

I have the following problem: We have an S3 Minio Storage with a dataset consisting of ~600k files which amount to around 1.3Tb of storage space On our Kubernetes cluster I want to run a training ...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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Error "The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?"

I'm new to K8s. I'm configuring a K8s cluster on EC2 and I've started by installing docker, then started: systemclt start docker Installed kubeadm on the EC2 instance: (
M.rob's user avatar
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Cors issue when deploying a mernstack app on minikube

I have a mern stack app (react vite + nodejs) web app that is working fine as i enabled cors middleware to allow my frontend to send requests to the backend but the problem is when i tried to deploy ...
Achref's user avatar
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Data written to PVC using job pod is not available in main POD

I have a job pod with a bash script that executes and writes data to the PVC, however, the same data is not available when I check in from the main POD, both the deployment & job use the same PVC, ...
Naveen Naidu's user avatar
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How to Configure vcluster to Use Internal Docker Registry Certificates?

I'm setting up a vcluster instance and I want it to use images from an internal Docker registry available at docker-registry.docker-registry:5000. On regular Kubernetes nodes, I usually configure this ...
Fabrice Jammes's user avatar
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How to access a docker-compose container running with Minikube?

I used to setup and run some containers in my local machine with docker-compose with the Docker daemon running via Docker Desktop. I uninstalled Docker Desktop (due to licensing issues) and installed ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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Kubernetes namespaces vs Docker namespaces

Linux kernel offers a feature called namespaces. Docker containers are isolated with this feature. There is also a "namespace" feature on kubernetes. Does it rely on Linux kernel namespaces ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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How to initialize kubeadm in a non-default network interface?

I have been trying to set-up Kubernetes in my university server which has two network interface. The default interface (10...*) is connected to my university network and there is another interface (...
Sadman Amin's user avatar
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nerdctl sees that a lot of k8s mirrors produce a lot of empty tags

BUG REPORT Versions kubeadm version (use kubeadm version): v1.28.6 Environment: Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): v1.28.6 Cloud provider or hardware configuration: vsphere OS (e.g. from /...
zccharts's user avatar
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How can I find TLS settings for Traefik running in Kubernetes containers, to stop allowing weak cipher suites?

I have some servers that have been flagged as allowing insecure TLS/SSL cypher suites, etc for HTTPS. I need to get it corrected. However, the web servers on them are running from Docker/Kubernetes ...
techsplosion's user avatar
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Docker Swarm nodes on different subnets

I'm trying to setup a docker swarm between two computers I have at home and a VPS, the configuration is the following: Manager ip: Manager second ip: (VPN) ...
gesucritto's user avatar
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Kubernetes keeps crashing (Vagrant master+3-node set)

To demonstrate what I've done, I put together a repo with a Vagrant + Cloud-init config. Basically, Kubernetes keeps crashing, and I don't know why. ...
John Manko's user avatar
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How to open UDP port in kubernetes?

I have a DeepStream application running inside a Kubernetes pod. The applications captures video from a camera using the RTSP protocol. The pod is not able to establish a UDP connection between the ...
Athul Suresh's user avatar
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Containers in AKS cannot access Azure resources (Failed to resolve URL)

I have an API server (Python Flask) hosted on AKS. When the service starts, it: Access Azure key-vault to get storage account connection string use the connection string to perform CRUD jobs on Azure ...
han shih's user avatar
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Creating a working kubernetes environment using Docker

I cloned kubernetes repo and set up a working environment using Docker. I started Docker, and then I ran "make quick-release". But it seems to be stuck at this instance. I am using Ubuntu 22....
arujjval's user avatar
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3 answers

Pods in a specific node don't have internet access

Pods in a specific node (let's call it mynode) don't have access to the internet, remaining pods scheduled in other nodes do have internet access. mynode has access to the internet, I can ssh into it, ...
Melardev's user avatar
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How to make master node and worker nodes before installing kubernetes on Ubuntu?

I am trying to install kubernetes on my Ubuntu 22.04 os. I found blogs and videos in Youtube but failed and deleted all. I had hard time when making master node and worker nodes because there was no ...
ekfqlc's user avatar
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k3s fails to parse registries.yaml

I have set up a k3s Kubernetes standalone server with a insecure private registry but k3s fails to pull images from it. The registries.yaml file is set as documentation says. It is below. mirrors: &...
lauksas's user avatar
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Kubernetes pod fails with crashloopbackoff error

Created a minikube pod and downloaded an image from the hub Docker.Com private repository. A crashloopbackoff error occurs when attempting to set up a pod to pull the image. I want to fix this error. ...
Paul's user avatar
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What could be reason of this periodic drop in throughput in my application when deployed on Kubernetes?

I have multiple microservices talking to each other over network. When these microservices are deployed on Kubernetes, my application is experiencing a periodic drop of throughput on loadtesting, ...
Sourav Paul's user avatar
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How to stream Kubernetes log files to a different location using fluent-bit?

I have a requirement where I want the log files of all the Kubernetes containers stored in the location /var/log/containers/ to be kept persistent even after a cluster restart or node issue. I have ...
Gill Varghese Sajan's user avatar
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Getting ioctl(setctty): operation not permitted: unknown error in K8S-Docker setup

Getting the permission error when trying to start a container in Ubuntu-AWS virtual machine. I am using kubectl apply -f test.yaml to deploy. Nginx is working normally in the same VM. I tried changing ...
Ravi's user avatar
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The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

I have created 3 nodes on aws ec2. In these three nodes, I have one master node with type t2.medium and 2 worker nodes with type t2.micro I'm facing an issue The connection to the server
Spiral's user avatar
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2 answers

Best practice for running container images as another user

I'm using Kubernetes and would like to run a container as a non-root user. If I'm writing my own Dockerfile, I can useradd, chmod 777, and run with docker --user <username>. But in some cases, ...
xaa29221's user avatar
2 votes
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kubelet isn't running or healthy on kubeadm init

i have problem with kubeadm init .first of all i had this problem and i proceeded with its solution it ...
sina kzm's user avatar
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kubernetes control plane goes down often

I did setup a kubernetes cluster using kubeadm. Somehow kubectl refuses to connect to that cluster in non-periodic occasions with an error message as in the following; The connection to the server 192....
atg's user avatar
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k8s pods ImagePullBackOff issue bitnami rabbitmq-exporter

In our scenario, We are facing an issue that fails to download the bitnami/rabbitmq-exporter from Dockrhub. kubectl get statefulset rabbitmq -o yaml name: rabbitmq - name: RABBIT_URL ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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Kubernets: what exactly needs to be installed on each server/node and how?

I have coded AWS instances that can serve as nodes where my containers will run. So by default each of these instances have docker installed. This part is working fine. Eventually i would like to ...
mike01010's user avatar
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What linux name and version will I see in a container?

I execute cat /etc/os-release in a container. I have an Ubuntu 22.04 docker host. When I run a container, and see the linux os-release file inside the container, I see my Ubuntu name, regardless in ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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Nginx configuration in OpenShift

I have been struggling with a solution to have nginx running, in OpenShift there is no use of root user during creation of the containers. Then, I was getting the following error: 2023/06/21 10:37:45 [...
John Barton's user avatar
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k8s cron job using helm chart and docker

Two Helm chart for managing db cron jobs and monitoring cron jobs separately . Which k8s components can i use ? as k8s deprecated CronJob kind from v1.25,
Sakshi Jain's user avatar
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How kubernetes can expose port when docker not allows exposing port after creation

As far as i know, in docker you have to describe the ports that will be used on container while creating it, and you cannot add any other ports afterwards. But as i see, in kubernetes you can "...
signalz's user avatar
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How to fix "failed to unpack image on snapshotter overlayfs: unexpected media type text/html" when MicroK8S is starting a deployment?

I continue down the frustratingly stop-start road of learning Kubernetes (specifically MicroK8S). I build an image locally on a development laptop thus: docker build -t k8s-workload . This is a ...
halfer's user avatar
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DNS resolution is not working in k8 pods after k8 version upgraded to v1.25

We have upgraded our Kubernetes version from v1.24 to v1.25. We have used kubespray (version v1.2.21) for cluster creation. The cluster is upgraded successfully to v1.25. But once we deploy pods, not ...
Tapan Hegde's user avatar
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Change UID in influxdb Docker container when running in Kubernetes

When mounting persistent storage for influxdb container the NFS storage ownership is changed to uid 1000 when container is run. Need to have a known RHEL host user (2000) have ownership of the file ...
Ken E's user avatar
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Is it possible to set env vars for containerd?

I am currently trying to switch my K8 nodes from using dockerd to containerd. For environment-specific reasons, I ned to specify http_proxy. In the dockerd world, I can specify environment variables ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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How do I enable containerd?

When I run systemctl status containerd, I get the following output: ● containerd.service - containerd container runtime Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/containerd.service; disabled; vendor ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Multi master kubernetes cluster with haproxy LB, cluster is not working after master node restart(Unable to execute kubectl cmds)

I have installed multi master cluster, referring to the guide Setting up k8 multi master cluster Setup details as following. Load balancer: Haproxy LB frontend kubernetes-frontend bind 192.168.1....
kaushal47's user avatar
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How to build a docker image using kuberntes agent?

Below is the configuration in kubernetes plugin I set. My jenkins pipeline. pipeline { agent { kubernetes { label 'my-docker-build' defaultContainer 'jnlp' ...
user2331760's user avatar
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How to build a docker image from jenkins agent running on kubernetes?

I tried below pipeline code to check whether docker commands work first but failing. pipeline { agent { kubernetes { yaml """ apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod ...
user2331760's user avatar
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Firebird horizontally scaling using containers

I am trying to setup a firebird server within K8s and using docker containers. This has worked well with using Azure Files as a persistent volume storage, however when I try scaling past 1, there are ...
UbuntuHusker's user avatar
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Error installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22-04 with CoreDNS

I am new to Kubernetes and I am trying to install it on an EC2 instance based on Ubuntu 22.04. Initially I was following the tutorial here. However, I believe it might be either misleading or outdated ...
GregFromMiami's user avatar
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How can I install docker-ce alongside kubernetes on debian when using containerd?

debian/11, kubernetes/1.26.1 I have a Debian 11 host running as the control plane node for a Kubernetes deployment. This deployment uses containerd as the container engine. I'd like to install ...
chrisxfire's user avatar
2 votes
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Why "Skaffold" creates 2 different images for each container?

I have a Skaffold file like this: apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta1 kind: Config build: artifacts: - image: app/auth context: auth sync: manual: - src: src/**/*.ts dest: . ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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What does "COPY --from=build-env /app/build/web /usr/share/nginx/html" do?

I have a Dockerfile as following: # Install Operating system and dependencies FROM ubuntu:22.04 AS build-env RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y curl git wget unzip libgconf-2-4 gdb libstdc++6 ...
best_of_man's user avatar

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