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Custom changes in Core DNS (Kube-DNS) in OKE (Oracle Cloud Kubernetes) are reverted automatically after one day

I have created an Enhanced Cluster of Kubernetes (OKE) in Oracle Cloud (OCI). Some cluster pods connect to VM instances outside OKE but in the same VCN subnet as the pods. I want these connections to ...
Sahil Aggarwal's user avatar
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Containers can't resolve hostname rke2 cluster

I am currently running into a problem around connecting to websites from an rke2 container. Whenever I try to connect to a site from inside of a container I receive an unknown host error. for example ...
Mudrock's user avatar
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How do Fargate pods locate CoreDNS?

How do Kubernetes serverless pods (EKS Fargate) know the IP address to access the cluster's DNS server (the CoreDNS service deployment)? I recently updated a Kubernetes cluster to set up serverless ...
benjimin's user avatar
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how to ingress correctly in kuberenetes with nginx-ingress

I'm new to k8s and I'm having slight trouble setting up a local cluster on virtual machines and have it be accessible from at least my host machine. setup. I've a local cluster consisting of three ...
Ayush's user avatar
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dns problems in self managed aws ec2 cluster with aws-vpc-cni

I'm new to k8s and I've been trying to learn it. I faced a problem with trying to setup aws-vpc-k8s-cni on my fresh k8s cluster with coredns. Here's the problem in detail. Cluster & Network ...
Ayush's user avatar
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In kubernetes DNS queries fail between nodes

I have an issue with kubernetes and coreDNS that I am not able to solve. System information 1 master + 2 workers Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.3 (Plow) k8s: v1.28.7 flannel: v0.24.2 coreDNS: v1....
Haskind's user avatar
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The pod's /etc/resolv.conf does not reflect the changes on the host

When my pod's dnsPolicy is set to Default it picks up the DNS servers from the host's /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf (as configured by the resolvConf flag in Kubernetes) and stores them in /etc/...
Sam's user avatar
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Microk8s Cluster - Pods cannot reach nameserver/CoreDNS pod - No route to host

Disclaimer: This is my first question in ServerFault and I'm a complete noob. I have the following set up: remote VM, running CentOS 7, running MicroK8s (v1.28.3). It's a single-node cluster so I have ...
okariotis's user avatar
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minikube dns does not resolve on host fedora systemd-resolve

I have setup minikube with the docker driver, but the problem is the same with the virtualbox driver. I'm on fedora 39 and i followed the explanation here:
thiebaut fischer's user avatar
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DNS Issues with Kubernetes Cluster : no servers could be reached

I'm still experiencing dns and network issues And I'm at a dead point, looking for hints and suggestions Summing up : Following the indications found here :
Raphael10's user avatar
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Coredns does not return the result properly

I configured new Coredns in kubernetes and exposed it to LoadBalancer of service. Also I added a dns server to my local laptop. This is my new zone. nlabs.hosts { hosts { 10.0....
K.k's user avatar
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Why are my DNS query responses from Technitium failing to make it back to my kubernetes container?

I've explored every nook and cranny I can imagine, and I can't figure out what's going wrong. I've got a k3s setup on my server where I'm hosting technitium in hostNetwork mode. Technitium is ...
Cabbage's user avatar
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Kubernetes cluster with incorrect DNS resolution

Question Description: I have a harvester HCI Cluster (RKE2), where pods do not resolve the correct IP addresses for internet domains. kubectl run debug --image=busybox -i --tty --rm -- sh / # ping ...
d_inevitable's user avatar
3 votes
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Kubernetes cluster via kubeadm - CoreDNS buffer size too small / Pods network problems

I am new to deploying on-premise Kubernetes clusters. I managed to deploy one using kubeadm with weave CNI. Internet connection inside Pods is somewhat sluggish / non-working. I am trying to deploy ...
WhenGrill's user avatar
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nslookup weird behavior in 2 pods on the same node in kubernetes

I have 2 containers running in the same namespace. in-pod dns of the pod xwing does not resolving host name but will resolve FQDN but in-pod dns of the pod utils resolve it properly. ✗ kgpo NAME ...
DmitrySemenov's user avatar
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Exposing OpenShift Services to External Domain Using Ingress Controller

I have an OpenShift cluster set up with the default Ingress controller for an internal domain, let's say I need to expose specific services to the internet and access them via ...
Ed Black's user avatar
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Bad address translation in Kubernetes UDP service by kube-proxy with iptables

For educational purposes, I made myself a Kubernetes cluster according to Kubernetes the Hard Way guide - except I did it on my own set of local VMs rather than using Google Cloud. Everything seemed ...
ghik's user avatar
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Local Kubernetes Dns failure on one of three worker nodes

I have a problem with my Kubernetes on-premise cluster created with kubespray. I don't know why, but the dns resolutions is not working on one of my three nodes. I try to mount a debug container to ...
MelanieOL's user avatar
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DNS resolution is not working in k8 pods after k8 version upgraded to v1.25

We have upgraded our Kubernetes version from v1.24 to v1.25. We have used kubespray (version v1.2.21) for cluster creation. The cluster is upgraded successfully to v1.25. But once we deploy pods, not ...
Tapan Hegde's user avatar
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nslookup output shows result and error within a container

/ $ nslookup Server: Address: Name: Address: Name:
Prabhat Saxena's user avatar
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How to setup DNS so I don't need to change A PTR everytime load balancer IP changes?

How should I setup DNS such that I don't have to change 20 A records for different domains everytime the k8s load balancer IP changes? Normally I setup an A record called '' that points ...
Nate Houk's user avatar
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It seems like the kubelet isn't running or healthy. [kubelet-check] The HTTP call equal to 'curl -sSL http://localhost:10248/healthz' failed with erro

I am trying to do sudo kubeadm init of kubeadm 1.26.0 on an Ubuntu 22.04 machine. But I get the following result: [init] Using Kubernetes version: v1.26.0 [preflight] Running pre-flight checks [...
best_of_man's user avatar
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archlinux: kubernetes - coredns does not work properly

I have installed kubernetes v1.23.0 with Arch Linux as distribution. The cluster consists of a master and a node. Booth systems are KVM based VMs. When a pod wants to make a DNS query, it gets a ...
Volker Raschek's user avatar
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Deny direct IP access to an application deployed in Kubernetes

I have a NodeJS application with express.js as a backend framework deployed on cloud using Kubernetes. The K8s runs on top of an Ubuntu template. The application deployed in Kubernetes is of service ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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access my website (Nginx) Through another machine from local network

I work on K3S kuberentes cluster on ubuntu. Local IP address public IP address : ip loadbalancer : I build an Nginx with the domain on my K3S ...
newcomers's user avatar
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How to configure DNS for Services and Pods in Kubernetes?

I have been going through the K8s documentation on DNS for Services and Pods. The main task that I want to resolve is my K8s deployment has NodePort as service type. Meaning, I use the external IP ...
Sebastian's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

kubernetes coredns is in CrashLoopBackOff status with "no nameservers found" error

I have tried to build kubernetes using kubeadm on my bare-metal server with containerd as cri, but it seemed that coredns failed to start after installing cni (weave-net). Two coredns containers are ...
Daigo's user avatar
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Trouble with DNS resolution on and Microk8s cluster

My microk8s cluster is running on a centos8 vm and I have some issues with DNS resolution of my pods. Nameserver are at x.x.x.101 and x.x.x.100 both are ping able from within the pods and I can also ...
Thagor's user avatar
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Kubernetes External DNS

Has anyone configured Kube's external dns project to use an IP other then that of the service or ingress it is creating the record for? I'm on bare metal and I have: (Internet) -> (HAProxy) -> (...
Greg's user avatar
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How to clear dns cache for GKE pool from

I have a problem where dns entry for a external domain broke. The nature of the problem at the time is unknown. That domain got queried from kubernetes cluster pod in the Google Kubernetes Engine ...
Manwe's user avatar
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KubeADM cluster: how to configure DNS properly

I have the following project that I use to create my own Kubernetes cluster on the local machine (macOS) via KubeAdm: Basically, I started from this project ...
Salvatore D'angelo's user avatar
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Controlling Egress calls of kubernetes pods based on intermediate host file

Can I modify and use /etc/host.allow file or something similar to restrict the outgoing (egress) calls from my kubernetes pods. If there is intermediate lookup happening while making an egress call ...
solveit's user avatar
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Coredns ACL plugin for restricting domain from Kubernetes Pod

How can I use use coredns acl plugin for the domain based access [blocking/allowing] the egress calls ? As per my use case I want to control the outgoing calls from my pod. something like this : . { ...
solveit's user avatar
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Domain whitelisting in Kubernetes DNS Service

Can I use Kubernetes dns service to whitelist the domains for my pods? I want to restrict the outgoing (egress) calls using Kubernetes dns service. if I can achieve this, can someone let me know the ...
solveit's user avatar
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How to change the hostname on the single-node K8s node

Environments: OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Kubernetes: v1.16.15 deployment tool: kubeadm v1.16.15 I initialize a single-node K8s on my workstation with the following configuraions: --- apiVersion: kubeadm....
huang06's user avatar
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Bare metal kubernetes DNS not forwarding

I have a bare metal kubernetes cluster set up for my own education purposes. It's three VMs - one master, two workers, running Ubuntu 20.04. I'm having problems with pods forwarding DNS requests. ...
jws's user avatar
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Single IP to access Kubernetes cluster ingress

I have an amazon EKS cluster that I'm using to host multiple websites, I have an ingress controller and a load balancer that spins up more pods as needed. I normally use CNAME type "eg alias or ...
nzimpossible's user avatar
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Is there a limit on length of CNAME chain in getaddrinfo lookup?

Update 1 I changed the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf and that fixes the problem, but it will cause issues with internal name resolutions. So what does it mean? dig querying the same NS gets all 7 ...
Ashwini Dhekane's user avatar
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Kubernetes through Virtualbox; Pods can't access internet services

System: VirtualBox, Debian 10 Server, Kubernetes with kubeadm I've setup a deployment and a service and I am exposing it via NodePort but my Pods somehow cant access the internet. The worker node ...
JaySon's user avatar
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Kubernetes: kube-dns servers are not reachable (other pods are reachable)

this is an odd one. I've setup my K8s cluster, 1 master and 1 worker. It uses calico as cni, and everything looks to be working as expected (I'm able to deploy pods, services, etc). I'm able to reach ...
Dan V's user avatar
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curl & wget cannot resolve internal dns names within the aks cluster but nslookup , host , dig work fine

I have a managed kubernetes instance on azure. I am very sure that the core dns is working and the dns pods are healthy. I have a couple of services frontend-service with one pod - Image [nginx-...
jkalwar's user avatar
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Resolving Kubernetes service via internal DNS server - Bare Metal

I have a kubernetes cluster running w/ 4 nodes, my main master node plus for other nodes. I used kubespray to get everything running. This is on my home network, which I will explain down bellow. ...
CodeChimp's user avatar
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No DNS resolution and Internet access from Kubernetes POD on Windows

I’ve built a cluster (v1.15.4) on hyper-v with - linux node (master) - linux node (worker) - windows node (worker) - networking - flannel (host-gw) - mac spoofing enabled for vms deployed win-...
dzup4uk's user avatar
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dns appending local domain to random queries

Aug 9 23:14:45 dnsmasq[11657]: reply is Aug 9 23:14:45 dnsmasq[11657]: reply is Aug 9 23:14:45 dnsmasq[11657]: reply ...
Evan R.'s user avatar
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Kubernetes kube-dns not resolving

I am noticing an unusual high latency when trying to resolve local and external DNS lookups inside Kubernetes. nslookup requests are sometimes resolved but take on average 40 seconds to complete. ...
Jeroen Rinzema's user avatar
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Kubernetes service via OpenVPN

We have lot of access-points which are connecting to FreeRADIUS such way: AP is connecting to OpenVPN service via vpn it have access to freeradius server Now we want to move our environment to ...
user3069488's user avatar
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Container Engine/Kubernetes DNS to external

I want to let my containers on Google Container Engine point to a static IP outside of my Container Engine cluster (namely my db). Is it possible for me to prevent the use of an /etc/hosts file or a ...
ZvL's user avatar
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In a container cluster like Kubernetes or Docker 1.12 Swarm, how do you resolve with external DNS to the good container on the good host?

Maybe I am dumb, maybe am I just not using the good words, but I can't find even one answer anywhere on Stackexchange or the whole Web. I have created lots of website, mostly with Wordpress, Drupal, ....
Yannovitch's user avatar
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Access service on subdomain in Kubernetes

I have following setup: Private OpenStack Cloud - o̲n̲l̲y̲ Web UI (Horizon) is accessible (API is restricted but maybe I could get access) I have used CoreOS with a setup of ...
x4k3p's user avatar
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How to provide Kubernetes api-server credentials to kube2sky inside a docker container in CoreOS

I've got a Kubernetes installation on CoreOS with DNS addon running in a pod. My problem is this: kube2sky cannot access the api-server. By default it uses which is not available to ...
Wienczny's user avatar
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