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K8 GCE deployment cluster failed to initalize after

Running into a issue after running script on Ubuntu 22.04. From what I can tell, after running it creates my master & worker needs in Google Cloud successfully, but presents ...
user25366854's user avatar
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What are my groups in kubernetes (GKE) on GCP?

The answer is supposedly easy: $ kubectl auth whoami But it says that I belong only to system:authenticated. That's not pretty informative, and I believe I must belong to system:masters. Why? Because ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Google Cloud Composer 2 Environment won't become healthy

I am trying to create a Google Cloud Composer 2 environment in my project, but it fails to become healthy. I am creating it with the default settings and a service account that has the Cloud Composer ...
Nikolai Jay Summers's user avatar
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What should be the NodeClassRef for Karpenter's NodePool in GKE?

I have created a GKE cluster in GCP and wanted to install Karpenter on it for the autoscaling. While trying to install Karpenter, pods gives the error asking to create the NodeClaim resource which ...
Harshit Agarwal's user avatar
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Ansible "Failed to create temporary directory" (GCP)

I've encountered an issue with my Ansible playbook that provisions both a Kubernetes cluster and other servers within our cloud infrastructure. Specifically, the problem arises when I configure the &...
1wonder's user avatar
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All cluster resources were brought up, but: 1 nodes out of 1 are unhealthy

Unable to create a gke autopilot cluster using shared vpc . The same shared vpc works fine with standard private cluster . Repeated this multiple times with the same error. Followed google ...
Mujeeb Sayed's user avatar
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Deploying Multi-Cluster/Multi-Region Gateway AND have redundant stateful services with GKE Autopilot?

I want two clusters to each be in a different region so I have basic region redundancy. Some of the services I want to run are stateful (which includes keeping track of user sessions). I am not ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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How pull Artifact Registry images from a on-premise k8s cluster?

I know I should create a service account key, with JSON credentials, from Google Cloud Console and give the appropriate role. Then I should use the kubectl command to create the secret: kubectl -n=...
attgua's user avatar
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What CNI is used (and what are the alternatives) in GKE?

I'm confused with Google Cloud's documentation on GKE. In the Compare network models doc, it says GKE has a fully integrated networking model which suggests to me it has its own CNI implementation. ...
johny.bravo's user avatar
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GCP Automatic Instance Template replacement issue in Compute Engine

I'm using Google Kubernetes Engine where my cluster's node pool is connected to Compute Engine instances defined by instance templates. I'm controlling these instance templates by Managed Instance ...
rapago's user avatar
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GKE Arm-based cluster starts in invalid state

After I install a new GKE cluster on Arm-based VM it immediately starts in a failing state. Specifically antrea-controller-horizontal-autoscaler cannot be run as it has no toleration for Arm-based ...
Martin D's user avatar
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I want to check the storage used by GKE Node

I have created a GKE cluster with 20 GB of storage and it is runnning 4 pods. 3 of them are angular application and 1 is node applicaiton and 10.5GB is already used and only 3.96 GB is left. I wanted ...
Robin's user avatar
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Getting issue with nginx ingress controller

I'm getting issue with nginx ingress Error: invalid virtual server or virtual server route How to fix this above error?
Ruthew's user avatar
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Error:unable to upgrade connection:Authorization error (user=kube apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, sub resource=proxy)

I have set up my cluster with my app but now I'm facing issue in my gke cluster Error:unable to upgrade connection:Authorization error (user=kube apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, sub resource=...
Martin rudez's user avatar
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Kubernetes cluster with certificate authority

Certificate error after upgrade of kubernetes Error is SSL certificate problem:unable to get local issuer certificate After doing multiple modifications Now I'm getting above error.
Ruthew's user avatar
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How to find the maximum number of nodes in a GCP Kubernetes cluster?

In a GCP Kubernetes cluster is there a command to find out the maximum number of nodes? I have a Kubernetes cluster and need to identify if I can fit my pods to the nodes since there is a taint ...
Phil's user avatar
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Multi cloud provider kubernetes cluster pod logs got timeout

Hi all i have master node in digital ocean and worker node in google cloud, nodes are connected using public ip of master node and pods are in running status but when i run kubectl logs i'm getting ...
Thom's user avatar
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How to manage utility pods on GKE autopilot?

My company is going to migrate to GCP, and I found some issues with how we want to manage our infrastructure and projects. Our stack is mainly based on Kubernetes, right now we have 2 clusters: ...
pida's user avatar
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Strange behavior of GCP Load Balancer

I had a strange behavior with google global lb. On the one zone traffic evenly , but on other zone with same load traffic loads pods not evenly. Configs at zones are the same. Can it appears to gcp ...
Danila Eliseev's user avatar
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Getting an IP for whitelisting from a multi-node GCP kubernetes cluster

I have access to a service (Kafka broker) in our enterprise network that is accessible via the VPN or select whitelisted IPs. I can connect via kafkacat locally (on the vpn or in the office) but not ...
user19377190's user avatar
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GKE pods to other VPC peered instance not reachable

I've created a VPC-native GKE private cluster. My Pod address range is and my Service address range is GKE is setup on vpc-8 private subnet ( I need to ...
pbms's user avatar
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How often managed kubernetes cluster should be upgraded?

We use managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE) and wonder how often the Kubernetes cluster should be upgraded. We use release channels: regular (dev/test), stable (staging), stable (production). Different ...
sacherus's user avatar
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Can I use LoadBalancer type for kubernetes service on GCE not GKE?

I have VMs on GCP, which are normal Linux machines not GKE. I made kubernetes environment with kubeadm on this VMs and I am using NodePort type for my services. But what I want to do is using type ...
Ellisein's user avatar
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Accessing internal GKE resources from external IP

In GKE you can use External Ingress Controller to expose a service to the world and if you want you can use Google Cloud Armor to manage traffic and if required deny it with codes 403, 404, 502. Lets ...
sanevi's user avatar
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How to send a file from Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes Pod to external FTP?

I have an issue when trying to upload a file using PHP FTP from my website that is deployed on the GCP Kubernetes Engine. And when I try to upload it manually from the Pod terminal using the ftp ...
Praditha's user avatar
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ImagePullBackOff err while pulling docker image in different project in Google Cloud

I am trying to pull a private image from Artifact Registry repo in Google Cloud from a kubernetes cluster running in a different Google Cloud project using kubectl. kubernetes version 1.20.15-gke.1000 ...
user1403505's user avatar
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Starting a Google Kubernetes cluster

We had a GKE cluster running a functional project Then we sunseted the entire project -- by deleting it. Due to a need, we restored the project Now I'm trying to get the GKE cluster running again. ...
Anton's user avatar
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Pull images to Google Kubernetes Engine cluster from an artifact registry in another project?

We have a (GKE) kubernetes cluster running in "project A" that needs to get images from an artifact registry that is located in another project, B. How can I configure the project A GKE ...
Johan's user avatar
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How to trigger k8s Job from different application?

I will briefly describe my application workflow: I have one application (cronjob), this application read my database and I want to, based on the output from database, run a few jobs in Kubernetes. ...
dzierzak's user avatar
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Find out why a Kubernetes cluster was restarted on Google Cloud

This has happened twice in the last two months - during a weekend the entire GKE cluster is restarted. It happens even though the cluster is set to manual upgrade (release channel is set to "None&...
rustyx's user avatar
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Manually update GKE autopilot version in GCP?

I have a GKE autopilot cluster which was initially configured to use STABLE updates channel. It is using version 1.18.20-gke.900 of Kubernetes engine right now. However, I need a minimum version of 1....
Slava Fomin II's user avatar
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How to have a multiple port app in the same GKE pod (using cli)?

Presentation Working on an Elixir Umbrella app (a general app managing multiple app), I included two web app within the main one, each one with its own URL and port ( && ...
Aridjar's user avatar
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How to clear dns cache for GKE pool from

I have a problem where dns entry for a external domain broke. The nature of the problem at the time is unknown. That domain got queried from kubernetes cluster pod in the Google Kubernetes Engine ...
Manwe's user avatar
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How to deploy docker container and do port mapping/forward using kubernetes YAML manifest

Please help me to convert the below docker Command to Kubernetes YAML file along with port mapping/forwarding to the docker container # docker run -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -...
anupjohari9211's user avatar
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Routing inbound and outbound udp traffic to the same port in kubernetes

This is a follow-up to a prior question I asked, but with a different ask/approach. In case it matters, I'm on GKE, but I'm hoping there's a cloud-agnostic answer. I'm trying to run the container ...
xenrelay's user avatar
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Kubernetes managing many distinct UDP servers on GKE

I'm trying to set up a system that can automatically spin up and down video game servers as docker images. In this case, factoriotools/factorio-docker. Each game is a different, distinct single-pod ...
xenrelay's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" in GKE on pulling image (a private registry) when a pod is created

I generated a CA certificate, then issued a certificate based on it for a private registry, that located in the same GKE cluster. Put the server certificates to the private registry and the CA ...
Max Koshel's user avatar
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GCP Local SSD dissapeared

I am running a Kubernetes cluster in GCP and using a local SSD as the persistent disk for a CouchDB service. I've checked today and the disk just disappeared, it is not accessible anymore and thus I ...
Nicolas  Mauricio Cuadrado's user avatar
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GKE fails to mount volumes to deployments/pods: timed out waiting for the condition

We ran into an issue with our GKE volume usage. Starting from tonight our deployments couldn't access our main document storage disk anymore, the logs looked something like this: ... /go/src/...
Jacob's user avatar
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Binding Workload Identity service-account to a GKE service-account with Deployment Manager?

I've enabled Workload Identity on our GKE cluster. Now I'm deploying an app to GKE which uses WI to authenticate to another Google service. I've already used Deployment Manager to create an IAM ...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
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Private Google Kubernetes cluster can't download images from Google Container Engine

I am trying to set up our private Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud to connect to Google Container Engine. I'm able to deploy sample images in the cluster without a problem, e.g.
Matt Browne's user avatar
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Cannot connect to a Postgres SQL instance from inside a pod within a GKE

I am new to Terraform and Google Cloud. I am trying to create a K8 cluster where pods inside the cluster could communicate with a Postgres server I have within the same VPC. However, when I try to ...
Eranga Heshan's user avatar
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How can I figure out / debug why a nodepool is stuck in "Updating" state?

I am trying to setup a simple GKE cluster. It is a GKE Zonal cluster. I resized the default pool which is not ephemeral from 1 to 2 nodes this morning, but now can no longer make any edits to the ...
Caustic's user avatar
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ingress-nginx, GCE, and static IP

So, I would like to have a static IP that points to my nginx ingress LB. gcloud compute addresses create test-ip --global gcloud compute addresses describe test-ip --global Which provides me with a ...
csgeek's user avatar
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Ingress Nginx SSL 503 Error

Service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: grafana name: grafana spec: ports: - name: "3000" port: 3000 ...
csgeek's user avatar
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gcsfuse terminating itself on GKE

I have gcsfuse in a deployment on GKE, it was working fine and without any changes in the config it started failing since yesterday. Received signal 15; terminating. I have it deployed in 2 different ...
Ivan Torrellas's user avatar
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export gcsfuse mount so a third client can access files in a storage bucket

I mount a storage bucket to a local directory. /share Then I try to make this directory - now populated with contents of the object store - available to another machine. The goal is, that this other ...
geets's user avatar
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Monitor the nginx deployed on GKE cluster

I want to monitor the nginx requests (5xx, 4xx, 3xx, 2xx) where multiple applications are running with different domain urls. Nginx is deployed as Kind : Deployment. Is there a way for real time ...
Sai Anjan's user avatar
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Unable to connect to CloudSQL from GKE without CloudSQL Proxy - SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Operation timed out

I have GKE cluster created with following command: gcloud container clusters create stage1 \ --enable-ip-alias \ --release-channel stable \ --zone us-central1 \ --node-locations us-central1-a,us-...
Tech User's user avatar
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Is it possible to install Kubernetes manually in my existing GCP VM instance? [closed]

I am a newbie in Kubernetes. I have hosted my microservice application on the GCP VM instance. I want to use Kubernetes for deploying, managing, and scaling my applications. GCP provides GKE for that, ...
Bhargav Patel's user avatar

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