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K8 GCE deployment cluster failed to initalize after

Running into a issue after running script on Ubuntu 22.04. From what I can tell, after running it creates my master & worker needs in Google Cloud successfully, but presents ...
user25366854's user avatar
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GKE Autopilot - consume reservation

I had some issues creating GKE deployment with nvidia t4 GPU (Node scale up in zones europe-west1-b associated with this pod failed: GCE out of resources. Pod is at risk of not being scheduled.) so I ...
Noskol's user avatar
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GCP Automatic Instance Template replacement issue in Compute Engine

I'm using Google Kubernetes Engine where my cluster's node pool is connected to Compute Engine instances defined by instance templates. I'm controlling these instance templates by Managed Instance ...
rapago's user avatar
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2 votes
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Error:unable to upgrade connection:Authorization error (user=kube apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, sub resource=proxy)

I have set up my cluster with my app but now I'm facing issue in my gke cluster Error:unable to upgrade connection:Authorization error (user=kube apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, sub resource=...
Martin rudez's user avatar
1 vote
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kubernetes pod running on google compute engine not able to access metadata service

I am trying to run google cloud python sdk from inside a k8 pod, running on google compute engine. There is a service account attached to the VM, which is giving it access to the secrets manager. I am ...
Amit's user avatar
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How to deploy docker container and do port mapping/forward using kubernetes YAML manifest

Please help me to convert the below docker Command to Kubernetes YAML file along with port mapping/forwarding to the docker container # docker run -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -...
anupjohari9211's user avatar
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Cannot connect to a Postgres SQL instance from inside a pod within a GKE

I am new to Terraform and Google Cloud. I am trying to create a K8 cluster where pods inside the cluster could communicate with a Postgres server I have within the same VPC. However, when I try to ...
Eranga Heshan's user avatar
3 votes
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Pods stuck with containerCreating status in self-managed Kubernetes cluster in Google Compute Engine (GCE) with an external kube node

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 5 nodes, 4 Google compute engine VMs (one controller and 3 worker node) and one bare metal local machine at my home (kube worker node). Cluster is up and running and ...
Ali Rahmanian's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress with static IPv4 address

I have set Kubernetes up with kubeadm, bare-metal on Ubuntu Linux instances. These are instances on GCE, but I am not using the specific GKE native cluster service. Each instance (as a node) has a ...
chris_l's user avatar
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Intermittent connection failures to Kubernetes service on GKE

I've been trying to diagnose this issue for several days and have a pretty good picture what is happening, but still no idea why. The symptom is requests to different Services with failing TCP network ...
dain's user avatar
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f1-micro shuts down instance with high CPU usage

I use f1-micro mainly for main dev environment, I connect to the instance using vscode ssh extension. But whenever I try to open a medium sized javascript file, or an extension loading up in the ...
Dimas Putra Irfandanu's user avatar
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Google Kubernetes VM reassigning new IP after removing the static IP

I created a Kubernetes cluster on google cloud with two nodes. Few days later the IP of vm changed. after that, I made those IPs static to my VMs from the console using VPC network > External IP ...
Asif's user avatar
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How can I be sure that a VM on GCP was not shut down due to it being preemptible? (after the fact, using stackdriver)

I'm looking for a query for stackdriver which will yield preemption events on GCP VMs. Why? Because I have pods disappearing from nodes. Apparently those nodes are later on terminated due to missing ...
Mofef's user avatar
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Evicted pods not getting removed from the cluster when autoscaling is enabled

I have a cluster created in GCP with autoscaling enabled on the cluster. In my case, few pods are getting evicted from node A due to Memory Pressure and are running on new node B. But the evicted pods ...
Meghana's user avatar
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Slow GCP HTTP Global Load Balancer configuration

I have a GCP HTTP global load balancer config which is very slow and difficult to manage in the cloud console UI, almost to the point of being unusable. My other configs are very fast and far less ...
buckaroo1177125's user avatar
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Can't delete instance group in GCP

We have kubernetes running on a cluster in google cloud. Something happened to the cluster, and all of the nodes had the status We attempted to delete the ...
Mike Furlender's user avatar
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Kubernetes & OpenVPN: Inbound routing from wider network

We are trying to set up an OpenVPN remote access server within a Kubernetes cluster, to replace a service previously hosted on an on-prem firewall. Our wider network is partly on GCP/GCE, with ...
iamacarpet's user avatar
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Google Cloud VPC Alias IP Routing Across Zones

I have a multi-cluster/multi-zone k8s platform running on Google Kubernetes Engine. The underlying GCP VPC network is running in global routing mode. The k8s services are assigned internal IP (...
JohnnyD's user avatar
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Why do GKE container optimized OS node external interfaces listen on pop/imap ports?

Using Google Container Engine (GKE) with Container Optimized Images the external interfaces (ephemeral IPs) seem to be listening on ports 110, 143, 993, 995, etc. as demonstrated via a port scan with ...
mbrevoort's user avatar
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gcloud static ip assigned but I get 404 from the server. How can I debug it?

I'm using kubernet to deploy my application: Here's my service description: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: flaskgql labels: name: flaskgql spec: replicas: 1 ...
Mr Bonjour's user avatar
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GCP: Access a Kubernetes Service from a Google Compute VM

I have services defined in Kubernetes that I'd like to access from a Google Compute VM on the same network as my k8s cluster. I've seen from this link that it is possible to ask the k8s API server ...
Jonny's user avatar
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Why does Google Cloud Platform recommend using HTTPS behind a load balancer?

According to this guide for setting up an HTTP(S) load balancer in GCP: The client SSL session terminates at the load balancer. Sessions between the load balancer and the instance can either be ...
wczwe's user avatar
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14 votes
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Kubernetes - can I avoid using the GCE Load Balancer to reduce cost?

I'm deploying a Kubernetes cluster on GCE using Gitlab-CI. I'd like to keep the cost to a minimum - here's my current setup: Nodes run on 3 f1-micro instances A system pod running Traefik configured ...
Mitkins's user avatar
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GCP LB with static website and kubernetes

I am trying to migrate an application from AWS to Googles container engine. I have an S3 website (static files) living at my.domain.example and a backend living at the same url, but at the /api path. ...
Humdinger's user avatar
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How can I efficiently overwrite a persistent disk with a snapshot when the disk was created with dynamic provisioning?

I have a small cluster on GKE, and I use dynamic provisioning to allocate persistent disks for Postgres. These disks are snapshotted on a regular schedule. When an accident happens, what's the best ...
Echo Nolan's user avatar
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Mismatch between request external IP and forwarding rule k8s service target

We are running two separate subdomains, each on a separate external IP address, and each matched to its own kubernetes nginx service. The configuration looks like this: #-------------------- # config ...
mdavids's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How to enable Stackdriver Monitoring and Stackdriver trace on existing GKE cluster?

Have a cluster setup with the following permissions. I tried creating a node pool with new permissions, which seems to be able to enable some things. I didn't find the scope required for stackdriver ...
jimmiebtlr's user avatar
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Deploying configuration to Kubernetes pods on GCE

I've been looking into using Kubernetes on Google Compute Engine. I have pods with configuration that needs to be deployed to them. Currently, I'm using a persistent disk to do this. However, as a ...
ConnorJC's user avatar
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Intermittent DNS failures in Google Container Engine

[Question rewritten with details of findings.] I am running a Google Container Engine cluster with about 100 containers which perform about 100,000 API calls a day. Some of the pods started getting ...
jwadsack's user avatar
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Expose port 80 and 443 on Google Container Engine without load balancer

Currently I'm working on a small hobby project which I'll make open source once it's ready. This service is running on Google Container Engine. I chose GCE to avoid configuration hassle, the costs are ...
Ruben Ernst's user avatar
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Monitoring MongoDB 3.2 using Stackdriver in Google Compute Engine failed silently

I'm having problem monitoring MongoDB 3.2 with Stackdriver as of 28 Aug 2016. There is no mention of mongo whatsoever in /var/log/syslog but if I made a configuration error on the .conf file, it ...
Hendy Irawan's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Error creating GCE load balancer: requested address ip is neither static nor assigned to LB

I have a situation where Kubernetes apparently can no longer assign an external IP address to a service upon kubectl create -f Deployment.yaml. kubectl describe service <my-service> reports the ...
Drux's user avatar
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Change KUBE_MAX_PD_VOLS env var in master GKE

I have a cluster on GKE with many pods and persistent disks (PD) and cannot deploy anymore. pod failed to fit in any node fit failure on node (XX): MaxVolumeCount The issue should not affect me ...
Pau Ruŀlan Ferragut's user avatar
2 votes
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Pre-populating GCE persistent disks while building and/or before running Docker image on GKE

I would like to build a Docker container and then run it in GKE after mounting some directories from GCE persistent disks (PDs). For instance, I'd like for the application's (read-write) configuration ...
Drux's user avatar
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Running single replica Kubernetes service at public IP address and without load balancing

I am running a service in GKE/Kubernetes that exposes a single UDP port at a staric IP address. (I've promoted the static IP address from an ephemeral one in GCE.) If I deploy it with fields as ...
Drux's user avatar
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Can Kubernetes service mount multiple “portions” of a single GCE disk at the multiple mount paths?

I am defining my first Kubernetes deployment and would like to define a container that mounts persistent storage at two points, say like this (in Deployment.yaml inside spec.template.spec.containers.-)...
Drux's user avatar
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Spreading workload across Kubernetes

I've created a Deployment which can contain anywhere between 2 and ~25 containers all working on a slice of a larger single logical unit of work. The containers will use a peak of 700MB-4GB of ram ...
Michael Bishop's user avatar
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Kubernetes upgrade rolled back machine type

My kubernetes cluster is running in Google Container Engine. Once before I changed the machine-type by using a different instance template. I am upgrading the kubernetes cluster with following ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
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Google Compute health check regarding pods on Google Container Engine

Does a health check concern a whole node or does it concern individual containers? I have created my LoadBalancer service with kubectl create -f web-service.yaml: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service ...
DiDiev's user avatar
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Routing to ClusterIP via VPN

I have the following IP range as ClusterIP from Kubernetes cluster. $ gcloud beta container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME | grep servicesIpv4Cidr servicesIpv4Cidr: I want to allow ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
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GCE & Kubernetes : Is Service's ClusterIP fixed?

When the service is created with ClusterIP Type, the cluster ip is fixed or it could be changed? I wonder that because I want to access the ClusterIP via VPN from my own DC If it is fixed, then the ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
1 vote
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GCE : health check and Liveness Probe

When creating the Target Pool for Network Load Balance, there is a health check option. Also there is a property named livenessProbe in the container spec. A liveness probe checks if the container ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
1 vote
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PODs restarted unexpectedly

My development environments are running on Google Container Engine, and the following PODs created by Replication Controller NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE NODE ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
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Check used space in Google Persistent Disk

I have a lot of persistent disks attached to PODs running in GCE(Google Container Engine) How can I check/monitor the used space of them without entering each of the POD? Also is it possible to set ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Resize kubernetes cluster with a different machine type?

I want to add a new node in existing kubernetes cluster, but with a different machine type. For the new node I will add label for it so that only some application will run on it. I tried the ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
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Each POD needs a different persistent disk in DaemonSet

I have a cluster with 3 nodes. First I create 3 Persistent Disks in Google Cloud. Now I start a DaemonSet, which would create a POD on each of the node. The POD mounts a persistent disk to store ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How to choose the external IP address of a Kubernetes load balancer in Google Kubernetes Engine

I'm deploying a web app using Google Kubernetes Engine and I want to make it accessible via a load balancer on an existing static IP address that I control as part of the same project in Google Cloud ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to create an internal/private load balancer in google compute engine

I have two clusters. Cluster A (on google container engine) is a public facing cluster and it needs to connect to a private Cluster B (a click-to-deploy cluster on GCE) to access a service. I would ...
chrishiestand's user avatar