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How to monitor multiple kubernetes clusters using grafana and prometheus from a separate cluster?

I have three kubernetes clusters. (monitoring, one, two). monitoring cluster is dedicated for monitoring tools. So on monitoring cluster, I will install prometheus and grafana. On other cluster should ...
Mysterio's user avatar
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ServiceMonitor Relabeling EC2 Instance Tags Not Working in Kube-Prometheus-Stack

I'm using the kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart to deploy Prometheus and configure ServiceMonitors for monitoring EC2 instances with the Node Exporter. I have configured the ServiceMonitor to relabel ...
TomerA's user avatar
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Not possible to update Helm AWS TargetGroupBinding

I have a helm chart that contains a TargetGroupBinding {{- range $v := .Values.targetBindings }} apiVersion: kind: TargetGroupBinding metadata: name: {{ include "...
James Gedny's user avatar
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Hashicorp Vault transit auto unseal cluster is not receiving requests from transit seal configuration in main cluster (or requests are not being sent)

I am trying to set up auto-unseal for hashicorp vault using the transit secrets engine and two HA clusters. Cluster A is responsible for unsealing cluster B. My issue is that Cluster B (the main ...
Marcus Ruddick's user avatar
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airflow git-sync-init not able to access secrets from SecretProviderClass

I am trying to build AKS with GitOps for FLux configuration and CSI Secrets provider for Airflow. I am able to pass secrets from KV to AKS and to other pods, secrets are populated as AKS secrets, ...
Adam's user avatar
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Fluent-bit bitnami helm chart - kubernetes filter does not work

I am trying to run fluent-bit using bitnami helm chart and I want to use kubernetes filter. It does collect the logs but the kubernetes filter does not add any information(pod id, pod name etc). When ...
Szynkie's user avatar
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Is it possible to deploy Milvus on Kubernetes without using Helm?

I'm trying to deploy an application on Kubernetes using a Helm chart, specifically the storage classes, following the instructions provided in the documentation ( ...
MPP's user avatar
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services is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:mockup" cannot list resource "services" in API group "" in the namespace "default"

I have this Helm chart which is used to deploy kubernetes pod: When I start the pod I get error: 2024-04-01 17:42:45.953 ERROR ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Resolving OpenEBS Startup Probe Failure with Istio on Kubernetes: Connection Refused Error

I'm trying to deploy a Helm chart on my Kubernetes cluster where Istio is already installed. Here's a snippet of my Helm chart's dependencies: dependencies: - name: opensearch version: "0.13.0&...
Tom's user avatar
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Access pod from external public url

I created this test helm chart which I want to access via public url domain: Ingress ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Rabbitmq keeps crashing - Reason: Completed

I am running a rabbitmq inside Kubernetes cluster using Bitnami chart. And if often crashes with no other reason than "Completed". Prior migration to k8s, Rabbit was working fine as one of ...
FN_'s user avatar
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Kubernetes/Helm - contributing configuration from one chart to a component in another

Our applications are organized as follows: A single "core" set of services deployed by a core Helm chart Several individual applications deployed by their own Helm charts Let's call these ...
David North's user avatar
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Terraform resources not getting destryoed from terminal

I wanted to destroy the DEV environment from my Kubernetes hosted on AWS EKS. There are two parts to the resources; the infrastructure part and the application part. I use Terraform/Terragrunt to ...
Summerborn Storm's user avatar
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How to fix this error with efs.csi.controller in k8s

I'm trying to setup some efs volumes under kubernetes but I get some errors when trying to do so, when going back to check my efs csi controller logs, specifically the efs-provisioner container, I ...
logax's user avatar
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2 answers

ingress-nginx helm chart upgrade failed 'could not get information about the resource ValidatingWebhookConfiguration'

I'm trying to upgrade my ingress-nginx helm chart from v4.8.3 to v4.8.4 with this command: helm upgrade \ --reuse-values \ --set controller.admissionWebhooks.patch.networkPolicy....
Martin Tovmassian's user avatar
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OpenSearch Cluster deployment in Kubernetes - Connection Refused Issue 9200 Port

I am running a Kubernetes cluster in AWS EC2 instances. I have one master node (t2.2large EC2 Instance) and two worker nodes (t2.xlarge EC2 instance). I created the cluster using KubeADM. The cluster ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Helm: no chart version found

I keep getting similar error even though the chart exists. Is it not SemV2 versioning? Error: The helm deployment failed because: Error: chart "ap983546-test-api" matching 2.0.0-...
Kreddy's user avatar
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Kube: Upgrade V1.23 To V1.27 cause chart helm build problems

I have A kubernetes on Azure who working well in V1.22, i upgrade her and i have a problem when i build the platform service (who use a chart helm). Terraform has been successfully initialized! You ...
DavidM's user avatar
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Pods stuck in Init:CrashLoopBackOff state after upgrading the crunchydata PGO from 5.1.2 to 5.3.1 using helm

When running the cmd: kubectl get pods -n pgo, it returns. root@XXXXXXXXXXXX:/opt/pgo# kubectl get pods -n pgo. NAME READY STATUS ...
tarakeswari_yerra's user avatar
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Can't access Rancher UI after deploying it on K3S via helm

I deployed Rancher on K3S cluster using steps documented in below guide: The pod is working ...
mwas01's user avatar
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How to cluster backup and restore with couchbase Autonomous Operator with Kubernetes

I need a suggestion over an issue that i am facing currently, I am using Couchbase Server version 7.1.3 with Couchbase Operator Kubernetes cluster. The problem i am facing is with taking a backup and ...
Saniul Ahsan's user avatar
2 votes
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Terraform Helm set tolerations

I'm trying to set tolerations values in Terraform Helm for the occm chart in the following way: set { name = "tolerations" value = yamlencode([ { key = "node.kubernetes....
sctx's user avatar
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Ranchers cattle-cluster-agent-* pod log errors

When deploying rancher onto a downstream cluster the cattle-cluster-agent- pods appear and they show running. The issue is (1) when I try to access the cluster via the UI, the UI displayed " ...
Cody Dacosta's user avatar
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HTTP 502/404 with Grafana in Kubernetes, using AGIC

I'm trying to deploy Grafana in Azure Kubernetes service (AKS), through Helm. I'm using the Helm charts provided by Bitnami. I've been following this Microsoft tutorial to set up the application ...
DocZerø's user avatar
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k8s cron job using helm chart and docker

Two Helm chart for managing db cron jobs and monitoring cron jobs separately . Which k8s components can i use ? as k8s deprecated CronJob kind from v1.25,
Sakshi Jain's user avatar
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nginx-ingress returns 502 After upgrading to kubernetes v1.24.6

When trying to upgrade from kubernetes v1.23.X to v1.24.X. I has been seen that the health probe needs to be changed to be /healthz (azure) I have a configuration that works in 1.23 but not 1.24 I ...
Peter Thomas's user avatar
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Kubernetes upgrade from 1.21 to 1.22 caused Prometheus to fail

We recently upgraded Kubernetes 1.21 to 1.22 version on aws eks. The upgrade was successful. However, the associated prometheus deployments fails with error $ kubectl -n monitoring logs prometheus-...
vijaya lakshmi's user avatar
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how to deploy a helm chart a 2nd time

I need to deploy the ingress-nginx helm chart twice, once for private and once for public services. The chart for private ingresses is already deployed, in namespace=kube-system and with release-name=...
GI D's user avatar
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Re-enabling commands in a cluster environment

we are running Redis as a container in a Kubernetes cluster (v1.21.14-gke.3000) where it is installed via Helm. Helm uses the Bitnami image, which disables the FLUSHALL command. As with this article,...
Erick Calder's user avatar
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What is the csi driver for google cloud?

For aws eks service there is helm chart for csi driver to handle volumes. aws-ebs-csi-driver What is the alternative for gke, google kubernetes engine? Please suggest.
Kalel's user avatar
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Apache Spark Web UI on kubernetes not working as expected

hi im having a problem i'am deploying Apache spark helm chart on kubernetes bitnami chart : helm repo add bitnami normally the apache spark webui is on port 8080 ...
ossama assaghir's user avatar
14 votes
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Kubernetes v1.24.3 upgrade broke ingress-nginx

After upgrading our AKS kubernetes cluster to from v1.23.8 to v1.24.3 our ingress stopped working properly. No errors logged in events and the ingress-nginx pod does not report any errors on the ...
sevenam's user avatar
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Share a dependency across helm charts

I am trying to launch two different Helm charts that share a common dependency (a MySQL database in this case). Let's consider two different helm charts with the following setup in Chart.yaml: Service ...
João Pacheco's user avatar
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Kubernetes pods failing with ImagePullBackOff when trying to pull image from AWS ECR

I are trying to run some Kubernetes pods in my Windows machine by using Docker-Desktop. I am trying to install them using HELM. I have created my Docker images and have pushed them into AWS ECR ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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GitLab Helm Chart Minio use existing PVC

Previously in my helm chart, I had the snippet below... minio: replicas: 1 persistence: enabled: true existingClaim: minio #size: 10Gi serviceType: LoadBalancer Because I do have an ...
cclloyd's user avatar
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How to HELM install multiple Traefik with rbac?

I am trying to install two traefik. Each will be in its own namespace. Each traefik will use label selection. Below is the values override I use for each when I run helm install. rbac: enabled: true ...
Greg's user avatar
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For a helm chart, what versions are available?

I can specify a specific version of a chart by doing: helm install --version <some_version> stable/<some_chart> But, how do I know which versions are available?
Job Evers's user avatar
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RabbitMQ Helm chart installation in a Kubernetes cluster failing distributing Erlang cookie to a node

I'm trying to install a RabbitMQ cluster through the Bitnami Helm chart ( in an EKS cluster and when I execute the Helm installation I ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Updating ingress-nginx helm chart for kubernetes 1.23.5

I am having lots of issues that seem to stem from upgrading my kubernetes cluster to the latest version (1.23.5). I initially had some issues with the cluster itself and the nodes but that seems to be ...
Greek Freak's user avatar
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helm - changing all configmaps during upgrade

We faced this kind of problem. When we start upgrading via helm - all our configmaps are changed after upgrade. The question is How to say helm DO NOT change the configmaps during upgrading release? ...
Pavel Popov's user avatar
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AKS Multiple Nginx Ingress with internal LB

Azure Kubernetes - AKS - K8s version - 1.20.9. Trying to setup multiple nginx ingress with Internal LB. ingress controller with ingress-class - helm install test1 ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \ --...
sanjayparmar's user avatar
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Access forbiden when downloading from private registry via helm chart, but not via simple pod

I am trying to deploy bitnami moodle chart with custom image hosted on gitlab. When I use the registry in pod the image gets downloaded. However, when used in the chart, it gives the error below with ...
dominik-devops's user avatar
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Grafana deploy in kubernetes with Letsencript certificate in ingess

I want to deploy grafana in my AKS kubernetes cluster. For deployment I use helm helm install grafana grafana/grafana --namespace=grafana --set "service.type=ClusterIP,persistence.enabled=true,...
Stefan's user avatar
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How to enable ipv6 for ingress-controller services when installing using Helm nginx-ingress chart?

I have a baremetal K8 cluster setup using Kubespray (Calico as CNI) and have dual stack enabled. I can see that all the pods that get deployed get both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but when I try to ...
mickey9's user avatar
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Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller Failure using Helm on AKS

When going through the setup of a K8 ingress controller, which is documented here I am unable to get past the step of "Create an Ingress Controller" During the Helm command step and placing ...
thxmike's user avatar
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Kubernetes error "Unable to attach or mount volumes"

I deployed bitnami/wordpress helm using nginx ingress as loadbalancer like here. Everything working fine but problem is with some pods when they are created manually or automaticly by autoscaling. ...
Don Don Don's user avatar
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Automate the creation of database/user/password into K8 for Bitnami helm chart postgresql

I'm deploying the into k8s and wondering how can I automate the following creation of a database create a role with password as owner ...
silviud's user avatar
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GitLab Runner failing to register after migration to new cluster

I have GitLab installed in Kubernetes with their Helm chart. I migrated my old Gitlab deployment from one cluster to another with the following steps: Scale down all pods in old cluster Apply values....
cclloyd's user avatar
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How to manage storage / persistence overflow in Bitnami Kafka Helm chart?

I deploy Bitanmi Kafka Helm chart on AWS provisioned with Terraform. I find the documentation storage and persistence allocation, very confusing. From what I understood from the documentation; logs ...
Rubber Duck's user avatar
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AKS Certificate Manager upgrade w/ namespace change - Wrong cert-manager hook ID

Recently, we changed uninstalled our cert manager and reinstalled it into a new namespace. There were no issues with the uninstall / reinstall of the cert manager. When we tried to create a new ...
Brennan Mann's user avatar