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How to configure k3s with ingress-nginx to correctly forward user IP in X-Real-IP header?

I am trying to configure k3s with ingress-nginx on some VPS from Hetzner. I have set up a server with a public IP and others without public IPs, all connected in a private network. When I install ...
Dorin's user avatar
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502 Error When Accessing AKS via Application Gateway Ingress in Azure Private network

I have configured an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with an Application Gateway in a private network setting. To facilitate communication between them, I've set up an Application Gateway Ingress ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Alternative solution to Kubernete ingress rules for 404 resource error

For two days I was plagued by the following scenario: We have a kubernetes cluster (Rancher GUI) where within a namespace I will host a few different services. I wanted to set up an ingress controller ...
chimp.society's user avatar
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Access to Metallb IPs is not possible

I have a k8s cluster with 3 masters and 7 workers. I have many services on it and I want to expose some of them. I used Metallb for this task and with layer 2 configuration I can get IPs from IP pool ...
sunrise's user avatar
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Why NodePort service is not accessible on Kubernetes Master node?

I have Kubernetes (1.28.2) cluster installed on baremetal VMs. One master and 2 worker nodes. I am using Calico pod network. I have deployed a Traefik ingress with NodePort accessibility. Also ...
bkk's user avatar
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Azure kubernetes service private cluster

I have a private Kubernetes cluster that needs to be accessible by a client, but I still want to keep everything enclosed within a VPN. Unfortunately, the VPN I created requires an address space that ...
DevLookForHelp's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress: Having Load Balancing + Session Stickiness by Header/Cookie Value provided in the Request

Following scenario in my cluster: I have a Spring Boot RestAPI with 1 Pod running, on which we receive requests. Each of these requests go through a standart ingress, which routes to a PowerShell HTTP ...
Ayibogan's user avatar
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HEALTH CHECK not resolving for ClamAV hosted in GKE cluster

Couldn't resolve health check related issue for the clamAV:1.2 deployment hosted in the GKE cluster in the port 3310, 7357. Facing some backend services are in UNHEALTHY state, in the ingress after ...
Vikram R's user avatar
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HTTP_X Forwarded For NGINX Ingress not working

I have a simple application running inside AKS. I'm trying to get the IP of the source user when accessing the application. I have created an ingress for the application. When I curl -I https://...
Container-Man's user avatar
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How can I know request waiting time in Nginx Ingress Controller?

We use Kubernetes with Nginx Ingress Controller to run our platform with various backend services. We also use New Relic (& Prometheus, Grafana) for our Observability dashboards & alerts. ...
Raman Kishore's user avatar
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strict MIME type checking is enabled issue with PGAdmin in Azure application gateway

I am trying to install pgAdmin (image: 'dpage/pgadmin4:6.21') in Azure AKS. I am able to access the application when I use a Kubernetes LoadBalancer service, but when I use an Azure Application ...
k.elgohary's user avatar
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Two EKS cluster using the same LoadBalancer

Does anybody know if it is possible (and how) to share the same ELB between two Ingress Controllers on different EKS clusters in the same VPC? I have one cluster EKS cluster already running and I just ...
Jaumzera's user avatar
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Is it possible to have multiple ingress paths under the same host that point to the same backend service

I'm trying to restrict access to certain paths on my service how can I accomplish this on kubernetes? I have a service that runs a basic API but it also runs an admin service. Is it possible to use ...
James's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress not properly routing traffic

I am trying to host a simple website using Kubernetes. I am trying to use a K8s deployment, service and an ingress to route the traffic from the external into the application running inside the pod. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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how to shrink nginx.conf with multiple hosts

I have inherited an old nginx-controller with over 100 servers in a blue/green deployment scenario. Right now the single nginx.conf file is over 10k lines. Looking at each server section for each ...
zerobit's user avatar
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How to use ALB Ingress without rewriting every helm chart?

I am trying to use ALB ingress with default helm charts, but struggle to solve simple problems with headers. In Kubernetes ingress-nginx it's easy to add annotations to add headers (CORS), but with ...
Oleg Bovykin's user avatar
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kuberntes oauth2-proxy with github provider return 500 Internal Server Error

I'am trying to add an authentication from Kubernetes ingerss with oauth2-proxy github provider i have set everything according to the official documentaion the url works and it redirects me to use my ...
ossama assaghir's user avatar
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ALB Ingress fails to start due to 'no certificate for host *'

I am using cert-manager with my EKS cluster to generate Lets Encrypt certificates for my ALB. While the certificate is generated just fine, the Ingress cannot find it and fails to start the ALB with ...
reayn3's user avatar
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Nginx proxy large file download fails instantly sometimes

Problem Downloading a large file (400MB+) with "transfer-encoding: chunked" fails after about 3 seconds. Downloading smaller files works even though possible taking longer than 3 seconds. ...
Modobu's user avatar
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Change container ports in Kubernetes in production

I have an nginx Dockerimage listening on some port as defined int its nginx.conf. That image is deployed as a workload in Kubernetes (GKE) and an ingress points to it. The image's port is - both as ...
cis's user avatar
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wildcard url in ingress-nginx kubernetes Ingress to redirect to path based url doesn't seem to pass regex value

Trying to setup a wildcard url in ingress-nginx kubernetes Ingress to redirect to path based url it doesn't seem to pass the wildcard regex value. The url would be something like "https://test....
nnarcise's user avatar
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Seeking advice regarding ingress versus load balancing for app in microk8s cluster

I have a seven node microk8s cluster set up on an Ubuntu server in my cellar. multipass shows me I have three IP address per VM since I created these hosts using the bridged network option. I thought ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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how do you check load balancer method "algorithm" for a nginx ingress controller?

I do have an ingress controller load balancer in my Kubernetes Cluster, how do I know if my load balancer run which algorithm? and what happens if my load balancer is not working or the algorithm is ...
newcomers's user avatar
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Adding a unique request header to hundreds of Ingresses with Traefik 2

we're (finally) migrating from Traefik 1 to 2. We run 400+ apps on GKE. Our one remaining challenge is this: In Traefik 1 we set an annotation on each app's Ingress that adds a header to the request ...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
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Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller Metrics

I've tried to find a documentation about the metrics exposed by the NGINX ingress controller in Kubernetes but so far I haven't found any reliable source about the metrics and what they mean. For ...
MysteriousPerson's user avatar
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How do you route to a mix of HTTP and HTTPS backends from an ALB Ingress?

I have a Kubernetes cluster running in EKS (on AWS.) In the cluster I have Elasticsearch, Kibana and various other web services. I would like to set up a single ALB loadbalancer such that: Requests ...
Zorlack's user avatar
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kubernetes ingress replace path

I have two backend api-services: api-service-v1 api-service-v2 Both respond on "/api/" path I have this configuration running fine as a docker-compose setup where nginx service serves as a ...
Vasyl Herman's user avatar
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How to redirect the port in ingress?

In that ingress section of AKS, we can add routes to multiple application but all having container port as 80 only. With Ingress, our application is using port 8080. But with ingress, even if I keep ...
Sara June's user avatar
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How to enable ipv6 for ingress-controller services when installing using Helm nginx-ingress chart?

I have a baremetal K8 cluster setup using Kubespray (Calico as CNI) and have dual stack enabled. I can see that all the pods that get deployed get both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but when I try to ...
mickey9's user avatar
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Kubernetes External DNS

Has anyone configured Kube's external dns project to use an IP other then that of the service or ingress it is creating the record for? I'm on bare metal and I have: (Internet) -> (HAProxy) -> (...
Greg's user avatar
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ambassador service stays "pending"

Currently running a fresh "all in one VM" (stacked master/worker approach) kubernetes v1.21.1-00 on Ubuntu Server 20 LTS, using cri-o as container runtime interface calico for networking/...
Rob's user avatar
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Exposing simple pod using kubernetes ingress

Hi I'm learning kubernetes and I'm having trouble exposing the service. I want to route traffic to my cluster from HAProxy. I'm using my own bare-metal server. EDIT: I've also created an ingress ...
Paweł Zając's user avatar
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ingress-nginx, GCE, and static IP

So, I would like to have a static IP that points to my nginx ingress LB. gcloud compute addresses create test-ip --global gcloud compute addresses describe test-ip --global Which provides me with a ...
csgeek's user avatar
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Ingress Nginx SSL 503 Error

Service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: grafana name: grafana spec: ports: - name: "3000" port: 3000 ...
csgeek's user avatar
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Single IP to access Kubernetes cluster ingress

I have an amazon EKS cluster that I'm using to host multiple websites, I have an ingress controller and a load balancer that spins up more pods as needed. I normally use CNAME type "eg alias or ...
nzimpossible's user avatar
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How to block/allow a country in Nginx ingress

Hello is it possible to block or allow certain countries in Nginx Ingress (community). It seems possible on Nginx installed on servers (link) But I want to apply similarly to this on Nginx Ingress.
Tek Nath Acharya's user avatar
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Nginx Ingress-Controller Load Balancing

I was wondering how does the ingress controller make sure that the incoming requests for the K8S cluster is load-balanced between all the K8S nodes. I know that with some other ingress controllers ...
G.Bar's user avatar
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Ingress not forcing/preventing https connections on GKE

I'm setting up ingress on GKE and facing an issue (even after following all the tutorials) All I want is to disable http access. The following is the output of kubectl describe ingress: Name: ...
Anton's user avatar
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How to change the default certificate chain in Kubernetes Ingress

I'm using AKS on Azure and Ingress with Let's Encrypt certificate (configured by The certificate chain defaults to DST Root CA X3 but I ...
Ondřej Míchal's user avatar
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MySQL on Kubernetes with Traefik v2

I'm trying to deploy MySQL on my Kubernetes cluster. I have Traefik v2 ingress controller and I'm using IngressRouteTCP CRD. Here is my Deployment: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: ...
Gaui's user avatar
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Configuring Kubernetes Ingress

I'm trying to configure Google Kubernetes Engine Ingress properly to a load balanced Docker application which runs on port 3000. I'm clearly making an obvious mistake somewhere, but I have no idea ...
James's user avatar
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ingress nginx upstream sent no valid HTTP/1.0 header while reading response header from upstream

I'm trying to setup an nginx ingress controller for services in my namespace. One of the backend services accept HTTP traffic on port 80, the other accepts only HTTPS traffic on port 443. See the ...
bachr's user avatar
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NSX/NCP Ingress to secure (HTTPS/TLS) backend

I'm using NSX/NCP Ingress in a dedicated VMWare PKS cluster. I am attempting to stand up ingress to Elasticsearch and the backend service uses HTTPS. I can not seem to find a way to have NSX Ingress ...
ytjohn's user avatar
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istio service mesh for east-west traffic management in kubernetes cluster

I am having the confusion regarding the some of use-case in our environment. First one is we will be having api gateway of our own for north/south traffic which our api gateway will be listening to ...
Susanta Gautam's user avatar
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Kubernetes - Ingress vs Nginx with Loadbalancer

AFAIK an Ingress is just an abstraction layer to a LoadBalancer service targeting Nginx (or others) Are there features only an ingress can provide? Are there any drawbacks of using LoadBalancer + ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Can't delete dangling k8s load balancer due to http target proxy that doesn't exist

I'm trying to delete the forwarding rule, target proxy, url map and backend services that belong to an extinct k8s ingress. I successfully delete the forwarding rule and target proxy but then when I ...
Francis Bongiovanni's user avatar
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how to generate v4UUID from my nginx ingress

I have been looking at options to generate a v4 UUID from my nginx ingress implementation with the use of some annotations or any other way it would be possible to achieve this. I could not find any ...
xxxjumboxxx's user avatar
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GKE: Switch from TCP to Ingress Load Balancer in prod

We have several deployments running in Google Kubernetes. Most of them are web services set up with the default configuration, so they have a public IPv4 address which is served by a TCP load balancer....
Moritz Friedrich's user avatar
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cert-manager nginx-ingress SSL connection error

i successfully installed cert-manager and nginx-ingress in my kubernetes cluster. Ingress is working as expected and was tested. Certificate creation via cert-manager is also working. I created a ...
OYPS's user avatar
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How to configure client_max_body_size per a location using nginx controller

I would need to configure client_max_body_size for a specific location in my Ingress configuration file then is the default value. How it is possible to do it? I was looking into the doc but have not ...
Peter Jurkovič's user avatar