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Deduplicating nodes listed in `kubectl top nodes`

I've set up a new kubernetes cluster using k3s. When I run kubectl top nodes there are 6 listed even though the cluster only has 4 nodes. Some of the hosts have changed hostnames since first being set ...
slondr's user avatar
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How to configure k3s with ingress-nginx to correctly forward user IP in X-Real-IP header?

I am trying to configure k3s with ingress-nginx on some VPS from Hetzner. I have set up a server with a public IP and others without public IPs, all connected in a private network. When I install ...
Dorin's user avatar
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Fluent-bit bitnami helm chart - kubernetes filter does not work

I am trying to run fluent-bit using bitnami helm chart and I want to use kubernetes filter. It does collect the logs but the kubernetes filter does not add any information(pod id, pod name etc). When ...
Szynkie's user avatar
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How to create Persistent Volume Claim in Kubernetes with Ansible?

I am trying to install Unifi on a Kubernetes cluster server (K3S) using Ansible and ran into troubles when trying to define a persistent volume claim. I am using Kubernetes.Core module and I have ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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How to setup external load balancing to my kubernetes cluster securely?

We have for a period of time just pointed our dns to one of the nodes in our cluster. That node has then load balanced internally to the correct node and application. Something like this: The problem ...
Viktor Eriksson's user avatar
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cannot create subdomain because dns client is nil

when I deploy from docker registry app (abdomamdouh/kiada:0.1) to k3s cluster using text, I get this error my porter config cluster: 4 driver: local helmrepo: "0" host: http://...
Abdelrahman Mamdouh 's user avatar
-1 votes
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Kubernetes: Cannot access resources in cert-manager namespace from default namespace

I am trying to learn how Kubernetes works, so I have made my own K3S cluster using the quickstart guide. Then I installed Cert Manager using the guide for Helm. I want to use Let's Encrypt ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Discrepancy between Kubernetes node memory usage reported by kubectl top and summed pod memory usage

I'm facing a discrepancy in memory usage reporting in my Kubernetes cluster, and I'm hoping to gain some insights into what might be causing it. When I run kubectl top pods --all-namespaces, I get the ...
A. Vreeswijk's user avatar
1 vote
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Issues Adding Non-Hetzner Provider Nodes to Rancher Cluster: Stuck at "Waiting for agent to check in and apply initial plan"

I have successfully deployed a Rancher server on one out of five servers obtained from Hetzner. For the cluster configuration, I designated one of the remaining servers for the control plane and etcd ...
humanbeing's user avatar
2 votes
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K3S: understanding the network model and applying TLS certificates

In order to learn a bit more about K8S I started running a single server/node K3S cluster as a home lab. But I believe I've reached an impasse on my understanding of the network model, maybe specific ...
Jo Colina's user avatar
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NodePort not accessible on all nodes in a k3s cluster

I've got a 3 node k3s cluster, installed using the following commands on fresh Ubuntu server 22.04 installs: # first server curl -sfL | sh -s - server --cluster-init # other two ...
jamzsabb's user avatar
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The pod's /etc/resolv.conf does not reflect the changes on the host

When my pod's dnsPolicy is set to Default it picks up the DNS servers from the host's /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf (as configured by the resolvConf flag in Kubernetes) and stores them in /etc/...
Sam's user avatar
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How to add a domain to k3s certificate

When trying to access a k3s Kubernetes cluster that's running on another machine, I get the following error message: E0204 19:13:27.185678 8066 proxy_server.go:147] Error while proxying request: ...
James's user avatar
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Load Balancer is not accessible outside cluster

I have setup 3 master and 6 worker nodes using the same IP segment, 172.26.10.XX. For load balancer services, I'm using Kube-Vip for load balancer with configuration namespace specifics as below: - ...
amundead's user avatar
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Add server node to existing k3s cluster using kubevip

I have a k3s cluster consiting of one server node and three worker nodes, currently running. I would like to add a new server node to ensure HA if the server nodes goes down. I am using ksup and ...
user2236794's user avatar
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Can't connect to UDP service running in k3s and exposed via nodePort

I am trying to expose a UDP service (tftp) through a k3s nodePort but can't seem to connect. The TCP service work fine, but the UDP service doesn't seem to be exposed. The deployment lists the ports: ....
Mark Grimes's user avatar
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truenas NFS on kubernetes

I am using the following link to setup my k3s setup with Truenas. I am only interested in NFS. I will not be doing ISCSI. After I applied the "helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --values ...
user2236794's user avatar
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Why are my DNS query responses from Technitium failing to make it back to my kubernetes container?

I've explored every nook and cranny I can imagine, and I can't figure out what's going wrong. I've got a k3s setup on my server where I'm hosting technitium in hostNetwork mode. Technitium is ...
Cabbage's user avatar
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k3s fails to parse registries.yaml

I have set up a k3s Kubernetes standalone server with a insecure private registry but k3s fails to pull images from it. The registries.yaml file is set as documentation says. It is below. mirrors: &...
lauksas's user avatar
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OpenVPN Server on K3s Kubernetes Cluster: No Internet Access

I've set up an OpenVPN server on a K3s Kubernetes cluster. While I can successfully deploy the OpenVPN server pod and connect from a client machine, the client doesn't have internet access through the ...
Fred Luetkemeier's user avatar
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Can't access Rancher UI after deploying it on K3S via helm

I deployed Rancher on K3S cluster using steps documented in below guide: The pod is working ...
mwas01's user avatar
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K3s - Two pods in the same CIDR subnet doing SNAT in a cluster

We have a multi master k3s cluster with etcd. We have launched 2 pods in deployment and both get the IPs from the same CIDR i.e., 10.244.0.xx. cni0 interface ip is on node 1 and ...
syedtoah's user avatar
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How to run K3s control plane node on AWS and worker nodes on Edge prenmises

I would like to know if there is any documentation on how to set up the following k3 cluster architecture Control plane in the AWS Worker nodes on edges premises Moreover, there is another scenario ...
florins's user avatar
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How to use single signon of nodejs app using kubernetes deployment?

I have tried setting up single signon on a sample node.js app with express and Microsoft authentication. This is the steps and source code link When I run locally, it is working. When I kept in ...
sardar's user avatar
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metallb ip address is not accessible when trying to connect from host machine, how to fix that?

I have installed k3s on ubuntu 23 machine, which is installed on virtualbox and with bridged network set. My windows 10 host machine ip address Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi: Connection-specific DNS ...
sardar's user avatar
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RabbitMQ CPU Usage Spikes

I've installed RabbitMQ on kubernetes(k3s) on ARM (Oracle OCI Ampere A1) using the community docker image. I'm seeing very regular periodic CPU usage spikes (two series of spikes, both with a period ...
Chintalagiri Shashank's user avatar
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k3s kubectl logs times out after 50 seconds

TLDR: Depending on my k3s version, kubectl logs -f drops back to the console (timeouts?) exactly after 50 seconds without new log entries, instead of remaining attached until a Ctrl-C is issued. I can'...
Jorge Yanes Diez's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Docker DIND cannot apt-get update but curl works

I've deployed docker-dind on my homelab k3s cluster. And try to build docker images there. However I am getting error while performing apt-get update command. But running curl command on the same ...
XPLOT1ON's user avatar
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Kubernetes k3s master node fails to ready with FailedCreatePodSandBox errors

I'm trying to setup a small 4 worker node cluster atm and I just installed k3s on my raspberry pi 4s (8gb) and I'm getting a NotReady status. I'm new to kubernettes/k3s, but I believe with a totally ...
neogeek23's user avatar
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which K3S ports should (not) be exposed on a public interface

The K3S documentation explains which ports are required for this kubernetes distribution to work. What it does NOT explain is, which of these ports are OK to be open on a public interface. K3S seem to ...
tcurdt's user avatar
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How do I configure Wireguard for a K8s multi-site?

I tried to configure Wireguard for a K3s multi-site cluster, my issue is with routing. There are at least 4 nodes, 2 in one location + 1 in other location and + 1 in other location. Assumptions: 10....
Krzysztofa Krzysztof's user avatar
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Aggregate multiple log files in a directory

I have k3s single node cluster running on a machine. I do not have any logging infrastructure set up yet and I'd leave this as a future learning experience for now. On that k3s I run some cron jobs ...
Paperclip's user avatar
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Getting 401 Unauthorized while trying to pull images from local docker registry (harbor) from k3s

Due to work I need to self-host a local docker proxy cache using Harbor. So i wen to their doc and I installed the server and configured it properly, accesing it via FQDN and using a self-signed ...
k.Cyborg's user avatar
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Pgadmin4 cannot start in Kubernetes

I have set up Postgres in Kubernetes (k3s administered with Rancher) which seems to be working fine but in order to take a look at the databases I tried to add a pgadmin4 pod. I first tried adding the ...
Taxel's user avatar
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how do you check load balancer method "algorithm" for a nginx ingress controller?

I do have an ingress controller load balancer in my Kubernetes Cluster, how do I know if my load balancer run which algorithm? and what happens if my load balancer is not working or the algorithm is ...
newcomers's user avatar
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I Could not ping or curl master node flannel interface

I have 3 nodes in the cluster, one is the master node and two are the worker nodes. I use CNI flannel for the Kubernetes cluster. I run an Nginx ingress in my cluster for the load balancer and the ...
newcomers's user avatar
3 votes
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Forward real requestor IP in K3S NGINX ingress

I've set up a K3S Kubernetes Environment in my private Home-Lab on Raspberry PIs in order to teach myself some Kubernetes (Noob-Alert), using NGINX as Ingress Controller and I'm kind of stuck at ...
Brolantor's user avatar
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What all dependency in the script need to be edited to download k3s locally

Currently I am using command curl -sfL to download k3s. The script is using below third party internet calls to URLs : GITHUB_URL= ...
Thor's user avatar
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access my website (Nginx) Through another machine from local network

I work on K3S kuberentes cluster on ubuntu. Local IP address public IP address : ip loadbalancer : I build an Nginx with the domain on my K3S ...
newcomers's user avatar
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Kubernetes pods can ping external IPs but not any domain

I have a Kubernetes cluster using the Antrea CNI. The problem is that I can't curl any domain names. I can do nslookup inside the pod and get the IP of any domain, but I can't directly curl the domain....
tymur999's user avatar
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Kubernetes failing to start: failed to build map of initial containers

Starting today, k3s is failing to start with the following error: "Failed to start ContainerManager" err="failed to build map of initial containers from runtime: no PodsandBox found ...
GoldElysium's user avatar
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K3S can't pull public docker hub images

K3S cluster is failling to pull public docker hub images. in this instance i will user linuxserver/webtop which presents the error Failed to pull image "linuxserver/webtop": rpc error: code =...
locose's user avatar
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Calicoctl rejecting certificate on fresh k3s install

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu, a fresh install of k3s, and a fresh download of calicoctl. I have installed it the following way. curl -sfL | K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644"\ ...
P H Kaznowski's user avatar
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k3s pods not deployed on correct node

I have a k3s cluster with several nodes, let's say 3 nodes. On each node, I have several pods to deploy. It's a "static deployment", meaning that I want to deploy each pod on a specific node....
iAmoric's user avatar
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How to delete all namespaces except the kube-system in K3s cluster

I have a K3s cluster with system pods (i.e. kube-system namespace) and my application pods: kube-system pod/calico-node-xxxx kube-system pod/calico-kube-controllers-...
solveit's user avatar
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How to bring K3s server & pods up again after

I am having K3s cluster with system pods (kube-system namespace) & my application pods (xyz-system namespace) running. I want to stop all of the K3s pods & reset the containerd state, so I ...
gaurav sinha's user avatar
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How can I restart or reset the custom namespace pods

I have a k3s cluster with kube-system pods and my application's (xyz-system namespace) pods: kube-system pod/calico-node-xxxx kube-system pod/calico-kube-controllers-...
solveit's user avatar
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How can I restart or reset the K3s cluster pods

I have a k3s (v1.21.1+k3s1) cluster with following pods: kube-system pod/calico-node-xxxx kube-system pod/calico-kube-controllers-xxxxxx kube-system pod/metrics-...
solveit's user avatar
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How can I delete manually calicoctl and iptables created by calico from my k3s setup

I have a K3s setup with calico pods [calico-node- & calico-kube-controllers-] running. On uninstalling K3s, calico pods get deleted but I see that calicoctl and iptables -S commands still running ...
solveit's user avatar
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Schedule pod on a node and access pv on another node

I'm running a k3s cluster on RPi4, with heterogenous config (a node has a high capacity but slow hdd, another has a ssd drive, a third only has a sd card). I have persistent volumes & claims of ...
spi's user avatar
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