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Is it possible to configure `kubectl exec` to behavior the same way as `ssh` when there is a client disconnect?

Empirically, it looks like kubectl exec and ssh behave differently on disconnects of the client. I performed the following experiments. SSH # Terminal 1 ssh <random_host_in_aws> bash -c 'sleep ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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K8 GCE deployment cluster failed to initalize after

Running into a issue after running script on Ubuntu 22.04. From what I can tell, after running it creates my master & worker needs in Google Cloud successfully, but presents ...
user25366854's user avatar
2 votes
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Deduplicating nodes listed in `kubectl top nodes`

I've set up a new kubernetes cluster using k3s. When I run kubectl top nodes there are 6 listed even though the cluster only has 4 nodes. Some of the hosts have changed hostnames since first being set ...
slondr's user avatar
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kubelet.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/bin/kubelet: No such file or directory

I am new to Kubernetes, And I am trying to run kubelet and I am facing huge difficulties. Need your help I tried to remove Kubernetes, and reinstall completly, but kubelet doesn't run at all. ...
Nazim Razac's user avatar
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How to clear older images io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs folder in kubernetes

The vulnerability checks is picking up older version of apps/software which are from /apps/data/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs/snapshots/XX/fs/usr/lib on our Kubernetes nodes. We ...
Mihir's user avatar
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RKE2 error- Waiting for API server to become available Waiting to retrieve kube-proxy configuration; server is not ready

Issue 1 In the high-availability RKE2 Kubernetes cluster, I have provisioned a single load balancer (1LB) and three master nodes. Initially, all components were functioning as expected. However, ...
user24266244's user avatar
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Kubectl specify memory for horizontal pod

I’ve seen documentation that kubectl can specify flags such as the target average CPU utilization: kubectl autoscale deployment <deployment> --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10 Why is there no ...
dejanualex's user avatar
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Tried to set up a K8 cluster from scratch on Ubuntu 22 but the kubelet is failing to register nodes

The kubelet service shows the below error Apr 05 14:13:06 estk8worker0 kubelet[90209]: E0405 14:13:06.863258 90209 kubelet_node_status.go:92] "Unable to register node with API server" err=&...
Sks's user avatar
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Can't resolve service in Kubernetes

I have a pod that wants to connect to Redis, but we use dragonfly instead, but it can’t do that. [2024-04-01 14:34:28.421 DEBUG common_server/src/db/] creating redis pool with ...
Moonlight's user avatar
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Kube-apiserver Unable to authenticate the requests, All workers NotReady Status

All of the workers status are NotReady. Kubelet on worker node shows below problem. Inspecting one of the workers kubelet shows below. Seems to be kubelet cannot access kube-apiserver $ curl -k ...
Nyc's user avatar
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PVC is in terminating state and PV is in bound state in Kubernetes

I have the PVC which is in terminating state (because it is referenced from 3 other pods) and the PV is in bound state. PV has the retain reclaiming policy. Also I am not sure on the reason for the ...
Harry's user avatar
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kubeProxy unable to get node ip

I currently running a k8s cluster setup where I have 3 master nodes and 3 worker nodes installed with Kubeadm. Each one of the master nodes is responsible for managing a worker node. In one of my ...
user2643892's user avatar
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Pods getting restarted after containerd and kubelet service restarts

As part of configuration changes take place, both containerd and kubelet serivces need restart. Upon restarting services, all the pods running on the node getting restarted. I've checked the events ...
Rama's user avatar
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Kubeadm and kubectl - connection refused

I deployed a basic cluster on two virtual machines (kvm) with one being designated as master with control plane on it using kubeadm init - everything sees to be starting correctly, but when I try to ...
user3002166's user avatar
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Best practice to grant only necessary permissions to Kubernetes cluster user and pods?

Even though new to kubernetes clusters, I am assigned to deploy and administrate one for my lab. For now, pods with pytorch containers using gpus (those will be the most typical kind of pods to be ...
Phynon's user avatar
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How to keep the .kube/config tidy after deleting a cluster?

In Microsoft Windows, I'm finding that as I create and delete AKS clusters that my .kube/config file is accumulating context entries for things that I've deleted. I've tried using the following ...
David Yates's user avatar
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Kubernetes Template for Custom Resources

in Kubernetes there is a way to get the template of the core resources like this: kubectl create secret generic --dry-run=client --output=yaml Is there a way to do the same for Custom Resources? I ...
Henry Sachs's user avatar
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Configure kubectl command to access remote minikube cluster on virtualbox debian VM

i have set up successfully on debian minikube with simple cluster Debian VM : umen@debian12:~$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-77c947d946-jq2s4 1/1 ...
user61104's user avatar
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Facing error again in minikube renew certificate

When I run kubectl command getting error is certificate expired How to debug minikube errors? kubectl get pods Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
Paul's user avatar
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How to find specific Kubernetes resource and "terminate/finalize" it when namespace deletion is stuck?

Hi I tried to delete some namespaces and they are stuck in terminating... From the below details, I tried to delete the supposed rolebindings and roles, but they won't delete either and I don't know ...
user432024's user avatar
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Error running PostgreSQL Deployment in Kubernetes: "No such file or directory" for data directory

I am trying to deploy a PostgreSQL database using Kubernetes and encountered an error related to the data directory. Below is my YAML configuration for the Deployment: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ...
Ed Black's user avatar
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AKS Kubectl command doesn't return completed pods

I am using AKS with Kubernetes v1.25.6 and I have started to see a number of pods with a Completed status. From what I understand these are generated when an exit 0 code is returned on the process the ...
David Hirst's user avatar
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Create Rancher API Key with kubectl

Given access to the kubernetes cluster, but no API key, how can I programatically create a API key for rancher server? The method described in documentation here requires a password login an a web ...
d_inevitable's user avatar
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Kubernetes component status reports etcd as unhealthy

I have a 3 node kube control network setup with etcd, kube-apiserver, kube-control-manager and kube-scheduler running. When I check the status of the components it says etcd is unhealthy, but etcd ...
George's user avatar
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Unable to initialize Kubernetes cluster upon sudo kubeadm init line command

Trying to deploy Kubernetes on AWS EC2 instance. I'm seeing the following errors/warning when running sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --ignore-preflight-errors=all Errors: [WARNING ...
Rajesh Mappu's user avatar
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Local Kubernetes Dns failure on one of three worker nodes

I have a problem with my Kubernetes on-premise cluster created with kubespray. I don't know why, but the dns resolutions is not working on one of my three nodes. I try to mount a debug container to ...
MelanieOL's user avatar
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Trying to install Kubernetes in RHEL 8.5 (CRI-O) - getting error

Trying to install Kubernetes in RHEL 8.5 (CRI-O) - getting error Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'devel_kubic_libcontainers_stable: Downloading error(s): repodata/...
Madhuri Muralidhar's user avatar
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Kubernetes connection refuses often

I have configured Kubernetes using kubeadm in cent os stream 9. When I issue kubectl commands i am getting this error often The connection to the server was refused - did you ...
sreelakshmi's user avatar
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Forwarding apache logs from k8s Pod to Syslog server

I am new to Kubernetes, I know there are multiple ways to log collection. but I am specifically asking about my scenario. we have a Syslog port 8090. now we want our pods to send logs to our ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Kubelete fails with code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

I have setup K8S on fedora 37, following a Kubeadmi init seems images are pulled and things seemed correct. However, when I try Kubectl cluster-info 0406 11:58:52.440579 704658 memcache.go:265] ...
eliassal's user avatar
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Multi cloud provider kubernetes cluster pod logs got timeout

Hi all i have master node in digital ocean and worker node in google cloud, nodes are connected using public ip of master node and pods are in running status but when i run kubectl logs i'm getting ...
Thom's user avatar
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k3s kubectl logs times out after 50 seconds

TLDR: Depending on my k3s version, kubectl logs -f drops back to the console (timeouts?) exactly after 50 seconds without new log entries, instead of remaining attached until a Ctrl-C is issued. I can'...
Jorge Yanes Diez's user avatar
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EKS cluster access - aws-auth : add groups in mapRoles

i try to access an EKS cluster on AWS with AWS Account (same i use for the console) steps i followed : aws configure with info provided in the "Command line or programmatic access" (AWS ...
awot83's user avatar
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Error While installing Calico CNI

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 1+1 configuration . I used the following steps to install Calico curl -o calico.yaml kubectl apply -f calico....
Anvay's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress not properly routing traffic

I am trying to host a simple website using Kubernetes. I am trying to use a K8s deployment, service and an ingress to route the traffic from the external into the application running inside the pod. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Kubelet is in running state but kubectl is giving connection to the server refused error

Kubernetes cluster was working fine earlier, Started getting issues running kubectl commands after restarting the master node ( When I run kubectl get nodes command I am getting below error. ...
user avatar
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kubernetes kubectl Undo --insecure-skip-tls-verify to enable TLS Verification once again after it has been disabled

For testing purposes I have disabled tls verification for my cluster by typing: $ kubectl get nodes --insecure-skip-tls-verify This was done to temporarily fix a problem with an invalid certificate. ...
Jakub's user avatar
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Sonarqube app pod is not connecting with PostgreSQL DB pod when deploying to Kubernetes

I am trying to setup SonarQube in a Kubernetes cluster. The cluster was made using KubeADM in the AWS cloud. I have the following files for the setup. Sonarqube App Deployment file Sonarqube App ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Fix the KubeletHasDiskPressure in Kubernetes on a very limited server

I have a question regarding our local Kubernetes installation (Kubelet version == 1.24.4). We're having a Kubernetes installation installed using Kubespray. I'm aware of a few related questions/...
Michel Gokan Khan's user avatar
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How to create a container-disk image for VMs provisioned using KubeVirt

I am trying to create a VM setup in my Kubernetes cluster using KubeVirt. I have two EC2 instances(Master node: t2.xlarge and worker node: m5.metal) in AWS cloud and I have setup the cluster using ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Cannot properly edit and save worker node specs in Kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes cluster setup using KubeAdm (Setup in EC2 instances in AWS Cloud). The CNI used is Flannel and the cluster is running quite well. My requirement is that I am trying to setup ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Calico Kubernetes Network Policy is denying all traffic and not working as expected

I am trying to implement some Calico based Kubernetes Network Policies. I have already setup Calico in my cluster and all the Calico based pods are running fine. In my cluster, There are two pods. 1. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Calico deployment not saving tolerance for master node

I was trying to setup a Kubernetes Cluster using Amazon EC2 and Kubeadm. I created a 't2.large' EC2 instance based on Ubuntu 18.04 AMI. Setup kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl and docker as the container ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Can I connect to several Kubernetes clusters simultaneously - each in different terminal session?

I have 4 kubernetes clusters I need to switch between to check or monitor - sometimes I quickly need to switch back and forth between them. I see that the kubectl config context is 1 file for the user ...
Borislav T's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the Path API for kubectl top pods

I use this command "kubectl top pods" using Kubectl command I need path api for this command I need return data from this command "kubectl top pods" via api
uday kiran's user avatar
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EKS: kubectl exec does not respect streamingConnectionIdleTimeout

Using EKS with Kubernetes 1.21, managed nodegroups in a private subnet. I'm trying to set the cluster up so that kubectl exec times out after inactivity regardless of the workload being execed into, ...
Dmitry S.'s user avatar
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disable deprecated resource automatic conversion

I’m trying to purposefully create K8S resources with deprecated apiVersion for test purposes, but keep ending up with a converted resource to the non-deprecated apiVersion. I don’t understand why it’s ...
Nicolas Goudry's user avatar
4 votes
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Kubernetes: Pod IP address is out of range specified in --pod-network-cidr

After upgrading to v1.24.0 (after Dockershim removal), I had to install cri-dockerd, then I did the following: sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --cri-socket=unix:///var/run/cri-...
TheDHM's user avatar
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Kubernetes k3s master node fails to ready with FailedCreatePodSandBox errors

I'm trying to setup a small 4 worker node cluster atm and I just installed k3s on my raspberry pi 4s (8gb) and I'm getting a NotReady status. I'm new to kubernettes/k3s, but I believe with a totally ...
neogeek23's user avatar
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which K3S ports should (not) be exposed on a public interface

The K3S documentation explains which ports are required for this kubernetes distribution to work. What it does NOT explain is, which of these ports are OK to be open on a public interface. K3S seem to ...
tcurdt's user avatar
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