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How to scale websocket listeners?

I'm asking about the case when your service is listening for some streams with non-stationary message intensity. Such situations are arising naturally if you for example listening for stock exchange ...
37buEr's user avatar
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K8s - Does LoadBalancer Service need NodePort?

I was going through this tutorial and it says that we need to define NodePort when using service type LoadBalancer. But I've seen implementation of LoadBalancer service types without providing ...
Mark's user avatar
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AWS application load balancer not registering targets for Kubernetes EKS node target group

I have an EKS cluster with public/private access on a VPC with public and private subnets. I've setup my ALB in the public subnets on port 80, internet-facing and ip and installed the AWS controller ...
Alex Radwan's user avatar
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How to setup external load balancing to my kubernetes cluster securely?

We have for a period of time just pointed our dns to one of the nodes in our cluster. That node has then load balanced internally to the correct node and application. Something like this: The problem ...
Viktor Eriksson's user avatar
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Can the kube-vip load balancing service implement jumps after a kubernetes node is notReady?

I'm new to kubernetes and I'm learning about high availability clustering, I'm using kube-vip for load balancing in the form of static pods. # kubeadm version kubeadm version: &version.Info{Major:&...
HuaJFrame's user avatar
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K8s - not working L2 Advertising of Metallb

I'm installing 1 node k8s cluster and can't reach metallb IP address from same subnet. CRI = Containerd 1.6 CNI = Flannel. control-plane taint is disabled Pod CIDR = Cluster CIDR = ...
SeanCooper's user avatar
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K3S: understanding the network model and applying TLS certificates

In order to learn a bit more about K8S I started running a single server/node K3S cluster as a home lab. But I believe I've reached an impasse on my understanding of the network model, maybe specific ...
Jo Colina's user avatar
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Setting up a cluster with workload distribution

I want to setup a server cluster which can keep by servers as busy as possible while still giving fair compute time to everyone. I have setup a basic Kubernetes setup but the issue is that if some ...
starhawk's user avatar
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Load Balancer is not accessible outside cluster

I have setup 3 master and 6 worker nodes using the same IP segment, 172.26.10.XX. For load balancer services, I'm using Kube-Vip for load balancer with configuration namespace specifics as below: - ...
amundead's user avatar
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Deploying Multi-Cluster/Multi-Region Gateway AND have redundant stateful services with GKE Autopilot?

I want two clusters to each be in a different region so I have basic region redundancy. Some of the services I want to run are stateful (which includes keeping track of user sessions). I am not ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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High availability cluster bandwidth bottleneck

I want to setup a service with a lot of file transfer for thousands of users. For now, my idea is to go with k8s + HAProxy with 3 masters (with VIP) and as many slaves as needed. So basically: ...
ange's user avatar
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Kubernetes Load Balancing with Redis Cluster and microservices

I have the following scenario: N kubernetes Nodes A redis cluster with N instances, each node has a single instance There are requests coming into the nodes in a round-robin format After the requests, ...
me_the_bo's user avatar
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is Cloud loadbalancer necessary?

I currently have a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud AKS, and I'm using nginx-ingress to load balance, define routing rules and manage how traffic gets to my services. I see that many people are using ...
youngtoken's user avatar
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Understanding Kubernetes load balancing with ingress controller using self-hosted load balancer

I'm looking to better understand load balancing concepts in a "self-hosted" Kubernetes environment. cluster setup architecture image I have an external load balancer, let's label it LB. This ...
Ryan's user avatar
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A Diffrent HA Approach for Multi master Kubernetes Cluster

We have a client that has 3 nodes in different locations and different network subnets. They want to use our product with HA mode. We tell them that to run our product on HA mode we need to use an ...
Zekeriya Akgül's user avatar
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Strange behavior of GCP Load Balancer

I had a strange behavior with google global lb. On the one zone traffic evenly , but on other zone with same load traffic loads pods not evenly. Configs at zones are the same. Can it appears to gcp ...
Danila Eliseev's user avatar
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Kong-proxy not working inside Jelastic environment

We need a bit of help trying to install Kong in Kubernetes inside Jelastic environment. Me and My colleague have a production based kubernetes cluster with the following: Load Balancer 1 Node with ...
Shawn King's user avatar
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How does Azure Loadbalancer work with Azure AKS

I recently tried to figure out how an Azure Loadbalancer in front of an Azure AKS cluster actually routes traffic to the cluster nodes. Our (quite basic) setup: AKS cluster version 1.23.x with the ...
antaxify's user avatar
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Why MetalLB cannot provide a real load balancing feature in layer 2 mode?

The documentation of MetalLB states that: In layer 2 mode, all traffic for a service IP goes to one node. To my understanding, this is mostly due to the fact that: one node assumes the ...
Dunatotatos's user avatar
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Seeking advice regarding ingress versus load balancing for app in microk8s cluster

I have a seven node microk8s cluster set up on an Ubuntu server in my cellar. multipass shows me I have three IP address per VM since I created these hosts using the bridged network option. I thought ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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Traffic is not being spread evenly between replicas of OpenFaas functions

As per this documentation, I have configured direct_functions to false, which allows the provider to balance traffic between replicas of OpenFaas functions. But it sends the traffic to only one ...
Damith Udayanga's user avatar
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Accessing Kubernetes services in the cluster from outside of the local network - Bare Metal

I'm running a simple bare-metal multi-master "high availability" enviroment with 2 masters and 2 workers, as well as another VM with HAProxy serving as external Load Balancer. My question is:...
ReaperClown's user avatar
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Is there a major difference between either CPU, RAM or Storage capacity needs for the leader or contributor nodes in a production K8S cluster? [duplicate]

I have already allocated 3 VPS for an initial multiple timezone cluster. 12 single-core vCPUs ≈50 GB RAM ≈1TB SSD storage 1 EST,1 CST,& 1 PST Before I jump in however, I would like to know if ...
Timothy W. Crane's user avatar
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How do I create an internal Layer 4 load balancer in Kubernetes?

I am trying to create an internal (no external IP) layer 4 load balancer in AWS - either a Network LB or Classic LB - for internal traffic management instead of using the kube-proxy. Below is my ...
Nova's user avatar
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Keepalived won't forward traffic to BACKUP node after Kubernetes cluster setup

System Structure: Kubernetes master node Kubernetes worker 1 node; keepalived MASTER node Kubernetes worker 2 node; keepalived BACKUP node VIP, would ...
ktc's user avatar
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How to fix ContainerCreating errors while deploying metallb?

For testing purpose, I have installed ubuntu 21 on vmware esxi server. On that machine, spinned up kubernetes using lxc containers following this repository LXC is spinned up and running. adminuser@...
uday's user avatar
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Mapping FQDN to IP and Port number in HAProxy

I have HAproxy in front of my K8s cluster. It works perfectly by IP address and port number. frontend kubernetes-test-frontend bind mode tcp option tcplog ...
ITnewbie's user avatar
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load balance for kubernetes master on different subnet

I'm trying to build an architecture for new k8s cluster with master HA on different sites (different subnets). The issue I'm facing is finding an open source Software Load Balance (there is no ...
shirab's user avatar
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Kubernetes + AWS Lambda [closed]

I currently have an API service running on AWS Lambda, but it's getting expensive due to high AWS costs. My aim is to replace 95 % of the usage with a cluster of servers and still handle peaks with ...
ile's user avatar
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How to load balance in nginx based on user category

There will be a web application served by gunicorn with pod instantiated in every node in Kubernetes cluster. External load balancer (limited to the round-robin or least connections methods) drives ...
ipaleka's user avatar
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Nginx Ingress-Controller Load Balancing

I was wondering how does the ingress controller make sure that the incoming requests for the K8S cluster is load-balanced between all the K8S nodes. I know that with some other ingress controllers ...
G.Bar's user avatar
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Despite having created a specific SSL certificate for a GKE ingress, I still cannot reach the IP address with HTTPS

I created an ingress for a GKE cluster providing a SSL certificate. Now that ingress presents two IP adresses, one with HTTP with a port :80 and another one with HTTPS with a port 443. The problem is ...
robimalco's user avatar
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Google Cloud Platform send requests from a backend vm to its own Internal Load Balancer

In this Google Cloud Platform page (2020-10-12), underneath section "Sending requests from load ...
usui's user avatar
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Load Balance with proxmox and kubernetes with 3 physical server

We have 3 physical servers and We want to build a HA Kubernetes cluster on it. At the moment We use proxmox ve 6.2 and VM-s for Kubernetes. How can I provide load balancing between the three servers? ...
Bttd's user avatar
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Ingress not working with cloudflare proxy option

I have cloudflare on it added A record of haproxy loadbalancer, behind loadbalancer are worker nodes of kubernetes cluster and ingress controller. Ingress routing traffic good when proxy option on ...
Vladimir Djukic's user avatar
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Kubernetes, http access to app in cluster

I'm pretty new to the kubernetes. I need some suggestions how to access app which is deployed in cluster. I have a docker image with Django app and Gunicorn to run .wsgi. I'm using this image to ...
aFku's user avatar
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Though external ip is resolved, the website returns connection timedout in kubernetes

I have created a k8s deployment and service yaml for a static website. External IP address is also resolved in kubernetes service. But when I try to access the website through curl or browser, it ...
ganesh kumar's user avatar
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Cant access kubernetes service from another machine

My goal is to access a certain kubernetes service deployed on my machine (cluster) from a machine outside the cluster (another machine). I am exposing these services using "Ingress" objects. I have a ...
thecomplexitytheorist's user avatar
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GKE: Switch from TCP to Ingress Load Balancer in prod

We have several deployments running in Google Kubernetes. Most of them are web services set up with the default configuration, so they have a public IPv4 address which is served by a TCP load balancer....
Moritz Friedrich's user avatar
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How to properly configure a load balancer using Digital Ocean with Kubernetes?

I'm trying to deploy my app to Digital Ocean using Kubernetes and I went through their tutorial but it is not working. This is my manifest: --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: my-app-...
Adam Arold's user avatar
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Kubernetes CluterIssuer Challenge timeouts

Setup: DigitalOcean K8S Cluster w/ 2 nodes and 1 Ingress-NGINX LoadBalancer (no special configuration) I was wondering why certificate requests fail and found in the logs of the Challenge, that the ...
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GKE load balancing + ingress controlller for dev env

I've got some domain with some subdomains (,, etc). That's hosted in GKE and contains one ingress with the mass of routing. This all used to be deployed ...
Grigorii Sokolik's user avatar
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Efficent networking in k8s - 2 ingress strategies

Right now I have cluster of 9 K8s server (1 master, 3 regular workers and 5 static content workers). Ingress is running as nodeport on 80 (I know this is not recommended). DNS is ...
Hoggie's user avatar
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Why use ingress to expose a service when you have a LoadBalancer?

I have been researching how Kubernetes exposes services to the outside world and have found lots of articles explaining the differences between using NodePort, LoadBalancer, and Ingress. However ...
Ilsa's user avatar
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Slow GCP HTTP Global Load Balancer configuration

I have a GCP HTTP global load balancer config which is very slow and difficult to manage in the cloud console UI, almost to the point of being unusable. My other configs are very fast and far less ...
buckaroo1177125's user avatar
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LB Kubernetes on Google Cloud, http request refused

I create a LB Kubernetes service and define to accept traffic from both port 80 and 443. but my http request is dropped my connection to my application.
Ghazal's user avatar
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Kubernetes service vs Load balancer

A service in kubernetes is a object representation that is used by kube-proxy to link the VIP of the service to one of the containers behind the service. This can be done by several kube-proxy modes ...
mslot's user avatar
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Loadbalancer targetPort not forwarding to daemonset hostPort if port not same as hostPort

I have the following setup: A loadbalancer points to an ingress controller as daemonset, running in a gcp-kubernetes-cluster, as seen in the example below: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: ...
Thomas Böhm's user avatar
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Why should Cloudflare LB point to another AWS/GC/etc. LB?

I am aware Cloudflare has a security focus, but considering it also provides load balancing, why should I have it point to yet another load balancer e.g. AWS ELB?
atkayla's user avatar
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Tcp port forwarding in Google cloud to gke cluster

I am fairly experienced with kuberenetes but very new to Google cloud. I have an haproxy-ingress controller running with nodeports of 30080 30443. I need to have a static IP that can forward port 80 ...
Jordan Davidson's user avatar