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Public IP should not be changed when aws eks cluster and managed nodegroup is upgraded

We have used the eks cluster(current version 1.20) and managed nodegroup and used the public IPs of the nodes for our purpose so now when we upgrade the eks cluster and nodegroup with version 1.21 all ...
basava022's user avatar
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GitLab web service not connecting to the registry

On an on-prem GitLab server hosted on Kubernetes, after an upgrade of GitLab to the latest version 17.1.0, I notice that the webservice fails to connect to the registry service: {"component":...
Paul's user avatar
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Internet speed from AWS Singapore region to EU is very slow

We are running k8s cluster in AWS Singapure region. We also have self-managed EC2 NAT instance of type t3.xlarge. According to spec, it has 1 Gbps baseline speed, and burst up to 5 Gbps. When running ...
Ivan's user avatar
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ClusterIssuer Failed to register ACME account with cert-manager

I installed cert-manager with kubectl kubectl apply -f I successfully obtained my resources : my_user@vps-...
a.moussa's user avatar
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ARP resolution does not work as intended in VPC when doing L2 Announcements with CIlium CNI on a K8S Cluster spanning EC2 instances

VPC Configuration VPC CIDR: Region 1: (public), (private) Region 2: (public), (private) Region 3: (public), (...
Ayush's user avatar
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Exposing Kubernetes pods with TCP and UDP traffic

I'm writing a Kubernetes operator to deploy individual, dedicated game servers, inside the same cluster. What would be the best method for exposing these servers outside of the cluster? Requirements ...
Rhys's user avatar
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Unable to join EC2 worker to VirtualBox master

Im deploying a Hybrid Cloud(VirtualBox-AWS) Kubernetes cluster. What I have done so far: Set the control-plane on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS via VirtualBox 6.1. Change network adapter to bridged Ran the ...
Mabadai's user avatar
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Can't resolve service in Kubernetes

I have a pod that wants to connect to Redis, but we use dragonfly instead, but it can’t do that. [2024-04-01 14:34:28.421 DEBUG common_server/src/db/] creating redis pool with ...
Moonlight's user avatar
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K8s - not working L2 Advertising of Metallb

I'm installing 1 node k8s cluster and can't reach metallb IP address from same subnet. CRI = Containerd 1.6 CNI = Flannel. control-plane taint is disabled Pod CIDR = Cluster CIDR = ...
SeanCooper's user avatar
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dns problems in self managed aws ec2 cluster with aws-vpc-cni

I'm new to k8s and I've been trying to learn it. I faced a problem with trying to setup aws-vpc-k8s-cni on my fresh k8s cluster with coredns. Here's the problem in detail. Cluster & Network ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Knative On-Premise setup without external IP

I am trying to setup Knative on On-Premise Kubernetes Cluster (without having an external ip). Kubernetes: v1.28 Knative: v1.13 1 master node and 2 workers
Waqar Alamgir's user avatar
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Kubernetes Cluster Initialization Fails with Kubeadm and CRI-O on Ubuntu 22.04

I am setting up a Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04 using Vagrant, with Kubernetes version 1.28.7 and CRI-O 1.28.2 as the container runtime. I'm encountering an issue when initializing the ...
Mile Stanislavov's user avatar
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kubeProxy unable to get node ip

I currently running a k8s cluster setup where I have 3 master nodes and 3 worker nodes installed with Kubeadm. Each one of the master nodes is responsible for managing a worker node. In one of my ...
user2643892's user avatar
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Access to Metallb IPs is not possible

I have a k8s cluster with 3 masters and 7 workers. I have many services on it and I want to expose some of them. I used Metallb for this task and with layer 2 configuration I can get IPs from IP pool ...
sunrise's user avatar
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Create and assign separate subnet to each namespace

I have one master and one worker and 10 namespaces in k8s. I want to create and assign subnet to each namespace using by pods. for example I want to create and assign to namespace 1, ...
sunrise's user avatar
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Kafka Scripts in bin Directory throws an error is " Address in use (Bind failed)"

I have Deployed Kafka as a Stateful Set on k8's and the Service type is ClusterIP. It's Up & running. However, when I'm logging into Kafka brokers (using kubectl exec -it pod_name -- bash) and go ...
RAM's user avatar
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Use an Openshift edge route to an external VM

I have several VM's running and I have an Openshift cluster. All exposed application in my cluster have HTTPS through Openshift edge routing. Now I would like to add a url and https to my VM's too (...
Herman's user avatar
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DNS Issues with Kubernetes Cluster : no servers could be reached

I'm still experiencing dns and network issues And I'm at a dead point, looking for hints and suggestions Summing up : Following the indications found here :
Raphael10's user avatar
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Understanding Kubernetes load balancing with ingress controller using self-hosted load balancer

I'm looking to better understand load balancing concepts in a "self-hosted" Kubernetes environment. cluster setup architecture image I have an external load balancer, let's label it LB. This ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Kubernetes cluster through VPN

I have multiples nodes spread accross differents locations and i would like to use them in a kubernetes cluster (k3s) throught OpenVPN. Has anyone already tried this and could give me some leads ? ...
Nicolas VIOLLIN's user avatar
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Failed to destroy network for sandbox + coredns pod not running Kubernetes

This is my settings: Kubernetes cluster root@k8s-eu-1-master:~# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION k8s-eu-1-master Ready control-plane ...
Raphael10's user avatar
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GKE and multiple VPN

I have a GKE autopilot cluster where I deployed a workload that needs to connect to two SQL databases via two different on-premise VPNs. The network is on another project and it is a shared VPC. The ...
Lic's user avatar
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3 answers

Pods in a specific node don't have internet access

Pods in a specific node (let's call it mynode) don't have access to the internet, remaining pods scheduled in other nodes do have internet access. mynode has access to the internet, I can ssh into it, ...
Melardev's user avatar
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Configure kubectl command to access remote minikube cluster on virtualbox debian VM

i have set up successfully on debian minikube with simple cluster Debian VM : umen@debian12:~$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-77c947d946-jq2s4 1/1 ...
user61104's user avatar
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Azurite kubernetes ip

I'm running azurite inside a K8s cluster on kind. When trying to access it from another pod I get a strange issue. If I use the service DNS name it fails but if I use the cluster IP it is mapped to it ...
Shahar Frank's user avatar
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OpenVPN Server on K3s Kubernetes Cluster: No Internet Access

I've set up an OpenVPN server on a K3s Kubernetes cluster. While I can successfully deploy the OpenVPN server pod and connect from a client machine, the client doesn't have internet access through the ...
Fred Luetkemeier's user avatar
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What could be reason of this periodic drop in throughput in my application when deployed on Kubernetes?

I have multiple microservices talking to each other over network. When these microservices are deployed on Kubernetes, my application is experiencing a periodic drop of throughput on loadtesting, ...
Sourav Paul's user avatar
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K3s - Two pods in the same CIDR subnet doing SNAT in a cluster

We have a multi master k3s cluster with etcd. We have launched 2 pods in deployment and both get the IPs from the same CIDR i.e., 10.244.0.xx. cni0 interface ip is on node 1 and ...
syedtoah's user avatar
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How to make Kubernetes Network Bridging work like a Hypervisor

I'm trying to get this working for three days now and I just cant come up with a proper solution. I have an existing environment with virtual machines and I want to do a very simple thing: Create a ...
Vincent Hermes's user avatar
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Spot instance sometime slow down and loss connection

I have a system deployed in AWS EKS, sometimes spot instances metrics is down, and API call to these nodes are very slow. Here is my system: 1 EKS cluster 1 on-demand node group 1 Karpenter v0.29.2 ...
Tristan's user avatar
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Use Node IP's instead of Pod IP's for egress with Secondary CIDR

I'm working with an Amazon EKS cluster that uses AWS VPC CNI for networking and has a custom network configuration. The primary IP address of the nodes is in the range 10.x.x.x/x, and there are ...
cris_karter's user avatar
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No out of pod networking on EKS cluster

I have an EKS cluster(1.24) launched with Terraform's AWS EKS module. System generated security groups. Private or public subnets. Cluster Inbound: Node Inbound: Node Outbound: The cluster has 1 ...
Tom Barber's user avatar
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Why do my AKS node have public IP even though "enableNodePublicIP" is set to false?

I have an AKS cluster where I added a new node pool. While creating the node pool, I set the option "Enable public IP per node" as Disabled. However, I still notice that my nodes in the VMSS ...
faizan's user avatar
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Is it expected that coredns pods look or know the network DNS real IP?

I created a cluster on bare metal, set up with one laptop as the control plane and another laptop as a worker node, for learning purposes. They're in a local lan with a home router. After a couple of ...
watery's user avatar
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Installation of dual stack k8s cluster on node with only IPv6 network

I am trying to understand if it is possible to install a dual stack k8s cluster on nodes with only IPv6 network. Nodes don't have any IPv4 addressing. I am using kubespray to install k8s cluster but ...
Neeraj Jain's user avatar
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Connect to a postgres running internally within a cluster through a kubernetes pod

I've got a kubernetes pod myapp-2390458f-kfjgd I can get access to with kubectl and an instance of a PostgreSQL that can be accessed from within the kubernetes cluster by the name, but ...
Some Name's user avatar
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Communication between pods in different clusters

I have two clusters A (on-prem) and B (gke). Clusters are connected with VPN. There is a pod and NodePort-service on clusterA. I want to be able to talk with service/ClusterA from pod/ClusterB. VPN ...
RedBluff's user avatar
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kubernetes - fail to install flannel network on windows node when node has more than one network interfaces

I have a mixed k8s cluster v1.23.2 ( control plane on a linux VM Centos 7 ( running on ESXi host, let's call it SRV1) and a windows server 2019 node on another physical server ( SRV2 ) both SRV1 ...
misha's user avatar
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Can't ping AWS elastic load balancer

I created Load balancer. NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE open-imis-...
dos4dev's user avatar
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Strange behavior of GCP Load Balancer

I had a strange behavior with google global lb. On the one zone traffic evenly , but on other zone with same load traffic loads pods not evenly. Configs at zones are the same. Can it appears to gcp ...
Danila Eliseev's user avatar
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For a small production environment is it better to use only masters k8s or some mini k8s solutions?

I have a scenario of a small air-gap production environment with only three Linux servers (CentOS or RHEL). I want to deploy a small k8s cluster on them. I have two approaches for now: Installing a ...
Igor Levin's user avatar
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Error While installing Calico CNI

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 1+1 configuration . I used the following steps to install Calico curl -o calico.yaml kubectl apply -f calico....
Anvay's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress not properly routing traffic

I am trying to host a simple website using Kubernetes. I am trying to use a K8s deployment, service and an ingress to route the traffic from the external into the application running inside the pod. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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GKE pods to other VPC peered instance not reachable

I've created a VPC-native GKE private cluster. My Pod address range is and my Service address range is GKE is setup on vpc-8 private subnet ( I need to ...
pbms's user avatar
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Routing packets from VPN interface to other pods change source IP

I have a pod that runs WireGuard, IPv4 forwarding is enabled in that pod, thus all packets sent from WireGuard clients are routable to the other pods. WireGuard client -> WG-NIC inside WireGuard ...
Mohammed Noureldin's user avatar
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k8s kubernetes fails initail test

I am new to kubernetes and am trying to learn. I set up 2 VMs and they connect to eachother via a host-only network. I followed these 2 guides: How to Install Kubernetes Cluster on Debian 11 with ...
posop's user avatar
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Could not resolve host error when trying to reproduce Kyma expose function tutorial

I am trying to setup Kyma for my local k3d cluster by following this tutorial. Everything seems to work fine up until ...
kyma-tester-123's user avatar
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Is there a way to add multicast to loopback interface on a kubernetes pod?

Using an in-prem kubernetes installation on baremetal (Ubuntu) servers, installed with kubeadm. Kubernetes version is 1.25.3 Need to have multicast on a pod's loopback for the automated tests running, ...
Mikha's user avatar
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Is it possible to route all traffic from a set of kubernetes pods through another pod acting as a VPN client?

I am a newbie in kubernetes, so I apologise if this turns out to be trivially documented elsewhere. It may be that I did not search the right terms. Say I have three pods in my cluster for three ...
bugbear's user avatar
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Pods on a k8s node are unaccessible, kube-proxy or CNI failed

I have add a new node to my k8s cluster, but I found some allocated to this node cannot show logs like this: $ kubectl logs -n xxxx xxxxx-6d5bdd7d6f-5ps6k Unable to connect to the server: EOF Using ...
Andy Huang's user avatar