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Websocket with on K8S, how to make it work?

I hope you are well I'm having a problem when trying to open communication between my applications within Kubernetes. Currently client-server communicate through, but when adding it to ...
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k8s pods on different EKS nodes not getting traffic

I have eks cluster with two nodes, I have four k8s services deployed in the cluster, two of them are in node-1 and the other two in node-2. I have have a Kong api gateway in front of these k8s ...
user1807948's user avatar
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Switch ingress controller to new static IP with zero downtime?

My AKS app uses a standard ingress-nginx ingress controller with a static IP, installed via Helm chart: myStaticIp= myNodeRg=MC_foobar_eastus helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx ...
Max's user avatar
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Nginx ingress not resolving with I use host in spec rule

I am using nginx ingress with cert manager. Somehow this fails to resolve and I get a timeout when I try to access I am using Azure Kubernetes Service. Everything works if I ...
Roshan Singh's user avatar
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ClusterIssuer Failed to register ACME account with cert-manager

I installed cert-manager with kubectl kubectl apply -f I successfully obtained my resources : my_user@vps-...
a.moussa's user avatar
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How to configure k3s with ingress-nginx to correctly forward user IP in X-Real-IP header?

I am trying to configure k3s with ingress-nginx on some VPS from Hetzner. I have set up a server with a public IP and others without public IPs, all connected in a private network. When I install ...
Dorin's user avatar
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Kubernetes is no accepting traffic from my Load Balancer when I deploy it in Terraform in DigitalOcean

When I deploy my ingress controller I get an error from digital ocean dashboard 0/1 Kubernetes nodes accepting traffic -- First I create my kubernetes cluster named avatares_cluster # ...
Juan Topo's user avatar
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Nginx Ingress Controller on Baremetal Kubernetes Cluster Issues

so I am in the process of standing up a production ready cluster to utilize on prem resources. We have a MetalLB loadbalancer installed in the cluster with a pool of IP addresses from
Brandon's user avatar
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rke2-ingress-nginx missing master node's ip adress

My cluster was fine for like 40 days without problem. But today it suddenly broken. When i curl to my app with command: curl output: connection refused. I checked my ingress and realised ...
Bayarkhuu's user avatar
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Is is possible to configure two external IP addresses to an nginx ingress controler on kubernetes

I would like to provide two external IP depending on the environment of a namespace (dev or prod). My idea is to host the same fqdns on dev and prod namespaces. e.g. if the client resolves www....
Julien's user avatar
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how to ingress correctly in kuberenetes with nginx-ingress

I'm new to k8s and I'm having slight trouble setting up a local cluster on virtual machines and have it be accessible from at least my host machine. setup. I've a local cluster consisting of three ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Kubernetes on premise cluster ingress controller installation error

I am new in kubernetes administration. i just wanted to test ingress controller but i am afraid i get error like below. the pods related to ingress controller wont be running. i searched a lot on ...
Tom Clerk's user avatar
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Setting up an alternative domain for an entire cluster

I have an openshift cluster set up with a hosted application (Maximo Application Suite) I'm attempting to set up an alternative domain for said cluster. I want to keep the default routes and not ...
Price's user avatar
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Configure MetalLB with NginxIngress to accept request from the Internet

We have a Minikube deployment on one VM on Bare Metal Cloud (OVH Cloud). Kubernetes version: v1.28.3 Installation method: Minikube Host OS: Debian 10 CRI and version: docker://24.0.7 We have ...
ejfilip's user avatar
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Restricting Access to Kubernetes Ingress using LDAP and VPN

I'm working on securing access to my Kubernetes cluster, specifically for the domain name Currently, I'm using NGINX Ingress with the ...
adel hamrouni's user avatar
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Created an ingress, not getting address from Metallb address range

I'm trying to set up a bare-metal kubernetes (RKE2) cluster. I installed metallb following the instructions in the documentation using helm by creating an IP address pool and l2 advertisement. ...
Saksham's user avatar
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Mapping external to internal IP ranges

I have many namespaces on Kubernetes. Each namespace has it own IP range. For example n1 has range, n2 has and so on. Each pod in each namespace get ip base on the namespace ip ...
sunrise's user avatar
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Using Kubernetes Ingress with HTTPS service

I'm learning Kubernetes, and want to deploy a Kubernetes Dashboard on my cluster. By default, the dashboard lives on port 30941 and requires a HTTPS connection. This is then and is accessible via my ...
Bas's user avatar
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Nginx - how to redirect for the index/root page but maintain all other paths?

I have an nginx kubernetes pod/ingress hosting a website at, right now it's a relatively unstyled home page. I have some other paths which need to persist (ie:
RonManning's user avatar
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Is it possible to pass in ssl-client-cert for a kubernetes ingress

I have this setup for my ingress in kubernetes "namespace/secret" "optional" nginx....
mslot's user avatar
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ingress-nginx helm chart upgrade failed 'could not get information about the resource ValidatingWebhookConfiguration'

I'm trying to upgrade my ingress-nginx helm chart from v4.8.3 to v4.8.4 with this command: helm upgrade \ --reuse-values \ --set controller.admissionWebhooks.patch.networkPolicy....
Martin Tovmassian's user avatar
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is Cloud loadbalancer necessary?

I currently have a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud AKS, and I'm using nginx-ingress to load balance, define routing rules and manage how traffic gets to my services. I see that many people are using ...
youngtoken's user avatar
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Understanding Kubernetes load balancing with ingress controller using self-hosted load balancer

I'm looking to better understand load balancing concepts in a "self-hosted" Kubernetes environment. cluster setup architecture image I have an external load balancer, let's label it LB. This ...
Ryan's user avatar
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routing in kubernetes... nginx proxy-pass, but with named ports

I have an application running in a cluster, where each user gets handed off to an individual pod. All user-pods run on the same port, so a nice simple nginx server can handle that. If we assume that ...
CodeGorilla's user avatar
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How to route requests with the same query parameter to the same backend servers?

I have three Nginx reverse proxy servers with ModSecurity installed acting as WAF servers which route requests to my Kubernetes Cluster ingress-nginx, Istio service mesh is installed on the Kubernetes ...
Sinux's user avatar
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how kubernetes listens ports

I'm trying to resolve the local issues of the applicaiton deployed on local microk8s where I have the nginx ingress installed There are two ingresses: localhost These things are ...
Pavel Husakouski's user avatar
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Kubernetes dashboard not working with Nginx Ingress Controller, error "Client sent http request over HTTPS Server"

BEFORE I BEGIN: I have seen all the posts related to this before posting my question here but none of the suggested solutions work for me - not even adding thee following annotation helped: nginx....
neo3matrix's user avatar
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How to use Ingress to access kubernetes-dashboard on Minikube?

I can access kubernetes-dashboard by getting its URL using minikube dashboard --url. However, using this approach a different portname is used every time I restart the Minikube cluster. Therefore I ...
Joysn's user avatar
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How to safely update an existing Kubernetes server without original configurations

I was handed a Kubernetes cluster with no config files, and was not setup with helm. The author said they just created everything from the cmd line. It is a small/new cluster for a single API server ...
Supernat's user avatar
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HTTP_X Forwarded For NGINX Ingress not working

I have a simple application running inside AKS. I'm trying to get the IP of the source user when accessing the application. I have created an ingress for the application. When I curl -I https://...
Container-Man's user avatar
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How can I know request waiting time in Nginx Ingress Controller?

We use Kubernetes with Nginx Ingress Controller to run our platform with various backend services. We also use New Relic (& Prometheus, Grafana) for our Observability dashboards & alerts. ...
Raman Kishore's user avatar
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Getting issue with nginx ingress controller

I'm getting issue with nginx ingress Error: invalid virtual server or virtual server route How to fix this above error?
Ruthew's user avatar
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How to debug why a Ingress Controller in MicroK8S is pointing to the wrong service?

I have built a little three-node Kubernetes cluster at home, for learning purposes. Each 16GB node runs Ubuntu Server and MicroK8S. I have set up a leader (arran) and two followers (nikka and yamazaki)...
halfer's user avatar
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How to return 204 with Nginx Ingress K8S

Is it possible to configure Nginx Ingress to return 204 on a given path? In Nginx, it would look like this: location / { return 204; } Thank you!
Francois Coulloudon's user avatar
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Access of K8s service within WSL2 + Docker Desktop from Linux machine over HTTPS

I've setup an authentication service in a Kubernetes cluster which lives in a Docker Desktop + WSL2 environment on a Windows 11 Pro machine. It can be reached e.g. via CURL & PostMan requests from ...
ShadowGames's user avatar
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K8s : nginx-ingress: SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:191CF08C:SSL routines:tls_parse_ctos_key_share:bad key share)

As we found out that the nginx ingress as well as the cert-manager were outdated and not compatible with the Kubernetes version of 1.22 anymore. I upgrade the two components: nginx-ingress from 0.26.1 ...
sam23's user avatar
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How to allow a tcp service (not http) on custom port inside kubernetes

I have a container running an OPC-server on port 4840. I am trying to configure my microk8s to allow my OPC-Client to connect to the port 4840. Here are examples of my deployment and service: (No ...
Viktor Eriksson's user avatar
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Is it possible to have multiple ingress paths under the same host that point to the same backend service

I'm trying to restrict access to certain paths on my service how can I accomplish this on kubernetes? I have a service that runs a basic API but it also runs an admin service. Is it possible to use ...
James's user avatar
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nginx-ingress returns 502 After upgrading to kubernetes v1.24.6

When trying to upgrade from kubernetes v1.23.X to v1.24.X. I has been seen that the health probe needs to be changed to be /healthz (azure) I have a configuration that works in 1.23 but not 1.24 I ...
Peter Thomas's user avatar
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How do I get SignalR server deployed on AWS EKS behind nginx to allow websocket protocol connections?

I have a .NET 6 Web API with SignalR. Everything works perfectly when connecting directly to the API - locally as well as via Endpoint IP:Port on AWS EKS. However, it's failing to connect specifically ...
Akshay Rajpaul's user avatar
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how to shrink nginx.conf with multiple hosts

I have inherited an old nginx-controller with over 100 servers in a blue/green deployment scenario. Right now the single nginx.conf file is over 10k lines. Looking at each server section for each ...
zerobit's user avatar
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deploy nginx-ingress with large nginx config

I have an nginx-ingress controller that I has multiple hosts connected to it. I have built the config as a ConfigMap, but when I attempt to deploy it, I keep getting and error message that says the ...
zerobit's user avatar
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How do I redirect "" to "" with a NGINX K8S ingress, without breaking cert-manager?

In my K8S ingress config, I'm trying to redirect from (for example) to I can do this with the annotation, but ...
Hubro's user avatar
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Kubernetes v1.24.3 upgrade broke ingress-nginx

After upgrading our AKS kubernetes cluster to from v1.23.8 to v1.24.3 our ingress stopped working properly. No errors logged in events and the ingress-nginx pod does not report any errors on the ...
sevenam's user avatar
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Fix the KubeletHasDiskPressure in Kubernetes on a very limited server

I have a question regarding our local Kubernetes installation (Kubelet version == 1.24.4). We're having a Kubernetes installation installed using Kubespray. I'm aware of a few related questions/...
Michel Gokan Khan's user avatar
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How to delete Kubernetes Deployment that are not used so often

We have limited amount of resources in our cluster, so we want to implement a service/feature to manage cleaning up Deployments that are not used recently. We use nginx ingress, and want to know if ...
Loc Truong's user avatar
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nginx rewrite rules wildcards

I am trying to do the following nginx redirect /product/reports/v1/stores(/|$)(.*) to /stores(/|$)(.*) seems like it should be simple but I can not get it to work. My intention is to use the nginx....
Adam's user avatar
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Kubernetes dashboard ingress HTTP error 400

Installed Kubernetes dashboard with Helm helm install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard -f values.yaml --create-namespace -n kubernetes-dashboard ingress: enabled: true ...
Rahul V Sharma's user avatar
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Nginx proxy large file download fails instantly sometimes

Problem Downloading a large file (400MB+) with "transfer-encoding: chunked" fails after about 3 seconds. Downloading smaller files works even though possible taking longer than 3 seconds. ...
Modobu's user avatar
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Disable CORS using kubernetes ingress

Is it possible to forcefully disable CORS using kubernetes nginx ingress when the application is allowing CORS? I have an application that I believe is sending Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:true ...
Dushyant Bangal's user avatar