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k8s nginx ingress proxy_redirect

I'm trying to achieve this simple configuration on a kubernetes nginx ingress controler: location /path1/ { proxy_pass http://server-1:8000/; proxy_redirect http://...
Julien's user avatar
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How can multiple NGINX pods in Kubernetes write logging into their own separate files?

I have an NGINX installation (used as a web proxy) inside a built Docker image in Kubernetes that will eventually have to be upgraded to run multiple pods to handle the traffic volume. The log output ...
semmelbroesel's user avatar
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How to configure k3s with ingress-nginx to correctly forward user IP in X-Real-IP header?

I am trying to configure k3s with ingress-nginx on some VPS from Hetzner. I have set up a server with a public IP and others without public IPs, all connected in a private network. When I install ...
Dorin's user avatar
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Kubernetes is no accepting traffic from my Load Balancer when I deploy it in Terraform in DigitalOcean

When I deploy my ingress controller I get an error from digital ocean dashboard 0/1 Kubernetes nodes accepting traffic -- First I create my kubernetes cluster named avatares_cluster # ...
Juan Topo's user avatar
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Alternative solution to Kubernete ingress rules for 404 resource error

For two days I was plagued by the following scenario: We have a kubernetes cluster (Rancher GUI) where within a namespace I will host a few different services. I wanted to set up an ingress controller ...
chimp.society's user avatar
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Setting up an alternative domain for an entire cluster

I have an openshift cluster set up with a hosted application (Maximo Application Suite) I'm attempting to set up an alternative domain for said cluster. I want to keep the default routes and not ...
Price's user avatar
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ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when setting up NGINX proxy in front of NGINX proxy and moodle in k8s

I have a pod running moodle and it has NGINX in front of it. The configuration of it is here: In my ...
Foobar's user avatar
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Nginx - how to redirect for the index/root page but maintain all other paths?

I have an nginx kubernetes pod/ingress hosting a website at, right now it's a relatively unstyled home page. I have some other paths which need to persist (ie:
RonManning's user avatar
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Getting IDENTITY_PROVIDER_LOGIN_ERROR with keycloak, OAuth authentication with Github, "federatedIdentityModel" is null

I am running KeyCloak as one of the services in a K3s cluster to provide identity management for another service on the cluster, both of which is behind Ngnix. After deleting Github(the initial ...
Lois's user avatar
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Understanding Kubernetes load balancing with ingress controller using self-hosted load balancer

I'm looking to better understand load balancing concepts in a "self-hosted" Kubernetes environment. cluster setup architecture image I have an external load balancer, let's label it LB. This ...
Ryan's user avatar
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routing in kubernetes... nginx proxy-pass, but with named ports

I have an application running in a cluster, where each user gets handed off to an individual pod. All user-pods run on the same port, so a nice simple nginx server can handle that. If we assume that ...
CodeGorilla's user avatar
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How to route requests with the same query parameter to the same backend servers?

I have three Nginx reverse proxy servers with ModSecurity installed acting as WAF servers which route requests to my Kubernetes Cluster ingress-nginx, Istio service mesh is installed on the Kubernetes ...
Sinux's user avatar
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HTTP_X Forwarded For NGINX Ingress not working

I have a simple application running inside AKS. I'm trying to get the IP of the source user when accessing the application. I have created an ingress for the application. When I curl -I https://...
Container-Man's user avatar
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How can I know request waiting time in Nginx Ingress Controller?

We use Kubernetes with Nginx Ingress Controller to run our platform with various backend services. We also use New Relic (& Prometheus, Grafana) for our Observability dashboards & alerts. ...
Raman Kishore's user avatar
-2 votes
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Getting issue with nginx ingress controller

I'm getting issue with nginx ingress Error: invalid virtual server or virtual server route How to fix this above error?
Ruthew's user avatar
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Nginx configuration in OpenShift

I have been struggling with a solution to have nginx running, in OpenShift there is no use of root user during creation of the containers. Then, I was getting the following error: 2023/06/21 10:37:45 [...
John Barton's user avatar
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Trying to get Nginx redirect working in a pod

So, I'm trying to do a very basic Nginx redirect from to (just training domains, no worries). My nginx-config looks ...
Antti Karvinen's user avatar
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Access errors passing traffic from nginx to daphne server

I've got a GKE private k8s cluster with nginx and a django application running with wsgi and asgi. Logs from nginx show that websocket requests get a 403, and the logs on the daphne pod are showing &...
markwalker_'s user avatar
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when does Nginx have unexpected write on disk?

I use Nginx to cache static files. the main problem is sudden changes on write on the disk. nginx.conf: http { proxy_cache_path /cache-data levels=2:2:2 keys_zone=images_cache:60000m inactive=2d ...
Arman's user avatar
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Two EKS cluster using the same LoadBalancer

Does anybody know if it is possible (and how) to share the same ELB between two Ingress Controllers on different EKS clusters in the same VPC? I have one cluster EKS cluster already running and I just ...
Jaumzera's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress not properly routing traffic

I am trying to host a simple website using Kubernetes. I am trying to use a K8s deployment, service and an ingress to route the traffic from the external into the application running inside the pod. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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What does "COPY --from=build-env /app/build/web /usr/share/nginx/html" do?

I have a Dockerfile as following: # Install Operating system and dependencies FROM ubuntu:22.04 AS build-env RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y curl git wget unzip libgconf-2-4 gdb libstdc++6 ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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How do I get SignalR server deployed on AWS EKS behind nginx to allow websocket protocol connections?

I have a .NET 6 Web API with SignalR. Everything works perfectly when connecting directly to the API - locally as well as via Endpoint IP:Port on AWS EKS. However, it's failing to connect specifically ...
Akshay Rajpaul's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress always direct traffic to the wrong pod

I have the following setup in a minikube kubernetes cluster (locally) namespace customer-a 1 deployment -> prints "Hi from Customer A" 1 LoadBalancer type Service 1 ingress -> host ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a mailserver on a nginx layer 4 server?

I've just created a layer4 nginx server, which is used as a load-balancer for a kubernetes cluster. I know it is a very basic question (and probably I'll get a lot of downvotes for this), but is it ...
user3142695's user avatar
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how to shrink nginx.conf with multiple hosts

I have inherited an old nginx-controller with over 100 servers in a blue/green deployment scenario. Right now the single nginx.conf file is over 10k lines. Looking at each server section for each ...
zerobit's user avatar
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How to force Nginx Ingress controller to respond HTTP 426 to deprecated routes

I have the following ingress for my namespace on Kubernetes with paths /api/1.0/ redirecting to my old-service and the rest redirecting to the new. Before deprecating & deleting my old-service I ...
Victor R's user avatar
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nginx readonly container complains about /var/lib/nginx/off

I am trying to run a nginx container in readonly rootfs but when nginx tries to start it complains about : [emerg] 10#10: open() "/var/lib/nginx/off" failed (30: Read-only file system) nginx:...
Jose's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I redirect "" to "" with a NGINX K8S ingress, without breaking cert-manager?

In my K8S ingress config, I'm trying to redirect from (for example) to I can do this with the annotation, but ...
Hubro's user avatar
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nginx rewrite rules wildcards

I am trying to do the following nginx redirect /product/reports/v1/stores(/|$)(.*) to /stores(/|$)(.*) seems like it should be simple but I can not get it to work. My intention is to use the nginx....
Adam's user avatar
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Nginx proxy large file download fails instantly sometimes

Problem Downloading a large file (400MB+) with "transfer-encoding: chunked" fails after about 3 seconds. Downloading smaller files works even though possible taking longer than 3 seconds. ...
Modobu's user avatar
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Ingress in GKE does not do the routing identically despite same IP at DNS level

I have setup in my GKE cluster an nginx ingress as follows: helm repo add ingress-nginx helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace ...
tobias's user avatar
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wildcard url in ingress-nginx kubernetes Ingress to redirect to path based url doesn't seem to pass regex value

Trying to setup a wildcard url in ingress-nginx kubernetes Ingress to redirect to path based url it doesn't seem to pass the wildcard regex value. The url would be something like "https://test....
nnarcise's user avatar
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How can I use a plugin in ingress-nginx to wrap a request?

I'm trying to use the lua-circuit-breaker plugin with ingress-nginx in a Kubernetes cluster. I want to set up two upstream servers such that the first is "wrapped" with this circuit breaker, ...
Andrew DiNunzio's user avatar
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Nginx ingress - escape characters

I have the following ingress conf that is exposed via nodePort 32100. When I call (curl) the URL [1] which contains parenthesis, I get HTTP 500 error. But when I call the URL [2] which contains no ...
user515576's user avatar
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Kubernetes Nginx Ingress with Cert Manager and letsencrypt does not allow wildcarts in domain names

I have a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster with an Nginx Ingress. Cert-manager is also running on the cluster, with which I try to get valid SSL certificates using Letsencrypt. It all works and I get a ...
Tamino Elgert's user avatar
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Kubernetes NGINX Ingress controller default page / redirect

I was wondering if there is a way to change the behaviour of the nginx ingress controller so that instead of a 404 page it displays another web page or does a redirect? Sadly you can’t do host: “*” ...
Tobias Grether's user avatar
3 votes
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Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller Metrics

I've tried to find a documentation about the metrics exposed by the NGINX ingress controller in Kubernetes but so far I haven't found any reliable source about the metrics and what they mean. For ...
MysteriousPerson's user avatar
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access my website (Nginx) Through another machine from local network

I work on K3S kuberentes cluster on ubuntu. Local IP address public IP address : ip loadbalancer : I build an Nginx with the domain on my K3S ...
newcomers's user avatar
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kubernetes ingress replace path

I have two backend api-services: api-service-v1 api-service-v2 Both respond on "/api/" path I have this configuration running fine as a docker-compose setup where nginx service serves as a ...
Vasyl Herman's user avatar
3 votes
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Malicious requests from private network (Kubernetes)

Recently I'm having many malicious requests to my nginx-ingress pod but I don't understand how's possible they're from a private network. Some examples: - - [11/Oct/2021:09:07:09 +0000] &...
Darko Romanov's user avatar
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Grafana deploy in kubernetes with Letsencript certificate in ingess

I want to deploy grafana in my AKS kubernetes cluster. For deployment I use helm helm install grafana grafana/grafana --namespace=grafana --set "service.type=ClusterIP,persistence.enabled=true,...
Stefan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Ensuring at least one ingress-nginx per kubernetes node

I'm trying to write an autoscaling configuration for ingress-nginx, deployed via helm chart. my goals are: 3 minimum replicas (because I have 3 nodes minimum) ensure only one nginx per node, but: be ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Kubernetes Nginx Ingress and cert-manager Waiting for HTTP-01 challenge propagation: wrong status code '401', expected '200'

I'm having issues with my rapberry pi kubernetes implementation Problem: I have cert-manager letsencrypt ACME challenge waiting due to a 401 error code on bare metal kubernetes install. Setup Platform:...
Llewyn S's user avatar
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Only have connectivity to nginx pod from the node its running on

I've installed kubernetes master and one node v 1.20. I deployed nginx with kubectl run nginxpod --image=nginx $ kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP ...
Dean Schulze's user avatar
4 votes
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Ingress nginx-controller - failed for volume “webhook-cert”

I run: kubectl apply -f But it didn't work. Events: Type Reason Age ...
박성일's user avatar
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Kubernetes Load balancer on Azure via kubeadm

We have created a Kubernetes cluster ( 1 master, 2 workers VMs) using kubeadm on Azure. The master and worker VMs have private IPs only. We are bringing up an nginx pod of service type - Load balancer ...
Dilip's user avatar
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How to use Ngnix as a reverse proxy to access OpenShift (OKD) 4.X?

How to use Ngnix as a reverse proxy to access OpenShift (OKD) 4.X? I've tried hundreds of setups for the reverse proxy (Nginx) and they all fail with the error "Application is not available" ...
Eduardo Lucio's user avatar
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I just had to increase our timeout from 30s to 60s because I can't figure out why our biggest request is so slow. (Nginx + Php-fpm running on gke)

php-fpm version: 7.4 nginx version: 1.19.0 We run on gke, kubernetes; our nodes have 10 cpu and 24G of ram and we request 2 CPUs (limit 3) to our pods that run our Laravel stack (nginx + php-fpm). ...
PoorBob's user avatar
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How to solve error 503 in Kubernetes NGINX Ingress

I'm trying to access Kubernetes Dashboard using NGINX INGRESS but for some reason I'm getting a 503 error. I'm running Kubernetes locally in my macbook with docker desktop. First thing I did was apply/...
Carlos Sosa's user avatar