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kube-proxy not starting due to nf_conntrack_max

Team Trying to install k8s but kube-proxy not starting with below error I0603 18:53:21.135178 1 server_others.go:69] "Using iptables proxy" I0603 18:53:21.150071 1 node.go:141] ...
Sandeep Lade's user avatar
0 votes
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Stop minikube on Ubuntu shutdown

I'm new to Kubernetes, I have internal instruction on how to setup the app locally using minikube. The problem is that I sometimes forget to stop the Cluster, if I do when shutdown the system it will ...
jcubic's user avatar
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kubelet.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/bin/kubelet: No such file or directory

I am new to Kubernetes, And I am trying to run kubelet and I am facing huge difficulties. Need your help I tried to remove Kubernetes, and reinstall completly, but kubelet doesn't run at all. ...
Nazim Razac's user avatar
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Kubernetes Cluster Initialization Fails with Kubeadm and CRI-O on Ubuntu 22.04

I am setting up a Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04 using Vagrant, with Kubernetes version 1.28.7 and CRI-O 1.28.2 as the container runtime. I'm encountering an issue when initializing the ...
Mile Stanislavov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

kubeProxy unable to get node ip

I currently running a k8s cluster setup where I have 3 master nodes and 3 worker nodes installed with Kubeadm. Each one of the master nodes is responsible for managing a worker node. In one of my ...
user2643892's user avatar
1 vote
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How to initialize kubeadm in a non-default network interface?

I have been trying to set-up Kubernetes in my university server which has two network interface. The default interface (10...*) is connected to my university network and there is another interface (...
Sadman Amin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

AppArmor complain mode acts as enforce

AppArmor profile: cat /etc/apparmor.d/test-deny-write #include <tunables/global> profile test-deny-write flags=(attach_disconnected) { #include <abstractions/base> file, # Deny ...
user1069483's user avatar
0 votes
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Kubernetes keeps crashing (Vagrant master+3-node set)

To demonstrate what I've done, I put together a repo with a Vagrant + Cloud-init config. Basically, Kubernetes keeps crashing, and I don't know why. ...
John Manko's user avatar
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1 answer

Cloud Init can't create Apt source from due to 302 redirect

I'm attempting to add the apt package source to a VM using cloud-init, but the URL provided from the docs does a 302 redirect, and gpg doesn't like that. cloud-init config.yml: apt: ...
John Manko's user avatar
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kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig admin.kubeconfig returns "No resources found"

I am a newbie in Kubernetes. I am not even very familiar with basic kubernetes commands, but the installation is a starting point for my learning journey. I wanted to avoid installing something like ...
Debapriya Roy's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to upgrade kubernetes repos on ubuntu

I have two Kubernetes clusters, one on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (first) and another on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (second). Both of them are using Kubernetes 1.26.10. I try to upgrade both to version 1.27.x, but ...
ajlind's user avatar
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How to make master node and worker nodes before installing kubernetes on Ubuntu?

I am trying to install kubernetes on my Ubuntu 22.04 os. I found blogs and videos in Youtube but failed and deleted all. I had hard time when making master node and worker nodes because there was no ...
ekfqlc's user avatar
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Getting ioctl(setctty): operation not permitted: unknown error in K8S-Docker setup

Getting the permission error when trying to start a container in Ubuntu-AWS virtual machine. I am using kubectl apply -f test.yaml to deploy. Nginx is working normally in the same VM. I tried changing ...
Ravi's user avatar
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1 answer

How i can init kubeadm on containerd or cri-docker?

kubectl version --client `Client Version: v1.28.1 Customize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3` kubeadm version `kubeadm version: &version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"28", GitVersion:"v1.28.1", ...
Hardware noob's user avatar
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Custer does not start. etcd and kube-apiserver do not start. Kubelet starts

After a blackout, the cluster does not start. 3 workers + 2 Control Planes. Installed with kubeadm. Version 1.27.1 containerd 1.6.22 Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS It has been running fine for more than one year, ...
JCPuente's user avatar
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2 answers

Calico Node and Kube Proxy crashed permanently on a new node

I have a Kubernetes cluster in version 1.25.0 with some nodes (Ubuntu server machines). I use calico from Now I am ...
Tamino Elgert's user avatar
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1 answer

apache "Options Indexes" working localhost but not with public DNS name

I have a Kubernetes cluster and a very basic container. I am trying to access it through the internet and the task is very simple, I just need to list the index of the directory. Here is my basic ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Error installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22-04 with CoreDNS

I am new to Kubernetes and I am trying to install it on an EC2 instance based on Ubuntu 22.04. Initially I was following the tutorial here. However, I believe it might be either misleading or outdated ...
GregFromMiami's user avatar
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kubernetes cert-manager https attempt propagation check failed

Im trying to set up https on a local bare metal kubernetes cluster. Im getting an cert-manager/challenges "msg"="propagation check failed" "error"="wrong status code ...
lloyd noone's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to run a mailserver on a nginx layer 4 server?

I've just created a layer4 nginx server, which is used as a load-balancer for a kubernetes cluster. I know it is a very basic question (and probably I'll get a lot of downvotes for this), but is it ...
user3142695's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the easiest way to shut down Kubeadm on Ubuntu?

I have just installed kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl, docker, docker-ce on Ubuntu 22.04 and they all are working fine. I am wondering how I shut them all down without making them corrupted? Also how can I ...
best_of_man's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Docker DIND cannot apt-get update but curl works

I've deployed docker-dind on my homelab k3s cluster. And try to build docker images there. However I am getting error while performing apt-get update command. But running curl command on the same ...
XPLOT1ON's user avatar
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Could not resolve host error when trying to reproduce Kyma expose function tutorial

I am trying to setup Kyma for my local k3d cluster by following this tutorial. Everything seems to work fine up until ...
kyma-tester-123's user avatar
-2 votes
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modprobe: FATAL: Module nf_conntrack_ipv4 not found in directory

TASK [kubernetes/node : Modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4] ************************************************************************************* fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, &...
VRK-TECH's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to create a container-disk image for VMs provisioned using KubeVirt

I am trying to create a VM setup in my Kubernetes cluster using KubeVirt. I have two EC2 instances(Master node: t2.xlarge and worker node: m5.metal) in AWS cloud and I have setup the cluster using ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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1 answer

How to prevent changing ownership of '/data/db' in mongodb pod

I'm running a mongodb instance as a kubernetes pod in a single node cluster (bare metal ubuntu machine). The volume is configured ReadWriteOnce as the mongodb pod is accessed only by pods in one node. ...
user3142695's user avatar
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2 answers

Where should I start to troubleshoot high load average?

I have a kubernetes cluster running with 4 worker nodes (Ubuntu 20.04 with 4 CPU) and I am seeing high load average on all of them. Here is the result of top on one of the nodes: top I am unsure ...
Filip's user avatar
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2 answers

kubelet service is not running(fluctuating) in Kubernetes master node

I was trying to create a Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm. I had spin up an Ubuntu 18.04 server, installed docker (made it sure that docker.service was running), installed kubeadm kubelet and kubectl. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't pull images from using kubeadm

I cannot pull images from using kubeadm. I do not understand the problem, as it seems to have correct internet access to get the latest version info correctly. This is running on a ubuntu 20.04 ...
user3142695's user avatar
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Postgres and redis pods are failing from time to time

I've setup a kubernetes cluster (1.19) using RKE on a bare betal ubuntu (20.04) machine. I'm running a self hosted gitlab instance (installed by helm chart) on that cluster. From time to time (every 1-...
user3142695's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to remove kubernetes completely from Ubuntu node

We need to completely remove Kubernetes from Ubuntu 18.04 server. For that we tried kubeadm reset sudo apt-get purge kubeadm kubectl kubelet kubernetes-cni kube* It gives Package 'kubeadm' is not ...
Sachith Muhandiram's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu 20.04 routing for just one IP (in the same subnet) ends in "dev lo" instead "dev eth0", kubernetes worker node can't connect to master node

I bumped to (as it now seem to me) routing issue. I can no longer access one of my worker nodes (server) from my master node (server). AFAIK, it has nothing to do with Kubernetes, it leads to pure ...
Marsplay's user avatar
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apply calico manifest through ansible kubernetes core module

I am trying to install calico on an existing single-node kubernetes cluster (installed through kubeadm). The two manifests are tigera-operator and custom-resources. This works fine if I manually ...
Lethargos's user avatar
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How to spin up a ETCD docker container and restore a backup obtained from a kubernetes ETCD Cluster node?

I am trying to spin up a ETCD node in docker and restore a backup obtained from the Kubernetes Cluster node. ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= --user=root:'root' snapshot save ...
Anjula Paulus's user avatar
1 vote
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K8s monitor resource utilization then create container automatically

Tried to find a solution for a project, not sure can K8s do that by itself or need a third-party tool to get involved. For example, I have 3 Nginx containers to provide load balance for our web ...
ITnewbie's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to track down this spike in Disk IO every 5 minutes on Ubuntu Server / microk8s

I've set up an Ubuntu Server with microk8s, with the dns, dashboard and prometheus addons. It's running some Cardano nodes. On the (built-in) Grafana dashboard "Default / Nodes" I see spikes ...
Danny Tuppeny's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Kubernetes OCI runtime exec failed - starting container process caused "exec: \"etcdctl\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

Background Created a fresh Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm init --config /home/kube/kubeadmn-config.yaml --upload-certs and then joining the 2nd control plane node by running the below. kubeadm join ...
PieDev's user avatar
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2 votes
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Kubernetes - kubeadm join - Connection refused after new control plane joined

Issue I am trying to join a second control-plane node to a K8S cluster. The first node has a IP of where the second node has a IP of There is a load balancer Virtual IP for the ...
Pie's user avatar
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Possibly corrupt K8s configuration. How to find out which node is correct?

I am debugging a DNS issue with Microk8s on Ubuntu, where I cannot communicate with external services from inside a pod. I am now at a point, where I discovered that microk8s kubectl get nodes results ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to export Kubernetes ports to macOS host?

I want to setup a local Kubernetes cluster for testing on macOS. I selected microk8s provided by Canonical. Kubernetes doesn't run native on macOS, but uses a Linux VM provided by multipass. ...
stwissel's user avatar
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kubernates on prem 502 bad gateway

Hi I have installed and configured kubernates I have tried with both minikube and kubeadm What I have installed: flannel, nginx-ingress-controller, metalLB then setted ngix-ingress-controller service ...
Raffa50's user avatar
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Microk8s ( Kubernetes ) for Mysql High- Availability

I am trying to setup MySQL HA Database with Microk8s Kubernetes. The goal is to have MySQL running on all 3 nodes with 1 floating IP in between them, and that if any of the nodes bursts up in flames ...
Perovic 's user avatar
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Kubernetes on-premise setup?

I would like to know how to setup a kubernetes cluster on my Ubuntu 20 DPS I mean, I have installed docker and kubeadm I know how to make a deployment, service and little of ingress, I have used an ...
Raffa50's user avatar
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VPN Network and Kubernetes Clusters

I have a question regarding a best practice when it comes to setting up a kubernetes cluster with VMs across multiple, physical servers. We were able to successfully setup a cluster between multiple ...
turbopasi's user avatar
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kubernates onpremesis ingress nginx bad gateway

Hello I am quite new to kubernates So I have installed kubernates on an Ubuntu DPS then I have also added ngnx-ingress-controller kubectl apply -f
Raffa50's user avatar
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managing multiple LAN on bare metals in kubernetes

Here is my setup : I have multiple LAN's on bare metals. each LAN has a hardware router and has a static ip each LAN has address range 192.168.1.* external traffic usually comes to hardware router ...
shrw's user avatar
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Kubernetes: How to force kube-proxy to listen on localhost only

In my configuration, very basic one (Only calico network, no apps yet) I have nginx-ingress running as NodePort - binding on port 30080. This port should be accessible only from localhost, but k8s ...
Lisek's user avatar
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Recurring pod crashes in microk8s gitlab deployment

I've deployed a Gitlab 12.10 instance on microk8s 1.18 on my Ubuntu 19.10 server. I've noticed repeatedly that some of the pods go into status CrashBackoffLoop or Init:CrashBackoffLoop with error ...
Jens's user avatar
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Installing kubernetes on Ubuntu 16.04 and 19.10 kills network connectivity

Following these steps to install kubernetes on Ubuntu 19.10 running in VMWare player with bridged networking. Installing kubernetes destroys the network connectivity of my guest OS. Specifically it is ...
Dean Schulze's user avatar
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Installing drivers into docker image for kubernetes deployment

I am accessing a USB Card reader on an Ubuntu 18.04 node. Here is what is installed on the Ubuntu 18.04 node to access the USB Card reader: sudo apt-get install pcscd sudo apt-get install pcsc-...
Steven Smart's user avatar