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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

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How to scale websocket listeners?

I'm asking about the case when your service is listening for some streams with non-stationary message intensity. Such situations are arising naturally if you for example listening for stock exchange ...
37buEr's user avatar
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1 answer

K8s - Does LoadBalancer Service need NodePort?

I was going through this tutorial and it says that we need to define NodePort when using service type LoadBalancer. But I've seen implementation of LoadBalancer service types without providing ...
Mark's user avatar
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Cannot Push Log Data to Azure EventHub From Azure AKS using OpenTelemetry

I have an Azure AKS cluster and I am trying to send my container level logs to an Azure EventHub using OpenTelemetry Collector. I am deploying the OpenTelemetry Collector as a DaemonSet and below is ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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How to monitor multiple kubernetes clusters using grafana and prometheus from a separate cluster?

I have three kubernetes clusters. (monitoring, one, two). monitoring cluster is dedicated for monitoring tools. So on monitoring cluster, I will install prometheus and grafana. On other cluster should ...
Mysterio's user avatar
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Websocket with on K8S, how to make it work?

I hope you are well I'm having a problem when trying to open communication between my applications within Kubernetes. Currently client-server communicate through, but when adding it to ...
0 votes
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Apisix kubernetes Discovery not work

I am using official helm chart to install the APISIX in my Kubernetes. I only override the following values from the official helm chart: useDaemonSet-> true serviceAccount -> set create to ...
paddy's user avatar
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Public IP should not be changed when aws eks cluster and managed nodegroup is upgraded

We have used the eks cluster(current version 1.20) and managed nodegroup and used the public IPs of the nodes for our purpose so now when we upgrade the eks cluster and nodegroup with version 1.21 all ...
basava022's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Rook Ceph storage and MySQL space very big difference

Can someone please advise me what could be the cause of this condition? I have a Rook Ceph cluster on which MySQL database with 3x replication is stored. This database is used by me for development ...
JDev's user avatar
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k8s pods on different EKS nodes not getting traffic

I have eks cluster with two nodes, I have four k8s services deployed in the cluster, two of them are in node-1 and the other two in node-2. I have have a Kong api gateway in front of these k8s ...
user1807948's user avatar
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Receiving Kiss of Deaths with chrony

basically I think the issue is that my company NTP server has a Stratum of 5 and it might be laggy at times - but it's maintained by other team so I don't have much info about it. Now I have tested ...
aurelius's user avatar
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Kubelet/Cadvisor on GKE not exporting container_fs_* metrics for attached volumes

In our GKE 1.27.12 cluster, we run a couple of stateful workloads using GCP Volumes, e.g. using this storage class: apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: pd-ssd ...
antaxify's user avatar
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Longhorn distributed block storage not working with Flannel CNI (Kubernetes)

I've been reading through The Book of Kubernetes by Alan Hohn and decided I would try to get the application described in the final chapter working with the Flannel CNI rather than Calico, which is ...
Robert's user avatar
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All Kubernetes pods at my worker node getting CrashLoopBackOff status

I'm new to kubernetes and I'm having trouble to setup a functioning k8s cluster using EC2 AWS instances as nodes. My master node seems fine and also my worker node (I currently only have this to for ...
Miguel Domingos's user avatar
2 votes
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Switch ingress controller to new static IP with zero downtime?

My AKS app uses a standard ingress-nginx ingress controller with a static IP, installed via Helm chart: myStaticIp= myNodeRg=MC_foobar_eastus helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx ...
Max's user avatar
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GitLab web service not connecting to the registry

On an on-prem GitLab server hosted on Kubernetes, after an upgrade of GitLab to the latest version 17.1.0, I notice that the webservice fails to connect to the registry service: {"component":...
Paul's user avatar
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DEPLOY ERROR: cpu memory error in kubernetes when i try deploy pods

Problem: I cannot start my nginx server cluster, promtail demoset and loki pod to aggregate information. Deploy code: code share Error + statics: dashboard error stats Testing: I already tried adding ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Error configuring node-exporter DaemonSet scraping for Prometheus on kubernetes - service account token missing

I have set up a node-exporter DaemonSet on kubernetes as well as a service that points to these node-exporter pods IPs (I followed this tutorial). When I run kubectl get endpoints -n monitoring, I ...
Paula Gouveia's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to obtain authorization to access EKS cluster

Followed this document Cert Signing to get the certificate issued. I created cluster role and role binding to test it. $ kubectl auth can-i create pods --as=myserver yes $ kubectl auth can-i list pods ...
Alexy Pulivelil's user avatar
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Efficiently Managing Dynamic Jupyter Kernels in GKE with Python Backend

I'm working on setting up an environment where I can dynamically create Jupyter notebook kernels as separate pods within a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. Each pod needs to have customizable ...
Lawrence Xiao's user avatar
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SOLVED - Error configuring node-exporter DaemonSet scraping for Prometheus on kubernetes

I am posting the following question already solved, because I've mistakenly posted in on StackOverflow and therefore wanted to share it here so it can be properly found by the community and hopefully ...
Paula Gouveia's user avatar
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Custom changes in Core DNS (Kube-DNS) in OKE (Oracle Cloud Kubernetes) are reverted automatically after one day

I have created an Enhanced Cluster of Kubernetes (OKE) in Oracle Cloud (OCI). Some cluster pods connect to VM instances outside OKE but in the same VCN subnet as the pods. I want these connections to ...
Sahil Aggarwal's user avatar
-1 votes
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ETCD backup and restore issue

I have below question on killercoda for CKA certification Question: For this question, please set this context (In exam, diff cluster name) kubectl config use-context kubernetes-admin@kubernetes etcd-...
Abhinav Banerjee's user avatar
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Internet speed from AWS Singapore region to EU is very slow

We are running k8s cluster in AWS Singapure region. We also have self-managed EC2 NAT instance of type t3.xlarge. According to spec, it has 1 Gbps baseline speed, and burst up to 5 Gbps. When running ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Unable to start metrics server on eks fargate

I am trying to implement eks on fargate. I want to deploy metrics server on eks fargate. I am following official documentation from aws on eks.
Sheersh Jain's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure `kubectl exec` to behavior the same way as `ssh` when there is a client disconnect?

Empirically, it looks like kubectl exec and ssh behave differently on disconnects of the client. I performed the following experiments. SSH # Terminal 1 ssh <random_host_in_aws> bash -c 'sleep ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Expose local kubernetes function to my pc

So I have a function running in my kubernetes cluster. NAME BUILDSTATE SERVINGSTATE BUILDER SERVING ADDRESS AGE minio-event ...
David Backx's user avatar
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Kubernetes frontend service latency much higher than Docker Compose-based setup

I am experiencing a latency issue with my Kubernetes setup compared to a Docker Compose setup. When making a request to the frontend service on Kubernetes, it takes close to 10 seconds to respond, ...
migdsb's user avatar
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DNS as host of http input Logstash

Can I specify the service name in Logstash input plugin? I'm deploying Opensearch with logstash in local Kubernetes cluster. And i have a java application in local kubernetes with service: kind: ...
Антон Сивоконь's user avatar
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Kubernetes podAntiAffinity not working in deployments

I have two different deployments that I need to have their pods be scheduled in different nodes in the cluster. For this I am adding this podAntiAffinity configuration: template: metadata: ...
icordoba's user avatar
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k8s nginx ingress proxy_redirect

I'm trying to achieve this simple configuration on a kubernetes nginx ingress controler: location /path1/ { proxy_pass http://server-1:8000/; proxy_redirect http://...
Julien's user avatar
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Error in the master pod while installing Dremio in Kubernentes

I am trying to install Dremio in Kubernetes using Helm (I have followed this guide). As the distirbuted storage, I am using a S3 compatible object store hosted in a Dell EMC PowerScale. I have some ...
Max Red's user avatar
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Busybox containers require keep alive loop/parameter

By starting deployment with busybox as an image: kubectl create deployment test-deployment --image=busybox --dry-run=client --output=yaml > test-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f test-deployment....
czezz's user avatar
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Metrics-server on a 1.25+ k8s cluster

I’m struggling with a metrics-server on a freshly installed 1.28 cluster. I’ve downloaded the recent 0.7.1 components yaml, but as far as I can see from logs (I relaunched the metrics-server with --v=...
drookie's user avatar
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AKS, how to have kubectl label nodes be persistent

I need some node affinity in some deployments (specifically to have DinD, docker in docker, run one per node in my cluster). I need to have multiple DinD but only one of the per nodes. I add for ...
icordoba's user avatar
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Memory & CPU Utilization drastically different for AKS

I am planning to use Descheduler in my AKS deployment to balance memory consumption of AKS nodes. My current output of kubectl top nodes is: NAME CPU(cores) CPU% ...
Abdul's user avatar
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kubernetes etcd failed to publish local member to cluster through raft

Environment Background: kubernetes configured 3 master and 3 worker node Kubernetes is configured component by component following ...
gcngov's user avatar
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Bad gateway return with k8s traefik ingress when firewalld is enable

Here is the definition of my problem. I have a single node kubeadm cluster running on fedora cloud 40 VMs with vagrant. I activated firewalld with this configuration: kubernetes sources: ...
Manuel L.'s user avatar
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Packet flow of kubernetes cilium CNI

I have a kubernete cluster with cilium replacing kube-proxy. The nat iptables looks like the following: Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination ...
William's user avatar
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Nginx ingress not resolving with I use host in spec rule

I am using nginx ingress with cert manager. Somehow this fails to resolve and I get a timeout when I try to access I am using Azure Kubernetes Service. Everything works if I ...
Roshan Singh's user avatar
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Containers can't resolve hostname rke2 cluster

I am currently running into a problem around connecting to websites from an rke2 container. Whenever I try to connect to a site from inside of a container I receive an unknown host error. for example ...
Mudrock's user avatar
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When trying to connect to the cluster via lens: Failed to get /version for clusterId=id Internal Server Error

I am trying to connect to my kubernetes cluster which was spunup using kubeadm on aws instances. I am using lens desktop app on windows. My kubeconfig file apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: ...
अజయ్'s user avatar
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ServiceMonitor Relabeling EC2 Instance Tags Not Working in Kube-Prometheus-Stack

I'm using the kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart to deploy Prometheus and configure ServiceMonitors for monitoring EC2 instances with the Node Exporter. I have configured the ServiceMonitor to relabel ...
TomerA's user avatar
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Not possible to update Helm AWS TargetGroupBinding

I have a helm chart that contains a TargetGroupBinding {{- range $v := .Values.targetBindings }} apiVersion: kind: TargetGroupBinding metadata: name: {{ include "...
James Gedny's user avatar
1 vote
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How can multiple NGINX pods in Kubernetes write logging into their own separate files?

I have an NGINX installation (used as a web proxy) inside a built Docker image in Kubernetes that will eventually have to be upgraded to run multiple pods to handle the traffic volume. The log output ...
semmelbroesel's user avatar
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ClusterIssuer Failed to register ACME account with cert-manager

I installed cert-manager with kubectl kubectl apply -f I successfully obtained my resources : my_user@vps-...
a.moussa's user avatar
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Building SAMBA AD DC container with Docker and Kubernetes gives wrong content to volumes

I am building a container for Kubernetes that runs a SAMBA Active Directory Domain Controller. I am doing the job through Ansible and the container is being deployed in a Kubernetes cluster (K3S). ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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very strange error HA k8s cluster with haproxy as load balancer

I am trying to create k8s cluster with haproxy as external load balancer ( 2 haproxy nodes, 3 control planes , 3 workers) currently am still trying with 2 haproxy and 2 control planes ERROR : ...
robinmetro1's user avatar
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Elasticsearch Lifecycle policy losing configuration

I have Kibana, Elasticsearch, and Filebeat running in an AKS cluster. Filebeat is configured to capture logs from a few applications in my cluster, send to an index created each day, apply an ingest ...
Ricardo Lima's user avatar
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Rook-ceph. Blok Storage. FailedAttachVolume. Pod of sample is not started

I installed ceph cluster in kuber according to the instructions on 3 nodes wn-1 - /dev/sdb 200 GB HDD wn-2 - /dev/sdb 200 GB SSD wn-3 - /dev/...
Igor Nazarov's user avatar
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How to see logs of crashed pods in a kubernetes cluster

A pod in the Kubernetes cluster has crashed and restarted so many times (150+) to match the replica count in the cluster. Due to this much of restarts, I am unable to troubleshoot, see the logs of the ...
Sathya's user avatar
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