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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

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In kubernetes DNS queries fail between nodes

I have an issue with kubernetes and coreDNS that I am not able to solve. System information 1 master + 2 workers Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.3 (Plow) k8s: v1.28.7 flannel: v0.24.2 coreDNS: v1....
Haskind's user avatar
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Restricting Access to Kubernetes Ingress using LDAP and VPN

I'm working on securing access to my Kubernetes cluster, specifically for the domain name Currently, I'm using NGINX Ingress with the ...
adel hamrouni's user avatar
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K3S: understanding the network model and applying TLS certificates

In order to learn a bit more about K8S I started running a single server/node K3S cluster as a home lab. But I believe I've reached an impasse on my understanding of the network model, maybe specific ...
Jo Colina's user avatar
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Knative On-Premise setup without external IP

I am trying to setup Knative on On-Premise Kubernetes Cluster (without having an external ip). Kubernetes: v1.28 Knative: v1.13 1 master node and 2 workers
Waqar Alamgir's user avatar
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Terraform, EKS and cluster-autoscaler

I'm trying to deploy cluster-autoscaler to an existing EKS cluster. here's my terraform code: resource "aws_iam_policy" "cluster_autoscaler" { name = "...
Alexey Kiyashkin's user avatar
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Prometheus CPU consumption after remote_write is enabled

I have problems figuring out why my Prometheus instance starts to chew a lot of CPU after I enable remote_write feature. I have deployed a prometheus and grafana from chart kube-prometheus-stack, ...
Antonio Soldo's user avatar
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Error "The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?"

I'm new to K8s. I'm configuring a K8s cluster on EC2 and I've started by installing docker, then started: systemclt start docker Installed kubeadm on the EC2 instance: (
M.rob's user avatar
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Azure Istio - Revision asm-1-17 is not supported by the service mesh add-on

I am trying to activate istio in my azure kubernetes cluster, with the following command: az aks mesh enable --resource-group rgtest01 --name akstest01 I am getting the error message: (BadRequest) ...
Marvin Core's user avatar
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RKE2 in HA cluster

Im trying to learn RKE2 which in some cases is different from classic k8s, and I have an issue with setting up HA cluster. I want to have 3 master nodes / 3 worker nodes and physical LB. Lets say: ...
Indoles's user avatar
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Spire deployment on kubernetes and certificate retrieval

I am currently trying to deploy spire on my k8s cluster (3 worker nodes). My objective is to successfully deploy spire and use the certificates generated by the spire-server to encrypt the exchanges ...
Grusat's user avatar
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Linkerd multicluster: probe-gateway mirrored from cluster X has no endpoints

I have many clusters running prometheus and I want to use prometheus federation to be able to do aggregations with the metrics in one central grafana dashboard. In order to achieve it, I have added an ...
victor.valencia's user avatar
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Failing to authenticate with GHCR after kubernetes upgrade to 1.24

I’ve upgraded my AWS EKS to 1.24, and since then authentication with github docker registry fails. I’m running the following Ansible task in Jenkins: - name: Login to github docker registry ...
Supertwister's user avatar
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Cannot add Kubernetes metadata as label to Loki container logs in FluentBit

I am trying to gather container logs in Kubernetes environment using FluentBit, Loki and Grafana. I would like to append Kubernetes Pod name as label so when I query the logs in Grafana, it would be ...
Balint Laszlo's user avatar
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Velero backup PV freezes whole server

I am facing an issue while trying to backup a namespace with PV in it: after running command velero backup create nginx-example-with-pv --include-namespaces nginx-example i am unable to execute velero ...
MODifikaTOR's user avatar
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Kubernetes Cluster Initialization Fails with Kubeadm and CRI-O on Ubuntu 22.04

I am setting up a Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04 using Vagrant, with Kubernetes version 1.28.7 and CRI-O 1.28.2 as the container runtime. I'm encountering an issue when initializing the ...
Mile Stanislavov's user avatar
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Filtering logs sent by opentelemetry-agent to Coralogix

I'm trying to figure out how to configure this filterprocessor to filter some kind of logs. I've created for myself playground in minikube with app that randomly generates logs and installed otel ...
Anatoly's user avatar
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Expose kubernetes to wireguard peers

I have a DO VPS serving as WireGuad server. I have a few devices in that network ( and one computer runs Kubernetes (my home server) with node IP and VPN IP I have ...
Erik Kubica's user avatar
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Kubernetes won't pick up new certificate, x509 certificate expired

kubectl version Client Version: v1.20.4 Server Version: v1.20.15 At the end of January we renewed our external certificates that we use for the applications on the system (as opposed to the kubeadm ...
Stuckinthemud's user avatar
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In K8s network, why UDP packets are dropped by kernel?

In Azure I have two k8s services: serviceA and serviceB. serviceA's type is LoadBalancer, and set externalTrafficPolicy=Local Client sends UDP packets to serviceA, serviceA transfer them to serviceB ...
feiyu_guo's user avatar
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CrashLoopBackOff for whatever Alpine Image used

I am trying a simple deployment with an alpine image (built by myself as well as using vandot/alpine-bash). Deployment gets created then I have 0/1 ready and see CrashLoopBackOff in the pod details. ...
eliassal's user avatar
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Cors issue when deploying a mernstack app on minikube

I have a mern stack app (react vite + nodejs) web app that is working fine as i enabled cors middleware to allow my frontend to send requests to the backend but the problem is when i tried to deploy ...
Achref's user avatar
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GKE Autopilot - consume reservation

I had some issues creating GKE deployment with nvidia t4 GPU (Node scale up in zones europe-west1-b associated with this pod failed: GCE out of resources. Pod is at risk of not being scheduled.) so I ...
Noskol's user avatar
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Data written to PVC using job pod is not available in main POD

I have a job pod with a bash script that executes and writes data to the PVC, however, the same data is not available when I check in from the main POD, both the deployment & job use the same PVC, ...
Naveen Naidu's user avatar
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How to Configure vcluster to Use Internal Docker Registry Certificates?

I'm setting up a vcluster instance and I want it to use images from an internal Docker registry available at docker-registry.docker-registry:5000. On regular Kubernetes nodes, I usually configure this ...
Fabrice Jammes's user avatar
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Readiness probe warning: Probe terminated redirects, Response body:

an HTTP healthcheck with Healthcheck. As you can see, it is redirected to the outside. root@wordpress-848c85d8d6-8cb15:/# curl HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently -I Server: nginx Date: ...
콜라맛홍삼's user avatar
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How to access a docker-compose container running with Minikube?

I used to setup and run some containers in my local machine with docker-compose with the Docker daemon running via Docker Desktop. I uninstalled Docker Desktop (due to licensing issues) and installed ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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NodePort not accessible on all nodes in a k3s cluster

I've got a 3 node k3s cluster, installed using the following commands on fresh Ubuntu server 22.04 installs: # first server curl -sfL | sh -s - server --cluster-init # other two ...
jamzsabb's user avatar
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Questions on Openstack networking (Neutron) configuration

newbie here who's trying to understand Openstack networking topic. My setup: I have 3 physical machines with Openstack installed and running: - controller (with Keystone, Glance, Placement, Neutron, ...
Pybubb's user avatar
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kubeProxy unable to get node ip

I currently running a k8s cluster setup where I have 3 master nodes and 3 worker nodes installed with Kubeadm. Each one of the master nodes is responsible for managing a worker node. In one of my ...
user2643892's user avatar
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Issue with Kubespray Overwriting Sysbox Modifications in kubelet.service

Description I'm encountering a challenge during the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster (v1.28.6) using Kubespray (release-2.24) while integrating Sysbox. The Sysbox integration was performed with the ...
Ottobus's user avatar
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Pods getting restarted after containerd and kubelet service restarts

As part of configuration changes take place, both containerd and kubelet serivces need restart. Upon restarting services, all the pods running on the node getting restarted. I've checked the events ...
Rama's user avatar
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K8 Dual stack one master and multiple worker nodes - centos7

I have k8 dual stack one master and multiple worker node(oci-centos7). how I can failover if my master nodes goes down or whether it will impact running pods on worker nodes?
Shubham Jain's user avatar
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Postfixadmin Kubernetes Debian 12

I have setup a kubernetes cluster on debian 12(first time), and i used the docker mailserver project to install the pods. So far so good, but now I can't seem to expose the 80 or 443 to a network that'...
Turdie's user avatar
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Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus

I need a little bit of help here. I have a Kubernetes cluster up and running and I have a dedicated machine for monitoring with Prometheus running on it. I already have node exporters running and ...
skylar's user avatar
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How to monitor multiple Kubernetes clusters using single Grafana?

I would like to use a single Grafana instance to monitor multiple Kubernetes cluster (pods resources consumption, rabbitmq queues info) provided by Prometheus. I have two Kubernetes cluster - one used ...
FN_'s user avatar
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Kubernetes API returns 403 Forbidden from inside a pod with seemingly correct ClusterRole bound to pod Service Account

I have a Python script that runs inside a k8s pod (Google Kubernetes Engine 1.25) and queries K8S API to create VaultStaticSecret's resources. I'll paste Helm Chart templates for brevity: apiVersion: ...
Dima Medvedev's user avatar
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Kubernetes namespaces vs Docker namespaces

Linux kernel offers a feature called namespaces. Docker containers are isolated with this feature. There is also a "namespace" feature on kubernetes. Does it rely on Linux kernel namespaces ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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Velero Web UI for kubernetes

Does Velero supports Web UI or is it just CLI, I have seen couple of Github repos with the SC.
Uday Sriramadas's user avatar
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how to grant network access to mongo atlas to a EKS deployment

problem: I have an app running on a EKS cluster that needs to connect with a mongodb atlas database. I must grant the app running on the EKS cluster network access by entering its IP address. I do not ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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installed metrics server in kubernetes cluster but getting 'ServiceUnavailable' error for ''kubectl top nodes"

I have a 3 master kubernetes cluster with kubernetes version v1.25.0 NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION master21.server Ready control-plane 77d v1.25.0 master22.server ...
kaushal47's user avatar
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Kubernetes pods Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

I have a problem with MariaDB (mysqld.sock) I have the next architecture: Deployment for APP1 Deployment for MariaDB1 PV11 and PVC11 (/var/lib/mysql/), PV12 and PVC12 (/run/mysql/) NFS1 server. ...
Bob's user avatar
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All cluster resources were brought up, but: 1 nodes out of 1 are unhealthy

Unable to create a gke autopilot cluster using shared vpc . The same shared vpc works fine with standard private cluster . Repeated this multiple times with the same error. Followed google ...
Mujeeb Sayed's user avatar
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In a multi-container Pod, how does the restart of a single container (caused by liveness probe failure) affect the whole Pod

Consider a multi-container Pod where some of the containers have only the 'liveness probe' configured, some have "liveness and readiness" both probes configured, some have only "...
P Gupta's user avatar
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How to use wget with headers in liveness probe in a yaml file in kubernetes?

I am trying to use wget in my liveness probe in Kubernetes. Here is the code: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: namespace: test labels: test: liveness name: liveness-exec spec: containers:...
Edgar Peixoto's user avatar
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Created an ingress, not getting address from Metallb address range

I'm trying to set up a bare-metal kubernetes (RKE2) cluster. I installed metallb following the instructions in the documentation using helm by creating an IP address pool and l2 advertisement. ...
Saksham's user avatar
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How to initialize kubeadm in a non-default network interface?

I have been trying to set-up Kubernetes in my university server which has two network interface. The default interface (10...*) is connected to my university network and there is another interface (...
Sadman Amin's user avatar
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Access to Metallb IPs is not possible

I have a k8s cluster with 3 masters and 7 workers. I have many services on it and I want to expose some of them. I used Metallb for this task and with layer 2 configuration I can get IPs from IP pool ...
sunrise's user avatar
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unable to delete kubeflow - stuck namespaces "terminating"

I am trying to deploy the kubeflow cluster on premise (using virtual machines). A bit of background information first: I followed the official guideline, with one exception - I piped the kubectl ...
user3002166's user avatar
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Kasten k10 dashboard 504 error

I Have installed the Kasten k10 on AWS k8, trying to access the dashboard from service port forward. Dashboard has an network error with error logs on dashboard-svc pod and Gateway pod. Below are the ...
Uday Sriramadas's user avatar
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Why NodePort service is not accessible on Kubernetes Master node?

I have Kubernetes (1.28.2) cluster installed on baremetal VMs. One master and 2 worker nodes. I am using Calico pod network. I have deployed a Traefik ingress with NodePort accessibility. Also ...
bkk's user avatar
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