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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

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Hashicorp Vault transit auto unseal cluster is not receiving requests from transit seal configuration in main cluster (or requests are not being sent)

I am trying to set up auto-unseal for hashicorp vault using the transit secrets engine and two HA clusters. Cluster A is responsible for unsealing cluster B. My issue is that Cluster B (the main ...
Marcus Ruddick's user avatar
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Setting up Prometheus on Azure Kubernetes Cluster

I am setting up Prometheus on a production aks cluster. The app deployment on this cluster is exposed using ngnix ingress behind a load balancer and a firewall device. How do I access Prometheus ...
sakshi's user avatar
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cert-manager Certificate.spec.secretTempate is not updating annotations on the output secret

I recently needed to share a tls configuration between two different namespaces, looking at the docs I saw that you can use reflector to sync secrets between namespaces. I copy/pasted the documented ...
Marcus Ruddick's user avatar
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kube-proxy not starting due to nf_conntrack_max

Team Trying to install k8s but kube-proxy not starting with below error I0603 18:53:21.135178 1 server_others.go:69] "Using iptables proxy" I0603 18:53:21.150071 1 node.go:141] ...
Sandeep Lade's user avatar
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K8 GCE deployment cluster failed to initalize after

Running into a issue after running script on Ubuntu 22.04. From what I can tell, after running it creates my master & worker needs in Google Cloud successfully, but presents ...
user25366854's user avatar
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k8s : Calico node is not coming up

I am trying to bring up k8s cluster with calico. Calico node install-cni container is not coming up root@stage:/etc# kubectl version Client Version: v1.28.10 Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-...
Sandeep Lade's user avatar
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Is it possible to run Rancher on rke2 v1.28.10? If so, which version of nginx-ingress should be used?

I installed v1.28.10+rke2r1 and have three controlplane VMs and four worker node VMs. I wanted to see if Rancher (the web service gui) would work so I added the Rancher helm repo and ran helm install ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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Stop minikube on Ubuntu shutdown

I'm new to Kubernetes, I have internal instruction on how to setup the app locally using minikube. The problem is that I sometimes forget to stop the Cluster, if I do when shutdown the system it will ...
jcubic's user avatar
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Monitor the actions that extract data from AKS cluster to local machine

Is there a way to monitor the actions that extract data from AKS cluster to local machine? like for example another user A have this AKS cluster that have sensitive data and some other user B from ...
生きがい's user avatar
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Issues with Aliyun Scheduler extender in AKS

I am trying to use Aliyun scheduler extender to be able to use a T4 nVidia GPU with multiple PODs, I have a managed AKS cluster with a default NodePool with standard VMs (Standard_D2_v3) and added an ...
Diego Satizabal's user avatar
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bad certificate kubernetes master node

"tls: bad certificate" ""level":"warn","ts":"2024-06-02T11:14:58.713Z","caller":"embed/config_logging.go:169","msg":...
Bipul Khan's user avatar
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kubectl explain Subsequent entries cannot be automatically completed

kubectl explain Subsequent entries cannot be automatically completed. System: Centos 7 2009 Executed commands yum install bash-completion -y echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" &...
user24543355's user avatar
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Cant access Auth0 from kubernetes because of egress network policy

I have an authorization microservice that authorizes users through Auth0. My service is running in kubernetes and I've tested that it works if i disable my egress network policies but it doesn't work ...
LazyJ's user avatar
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airflow git-sync-init not able to access secrets from SecretProviderClass

I am trying to build AKS with GitOps for FLux configuration and CSI Secrets provider for Airflow. I am able to pass secrets from KV to AKS and to other pods, secrets are populated as AKS secrets, ...
Adam's user avatar
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Kubernetes MySQL Operator 8.4.0 not ready (stuck on start)

I have followed step by step the instructions to deploy the MySQL operator on Kubernetes. Following the instructions from the official page. Once deployed without errors, the operator is not in ready ...
dlbmusic's user avatar
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Reducing downtime of Statefulset K8S

I am currently in the process of migrating applications from DO droplets (VPS) to Kubernetes (K8S). The old system applications are mostly stateful, so I am facing challenges in minimizing downtime. ...
Tristan's user avatar
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After restoring etcd data and modifying node labels, there is a situation where pods cannot be scheduled under statefulset

My test environment is two control panel nodes(Suppose they are A and B respectively, and that at the beginning A has the pod's nodeselector tag cur=true.), and one etcd node (using binary files to ...
HuaJFrame's user avatar
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Assign static IP address (outbound traffic) for every pod in EKS cluster

I have my software running in EKS cluster, where every node can fit up to 5 pods. The software uses multiple accounts on 3rd-party service which requires IP whitelisting. I have separate manifest ...
Dmitry Belaventsev's user avatar
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Running into NodeHasDiskPressure using kubeadm with containerd (invalid capacity 0 on image filesystem)

I have a setup with the default configuration of containerd, containerd config default. I have also set SystemCgroup = true since this installation is on arch linux (and their docs mentioned this). ...
Prabhjot Singh Rai's user avatar
2 votes
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Deduplicating nodes listed in `kubectl top nodes`

I've set up a new kubernetes cluster using k3s. When I run kubectl top nodes there are 6 listed even though the cluster only has 4 nodes. Some of the hosts have changed hostnames since first being set ...
slondr's user avatar
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Kubernetes filebeat config map for pod events

We have a pod that restarts randomly and we can't find the reason because Kubernetes only keeps event logs only for a short time. Even if we increase it, the logs will be lost when the pod is deleted. ...
Sahan's user avatar
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How to make ingress-nginx use provided certificate to user?

I am installing Home Assistant in my K3S Kubernetes cluster through Ansible and I want to use a Let's Encrypt certificate for my ingress that has been generated by Cert-Manager running on my cluster. ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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How to Generate and Revoke Kubernetes Admin Config Files in a Kubeadm Cluster?

I have a Kubernetes cluster set up using kubeadm, and currently, developers can access and deploy using the default admin config file. However, I need to generate a new admin config file and revoke ...
Mohamed El Sherif's user avatar
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Do I need service mesh to secure my k8s cluster communication

Many articles across the internet recommend using service mesh solutions like Istio or Linkerd to secure network communication inside a Kubernetes cluster. At the same time, popular CNI plugins like ...
Nikita K's user avatar
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What are my groups in kubernetes (GKE) on GCP?

The answer is supposedly easy: $ kubectl auth whoami But it says that I belong only to system:authenticated. That's not pretty informative, and I believe I must belong to system:masters. Why? Because ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Why the NFS CSI driver is recommended over the NFS in-tree driver?

In the official Kubernetes documentation, I read: To configure NFS storage, you can use the in-tree driver or the NFS CSI driver for Kubernetes (recommended). My questions are: Why the NFS CSI ...
Ortomala Lokni's user avatar
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How to use bare metal Kubernetes with existing AWS Load Balancer (NLB)

I created a cluster manually with kubespray (NO cloud providers used) on AWS EC2 machines that I created myself. I have an AWS NLB that I created myself. What is the proper way to configure Kubernetes ...
Yury Hrytsuk's user avatar
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Merge 2 ~/.kube/config into one

Cluster information: Kubernetes version: Client Version: v1.30.0 Server Version: v1.28.2 Host OS: SUSE Server 15 SP4 CNI and version: calico CRI and version: containerd://1.7.3 Description Im trying ...
czezz's user avatar
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How to setup k8s Windows node using Calico Operator

I have now tried for a week to properly setup Windows k8s node using Calico without success. I have followed official Calico documentation I have tried both Operator and Manual install ...
Bran's user avatar
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How to configure k3s with ingress-nginx to correctly forward user IP in X-Real-IP header?

I am trying to configure k3s with ingress-nginx on some VPS from Hetzner. I have set up a server with a public IP and others without public IPs, all connected in a private network. When I install ...
Dorin's user avatar
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Telegraf cannot reach URL

I wrote a small telegraf.conf. When I put it in a docker compose it works. When I put it in my Kubernetes CLuster it does not. The logs say: [inputs.http] Error in plugin: [url=https://dwd.api.proxy....
Tobias Sackmann's user avatar
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FailedScheduling too many pods. Preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 No preemption victims found for incoming pod

I configured eks and when performing a deployment, the pod is always in pending state. FailedScheduling appears. My node group is created with 2 node - T2.micro - 20gb. Even the simplest deployment ...
Nazim Razac's user avatar
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kubelet.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/bin/kubelet: No such file or directory

I am new to Kubernetes, And I am trying to run kubelet and I am facing huge difficulties. Need your help I tried to remove Kubernetes, and reinstall completly, but kubelet doesn't run at all. ...
Nazim Razac's user avatar
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Getting permission error from Unifi Network Application when connecting to MongoDB in Kubernetes

I running K3S Kubernetes on a cluster server consisting of a mixture of Raspberry 4 and Raspberry 5 nodes. I want to install Unifi Network Application on the cluster server and have come pretty far in ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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Will Kubernetes attempt to assign a node port that has already been manually assigned?

I have manually assigned a node port to a service like so... I'm running on Kube 1.27 spec: type: NodePort selector: app: foo ports: - port: 1775 targetPort: 1775 nodePort: ...
user432024's user avatar
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Google Cloud Composer 2 Environment won't become healthy

I am trying to create a Google Cloud Composer 2 environment in my project, but it fails to become healthy. I am creating it with the default settings and a service account that has the Cloud Composer ...
Nikolai Jay Summers's user avatar
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K8s and Linux Audit Logs Missing From Splunk OTEL Collected Logs

I'm migrating from the Splunk Connect for Kubernetes Helm Chart to the SignalFX Splunk Otel Collector Helm Chart. I'm having trouble translating the custom filters that we have in the SCK chart to add ...
Dejon Gill's user avatar
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Docker-in-docker/Gitlab-CI Cannot use docker command running on Kubernetes Cluster

From subject my gitlab-ci cannot use docker command. With ERROR: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running? This is my gitlab-ci.yml image: docker:...
Nutsakorn Bass's user avatar
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Networkpolicy blocks ingress traffic unexpectedly

Here is the definition of the networkpolicy: spec: podSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - "backend" ...
joker57's user avatar
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Understanding Calico CNI Behavior: Masquerading of Pod IP with tunl0 Interface IP

I have a query regarding pod-to-pod communication across nodes with different subnets in Kubernetes using Calico CNI. In my Kubernetes cluster, I have one control plane node and two worker nodes, each ...
Karthik's user avatar
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ARP resolution does not work as intended in VPC when doing L2 Announcements with CIlium CNI on a K8S Cluster spanning EC2 instances

VPC Configuration VPC CIDR: Region 1: (public), (private) Region 2: (public), (private) Region 3: (public), (...
Ayush's user avatar
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Karpenter consolidation happening on non-scheduled time

Recently I have upgraded Karpenter version to v0.34.0 and along with that disruption feature comes where we can schedule the node consolidation to specific hours. I have added the disruption policy ...
Akshay Rathi's user avatar
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AWS application load balancer not registering targets for Kubernetes EKS node target group

I have an EKS cluster with public/private access on a VPC with public and private subnets. I've setup my ALB in the public subnets on port 80, internet-facing and ip and installed the AWS controller ...
Alex Radwan's user avatar
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Exposing Kubernetes pods with TCP and UDP traffic

I'm writing a Kubernetes operator to deploy individual, dedicated game servers, inside the same cluster. What would be the best method for exposing these servers outside of the cluster? Requirements ...
Rhys's user avatar
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Fluent-bit bitnami helm chart - kubernetes filter does not work

I am trying to run fluent-bit using bitnami helm chart and I want to use kubernetes filter. It does collect the logs but the kubernetes filter does not add any information(pod id, pod name etc). When ...
Szynkie's user avatar
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Discrepancy between kubernetes node memory stats and system memory usage

Kubernetes spits memory limit warnings at me, even though the memory of the node is not exhausted in any measure - neither by kubernetes stastics and even less by system statistics: root@ftt:local-...
xeruf's user avatar
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While creating the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes I faced CrashLoopBackOff on pods

I am trying to create a MySQL Operator for Kubernetes, using the guide of MySQL official documentation( While doing the steps mentioned in the Document, ...
Sivaparan Sivakajan's user avatar
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KUBEFLOW notebook - add custom configuration field

When creating a new notebook I added under Configurations options for nvidia runtime and access to Kubeflow pipelines. Those are both added with a checkbox to toggle on or off which all map to ...
user3002166's user avatar
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Kubernetes is no accepting traffic from my Load Balancer when I deploy it in Terraform in DigitalOcean

When I deploy my ingress controller I get an error from digital ocean dashboard 0/1 Kubernetes nodes accepting traffic -- First I create my kubernetes cluster named avatares_cluster # ...
Juan Topo's user avatar
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Issue between Fleet-managed Elastic agent on external server and Fleet in k8s

My fleet-managed agent can't send logs (they are always dropped) to ES, but does send the metrics. The error message seen in the agent's status is a 504 Gateway Time-out. Additionally, we see this ...
LazyAgent's user avatar

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