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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

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3 votes
2 answers

HAProxy usage with kubernetes

I am trying to setup a kubernetes cluster using HAProxy. Right now there are only two nodes. The loadbalancer is on the master node. But i see from the logs that the connection is tried on a virtual ...
tariq zafar's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Kubernetes, flannel and exposing services

I have a kubernetes setup running nicely, but I can't seem to expose services externally. I'm thinking my networking is not set up correctly: kubernetes services addresses: --service-cluster-ip-range=...
jaxxstorm's user avatar
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1 answer

Accessing kubernetes (hosted via google container engine) securely using kubectl from a remote server

Hi I'm running into issues trying to access my Kubernetes cluster hosted using Google container engine. I want to use the kubectl from an external/remote server (Circle CI) I have gcloud and kubectl ...
andrewpwarren's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Kubernetes cluster down

When running following command for cluster down in Kubernetes, I am getting following error: KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=ubuntu ./ rm: cannot remove ‘/var/lib/kubelet/pods/16981b98-a3bb-11e5-99fb-...
maddy25's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Single Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster/instance across datacenters?

As posted on SO (not sure which community is best suited?) With the understanding that Ubernetes is designed to fully solve this problem, is it currently possible (not necessarily recommended) to ...
Donovan Muller's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

OpenShift Origin and Ceph persistent volume

I have installed OpenShift Origin from latest ansible install. (CentOS 7 - 3 masters and 7 nodes) [root@master-1 ~]# openshift version openshift v1.1.0.1-1-g2c6ff4b kubernetes v1.1.0-origin-1107-...
calvix's user avatar
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33 votes
7 answers

rsync files to a kubernetes pod

I need to rsync a file tree to a specific pod in a kubernetes cluster. It seems it should be possible if only one can convince rsync that kubectl acts sort of like rsh. Something like: rsync --rsh='...
Bittrance's user avatar
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1 answer

Kubernetes Update Pods in Replication Controller behind Service

We have a deployed API in Kubernetes. The API is deployed via replication controller to pods and a managing rc. I would like to update the configuration to the API pods using rolling-update. I can do ...
four43's user avatar
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Kubernetes service etcd références

If someone with quite good kubernetes's services understanding could confirm me that once you require a new service to be created kubernetes push a reference of it on the etcd database and what is the ...
Dr I's user avatar
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2 answers

Permission denied with Openshift PersistentStorage on GlusterFS

I'm trying to use OpenShift with PersistentStorage on a GusterFS cluster. I'm starting one of the default templates : mysql-persistent I've installed a GlusterFS cluster and create a volume ...
mick's user avatar
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2 answers

How to provide Kubernetes api-server credentials to kube2sky inside a docker container in CoreOS

I've got a Kubernetes installation on CoreOS with DNS addon running in a pod. My problem is this: kube2sky cannot access the api-server. By default it uses which is not available to ...
Wienczny's user avatar
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1 answer

Google container engine / Kubernetes 1.1.1 - Service LoadBalancer not being created

I have an existing Kubernetes cluster on Google Container Engine (running api version 1.0.7). When I created 2 service with type LoadBalancer, gke created the necessary forwarding rules to expose them....
toby's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Google container engine - error creating aufs mount

We are using Kubernetes hosted on Google Container Engine. We have started to see regular pod failures with the following status: API error (500): error creating aufs mount to /var/lib/docker/aufs/...
toby's user avatar
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1 answer

Google container engine cluster upgrade failure

We have a Kubernetes cluster running on Google Container Engine. The Container clusters section of the Google cloud console shows that the cluster api version is 1.06. I tried to do a rolling update ...
toby's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Forwarding a port in docker-compose without having to open an SSH connection with the -L option specified

I've been following this tutorial on getting started with Kubernetes using Docker containers, which is a variation of this official tutorial modified to use docker-compose. I've managed to get as far ...
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1 answer

Pods fail and restart / exit many times on Google Container Engine

I'm setting up Google Container Engine and have created pods, a resource controller, and a service. However, it never get ready and restarts for many times as follows. (restartPolicy is Always) $ ...
Jumpei Ogawa's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Kubernetes Disable Grafana

We are using Kubernetes and successfully running our apps. However with our pods running and no traffic our minions are running with high CPU. Looking into the issue further: influxdb and heapster ...
four43's user avatar
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2 answers

Kubernetes - Specify env_file

We are using Kubernetes v1.1.0-beta and I am curious if Kubernetes supports env_file, like Docker Compose? On Pod/ReplicationController creation it would read in the file specified by env_file and set ...
four43's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

expose kubernetes service on local vagrant installation

I'm currently playing with kubernetes. I started it according to the documentation locally using the vagrant approach. Everything works fine but I can't manage to expose a service port, e.g. the web ...
peez80's user avatar
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Running kubernetes on OSX via Docker Toolbox

I'm trying to get Kubernetes running on OSX. I've downloaded and installed Docker Toolbox and have followed the instructions here. When I try to run kubectl get nodes I get the following error: ...
CooCooCaCha's user avatar
262 votes
5 answers

Kubernetes stuck on ContainerCreating

A pod in my Kubernetes cluster is stuck on "ContainerCreating" after running a create. How do I see logs for this operation in order to diagnose why it is stuck? kubectl logs doesn't seem to work ...
four43's user avatar
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3 answers

Add LoadBalancer to existing service

Following this guestbook tutorial. Near the end they sort of gloss over how to create a LoadBalancer or assign NodePorts to the service. They reference this doc that describes the different types ...
four43's user avatar
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68 votes
5 answers

How do I tell when/if/why a container in a kubernetes cluster restarts?

I have a single node kubernetes cluster in google container engine to play around with. Twice now, a small personal website I host in it has gone offline for a couple minutes. When I view the logs ...
Marc Hughes's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Network unreachable in Kubernetes containers

I'm attempting to setup an experimental kubernetes cluster to see whether it is worth it to migrate our current mesos cluster to kubernetes. Since we are providing our own CoreOS servers I'm ...
cdecker's user avatar
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2 answers

kubernetes kube-proxy iptables errors

I'm trying to setup a kubernetes cluster on several ESXi hosts. The etcd/kube-apiserver/kube-scheduler/kube-controller-manager seem okay, however on the docker hosts (in this case coreos stable hosts) ...
James Geraldo's user avatar
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How iptables work when DNAT and REDIRECT are both set with the same rule?

$ iptables -t nat -L -n Chain KUBE-PORTALS-CONTAINER (1 references) target prot opt source destination … REDIRECT tcp -- /* service-nginx */ ...
harryz's user avatar
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2 answers

Server utilization and how to deal with datacenter failure

New technologies like Docker, Mesos, Kubernetes etc. allow much better server utilisation in an organisation. However, I'd like to know how utilisation can be maximised across two datacenters, taking ...
Donovan Muller's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

PostgreSQL failover with Kubernetes

I've got master slave replication working with Kubernetes, but would now like to implement failover. I have pods running with the service=postgresql and role=master or role=slave roles. When the ...
Vincent den Boer's user avatar
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Flanneld not picking up the right network settings

I am running Centos 7 with Kubernetes, Docker, etcd and flanneld. Currently I am seeing a problem with Flanneld which I can't seem to figure out. I have setup etcd and configured the network. ...
Exsisto's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to choose the external IP address of a Kubernetes load balancer in Google Kubernetes Engine

I'm deploying a web app using Google Kubernetes Engine and I want to make it accessible via a load balancer on an existing static IP address that I control as part of the same project in Google Cloud ...
Ben's user avatar
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0 answers

SAML/OpenID authentication on Docker/Core OS

I have a set of servers running Core OS/Docker/Docker Swarm. I have my users in a SAML/OpenID SSO server. I want these users to be able to run Docker containers on my Core OS cluster. How do I ...
Konstantin Kladko's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Dynamic Commands and Parameters in Kubernetes Templates

We would like to enrich our kubernetes environment with consul to have a portable layer for application/stage/peer configuration. These would be my steps, based on my current understanding: build / ...
Stefan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to create an internal/private load balancer in google compute engine

I have two clusters. Cluster A (on google container engine) is a public facing cluster and it needs to connect to a private Cluster B (a click-to-deploy cluster on GCE) to access a service. I would ...
chrishiestand's user avatar
4 votes
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Exposing port 80 and 443 on Google kubernetes loadbalancer service

I followed the guestbook tutorial from Google and created my own configuration files from it. So farm everything is working fine. Now, I would like to expose the port 80 and 443 from my webserver ...
koleror's user avatar
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Can't connect to kubernetes's service by IP

I'm following steps from the k8s guestbook example ( and i have issues with frontend service described in this example. ...
TermiT's user avatar
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1 answer

Create Google Container Cluster with custom kubernetes version

I'm trying to use Google cluster container and faced very odd issue. Google preinstalls and preconfigures kubernetes+coreos in this cluster. It has version 0.12.2 and looks like it's buggy: https://...
TermiT's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

From docker containers to Google Kubernetes

This one is a little theoretical but please bear with me. Currently I have a server running a few Docker containers (4 or 5, depending on day and time). I plan to add another one, just like the first,...
dlyk1988's user avatar
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