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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

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cannot create subdomain because dns client is nil

when I deploy from docker registry app (abdomamdouh/kiada:0.1) to k3s cluster using text, I get this error my porter config cluster: 4 driver: local helmrepo: "0" host: http://...
Abdelrahman Mamdouh 's user avatar
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How to link resources in crossplane for openstack provider

I am experimenting with crossplane in openstack. I created a Composition that group different components, like 1 virtual machine, 1 keypair to access the machine and one volume to mount in the machine....
amh9412's user avatar
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Do I need to do anything to manage many outgoing connections to an outside service from a kubernetes cluster?

In my kubernetes cluster I'm running many small pods per node (about 30) and each pod creates a few TCP connections to a single service on the internet to send HTTP requests to. So each node on the ...
uylmz's user avatar
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k8s's pod in EC2 get disabled every hours

I'm running k8s on my ec2(t3.medium, not eks node) as masternode for webapp. I thought t3.medium could handle k8s, but.. my api server just not works(nginx shows 502 bad gateway) every hours and I ...
bucky2's user avatar
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services is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:mockup" cannot list resource "services" in API group "" in the namespace "default"

I have this Helm chart which is used to deploy kubernetes pod: When I start the pod I get error: 2024-04-01 17:42:45.953 ERROR ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Can't resolve service in Kubernetes

I have a pod that wants to connect to Redis, but we use dragonfly instead, but it can’t do that. [2024-04-01 14:34:28.421 DEBUG common_server/src/db/] creating redis pool with ...
Moonlight's user avatar
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How do we configure prometheus server to scrape metrics from a pod with Istio sidecar proxy?

A service pod is running with Istio sidecar container and is MTLS enabled. How do we define a service monitor to scrape metrics from this service ? Do we need to update the Prometheus server for the ...
Nipun Talukdar's user avatar
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Can the kube-vip load balancing service implement jumps after a kubernetes node is notReady?

I'm new to kubernetes and I'm learning about high availability clustering, I'm using kube-vip for load balancing in the form of static pods. # kubeadm version kubeadm version: &version.Info{Major:&...
HuaJFrame's user avatar
-1 votes
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Kubernetes: Cannot access resources in cert-manager namespace from default namespace

I am trying to learn how Kubernetes works, so I have made my own K3S cluster using the quickstart guide. Then I installed Cert Manager using the guide for Helm. I want to use Let's Encrypt ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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Is is possible to configure two external IP addresses to an nginx ingress controler on kubernetes

I would like to provide two external IP depending on the environment of a namespace (dev or prod). My idea is to host the same fqdns on dev and prod namespaces. e.g. if the client resolves www....
Julien's user avatar
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Create DNS record for pod in Kubernetes for internal usage

I have this Helm chart which I use for deployment of microservice. Several Microservices need to make a internal API ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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What does kubelet do if you delete the node?

In a Kubernetes cluster, if you delete a node from the API server, how does the corresponding machine's kubelet respond? Does it send a request to the API server to recreate the node resource, or does ...
benjimin's user avatar
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Kube-apiserver Unable to authenticate the requests, All workers NotReady Status

All of the workers status are NotReady. Kubelet on worker node shows below problem. Inspecting one of the workers kubelet shows below. Seems to be kubelet cannot access kube-apiserver $ curl -k ...
Nyc's user avatar
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How can I determine the resource responsible for a specific APIService?

I'm new to k8s, so please forgive me if I use some definitions incorrectly. Every k8s cluster has a set of APIs available, some of which are part of k8s itself ("core", or "built-in&...
Alexandr Paliy's user avatar
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How to configure Ipv6 subnets for kubeadm setup of Kubernetes on a vlan?

I'm not understanding how to setup global ipv6 addressing for the pod network in a new dual stack kubernetes cluster. My isp gives me an ipv6 subnet of: 2001:1234:1234::/48 for example I have 3 vlans ...
Dreamystify's user avatar
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Configure Ingress controller on Native Kubernetes

I'm trying to implement the solution from this tutorial on Kubernetes v1.29.2: I run: root@node1:~# helm repo add nginx-stable https://...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Can I change controlPlaneEndpoint after kubernetes initialization?

I'm new to kubernetes and this is my kubernetes version info kubeadm version: &version.Info{ Major:"1", Minor:"27", GitVersion:"v1.27.3", GitCommit:"...
HuaJFrame's user avatar
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Kubernetes dashboard spekt8 doesn't display any data

I'm trying to install a kubernetes dashboard spekt8 I do everything according to the instructions on their page (and kubectl apply -f fabric8-rbac.yaml. too) After installation, the dashboard page ...
n0whereman's user avatar
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how to ingress correctly in kuberenetes with nginx-ingress

I'm new to k8s and I'm having slight trouble setting up a local cluster on virtual machines and have it be accessible from at least my host machine. setup. I've a local cluster consisting of three ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Kubernetes on premise cluster ingress controller installation error

I am new in kubernetes administration. i just wanted to test ingress controller but i am afraid i get error like below. the pods related to ingress controller wont be running. i searched a lot on ...
Tom Clerk's user avatar
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Discrepancy between Kubernetes node memory usage reported by kubectl top and summed pod memory usage

I'm facing a discrepancy in memory usage reporting in my Kubernetes cluster, and I'm hoping to gain some insights into what might be causing it. When I run kubectl top pods --all-namespaces, I get the ...
A. Vreeswijk's user avatar
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Unable to find kube-proxy pod in Openshift 4.14

I run Openshift with CRC: CRC version: 2.32.0+54a6f9 OpenShift version: 4.14.8 I use SDN CNI: [openshift@openshift ~]$ kubectl get pods -A| grep sdn openshift-sdn ...
Fabrice Jammes's user avatar
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Resolving OpenEBS Startup Probe Failure with Istio on Kubernetes: Connection Refused Error

I'm trying to deploy a Helm chart on my Kubernetes cluster where Istio is already installed. Here's a snippet of my Helm chart's dependencies: dependencies: - name: opensearch version: "0.13.0&...
Tom's user avatar
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Access pod from external public url

I created this test helm chart which I want to access via public url domain: Ingress ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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AWS VPC CNI PLUGIN - Error: container runtime network not ready due to NetworkPluginNotReady - How to Resolve

I am facing difficulty in this, maybe the answer is simple so if someone knows the answer, please comment here. I have created an EKS cluster using the following manifest. apiVersion:
Arun Lal's user avatar
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Updating csi-driver without stopping

I'm now facing this. # module.eks_volume_provisioning.aws_eks_addon.csi_driver will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_eks_addon" "csi_driver" { ~ addon_version ...
jesus's user avatar
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Cluster Openshift on AWS with IPI, installation error no such host

I'm trying to deploy an OpenShift cluster on AWS using the IPI installation. I've used a t3.xlarge instance and followed the steps in the following guide
Felice Coppola's user avatar
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Rabbitmq keeps crashing - Reason: Completed

I am running a rabbitmq inside Kubernetes cluster using Bitnami chart. And if often crashes with no other reason than "Completed". Prior migration to k8s, Rabbit was working fine as one of ...
FN_'s user avatar
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Failed to access LoadBalancer outside cluster with MetalLB

I'm using Kubespray with MetalLB. I managed to create a service with LoadBalancer. The thing is, the external IP is only accessible by either of the VM nodes only. FYI, the VM nodes are:, ...
sancho21's user avatar
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Cant attach to ephemeral container

I created ephemeral container and tried to attach it, but in pod status unable to find anything about it, seems spec are updated with empty containerID. How to fix it? (ephemral containers are work ...
kirgizz's user avatar
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kubelet_volume_* metrics not showing all PVCs

I use Prometheus to monitor my Kubernetes cluster. I have 42 PVCs Bound to 42 PVs. For some reason, kubelet_volume_* return information about only 29 of them. I looked everywhere and I could not find ...
Mohamed Aziz Tousli's user avatar
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Containerd can`t find the image in the private registry, so k8s can't get the image for the container

I try configure k8s cluster. I have private docker registry on the nexus server and try pull image from it. When i use docker pull all work correctly, but when i use helm for deploy my app, i have ...
discreight's user avatar
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K8s - not working L2 Advertising of Metallb

I'm installing 1 node k8s cluster and can't reach metallb IP address from same subnet. CRI = Containerd 1.6 CNI = Flannel. control-plane taint is disabled Pod CIDR = Cluster CIDR = ...
SeanCooper's user avatar
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Issues Adding Non-Hetzner Provider Nodes to Rancher Cluster: Stuck at "Waiting for agent to check in and apply initial plan"

I have successfully deployed a Rancher server on one out of five servers obtained from Hetzner. For the cluster configuration, I designated one of the remaining servers for the control plane and etcd ...
humanbeing's user avatar
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dns problems in self managed aws ec2 cluster with aws-vpc-cni

I'm new to k8s and I've been trying to learn it. I faced a problem with trying to setup aws-vpc-k8s-cni on my fresh k8s cluster with coredns. Here's the problem in detail. Cluster & Network ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Why does kubeproxy, apiserver and etcd not need CNI plugins to start?

I have initiated a k8s cluster on a server with the below configuration: OS: Ubuntu 2022 LTS Container Runtime: containerd CNI: Absoloutley nothing installed! Cluster initiator: Kubeadm init-...
mmafshari's user avatar
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e2e tests on namespace's age

I wrote a really simple code to delete every namespace older than X days in a kubernetes cluster. Now I want to add tests to my function and check if a namespace is deleted or not. The basic idea was ...
Oyabi's user avatar
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How to make kubeadm init work with external CAs?

I am trying to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster using my own Certificate Authorities (CAs). I am following the Kubernetes Hardening Guide, which recommends having separate CAs for etcd and the rest of ...
Admineral's user avatar
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How to run a kubernetes pod as NFS server?

I have the following problem: We have an S3 Minio Storage with a dataset consisting of ~600k files which amount to around 1.3Tb of storage space On our Kubernetes cluster I want to run a training ...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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FreeIPA fails to deploy in kubernetes due to dbus error

I'm facing issues with deploying FreeIPA in kubernetes. I'm using provided image based on rocky 9, but this issue also happens on other images (based on fedora, CentOS etc.). Deploying it my local ...
Art's user avatar
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Deploy TBMQ into Kubernetes via terraform not by Helm

I want to deploy a TBMQ MQTT broker into a kubernetes cluster. I succeded for minikube, but can't do this via terraform to my remote cluster. TBMQ does not provide Helm chart package. What approach ...
dgad's user avatar
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RabbitMQ high memory consumption

I reguraly meet the issue when one of my rabbitmq nodes in the k8s suddenly consumes all my memory on the node, and then will be killed by OOM. After restart everything works fine, but ... this ...
Twisted_sister's user avatar
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PVC is in terminating state and PV is in bound state in Kubernetes

I have the PVC which is in terminating state (because it is referenced from 3 other pods) and the PV is in bound state. PV has the retain reclaiming policy. Also I am not sure on the reason for the ...
Harry's user avatar
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Alternative solution to Kubernete ingress rules for 404 resource error

For two days I was plagued by the following scenario: We have a kubernetes cluster (Rancher GUI) where within a namespace I will host a few different services. I wanted to set up an ingress controller ...
chimp.society's user avatar
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Setting up an alternative domain for an entire cluster

I have an openshift cluster set up with a hosted application (Maximo Application Suite) I'm attempting to set up an alternative domain for said cluster. I want to keep the default routes and not ...
Price's user avatar
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Upgrading personal AKS cluster

I have a personal Kubernetes cluster on AKS and Azure is making it mandatory for me to update the Kubernetes version in order to add a new node into the cluster. Now that I have to do this, I would ...
deniable_encryption's user avatar
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ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when setting up NGINX proxy in front of NGINX proxy and moodle in k8s

I have a pod running moodle and it has NGINX in front of it. The configuration of it is here: In my ...
Foobar's user avatar
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Configure MetalLB with NginxIngress to accept request from the Internet

We have a Minikube deployment on one VM on Bare Metal Cloud (OVH Cloud). Kubernetes version: v1.28.3 Installation method: Minikube Host OS: Debian 10 CRI and version: docker://24.0.7 We have ...
ejfilip's user avatar
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404 error on jaeger-collector in kubernetes deployment

I've tried istio in kubernetes by referring official site of istio. In that, I can access kiali, prometheus but I can't connect the jaeger-collector. Since I'm using EKS and VM, I've exposed them as ...
Mathew F's user avatar
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Deploy a Redis cluster in Kubernetes with High Availability

I am looking at deploying a Redis cluster (3masters, 3workers/slaves) on Kubernetes. I found the Redis Operator as being the best option but the “capability level” doesn’t look that attractive to me. ...
Jérémy Ferfer's user avatar

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