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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

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MySQL Operator on Kubernetes Pods Stuck in Initializing State with "FailedBinding" Error

I'm trying to deploy MySQL InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes using the Oracle MySQL Operator with the help of manifest files and kubectl. However, when executing the mycluster.yaml file, the pods are stuck ...
Tharsha Sivapalarajah's user avatar
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ECK Monitor Fleet Server Error When add TLS Certificate on Elasticsearch

When i add TLS Certificates in elasticsearch my fleet-server has error as detail below. {"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2024-05-03T08:02:03.862Z","log....
Nutsakorn Bass's user avatar
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“Annotations.runbook” doesn't generate a link in a Slack message

In my k8s cluster, deploy kube-prometheus-stack, it is configured to send alert manager notifications to Slack. For some unknown reason, the Runbook icon is inactive and nothing happens when you click ...
User.354125's user avatar
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Collecting logs from Kubernetes container file system (not from stdout or stderr)

I am trying to find a way to get Promtail collect logs from a container file system. These logs were not generated using the standard output, which automatically gets discovered by Promtail. They have ...
kloudkid's user avatar
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Kubernetes pod name or print something unique in the pod logs entries or any alternative (rsyslog implementation)

I have implemented Rsyslog server for fetch the pod logs from EKS nodes (Rsyslog client). Everything is working fine but in the logs I need pod name or something uniq to identify the log entries ...
Harish KM's user avatar
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Connecting Harbor with Docker repository in Nexus

We have the following use case: Nexus Repository server storing all Docker images. K8s cluster in VMWare Tanzu environment Harbor Docker registry server in VMWare Tanzu environment Goal: Deployments ...
andreasgk's user avatar
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Kubernetes doesn't evict podes from "unplugged" node

We have k8s v1.25.6 on-prem cluster with 3 nodes and a second one as a mirror (it's production setup). On them both we observed that if a node failed the expected eviction of pods that were running on ...
Semyon Chechin's user avatar
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How do Fargate pods locate CoreDNS?

How do Kubernetes serverless pods (EKS Fargate) know the IP address to access the cluster's DNS server (the CoreDNS service deployment)? I recently updated a Kubernetes cluster to set up serverless ...
benjimin's user avatar
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Pod of StatefulSet is terminated and stays in Status Completed

Introduction I've an issue with a pod in a StatefulSet which is terminated, stays in the Completed state and is not restarted. I will describe the situation in a concrete example, that will provide ...
Matthias M's user avatar
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Getting "Read-only file system" error with Elasticsearch deployment on Kubernetes

I'm trying to deploy Elasticsearch 7.12.0 on Kubernetes and have configured it to run as a single-node cluster. But after deployment, I encountered the following error: Exception in thread "main&...
Maksym Hryniewicz's user avatar
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IP Whitelisting in (AKS) Kubernetes / ingress-nginx

Hello anyone who reads this, I'm looking for a way to restrict access to a publically exposed service (type LoadBalancer) at to a specific trusted IP at The way ...
0xlivingbeef's user avatar
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Using PAT to authenticate against AzureDevops Git in AzApi Terraform Provider

I am trying to use the AzApi Terraform Provider to install fluxcd on a k8s cluster running on Azure Cloud. Fluxcd should then look for changes in a AzureDevops Git Repo. In the AzApi Terraform Flux ...
Andresch Serj's user avatar
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There is a Base Clock difference by service in ubuntu 20.04

Currently using Intel Xeon 4216, 6226R CPU in bare metal. Base clocks of 2.1GHz and 2.9GHz are normal, but only 800MHz and 1200MHz are confirmed as the lowest clocks. For servers used by other ...
pal pay's user avatar
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How to create Persistent Volume Claim in Kubernetes with Ansible?

I am trying to install Unifi on a Kubernetes cluster server (K3S) using Ansible and ran into troubles when trying to define a persistent volume claim. I am using Kubernetes.Core module and I have ...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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Kubernetes: Influxdb 1.8.10 container can’t create users

I deployed on docker InfluxDB v 1.8.10 with command: docker run --name influxdb -t -e INFLUXDB_HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED=“true” -e INFLUXDB_DB=“mydatabase” -e INFLUXDB_USER=“user” -e INFLUXDB_USER_PASSWORD=“...
Marco Ferrara's user avatar
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Pod can't ping other worker node

Now, I successfully created a cluster including 1 master, 3 worker nodes. All cluster be communicated by Calico CNI Master node: I have a IP static public be attach into node (special) My error: I ...
Trourest's user avatar
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EFK Data is getting lost on pod restart

I am facing the data persistence issue for EFK setup when pod gets restarted. I have setup the master, data and client pod. Please have a look at below configurations. master.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 ...
Wagh's user avatar
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How to manage EKS RDS ACK subnetgroups?

I have a script that sets up an EKS cluster with additional helpful services. One of this is to install the RDS controller kit (ACK) to spin up Aurora databases. However, sometimes when I run this ...
Jon Watte's user avatar
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How to clear older images io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs folder in kubernetes

The vulnerability checks is picking up older version of apps/software which are from /apps/data/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs/snapshots/XX/fs/usr/lib on our Kubernetes nodes. We ...
Mihir's user avatar
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Multi master HA Kubernetes kubespray installation using kubevip fails

I'm trying to install a HA Kubernetes using Kubespray with Kube VIP. I followed the instruction of Kubespray for Kube VIP but it gets stuck on "TASK [kubernetes/control-plane : Kubeadm | Create ...
Mohammad Reza Ghahremani's user avatar
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How to setup external load balancing to my kubernetes cluster securely?

We have for a period of time just pointed our dns to one of the nodes in our cluster. That node has then load balanced internally to the correct node and application. Something like this: The problem ...
Viktor Eriksson's user avatar
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Traefik IngressRoute. How to proxy a request to an external IP-address?

I use Traefik IngressRoute in Kubernetes. My goal is to proxy a request when accessing to I would do this in Nginx: location /...
Maksim's user avatar
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Nginx Ingress Controller on Baremetal Kubernetes Cluster Issues

so I am in the process of standing up a production ready cluster to utilize on prem resources. We have a MetalLB loadbalancer installed in the cluster with a pool of IP addresses from
Brandon's user avatar
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OpenShift REST API to trigger clusters upgrade in an effort to automate cluster upgrade process

Wondering if anyone has experience in OpenShift cluster upgrade automation? I'm looking at the automation feasibility to manage OpenShift clusters upgrade through REST API. My OpenShift clusters run ...
kaiilim's user avatar
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Metrics: unreachable Kubernetes API (no logs)

While running the rke setup we have this problem: reconcile] host [] is a control plane node without reachable Kubernetes API endpoint in the cluster in the metrics pod: │ E0415 14:51:...
Guillaume's user avatar
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tls: handshake failure in kubernetes pod

I'm trying to stand up a basic Kubernetes cluster and I'm running into an error with TLS. Anytime a pod tries to access an https site it gets some kind of TLS handshake error. Terraform for example ...
ckchessmaster's user avatar
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Error creating directory: /var/run/kubernetes

Title: Permission Denied Error when Starting Minikube: Failed kubeconfig Update : writing kubeconfig: Error creating directory: /var/run/kubernetes: mkdir /var/run/kubernetes: permission denied trying ...
kushal shukla's user avatar
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Why does php-fpm always have one worker running with ondemand in Kubernetes

We're running a php-fpm container in Kubernetes. This is a test setup, so to preserve resources, php-fpm (8.1) is configured with: pm = ondemand pm.max_children = 5 pm.max_requests = 1000 The ...
roelvanmeer's user avatar
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RKE2 error- Waiting for API server to become available Waiting to retrieve kube-proxy configuration; server is not ready

Issue 1 In the high-availability RKE2 Kubernetes cluster, I have provisioned a single load balancer (1LB) and three master nodes. Initially, all components were functioning as expected. However, ...
user24266244's user avatar
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AWS EKS : Creating a statefulset. Each replica with it's own persistent storage on EFS

I'm trying to deploy a statefulset with 3 replicas on AWS EKS, with each replica having it's own persistent storage(on efs) dynamically created. The efs server address is stored in aws secrets manager....
MChiru's user avatar
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TLS communication inside pod

I have a pod with two containers: c1 and c2, c2 is the sidecar. c1 is running in tls, c2 communicates to c1 using TLS. c1 and c2 could share the same certificate. What CN or SAN should the ...
joker57's user avatar
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Error when installing kubelet from yum repo on Amazon Linux 2023

I tried to roughly follow Kubernetes the Hard Way to install Kubernetes from scratch. But I did it on AWS Graviton (Arm64) nodes with Amazon Linux 2023, mostly using cloud-init. I installed most of ...
Jonas's user avatar
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What should be the NodeClassRef for Karpenter's NodePool in GKE?

I have created a GKE cluster in GCP and wanted to install Karpenter on it for the autoscaling. While trying to install Karpenter, pods gives the error asking to create the NodeClaim resource which ...
Harshit Agarwal's user avatar
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Kubernetes self managed cluster connection

I have managed to run Kubernetes cluster within my local network consisting if several nodes running as multipass instances and several devices. I am using cilium for the networking. What I am trying ...
Arturs Radionovs's user avatar
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How to prevent orphan objects in argoCD apps?

In my configuration app folder I have 2 manifests: deployment.yaml and service.yaml. The argoCD app works fine, but at every update it creates a new replicaset, with a new pod and when the new pod is ...
1endell's user avatar
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Kubernetes (CRI-O) cannot ping to any host

Cannot ping to any host from kubenetes pod. Needed functionality: Ping between 2 kubernetes pods Expected result: Successful ping between 2 pods. Current output: pod/kube-server-rtt-3 created pod/kube-...
ArneDH's user avatar
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502 Error When Accessing AKS via Application Gateway Ingress in Azure Private network

I have configured an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with an Application Gateway in a private network setting. To facilitate communication between them, I've set up an Application Gateway Ingress ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Unable to change awx custom volumeMount permissions in k3s init container

I am currently trying to edit my AWX deployment on k3s. The goal is to add a PVC as a volume mount so that I have persistent storage to write files to from my Ansible tasks. The PVC mounts to the Task ...
Pancakery's user avatar
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Ansible "Failed to create temporary directory" (GCP)

I've encountered an issue with my Ansible playbook that provisions both a Kubernetes cluster and other servers within our cloud infrastructure. Specifically, the problem arises when I configure the &...
1wonder's user avatar
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rke2-ingress-nginx missing master node's ip adress

My cluster was fine for like 40 days without problem. But today it suddenly broken. When i curl to my app with command: curl output: connection refused. I checked my ingress and realised ...
Bayarkhuu's user avatar
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Kubectl specify memory for horizontal pod

I’ve seen documentation that kubectl can specify flags such as the target average CPU utilization: kubectl autoscale deployment <deployment> --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10 Why is there no ...
dejanualex's user avatar
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Is it possible to deploy Milvus on Kubernetes without using Helm?

I'm trying to deploy an application on Kubernetes using a Helm chart, specifically the storage classes, following the instructions provided in the documentation ( ...
MPP's user avatar
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Kubernetes- execution phase preflight: couldn't validate the identity of the API Server

I am trying to create a bare metal Kubernetes cluster of one master node and three worker nodes. The nodes are Ubuntu VMs running in a VMWare Workstation lab environment. The master node is ...
Naser's user avatar
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cloudbeaver Failed to create connection: Read-only file system

I have deployed cloudbeaver with manifest to kubernetes kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: cloudbeaver namespace: cloudbeaver spec: replicas: 1 strategy: type: ...
rp346's user avatar
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Terraform Azure - Error deploying AKS NoRegisteredProviderFound

I am trying to deploy an AKS cluster using this terraform code. resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "k8s" { name = location = ...
Robert's user avatar
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Tried to set up a K8 cluster from scratch on Ubuntu 22 but the kubelet is failing to register nodes

The kubelet service shows the below error Apr 05 14:13:06 estk8worker0 kubelet[90209]: E0405 14:13:06.863258 90209 kubelet_node_status.go:92] "Unable to register node with API server" err=&...
Sks's user avatar
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I'm getting the error "InvalidParameter" while trying to create nodes in my AKS Cluster

I'm trying to install CAST AI, a tool that helps to reduce kubernetes costs, the tool is trying to create a agentPools in my cluster but i'm getting the following error: { "code": "...
vero's user avatar
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Kubernetes stuck in CrashLoopBackOff when I try to use multus

I have a master node and a worker node in two virtual machines, one virtual machine(Ubuntu) is master node and the other one(also Ubuntu) is the worker node. After installing Multus CNI using the ...
Francisco Chacón's user avatar
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Unable to join EC2 worker to VirtualBox master

Im deploying a Hybrid Cloud(VirtualBox-AWS) Kubernetes cluster. What I have done so far: Set the control-plane on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS via VirtualBox 6.1. Change network adapter to bridged Ran the ...
Mabadai's user avatar
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Kubernetes - "Whitelisted" Node Pool Implementation?

Is it possible to create a node pool which will only accept deployments from "marked" deployments? I know that you can tag a deployment not to be scheduled on a given pool, but I would like ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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