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Email smtp credentials keep getting compromised every now and then (laravel 7)

Just as the title says, we have a website that uses third party smtp credentials to send emails, but, we keep getting our smtp credentials hacked and used to send spams emails, which results in our ...
logax's user avatar
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Laravel View Cache location

Sorry if this seems trivial, but I need to be sure: Where does Laravel 6 store the view cache? On the cache server or in the storage folder? Does it get stored in my redis if I set it as the cache ...
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MYSQL is at 197% CPU usage ~ not allowing site to run

Spec: 8 GB memory / 4 vCPUs / 25 GB ssd Ubuntu 20.04 My website got hit with a DDoS recently and had this continuous high CPU usage error for 4 days and the site will not load up, I take a look using ...
ChimpyMonk75's user avatar
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How to configure multiple workers for laravel queue with systemd [duplicate]

I am running queue for my laravel app using systemd. Here's my service file [Unit] Description=Mosharaf isdp queue [Service] User=nginx Group=nginx Type=simple Restart=always Nice=10 WorkingDirectory=...
mosharaf13's user avatar
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Setting up Lavarel with Podman, but the php user can't write to my mounted directory

I've set up a laravel project on Fedora using Podman. For this I wrote a small script that attempts to replace the build process usually done by sail. #!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -f ./.env ]; then # ...
Buzu's user avatar
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Is DynamoDB latency almost the same as RDS latency?

I am exploring using AWS Lambda through Laravel Vapor. Avoiding the use of Redis can save us ~$56/mo (t2.small at ~$24, NAT Gateway at ~$32). Instead of Redis, I plan to use DynamoDB which is much ...
jcsoriano's user avatar
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stackdriver severity in GKE sending all to stderr

Tell me whether it is possible to make a separation by severity in stackdriver. All messages in the container are displayed in stderror and in stackdriver, they are marked as errors. The task is to ...
James M's user avatar
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Dockerized Laravel application with volume on AWS Fargate issue

this is my scenario, I have a Laravel 8 application that I'm trying to deploy using AWS ECS through AWS Fargate. This is the useful part of my dockerfile: ### ... Previous composer and npm stages ...
SamDroid's user avatar
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Can't deploy to Google Cloud Platform on Laravel

I got the following error while deploying laravel on GCP with "gcloud app deploy". ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build ID~~~ status: FAILURE Error ID: 5888fcc4 Error ...
imori's user avatar
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How to track down company wide connection issues to a specific web location?

I've tried asking on StackOverflow without success so I hope I this community can help me track down this issue. We have a web app that many people in the company need to access. Occasionally the web ...
PeterTheLobster's user avatar
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Nginx returning 404 on new installation

On Linux Mint 20.3 I had working setup for my local development of website: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name cbp.local; root /home/gacek/html/cbp/public; index ...
Gacek's user avatar
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need nginx to be able to check directory outside of root directory

I have a Laravel app that works perfectly fine when running with php artisan serve but when trying to use nginx as the frontend I'm having all sorts of trouble getting this to work properly. I ...
MasterOfNothing's user avatar
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Laravel Valet 502 Bad Gateway when using Eloquent in php8.0

I've got a Laravel 6 application that I'm serving in Valet, I've just upgraded to php8.0 and I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway error. But curiously only on pages that are using the Eloquent database ...
Mark Tierney's user avatar
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Authorization Header Missing Upon NGINX Proxy Pass to subdomain

Hi I'm running Laravel on NGINX server and I would like to use NGINX reverse proxy capability as an API gateway for my Laravel and other node API application. Here are my configurations: Application ...
Kevin Yobeth's user avatar
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Increase PHP's upload_max_filesize in Apache

I have a Laravel app and I need to increase PHP's upload_max_filesize, but rather than do this for the entire app I wanted to apply it to a specific route/location. I am running Apache 2.4. In the ...
MrCarrot's user avatar
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nginx 502 error for api call from application but working in postman and curl request

Environment: Laravel Version: 5.8.29 PHP Version $ php --version: PHP 7.2.24 (cli) NGINX Version $ nginx -v: nginx version: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu) Problem Statement: Everything works fine, except for ...
Maqsud's user avatar
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Laravel route (voyager and others) shows 404

I Use Apache 2.4.41, on WSL2/Ubuntu. There I have a laravel project, with Voyager installed. I also use a virtualhost(vh) for it. Accessing the App url http://myapp works. However - The Voyager app at ...
yossi's user avatar
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Why I got errors running redis in laravel app?

I need to run laravel 5 app on my local Kubuntu 18 and I need to run redis server for this app I installed and in file /etc/redis/redis.conf I uncommented line : requirepass foobared in .env I ...
mstdmstd's user avatar
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creating a local nginx subdomain for laravel

I currently have a working reverse proxy to a local domain: https://domain.test with an entry in /etc/hosts domain.test https://domain.test goes to an spa website while https://domain.test/...
gmhafiz's user avatar
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Apache 502 bad gateway response when using AWS Application Load Balancer and Centos 7

I am new in Linux/centos, I configured a Laravel application in my AWS EC2 Instance (Centos 7),The application was working fine but after that I configured a Application Load Balancer to use path ...
Hasnain's user avatar
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Mysql in Nginx takes over 100% CPU

I have a Laravel application running on my Ubuntu 18.04 server and MySql 5.7. Sometimes, it is very slow. I have checked with "top" command and this is the result: Some times %cpu raises ...
pasluc74669's user avatar
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How can I configure a reverseproxy (at /) and a Laravel project (at /backoffice/) running in the same subdomain?

I'm trying to configure on Apache a subdomain that should: Serve a PHP Laravel app if the request starts with /backoffice ReverseProxy to a node app otherwise. I can configure the reverse proxy and ...
My Quid Pro Quo's user avatar
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Nginx error_page is not working

Im trying to have nuxtjs as front-end and laravel as backend with NGINX After adding ssl and reconfiguring the nginx .conf file , Now my error_page line is not working and it does not go to location @...
Pc Monk's user avatar
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Channels current state is disconnected(laravel-websocket on ubuntu Host server)

I am working on Laravel-websocket package i got stucked on this error from quite long time. i have configure basic laravel procject along with laravel websocket package on my local ubuntu as well as ...
Gopi's user avatar
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nginx http (from android app) does not work. Https is working fine, and http was/is working fine in apache

Update: Sorry, my bad. For android 8+ we should have clartextTraffic=true in androidManifest.xml for http to work. This was done/present in my app but after enabling https and domain setup, I deleted ...
Justin's user avatar
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Laradock + Standalone NginX

I have a Laravel project that needs PHP 7.1 but on the server, we use 7.2. We have separate nginx config files for each project and they all work fine. I've decided to go laradock and serve PHP 7.1 ...
Bert's user avatar
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How to configure nginx better to reduce redundant system calls when APIs are called?

I have a Laravel application running in production, and there are a few APIs that used a lot. Something was creating a bottleneck and it used to stall our servers (3 with Load Balancer). After ...
Rohan's user avatar
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I have this problem in nginx, it is a Laravel application. but it is in a user's folder /home/user/projects, I already tried with 777 nginx owner of the folders but it still shows the error FastCGI ...
Pablo Vazquez Alvarado's user avatar
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nginx setup with conditional reverse proxy for some routes

I have a laravel server fronting a wordpress hosted on another server. The laravel server is receiving all traffic. I would like to direct specific routes to the local index.php (laravel) and all ...
Martin Drapeau's user avatar
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Proxy Forwarding not woking on Nginx, Laravel, Elastic Load Balancer

I have an AWS Elastic Load Balancer that receives https requests for the domain (, the requests are sent to the server Nginx via http and the Laravel App answers the requests. The ...
JohnnyAce's user avatar
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ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build bfe8bf5b-8368-4db6-a64e-8272d269ed76 status: FAILURE

Hi I am trying to do a deploy, but I am always receiving this follow error: gcloud app deploy --promote File upload done. Updating service [default]...failed. ERROR: ( Error ...
Davi Amaral's user avatar
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Laravel app routes not working when using domain name (fine with IP address) on AWS Lightsail

I am running a Laravel 10.x application on an Amazon Lightsail server here - Currently when browsing to I am correctly shown the login page (I am using Laravel ...
Zabs's user avatar
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nginx config for SEO friendly Laravel setup

I wasn't able to find an immediate solution to the 3rd item, below, so once I'd worked it out, I thought it would be helpful to post my general config for Laravel in order to help others searching for ...
zoot's user avatar
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Windows Server: First request very slow, subsequent requests normal

I’m developing a Laravel website which is to be deployed to Windows Server 2019 (IIS) running SQL Server, hosted on a VPS with Plesk. I recently deployed the site to a password-protected testing ...
Janus Bahs Jacquet's user avatar
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Sail up for a cloned laravel project does not work

I have Windows 10, WSL2, and Docker. I've cloned a repository from GitHub, and when I try to sail up, I get this message: /usr/bin/env: ‘sh\r’: No such file or directory. The following is from the ...
r j's user avatar
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nginx large file upload limit

I am using Laravel Forge to manage my server and I had a problem with uploading large files with livewire. after 100 seconds uploadng fails and shows this error: net::ERR_HTTP2_PING_FAILED and ...
Mohammad Zahed's user avatar
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Connect to production database on vps from local dev environment

I am using a Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS VPS with a deployed Laravel Framework 6.20.16 application. I am currently connecting to my mysql database via ssh using dbeaver, using simply root@IP_Address and my ...
Carol.Kar's user avatar
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After migrated from AWS to Azure, API response became very slow

Our mobile APIs were hosted in AWS EC2 instance and it was working very fast, say 300 ms. Recently we migrated to Azure VM and after that, all the API responses are very slow, say 2 to 8 secs. The ...
Muhammed Shihabudeen Labba A's user avatar
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Can't 'php artisan migrate' inside docker

Trying to run 'php artisan migrate' in docker returned following error Illuminate\Database\QueryException could not find driver (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Laravel Vapor reaching limits with Queue and not clear what a solution can be

I'm new to Serverless hosting on AWS. I configured a working serverless environment via Laravel Vapor, but with some issues on a high load. A high load is 10k requests within seconds, all doing a ...
user1469734's user avatar
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Nginx Serving Downloads of PHP Files Instead of Executing Them

I have a Laravel app I'm trying to serve with Nginx but when I navigate to my domain, all I get is a file called "download" which downloads automatically, with the content's of Laravel's ...
GTS Joe's user avatar
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Choosing Google App Engine Standard vs Flexible Environment for Laravel Application?

I am deploying a Laravel app (content management system) on GCP App Engine but I am not sure what are the advantages or disadvantages of standard vs flexible environment and how it would impact a ...
Coola's user avatar
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How can I make reverse proxy for websocket requests on apache

I have a website written on Laravel with Reverb for websockets. Everything works except websockets. They are sent from the browser to the server in the form wss:// (which throw an ...
Jivko Jelev's user avatar
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Laravel App Working on HTTP but Not on HTTPS (403 Error)

My Laravel application functions properly with HTTP URL but having an issue with HTTPS, displaying the error message Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () kindly review ...
AskSEOTools's user avatar
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NGINX proxy pass not working with Laravel application. No routes other than / can be accessed from proxy domain. Gets a 404. How to solve?

I have a Laravel 7 application running on a separate server, let's assume it is SERVER A with domain The application is behind NGINX. I have another server, SERVER B. I want to proxy pass ...
Sajid Anam Ifti's user avatar
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Laravel Form Set Default Selection

@section('page-action') {{ Form::select('item_type', $product_type, null, ['id' => 'item_type', 'class' => 'form-control select ', 'required' => 'required', 'placeholder' => 'Type de ...
Mert Kale's user avatar
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How to successfull configure nginx for laravel reverb websocket?

Triying to setup ssl for laravel reverb using nginx on ubuntu Laravel reverb docs /etc/supervisor/conf.d/websockets.conf [program:websockets-l11] command=/usr/bin/php /var/www/l11/artisan reverb:start ...
Jhordy Said Barrera's user avatar
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Why my AWS T2.Medium EC2 CPU utilization is at 27% constant, but on running top command shows 100%?

I am running my PHP Laravel application in AWS EC2 instance (T2.Medium, 2 core) through Laravel Forge. For 5 months continuously I am seeing constant CPU utilization of 27% in the AWS console graph. ...
Angom's user avatar
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Hosting Laravel Filament apache server responded with a MIME type of ""

I been trying to host my laravel filament project into my server using apache but upon deployment i met 2 problem i never seen before pic related Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript ...
Gagas Amukti's user avatar
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Issue with Laravel ECS Deployment: Access denied for user 'forge'@''

I am facing an issue with my Laravel application deployment on AWS ECS. The deployment process involves Jenkins, AWS ECR, and ECS. The new task is created, but there's an "Access Denied" ...
Spiral's user avatar
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