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Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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47 votes
1 answer

Curl POST - 411 Length Required

We have a RestFUL API we build in PHP. If we make the request: curl -u api-key:api-passphrase -X POST We get back: 411 - Length Required Though if we simply add -...
Justin's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Why are NginX and Lighttpd not affected by Slowloris?

I am investigating the vulnerability to Slowloris and I think I understand how and why this sort of attack works. What I don't understand is why Lighttpd and NginX are not affected (according to the ...
The Shurrican's user avatar
24 votes
9 answers

Handling http and https requests using a single port with nginx

i was wondering if nginx is able to handle http and https requests on the same port. [*] This is what i'm trying to do. I'm running a web server (lighttpd) handling http requests, and a C program ...
alemartini's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Python CGI on Amazon AWS EC2 micro-instance -- a how-to!

How can you make an EC2 micro instance serve CGI scripts from lighthttpd? For instance Python CGI? Well, it took half a day, but I have gotten Python cgi running on a free Amazon AWS EC2 micro-...
21 votes
6 answers

Why is Nginx more popular than lighttpd?

I'd like to use Lighttpd in production for serving Django apps but i see that these days Nginx is more and more popular. Why is that? I'm aware that in the past Lighttpd had memory leaks but isn't ...
daniels's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Which is best for Django? Lighttpd or Nginx? Or maybe something else? [closed]

Which of Lighttpd and Nginx is, basing on your experience, better suited for Django? I've used both and can hardly notice any difference at all, they just work fine... Are there any use cases when one ...
16 votes
1 answer

Apache MPMs - Worker vs Prefork

I'm trying to figure out what which is the best Apache MPM I can install on my VPS. I saw some benchmarks and MPM Worker seems to perform better than the Prefork one but for some reason everyone seems ...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to enable error log in lighttpd properly?

I have a Centos 5 system with Lighttpd and fastcgi enabled. It does log access but does not log errors. I have Internal Server Error 500 and no info in log and when I try to open not -existing file ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

HAproxy 503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request

I'm new to this load balancing scenario and I'm being tasked to figure out how to make this load balancing works. My environment: Centos 6.4 64 Bit Webserver: Lighttpd All running in ESXI virtual ...
Le Dude's user avatar
  • 421
13 votes
5 answers

Fastest web server for serving static content

I'm optimizing our system for some faster static content delivery, and was wondering if anyone has any proper experience with the fastest web servers out there for such a purpose. From the three main ...
Swader's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How do I prevent lighttpd from caching static files, even when modified on disk?

I am using lighttpd to serve static files. I have a bunch of images in a dir that I regularly update. This will change the file content (and filesize) as well as the modification date, but not their ...
Pixelastic's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to handle encrypted and unencrypted http connections through a single port

Please, take a look at the following diagram. How should this work? When a remote requests http://* , the request should be forwarded to the http server that listens on port 8008 of ...
alemartini's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Limit upload file size and redirect user to error page if limit exceeds

Is it possible to redirect user to file file too big page when POST request size exceeds specified limit? I am aware about max-request-size option, but it gives just static page that cannot be ...
jonny's user avatar
  • 357
9 votes
3 answers

How to serve a wget --mirror'ed directory of files with questionmarks in them

I'm trying to create a static mirror of a php application (an old php Gallery installation, specifically). The app produces URLs such as: view_album.php?set_albumName=MyAlbum wget downloads these ...
user67641's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Best sysctl.conf configuration for high load - extremely busy content streaming server

What is the best sysctl.conf configuration for a high load, extremely busy content streaming server ? The server fetches the content from remote servers like amazon, s3, etc. then uses php to ...
Daniel Johnson's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Lighttpd sending wrong headers for UTF-8 content

Ubuntu/Lighttpd is not serving my UTF-8 encoded files with the correct Content-Type header. It's sending Content-Type: text/html rather than Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8. How do I configure ...
sourcenouveau's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Memory usage of php-cgi processes is growing steadily

I'm trying to set up a web server on a VPS. My problem is that memory usage of php-cgi processes increases over time even though the website is not receiving any traffic at all. (it is behind a ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

logrotate rename files with date

Right now, logrotate renames old log files to access.log.1.gz, access.log.2.gz, etc. I would prefer if it named them access.log.20090714.gz, access.log.20090715.gz, etc - one for each day. I cannot ...
Krystian Cybulski's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Running multiple services on Port 443, Tunnel SSH over HTTPS

Situation: I want to tunnel SSH sessions through HTTPS. I have a very restrictive firewall/proxy which only allows HTTP, FTP and HTTPS traffic. What works: Setting up a tunnel through the proxy to a ...
lajuette's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Rewrite URL before passing to proxy Lighttpd

I'm trying to setup a reverse proxy in lighttpd, such that all requests (and only those requests) under /mobile/video is redirected to the / directory of a secondary web server. This is pretty easy in ...
futureelite7's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

keep-alive or not keep-alive

My company is launching a new website with potentially large waves of visitors in very short windows (estimate is around 14k visitors in a 2 minutes window). So, I'm reviewing our configuration, and ...
Julien Vehent's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is nginx good for dynamic content?

I want an alternative for apache, lighthttpd has memory leaks problems so i can't go for it, i keep reading that nginx is good for static content but is it good for php-mysql dynamic video sharing ...
user's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

lighttpd - use different document-root for diff url

To me this seem logical, but it doesn't seem to work. $HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)hd.domain\.com$" { server.document-root = "/domain_site/" $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/aa/" { server.document-root = ...
Syntax's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to diagnose Internal Server error on Lighttpd?

I have Lighttpd on Centos 5 with Fcgi and Memcached. Periodically, once per week or two i get internal server error 500 and i must manually restart lighttpd to get it to work again. In my lighttpd ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Firefox does not load certificate chain

I'm running lighttpd/1.4.28 (ssl) on Debian Squeeze. I just created a certificate, I runs fine at all of my Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera), but my users are reporting ...
TimWolla's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can I enable http auth in lighttpd for all directories except one?

I am trying to authenticate access to everything in webroot (/) except anything that resides in a particular directory (/directory/) and I've tried both of these options to no avail: $HTTP["url"] =~ "...
Nuri Hodges's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to comment multiple lines in Lighttpd config file?

In lighttpd.conf usually comment 1 line with # How was wondering how to comment multiple lines without adding # in front of each line. thanks
aneuryzm's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to setup Python with Lighttpd and FastCGI (like PHP)

Running Lighttpd on Linux, I would like to be able to execute Python scripts just the way I execute PHP scripts. The goal is to be able to execute arbitrary script files stored in the WWW directory, ...
johndir's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Apache, nginx, or lighttpd? [closed]

I am going to be live blogging from an event and expect huge spikes in traffic. I am currently using apache with modphp and it died last year under heavy traffic and I don't want it to happen again. ...
user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Nginx vs Lighttpd for WordPress server performance?

Which web server would be more suitable for running a few instances of wordpress? They are both pretty easy to setup, so I am wondering mostly about performance. Would there be a difference? I think ...
verhogen's user avatar
  • 333
5 votes
6 answers

Lighttpd cannot create php-fastcgi.socket

I have installed FastCGI using yum, and edited my lighttpd.conf, but when restarting the server I receive this error. 2009-06-24 12:44:43: (log.c.97) server started 2009-06-24 12:44:43: (mod_fastcgi....
James's user avatar
  • 171
5 votes
3 answers

Lighttpd not cleanly restarting (address already in use)

When doing a dist-upgrade recently, my lighttpd-1.4.19 install on Ubuntu 8.0.4 has begun failing to restart or reload properly with the /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart command. ~$ sudo /etc/init.d/...
Ecton's user avatar
  • 153
5 votes
3 answers

Bash-Scripting - Munin Plugin don't work

i have written a munin-plugin to count the http-statuscodes of lighttpd. The script: #!/bin/bash ###################################### # Munin-Script: Lighttpd-Statuscodes # ########################...
Arny80Hexa's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can I set multiple SSL certificates for virtual hosts with Lighttpd?

Can I set multiple SSL certificates for virtual hosts using Lighttpd web server? I have several webshops on my server (each webshop has its own domain) and I need to setup a SSL certificate for each ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Make Lighttpd return 404 for unused subdomains?

I have some domains set up on my Ubuntu server that uses Lighttpd. I have wildcard domains and I want the unused subdomains to return 404 instead of 200 and displaying the regular domain. This problem ...
Ray Walz's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Lighttpd proxy redirect by port

I'm really just starting out with lighttpd and I'm not sure how to configure this exactly. I'm wanting to take traffic and redirect to another server say "http://localhost/url_a/" and redirect the ...
daelious's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Where to set "PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS" (lighttpd)

I want to setup the max requests to keep my system RAM from filling up when there is a memory leak. But I dont know where it is.
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to reverse proxy https with lighttpd?

I want to forward (reverse proxy) requests to to my internal (HTTPS-)WebServer on port 8443 using Lighttp. Environment-Infos: My WebServer is a Tomcat running on ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to disable abbreviated SSL handshake to perform a full handshake every call on lighttpd?

I understand the ssl handshake flow, but I'm facing a logic problem. When a user selects a certificate I need to validate it against application to know that its reliable and match with any system ...
LeonanCarvalho's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to make H264 (.mp4) streaming module to work with lighttpd 1.5

H264 is not working with lighttpd 1.5, but it's ok with 1.4 Any suggestions?
Kirzilla's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Webserver logs: "Morfeus F***ing Scanner"

I've just found these accesses in my web server log files: ::ffff: - [10/Jan/2011:02:54:12 +0100] "GET /user/ HTTP/1.1" 404 345 "-" "Morfeus Fucking Scanner" ::...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How to set an environment variable for a process spawned by the webserver?

In my setup (debian etch, lighttpd), one one my websites is calling a program for some image manipulation via PHP, I think. I'd like to change the behavior of this program by setting an environment ...
Jens's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Apache starts automatically on Ubuntu, needs to be stopped to restart lighttpd

I've some issues with my webserver's Apache and lighttpd on Ubuntu 9.04. I use lighttpd only and I've stopped Apache on Ubuntu. For some reason, starting a few days ago, Apache starts to run and I ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

how to disable unencrypted traffic(port 80) on lighttpd

We want to run an SSL only lighttpd process. Which configuration option should be used to turn off port 80 with its unencrypted traffic ? Lighttpd documents only provide a "redirection" to https ...
hayalci's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

lighttpd proxy all except .well-known for letsencrypt

I want to configure lighttpd to accept requests from letsencrypt service for cert renewal, but I have a problems with the configuration because it's using as proxy server, so my /.well-known is not ...
TarasH's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Docker compose volumes invalid characters

Unable to start container with docker-compose up Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5 Dockerfile FROM ubuntu # File Author / Maintainer MAINTAINER Parzee [email protected] # Install Components. # ...
gogasca's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

missing for lighttpd

I am trying to set up ssl (i.e. https) for my lighttpd web server running Debian 8 (Jessie). The relevant lines in lighttpd.conf are: server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_alias", "...
steffen's user avatar
  • 157
4 votes
3 answers

Lighttpd static file server 403 forbidden error

I installed lighttpd on Debian Jessie for serving static files, I have a USB drive mounted at /media/storage, with /media/storage/www as my document root and my lighttpd.conf looks like this: server....
Superpelican's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Lighttpd won't start when fastcgi.debug directive is used

I'm running lighttpd/1.4.28 (ssl) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Everything's working, and I'm trying to do some performance tuning. I'd like to enable debug mode for the fastcgi module, however when I add ...
Alan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Combine lighttpd configs for IPv4 and IPv6

My lighttpd.conf includes the following lines: $SERVER["socket"] == "" { ssl.engine = "enable" = "/etc/lighttpd/ssl/" ssl.pemfile = "/etc/...
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