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Questions tagged [log-files]

A log file is a file, often in clear text, which is generated by a software process to record some specific details about the workings of this process.

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177 votes
7 answers

How can I read pcap files in a friendly format?

a simple cat on the pcap file looks terrible: $cat tcp_dump.pcap ?ò????YVJ? JJ ?@@.?E<??@@ ?CA??qe?U????иh? .Ceh?YVJ?? JJ ?@@.?E<??@@ CA??qe?U????еz?...
Tony's user avatar
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116 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of the ".well-known"-folder?

If've found a new error message in our log files and would like to know, for what this .well_known folder is used for. Which application/client would need to access such a folder and which ...
Sascha's user avatar
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110 votes
1 answer

InnoDB: Error: log file ./ib_logfile0 is of different size

I just added the following lines in /etc/mysql/my.cnf after I converted one database to use InnoDB engine. innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2560M innodb_log_file_size = 256M innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M ...
jack's user avatar
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101 votes
9 answers

How can I fully log all bash scripts actions?

From my script output I want to capture ALL the logs data with error messages and redirect them all to log file. I have script like below: #!/bin/bash ( echo " `date` : part 1 - start " ssh -f ...
BlueMark's user avatar
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98 votes
7 answers

My /var/log/btmp file is huge! What should I do?

My /var/log/btmp file is 1.3 GB in size. I've read that the file is "Used to store information about failed login". What does this mean for my server? And can I delete this file?
Juddling's user avatar
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86 votes
12 answers

Where is my mysql log on OS X?

I checked /var/log and /usr/local/mysql and i can't seem to find the log. I am trying to troubleshoot an error establishing a database connection with a php function.
Tony's user avatar
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75 votes
16 answers

Alternatives to Splunk?

I'm pretty impressed with Splunk, especially version 4. Pretty graphs, alerting (Enterprise only), and fast, accurate, searching. It's a great product. However, the cost just way too high to consider ...
MichaelGG's user avatar
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67 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between syslog, rsyslog and syslog-ng? [closed]

I am a bit confused in syslog, rsyslog and syslog-ng. From where can I get the source code for syslog()? Is there any difference between rsyslog and rsyslogd?
StackUser's user avatar
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60 votes
13 answers

How to monitor a windows log file in real time? [closed]

On windows how can I easily monitor a log file and see updates to the file in real time? Basically, same functionality like tail -f log_file on Unix systems Platform: Windows XP/2003/2008 server [...
dance2die's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Understanding a Postfix log file entry

We have a Postfix hub and I'm trying to better understand the information in the mail.log file. I use tools like qshape, and amavis-logwatch to summarize the log files, but I have still ...
KodeTitan's user avatar
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41 votes
8 answers

Colorize Monitoring of Logs

I sometimes monitor apache and php error logs using tail under FreeBSD. Is there any way to get colorized output, either using tail or some other command line app? Alternatively, what is your ...
Ian's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

Grep in a huge log file (>14 GB) only the last x GB?

I need to search something in a huge log-file (over 14 GB). I'm pretty sure it's in the last 4 GB or so. Is there a way to skip the first X GB to speed things up?
Roger's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

How can I display and log PHP errors on IIS7?

We're running PHP 5.2.5 on an IIS 7 Server and we're having problems making PHP errors visible... At the moment whenever we have a PHP error the server sends back a 500 error with the message "The ...
Ben's user avatar
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33 votes
1 answer

How to set up fail2ban to read multi log in a jail?

How can I configure multiple logpaths for the same rule? I'm trying to write a syntax like this: [apache-w00tw00t] enabled = true filter = apache-w00tw00t action = iptables-allports logpath = /...
Max121's user avatar
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33 votes
8 answers

Can cron write job output to a log *by default* (instead of mail)?

We all know the right way to handle output from cron jobs is to redirect it to a file: 0 * * * * /bin/date >> /var/log/date.log 2>&1 However, sometimes admins are lazy, forgetful, or ...
Brad's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

Apache in Docker: How do I "access.log"?

I'm just getting started with Docker and richt now I'm trying to figure out how to set up my first dockerized Apache 2 / PHP environment. Up to now I have been using full Linux VMs, where I used log-...
BlaM's user avatar
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31 votes
6 answers

Linux server out of space

I have been asked this question in two consecutive interviews, but after some research and checking with various systems administrators I haven't received a good answer. I am wondering if somebody can ...
user avatar
30 votes
10 answers

Convenient Windows equivalent to tail -f logfile?

Is there some convenient alternative to this on Windows? I always miss this away from Linux. And no I don't consider Cygwin or some other bash port to be "convenient". :) Either a small app that'll ...
cletus's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Who restarted my Windows server? [duplicate]

Is it possible on Windows Server 2000/2003/2008 machines to see which user rebooted the server? I have found the shutdown event in the System event log, but it does not show which user initiated the ...
joar's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

How to forward specific log file outside of /var/log with rsyslog to remote server?

How can I forward message from a specific log file like /www/myapp/log/test.log with rsyslog client to remote rsyslog server? This log file is outside of the directory /var/log.
Kevin Campion's user avatar
29 votes
6 answers

Preferred format of file names which include a timestamp

As we all know "unix" can have anything in a file except '/' and '\0', sysadmins however tend to have a much smaller preference, mainly due to nothing liking spaces as input ... and a bunch of things ...
James Antill's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

what is sensible-mda and do i need it?

I'm running Ubuntu Intrepid, and have been seeing the following my logs: Aug 23 16:01:03 wp1 sm-mta[13700]: n7NFJIad013566: Warning: program /usr/sbin/sensible-mda unsafe: No such file or directory ...
FilmJ's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

overriding nginx access_log directive - duplicate log entries

I'm using the default nginx package on Ubuntu 14.04 server. It is using /etc/nginx/nginx.conf as the main config, and then includes configs from /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf and /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*....
Yoav Aner's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

Continuously monitor logs with tail that are occasionally rotated

We're using tail to continuously monitor several logs, but when a log is rotated the tail for that file will cease. As far as I understand, the problem is that when the log is rotated, there is a new ...
xkcd150's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

Logrotate: Rotating non-log files?

I have a backup script that compresses various files and directories and creates .tgz archives. Files are named, e.g. ... backup_2010-10-28.tar.gz backup_2010-10-29.tar.gz backup_2010-10-30.tar.gz ...
jen's user avatar
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22 votes
12 answers

Viewing logs on a remote linux server

Are there any nice tools for doing a 'tail -f' on a remote (linux) server? It would be nice to be able to do something like "taillog server_host /var/log/syslog" to view logs on various servers ...
readonly's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Is this server hacked or just login attempts ? See log

Can someone tell what does this mean? I tried a command like lastb to see last user logins and I see some strange logins from China (server is EU, I am in EU). I was wondering if these could be login ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Linux: How to enforce specific permissions on newly created logs which are created by log rotate?

I've noticed that the mail logs which are being created in /var/log are being created and owned by root (user and group). I've written a Nagios check which monitors the log and in order to allow the ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Command line tools to analyze Apache log files [closed]

I have a bunch of Apache log files that I would like to analyze. I'm looking for a tool that doesn't require much setup; something that I can run a log through the command line, without messing around ...
mmattax's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

How can I move /var/log directory

On our production server there is a small drive for the root mount point /, /var/log is taking too much space and I have to manually delete some files. How can I move /var/log/ to let's say /home/log ...
Razique's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How to get less to seek faster with large log files?

I am often dealing with incredibly large log files (>3 GB). I've noticed the performance of less is terrible with these files. Often I want to jump do the middle of the file, but when I tell less to ...
UsAaR33's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

How to view mariadb log?

I am using new relic to monitor the performance of my server. Recently I noticed a very strange problem where for every 3 hours, the server will be down for 1 minute. And in the new relic report, ...
dev-jim's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Where is ASP.NET server log file is located?

My ASP.NET MVC application on my development box is running wild; I can't even connected to localhost. In order to know what is the problem, I want to find the log file and examine it. Where is the ...
Graviton's user avatar
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18 votes
11 answers

Any freeware IIS log analyzer? [closed]

It would be nice to use ASP.NET, but PHP is ok too, and should be hosted in IIS6. EDIT: the logs are from our intranet site.
alexandrul's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

manually rotating logfile with rsyslogd

I want to force logfile rotation using logrotate -f /var/log/syslog, but it's only return tones of: error: syslog:1 unknown option 'May' -- ignoring line error: syslog:1 unexpected text I know that ...
kbec's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Where are windows 10 defender offline scan logs/results?

I can't find any events or log files, are there such records somewhere or WD reports only if it finds something? Windows 10 pro, drive is encrypted with bitlocker (might affects somehow?)
bdimych's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Logrotate Successful, original file goes back to original size

Has anyone had any issues with logrotate before that causes a log file to get rotated and then go back to the same size it originally was? Here's my findings: Logrotate Script: /var/log/mylogfile....
drewrockshard's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

What are these files ,can I delete them manually?

[root@jiaoyou mysql]# pwd /var/lib/mysql [root@jiaoyou mysql]# ls -ls 338256 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 346030080 2010-04-22 08:08 ibdata1 626812 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 641222072 2010-01-26 07:17 ...
apache's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

"Catch-All" access log with Apache Virtual Hosts?

I have many virtual hosts set up on a web server, each one having its own error and access log. The relevant lines of httpd.conf are something like this: ErrorLog /var/log/httpd-error.log LogFormat "...
pix0r's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How to use find command to delete files matching a pattern?

I'm trying to write a bash command that will delete all files matching a specific pattern - in this case, it's all of the old vmware log files that have built up. I've tried this command: find . -...
Dan Monego's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

logrotate does not compress /var/log/messages

Over time I noticed some logs in /var/log such as auth, kern and messages were getting huge. I made logrotate entries for them: $ cat /etc/logrotate.d/auth.log /var/log/kern.log { rotate 5 ...
Mike Mazur's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Managing CBS.log files on Windows 2008R2?

Whilst auditing disk space on our Windows 2008R2 farm we noticed that some servers had quite large C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log files (~1.5GB). I was under the impression that this particular log file ...
Kev's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How can I rotate many log files into a different subdirectory per rotation?

I have a directory with many log files, all of which I would like to rotate daily. For organizational purposes I would like to be able to move the rotated logs into a different directory (or ...
Dave Forgac's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

IIS logs show sc-win32-status=64 but only through some networks

I have an ASP.NET application running on a client server (W2k3, IIS6, .NET 2.0). FWIW, this is a Test instance, it hasn't been moved into Production yet. So it is not running under SSL, load balancing,...
wweicker's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

Linux monitor logs and email alerts?

I have a server with a faulty power button that likes to reboot itself. Usually there are warning signs, like the acpid log file in /var/log starts spamming garbage for about 10hrs or so. Is there an ...
Physikal's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to enable error log in lighttpd properly?

I have a Centos 5 system with Lighttpd and fastcgi enabled. It does log access but does not log errors. I have Internal Server Error 500 and no info in log and when I try to open not -existing file ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

How to Enable IPtables TRACE Target on Debian Squeeze (6)

I am trying to use the TRACE target of IPtables but I can't seem to get any trace information logged. I want to use what is described here: Debugger for Iptables. From the iptables man for TRACE: ...
bernie's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

nginx error log was huge, so I deleted and created a new one, now nginx won't start

I deleted the /var/log/nginx/error.log file, and then created a new one using: sudo nano error.log Doing ls -la shows that the error.log and access.log have the same permissions. When I try and ...
Blankman's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to remove "Last message repeated x times" from logs?

I have a script that updates me on any changes to the kernel log on my (Debian) servers. The problem is that occasionally the log contains lines like: last message repeated 4 times I realize that ...
Brent 's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

nginx access logs ignore certain requests

I'm running nginx behind haproxy (running on the same server). I've configured haproxy to use a simple html file on nginx to verify the service is up, since I don't have/want a valid "/" URL on this ...
Michael Marano's user avatar

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