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Questions tagged [mail-forwarding]

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22 votes
3 answers

Forward incoming mail on Linux server?

I am trying to set up mail forwarding on a new server of mine. For example, I want [email protected] to forward all email sent to it to, say, [email protected]. I do not need/want to be ...
shanet's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Procedure to forward root email to external email

I would like to forward the emails received by root to an external email on an Ubuntu node. I have seen this post, but it does not explain much about the procedure to follow. There are some other ...
Jérôme Verstrynge's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

SPF hardfail and DKIM failure when recipient has e-mail forwarding

I configured hardfail SPF for my domain and DKIM message signing on my SMTP server. Since this is the only SMTP server that should be used for outgoing mail from my domain, I didn't foresee any ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
10 votes
7 answers

How can I forward mail while saving a copy using postfix and mysql?

I'm migrating email from old Plesk installations to custom built Ubuntu server running iRedMail (postfix/amavisd/dovecot/etc). I'm using postfixadmin to administrate all domains and a mysql backend. ...
FilmJ's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How do I set up my MX records to properly forward mail to my Gmail account?

So I have to confess that I'm not a network admin so my knowledge of DNS is very limited, and I think I've screwed something up. I own a domain--let's call it I had my hosting provider ...
soapergem's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

virtual_alias_domains - how to use different IP addresses when forwarding mail?

I host 2 web domains ( and on a CentOS 6.6 Linux server with 4 IP addresses. Postfix 2.6.6 accepts mails to [email protected] and [email protected] and forwards them to person1@...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Simple SMTP server for alias based forwarding

I'm looking for a SMTP server that will just be used to forward a few email addresses. Two requirements: Easy to install and configure on Ubuntu. Has an aliases file that is easy to automatically add ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

SPF broken by forwarding on the recipient side : what do?

I run an SMTP server with SPF enabled, and I need to email users from a list of academic addresses. Thing is, these addresses are used to forward emails to the end user. And SPF breaks forwarding, ...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Simple SMTP server which can redirect all mail to single address?

We're in the process of setting up a continuous-integration server (Hudson running on CentOS5), and some of our unit tests will cause email to be sent. We'd like to configure the server so that all ...
Phillip B Oldham's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How I (simply) Forward All Incoming Email to an External Address (ie. Gmail)?

With Google Apps no longer being free for small businesses/teams, I'm left pointing my MX records at my application server. I'd still like to receive email at a Gmail address sent to the domain ...
user170072's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Postfix forwarding to GMail address

I configured postfix to forward mail to external addresses (mostly GMail): [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], user2@...
martin's user avatar
  • 131
4 votes
1 answer

Relay email for some addresses, forward for others with Postfix

I administer a domain (let's say for a client who uses an Exchange server at an external service provider for email. So I made the MX record point to the Exchange server, let's say mail....
nwellnhof's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Gmail blocks mails in case they are forwarded

My website sends mails to users. This has been working wonderfully for years. But since a year or so, gmail blocks mails in the following scenario: A user has the email [email protected]. ...
Armin Hierstetter's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Scripted forwarding for Outlook 2003

We have a staff member in sales who has gone onto a 4 day week (getting ready for retirement), so each Thursday afternoon her email needs to be forwarded to another user and each Friday afternoon it ...
John Gardeniers's user avatar
4 votes
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Exchange mailbox forwarding - emails fail dkim body hash

Exchange is modifying emails before forwarding them out to an external Google Apps account. I'm hoping to find a way to fix this. Here's some more detail: Using Exchange 2010 SP3 Version ...
David's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can sendmail forward e-mail immediately instead of queueing?

Some of the e-mail passing through my server is forwarded to external accounts. Unfortunately, my upstream SMTP-server is very picky about spam -- and rejects some of the legitimate messages as such. ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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5 answers

Exim4: Configure catchall on multiple domains to forward mail to external addresses

UPDATE: Thanks for responses on this but I'm going to drop exim and try Postfix. My question is pretty similar to this one. I want to configure exim4 (on ubuntu 10.04) to forward/redirect all e-mail ...
Greg K's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Dovecot/postfix: forward all current messages

What I'm try to achieve it's pretty simple, and, after googling, its hard to believe I've been unable to find a solution. What I want is to forward all current messages (already delivered) of an user ...
ABu's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Retaining recipient address when forwarding using postfix

I'm setting up postfix to forward e-mails sent to a domain to outside e-mail addresses. i.e. when I get an e-mail at [email protected] it gets sent automatically to [email protected]. That's working ...
Philip Trauring's user avatar
3 votes
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postfix: Forward undeliverable mail to another server for same domain

I recently did some work for somebody, and as a side, he asked me if it was possible to have postfix forward mail from one server to another for the same domain. For example, let's say his domain is ...
Kasius's user avatar
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2 answers

Server-side redirect does not work on auto-forwarded e-mails

I am trying to set up automatic forwarding of specific e-mails to an external address. Scenario: Company A (e.g. me) is responsible for a certain function at large company B. One of the ...
erikxiv's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make sendmail respect +-notation for virtual users?

I have different forwarding needs for different domains, which all point to my mail-server: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] mylocalaccount ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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I am using Gmail with a vanity account alias and external SMTP server (AWS SES). My first email is not being threaded

So this is a minor inconvenience but I am curious if anyone well versed in email forwarding and Gmail can help me. I have a vanity domain I'll call [email protected]. I am using it as an alias for my ...
KP99's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is current advice on forwarding email - particularly to gmail

I want to move from my current hosting site to a VPS. I am very comfortable with the website hosting side of things but at the moment my stumbling block is email, something which I have never had to ...
Geoff's user avatar
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Prevent misdirected bouncebacks from forwarding server

Note: This question is a duplicate of Avoid creating backscatter on a Postfix forwarding server, for which the only answer was "sorry, nothing you can do", but I provide more detail here, consider ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Prevent spam being forwarded by Postfix (while locally delivered to a Junk folder)

We have a pretty standard Postfix/Amavis setup where we use the Dovecot LDA to deliver mail locally. Amavis passed spam mail and we use Sieve to drop it in the Junk folder of the user. The problem is ...
MarkR's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Postfix won't forward email using virtual_alias_domains and virtual_alias_maps

Here is what i did: apt-get install postfix picked "internet mail" added a file "virtual" and appended a list with emails and emails (see below for sample) when changing postfix, i always updated the ...
NicoJuicy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is forwarding mail from my domain to my gmail account a bad idea? [closed]

I just configured my exim mail server to forward * to my gmail account. But then I found some forums mentioning this is a bad idea. Google could eventually blacklist Is ...
Eric Johnson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Avoid Mail Delivery System Bounce Forward [closed]

I have the following mail setup: This is what happens at the numbered stages: some spam-address (which actually does not exist) sends spam to [email protected] the [email protected] has an auto-reply ...
beta's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Spam mail forwarded through my server using valid user

I am getting "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" messages. The relevant mail messages are being forwarded using a valid user ([email protected]) on my server ( I control ...
user1142052's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What should I use for a forwarding only mail server?

I have a VPS running ubuntu 11.10 for a Django app, I want to be able to handle the email for one specific domain (already have the reverse lookup setup with the ISP for that domain), all I'm doing is ...
wmbf86's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to prevent your mail gateways from being blocked due to spam being sent via mail forwarding

We allow users to forward their e-mail to external addresses. From time to time, our mail gateway appliances' anti-spam engine computes a large spam campaign targeted to our users as a false-negative....
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can an SMTP server tell the sending MTA to send to another address?

Can e-mail forwarding be accomplished with the receiving MTA responding in some way that tells the sending MTA that it should send the e-mail to another address, or must e-mail forwarding be performed ...
Speed Dial Dave's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

setup postfix or equiv to only forward to new address

Is there a dead easy way to set up an MTA to only redirect incoming mail [email protected] -> [email protected] Yes, I've tried various postfix guides but I'm lost in configuration. ...
user65297's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Mass-Forward Email in Exchange 2003

I've got an Exchange 2003 account that was once set to forward to an external address but got disabled at some point. That external user now wants the forwarding turned back on and everything in the ...
Mr. Jefferson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Set up a forwarding mailbox in qmail?

setting up a simple mailserver to forward all messages sent to one address to gmail. So far I have a file /var/qmail/mailnames/ with a single line: &recepient@gmail....
Evgeny's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to prevent email forwarded by exim from being seen as spam

I have recently started to look after a mail system where users can host their email with a web mail front end. One of the features provided is a function to set up forwarding. The problem I am ...
VagrantPaladin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Exchange Online - Route email to different address depending on sender initials

So our HR department is tiny, and gets an enormous amount of email from our agency at large. They'd like us to forward email to different members of their team, based on the alphabetical order of the ...
Scuba Steve's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can IP reputation be affected due to automatic forwarding?

I am hitting a dead wall with the support team of my email hosting provider. The IP they assigned me was blacklisted and so sending emails to end up getting rejected. After several emails ...
dr_rk's user avatar
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Postfix crashing on start-up. Why?

I'm using Debian 6, Postfix 2.9.6 and I want to avoid using MySQL for this, if possible. Here is the appropriate part from virtual_alias_domains = virtual_alias_maps ...
3ventic's user avatar
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2 answers

Forward e-mail to multiple addresses with conditions

I need to forward e-mails to different mail accounts by different conditions. The aim is to create mail notification scheme for my company. I'd like to setup server on dedicated mail domain for it. Is ...
Valera Leontyev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cross forwarding mail between two users in Postfix?

Say I want users A and B to receive each other's mail under Postfix. Is there a way to set this up as root? My first approach hasn't worked. Namely, under /etc/aliases, the following: A: A, B B: B, A ...
ezequiel-garzon's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Original sender is not correctly identified when spam is forwarded

I have a forwarding rule with Postfix that forwards all messages to my main email address. When a spam message is sent to one of my emails, it is forwarded but the sender is shown as being the ...
Stephan Burlot's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Correct SPF record to avoid softfail for emails sent from domain address using Gmail?

I have a domain address, such as [email protected], which forwards to Gmail. Gmail is configured to 'send email as' [email protected], using's SMTP server. Emails sent from Gmail as me@example....
mix's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Preventing out of office storms Exchange 2010, OWA and Auto Forward to a group

In my organization we have a group mailbox for a particular function. The actual function is preformed by 15 - 20 individuals on a rotating basis. The group mailbox serves as a record for all e-mail ...
Simon McLaren's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

DMARC fails on forwarded mails without DKIM

I am running a mail server (postfix) on a VPS that is set up to forward all mail sent to an address in my private domain to a GMail address. SPF, SRS, DKIM, and DMARC are set up for my mail server and ...
user3298489's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to stop Postfix from forwarding SPAM without blocking local users' SPAM?

Some of my users have aliases in /etc/postfix/virtual that forward to other providers (mostly gmail). I believe that the fact that all mail is forwarded (even SPAM) is causing reputation issues for ...
singpolyma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Forwarding incoming email for a single email to two Internal emails and one external email

Alright here is the scenario, and I apologize if this was posted somewhere as I could not find in other forums, I have an email address lets call [email protected]. The purpose of this email is so ...
NetworkOutlawX's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Email forwarding over windows and iis7

I am trying to make a mail piping sytem work and I am having trouble as I am not used to working with IIS7 over Windows. The official documentation talks about how to do it with Cpanel and X3 skin, ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 answers

Forwarding email with postfix via AWS SES

I have a server with postfix MTA installed that accepts mail for my domain, hereinafter I need to setup forwarding for certain [email protected] to other emails . e.g. and ...
Alexey's user avatar
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