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Questions tagged [mailman]

Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager, is a program to manage mailing lists. It is released under the GNU General Public License.

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12 votes
4 answers

How to restrict mailman list subscriptions to certain domains?

Is there any way to restrict a mailman mailing list to only allowing subscriptions from one specific domain? I know how to ban specific email addresses or domains from subscribing, but is there a way ...
freiheit's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to properly disable a mailman mailing list

I have been asked to disable a single mailing list on mailman. I do not want to destroy the list - we may want to revive it later. Also, we want to keep the archives accessible for the list members. ...
S.L. Barth is on's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can I configure mailman so that it won't break S/MIME digital signatures?

We're currently using Mailman as a mailing list manager. Mailman modifies the content of mail messages. The problem is that some of our users are sending digitally signed messages and the modification ...
vy32's user avatar
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Getting mailman3 to play nicely with postfix and dovecot

I am playing around with mailman3 and I've happened upon this problem: mailman3, the web interface as well as hyperkitty have been installed using mailman-bundler. I have added the prescribed postfix ...
Stephan Klein's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Mailman "from" spoofing

It seems mailman, by default, spoofs its outgoing message with the "from" address of the person who posted the message. The envelope mail-from is not spoofed, but rather the P2 FROM. Is this ...
Ode's user avatar
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2 answers

What's a good way to provide a searchable interface to Mailman mailing list archives?

If you have a collection of mailing list archives from Mailman (example here) is there a good way to make them searchable from a web-based interface?
Dana Robinson's user avatar
4 votes
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How to transfer config of one mailman list to another?

I want to transfer one mailman list from one server to another. I guess the old config is in the mailman\lists\LISTNAME\config.pck file, but i can't read it and I don't want to blind copy files around ...
wurlog's user avatar
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Site list for mailman missing, despite it being created and configured

I am migrating a mailman installation from an Ubuntu 8.0.4 server to an Ubuntu 12.04 server. I have succesfully installed mailman on the target server and copied the data, archives and lists ...
S.L. Barth is on's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/mailman/

I just upgraded from Ubuntu server to 14.0.4 LTS and I can no longer access Mailman via the Web Interface. I get a 403 forbidden error (Forbidden: You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/...
user2643864's user avatar
3 votes
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Preventing a single list subscriber from unsubscribing from a mailman list

I run a technical mailman list with a lot of subscribers on it. One company, whose presence on the list is highly desirable, has many of its readers subscribed by an internal "exploder" list; that is,...
MadHatter's user avatar
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Mailman cannot relay e-mails to non-local domains

My e-mail server runs Debian with postfix, dovecot, amavis, mailman, with postfixadmin in a virtual domain setup. All works fine, except for mailman which is not able to relay e-mails to non-local ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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1 answer

Postfix - virtual - exclude sender from recipients

Is postfix able to rewrite the recipients, based on the sender address? There are multiple users receiving Mail by this configuration in /etc/postfix/virtual: [email protected] user1, user2, ...
GregorVolkmann's user avatar
3 votes
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Postfix and Mailman

I've just configured postfix using virtual domains (using dovecote) and therefore needed to alter the mailman-configuration. I decided to use lists.* to allow postfix to distiguish between mails that ...
ma0ho's user avatar
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postfix, dovecot 2, mailman, dovecot-lda on same domain, config does not work anymore

this configuration used to work but after updating to Dovecot 2 (Ubuntu 12.04) mails to mailman get not delivered anymore: Instead of delivering to mailman, I get a bounce for non-existing user ...
kei1aeh5quahQu4U's user avatar
3 votes
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Migrating GNU Mailman server to new hardware

We have a GNU Mailman server running on some old hardware that is due to be retired soon. I have been trying to figure out where the list/archive data stored so I can just rsync it over to the new ...
Justin's user avatar
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Nginx fastcgi split path info with mailman

i'm using mailman with nginx to get its web interface this my nginx config : location /cgi-bin/mailman { root /usr/lib/; fastcgi_split_path_info (/cgi-bin/mailman[^/]*)/(.*)$; ...
eyadof's user avatar
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MailMan moderator subscribe via email

I am setting up a MailMan list server and I am trying to find a way for moderators to subscribe users through email. We are only using the MailMan website for the administrators and need the ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Early mail rejection with Mailman in Postfix

I have a Postfix installation on a single machine which is the sole final mail destination for: The hostname of the machine ( and localhost Mailman lists on A ...
pwaring's user avatar
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Constant 403 errors when trying to access mailman listinfo and admin in nginx [closed]

I've set up nginx and mailman (among everything else) via this tutorial: I was able to successfully create ...
Matthew Calabresi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to change the Require Explicit Destination flag on a list from the command line, with Mailman?

I have a mailing list within mailman that has the flag "Require Explicit Destination" set to True. I would like to turn this off but only have access via command-line. How can I turn this off/set to ...
user2643864's user avatar
2 votes
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What are the steps to integrate a new mailman list?

I am using Mailman version 2.1.12 running on a Linux CentOS 6.3 final system, and there are already many successfully operational mailman lists in operation. sendmail is the transport. I have created ...
octopusgrabbus's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I let specified non-subscribers post to a GNU Mailman mailing list?

How do I let a few specified non-subscriber email addresses post to an otherwise closed GNU Mailman mailing list?
Anirvan's user avatar
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Is DKIM/ARC working properly on my Mailman server?

I've set up a Mailman 3 server with Postfix. I've configured Postfix to add DKIM headers using OpenDKIM and a test email from that server to a Microsoft-hosted email address suggests that DKIM is OK: ...
Philip Colmer's user avatar
2 votes
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Mailman: How to split up mails into batches

Having huge mailinglists with maybe 10k subscribers, is there a way to split list forwarded by mailman into batches maybe a 1000 mails sending out each batch maybe with an offset? Or would it make ...
frlan's user avatar
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Automatically reject any mailman mailing list posts that contain Russian?

I'm running a small mailman-based mailing list on a Linux server, and the only spam posts we seem to get are in russian. They are automatically moderated of course, since they're not subscribed to the ...
davr's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I migrate mailman lists from one domain to another?

I have some internal mailman mailing lists on my intranet. The company domain name has changed. Can I automate the process of resigning '[email protected]' and assigning '[email protected]' from/...
dr-jan's user avatar
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Can mailman/exim reject nonmember postings at connection time?

I am using Mailman with Exim. When a nonmember posts to a mailing list, Mailman can be configured in any of the following ways, each of which has a problem: Accept it -- this distributes spam to all ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
2 votes
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Mailman and Apache Virtual Hosts problems

I am creating a set up of Mailman, Apache2.4 and Postfix. My problem is as follows. When I access the mailing list with the domain name, I get the correct result in my browser. Here the picture ...
real's user avatar
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Stuck with unsatisfactory performance using PHPList & Amazon SES

I have a PHPList 2.11.7 development version, installed and running on AWS EC2, I made a micro instance, and uploaded an image that contains CentOS 5.8 32-bit version since supposedly PHPList isn't ...
Khalid's user avatar
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Can Mailman log the IP address of each message sent?

It is possible to configure Mailman to log the IP address of the sender of each message? It appears the correct configuration directive (from is SMTP_LOG_SUCCESS. It logs to /var/log/...
richardkmiller's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Mailman, how to unshunt message back into hold queue for moderation?

How can I get Mailman to reprocess messages in a queue directory? Or alternately, how can I transfer all the messages from a queue directory into the moderation hold queue for the relevant list(s)? ...
Nic's user avatar
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2 votes
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Mailman sending messages as wrong domain

I've got mailman and exim on my server for our mailing lists. When you send a message to it ( [email protected] ), the message sender is [email protected]. This server is locally known ...
Bocochoco's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing list member's moderation flag on Mailman with command line

Is there a way to change the moderation flag of a member of a list from the command line, with Mailman?
Daniel C. Sobral's user avatar
1 vote
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SNT0-MC1-F20 Mailman issue

We are having issues with our maling list, we are using MailMan, a piece of log that i thought it might help in tracking the issue, Multiple lines like the following: (lost connection with mx1....
MohyedeenN's user avatar
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how to backup and restore mailman?

How can I backup and restore mailman list ? Our server was hacked, We plan to reload OS. We are having mailman list in server. I'm new to mailman, It's urgent to backup and restore mailman list. I'...
Kumar's user avatar
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Setting up ClamAV with Exim and Mailman on Debian Squeeze

I manage a Debian Squeeze server that uses Exim as the MTA and runs several mailing lists using Mailman. I'd like to set up ClamAV to block viruses that may get posted to a list. I'm having trouble ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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2 answers

Disable Mailman Reminders

We run a mailserver on OSX server, and a few mailing lists. The password/subscription reminds USED to come out at 8AM (local), but in the past months it's moved to 5AM, a nuisance to all involved. It ...
VxJasonxV's user avatar
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Mailman Log Files

I'm trying to find out who unsubscribed a specific email from a list in mailman. I've found where the user was removed in /var/log/mailman/subscribe..But it just says "deleted [email protected] web ...
Cube_Zombie's user avatar
1 vote
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Email tagged as SPAM

I'm making a mail-list with Mailman on Ubuntu Server. The main domain of my server is DOMAIN1.FR, but my mail-list is [email protected]. I think I've made all things to do but my emails are tagged as ...
Valentin A's user avatar
1 vote
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BATV filtering on Postfix and mailman [closed]

Apparently Postfix does not natively support BATV tags. We'd like to strip these prvs=-tags from the FROM field because we think our mailman setup has issues with it (sees sender as a non-member). I ...
aairey's user avatar
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Rewrite or change MAIL FROM:<> with postfix or mailman

I've got a problem with free french email provider : since several weeks now, their smtp servers don't accept empty MAIL FROM anymore. Here is a sample telnet session : $ telnet smtpz4....
juba's user avatar
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postfix with mailman [closed]

What should happen is that [email protected] should be delivered to that users inbox on localhost, user@localhost. Thunderbird works fine at reading user@localhost. I'm just using a small ...
Thufir's user avatar
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How to view contents of POST requests?

I have recently started getting a lot of POST requests to my mailman subscription page at /mailman//subscribe/ and the server HTTP log shows: - - [06/Jan/2021:...
Ross Hodgman's user avatar
1 vote
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Mailman: Is it possible to re-send bounced emails?

I've just installed a Mailman server to send newsletters, but I (foolishly) didn't wait long enough for the new dedicated subdomain to propagate through the DNS network before sending the first one, ...
Joril's user avatar
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4 answers

"Warning: hostname localhost does not resolve to address ::1: No address associated with hostname" inside an openVZ/Debian container

I'm getting the mesage regulary inside mail.log from postfix. In special, but not only, at mails send received mailman. warning: hostname localhost does not resolve to address ::1: No address ...
frlan's user avatar
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Setting up a mail server using postfix, dovecot, mailman and ldap

I don't really have much experience with mail servers so forgive me if some of my terminology is off. First of all, here's what I'm trying to do: get user information using ldap (postfix?) separate ...
silent_shelly's user avatar
1 vote
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What could cause Mailman to drop messages after moderator approval?

I run a medium-sized Mailman system that recently developed a problem where any messages that pass through moderation disappear instead of being delivered to the mailing list. This is affecting every ...
Nic's user avatar
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Mailman automatic approval for new message from a specific domain

kindly all can you show how to configure mailman to approve all message from specific domain without a request to confirmation even if this domain sender is not subscribed ? i tried this but not ...
Moaz Refat's user avatar
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Mailman bounce messages going to list

A number of users on a list had an issue with mail; Mailman messages were being rejected with a 550 error due to a problem with their server. For some reason, these bounce messages were then ...
Austin's user avatar
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mailman not relaying email to external address

I have a setup of mailman with postfix on an ubuntu server 12.04. My problem is that mailing list emails are not forwarded to email addresses external to my institution. However the initial welcome ...
gozzilli's user avatar
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