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Questions tagged [mailscanner]

A Free Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam Filter for Mail Servers

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34 votes
2 answers

Sending malicious email as a test

I have set up a working SMTP relay together with MailScanner. This SMTP relay is not — and will not be — able to relay email from the outside, only local email. Is it possible to send a ...
Orphans's user avatar
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Mailscanner & Postfix: HOLD everything except messages with a custom header

ATM I'm using the normal method to put all messages on HOLD to pass them from postfix to MailScanner as described on In the Postfix configuration file /etc/...
Zixyar's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do I configure MailScanner to use a remote clamd?

I decided to decrease the workload on my mail gateway by moving anti-virus processing to a separate server. I created the server, installed clamav-daemon on it, and tested it by running clamdscan from ...
Daniel C. Sobral's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

SpamAssassin trying to read config files under /root/

I have mail gateway servers configured to use MailScanner + Postfix + SpamAssassin as described here, along with MailWatch as a web front end. When sa-learn is run from MailWatch (it's run as the ...
gharper's user avatar
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CentOS: what is blocking the port?

I am rather new to Linux and trying to set up a MailScanner box. I went as far as to set it up with postfix and succeeded sending a test message via it from the local console. However, when I try to ...
kdl's user avatar
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2 answers

SpamAssassin, Postfix, and Multiple Addresses in From Header

I'm working on a problem that I'm seeing with an email scanning server (MailScanner, Spamassassin, Postfix, etc.), and From header spoofing. Unfortunately, some of the versions of these components ...
rickyboone's user avatar
1 vote
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Mailscanner and amavisd-new comparison

I'm going to implement a mailfiltering gateway for my company. I'm going to use Postfix, with a PostgreSQL back-end. The question would be: how to best implement the antispam measures. Mailscanner + ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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Delay in delivering messages with Mailscanner and Postfix

With Mailscanner (v4.85.2) and Postfix (v2.11.1-1) on Ubuntu mail is being delivered, but there are times where messages sit on the incoming queue after mailscanner has scanned them for right at 5 ...
gymbrall's user avatar
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1 answer

Mail has stopped working on Centos since instlling MailScanner [closed]

I have a VPS which I rent and it is running Centos 6. The VPS has ZPanel installed which is used to host some websites and emails. I have just installed Mailscanner and now, I have noticed that ...
pgunston's user avatar
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2 answers

postfix sender_access does not reject

I am trying to stop spam from one sender. They each time uses another mail server. here is headers from original email (i replaced my email and host with: [email protected], sender email and host ...
Guntis's user avatar
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2 answers

Filter messages in Mailscanner based on 'From:' header

I created a blacklist rule to filter out messages: From: * yes It works, partly, except that part of those messages are sent with a return-path other than I Googled a bit and ...
Halfgaar's user avatar
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Mailscanner: how to block html attachments only

I have a Mailscanner site and I want to deny all html attachments but permit html emails. AFAIK there is difference between html attachments and html mail: Content-Disposition: attachment; I tried ...
sgargel's user avatar
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2 answers

Messages released from MailScanner quarantine are marked as DUPLICATEDELIVER in Exchange 2007

I have installed Postfix with MailScanner on CentOS 5.4 as a smarthost for Exchange 2007. When a message gets quarantined and I later release it (
kdl's user avatar
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1 answer

add DCC metrics header with MailScanner/SpamAssassin

I have a working MailScanner 4.85.2 installation that is using DCC and reporting spamassassin DCC rule scores. I'd like to have MailScanner or SpamAssassin add the DCC Metrics to a header. I cannot ...
simpleuser's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

monitoring mailscanner queue with zabbix

Anoyne knows how to setup zabbix monitoring for mailscanner queue ? We managed to setup monitoring for exim queue, but we noticed that mailscanner also fills its queue sometimes and we would like ...
user214712's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

incoming mail with low score, but count as spam?

my Centos server currently running spamassassin to filter spam email, it work together with mailscanner, it work fine before but suddently got a problem: Nov 15 16:12:02 main MailScanner[4079]: ...
moriya's user avatar
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2 answers

Edit exim4 Message-ID for releasing blocked mail by Mailscanner

Our sysadmin team edits the field Message-ID in exim4 header files (ending with -H) and substitues the first char after "<". e.g: 077I Message-ID: <3D945239009B2549BFAE372F090AE90984E0882E7F@...
F12's user avatar
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spamassassin and subject utf base64

I have a problem with some spam messages with the subject field encoded in utf8 base 64 and weird characters used to fool the filter rules example: raw subject of incoming email Subject: =?UTF-8?B?...
hcomputer's user avatar
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Mailscanner increase spam score by domain

Our email server is getting lots of spam that isn't in our local language or is translated with help of Google. Our business 99% is local within country. Is it possible in Mailscanner to increase spam ...
Guntis's user avatar
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Using fail2ban to block smtp

I have set up a working SMTP relay together with MailScanner. This SMTP relay is not — and will not be — able to relay email from the outside, only local email. We are providing a SMTP relay for our ...
Orphans's user avatar
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1 answer

Plesk and MailScanner [closed]

Plesk has spam filtering features using SpamAssassin you can buy. But I was wondering, what if I just install Mailscanner? I mean, MailScanner installs itself in the postfix/exim/qmail pipeline and ...
Halfgaar's user avatar
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ClamAV Anti-Virus not Classifying Virus Emails as Virus

I have installed Sendmail as my SMTP mail server, SpamAssassin as Spam Classifier and ClamAV Anti-Virus. I tested out sending my server a virus email eicar.txt Now I am receiving the virus email in ...
alyssaeliyah's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MailScanner error "Cannot find Socket"

CentOS 7, mail server. Messages stopped going in and out. Tried to debug, saw this in /var/log/maillog: MailScanner[4786]: Cannot find Socket (/var/run/clamd.scan/clamd.sock) Exiting! But the socket ...
real_sm's user avatar
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Spamassasin / Mailscanner - "learn better"

Specs: debian 8 spamassassin 3.4.1 MailScanner 5.0.3 We have some mailservers which (auto and manually) learn via sa-learn from different hosting-servers. Spam will mostly get tagged and moved to ...
eXe's user avatar
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1 answer

Authenticated outgoing email is marked as spam by PBL on mailserver

Users are sending email, authenticated, through the submission port on my mailserver (their domain MX record points to mailserver; postfix). What's been setup A record MX record (pointing to same ...
th3penguinwhisperer's user avatar
0 votes
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Configuring antispam email gateway with mailscanner and postfix as relay server

I have configured mailscanner and postfix to receive emails, scan it using clamAV and forward it to a mail server inside my network. internet<----><----->
Kameshwar Thakur's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to host an email gateway/firewall for OVH MX solution?

We have our emails hosted on using their MX plans. It happens that we want to limit the subscriptions/spam/unwanted mails received by our enterprise's mails. To add OVH premade spam/virus ...
ATX's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Failed SMTP Authentication - TOSHIBA e-STUDIO255

I do have TOSHIBA e-STUDIO255 and i have configured scan to email option. about one week it's worked perfectly but now it's keep giving me this error "Failed SMTP Authentication". i have not change ...
lahiru madhumadha's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Mailscanner Installation. Where to put '/^Received:/ HOLD?'

I am trying to install Mailscanner onto a Centos VPS and there is a section of the tutorial which I am reading that states the following: Next, open the file /etc/postfix/header_checks and add this ...
pgunston's user avatar
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