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Questions tagged [minikube]

minikube implements a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

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11 votes
1 answer

minikube/k8s/kubectl "failed to watch file [ ... ]: no space left on device"

I'm fairly new to k8s and minikube, and could use help understanding the frequent-but-not-ubiquitous error I get when running kubectl logs -f <POD NAME> I get this, sometimes, and ...
Ben's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Kubernetes deployment "failed to pull image" with local registry, minikube

I'm getting a "Failed to pull image" error on my deployment in minikube with a local registry, despite other deployments using the same image registry working as expected. My workflow is to build ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Connect to remote minikube cluster using kubectl

I am looking to see if I can connect to a remote minikube cluster (Ubuntu box) using local (Mac) kubectl. I currently use Docker and can do this very easily using docker-machine. Simply eval to the ...
MeanwhileInHell's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Unable to connect to minikube ingress via minikube ip

so I just got started digging into minikube after having problems with the docker-desktop here and there. I am following, ...
nugetminer23's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Minikube. How to allow access to local mySQL database from container

I'm trying to access to local MySQL database from minikube container. My minikube works on Windows 10 with hyper-v driver. I found a few solutions (creating host-only network from VirtualBox) but ...
Denis Lopatin's user avatar
5 votes
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Minikube mount datadir at minikube start

So I actually want to start my minikube cluster with a special directory mounted on it, on /data. This directory contains my db datas. For this I try: minikube start \ --driver=docker \ --extra-config=...
nail0x's user avatar
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3 answers

How to run minikube start as a linux service on startup?

This question is related to How to arrange a non admin command as a systemd service? I have the following minikube.service file: [Unit] Description=Runs minikube on startup After=vboxautostart-service....
mark's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Ingress returns 'default backend - 404' on Minikube

I'm trying to set up a very simple Kubernetes cluster with frontend, backend and db services. Here is part of the Frontend service definition file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ...
zmbq's user avatar
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Exposing minikube service using iptables

I have minikube Load balancer service running on kvm based minikube node. I have below network routes, Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use ...
Xinus's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to Access ArgoCD Web UI - Connection Issue

I'm having trouble accessing the ArgoCD web UI, and I'm seeking assistance to troubleshoot the issue. Here are the details: Problem Description: I have successfully installed ArgoCD on my Kubernetes ...
COMIX MASTER's user avatar
1 vote
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executing a command without password prompt or root

For the sake of writing a script, I'd like my minikube-role-user to execute the command minikube tunnel without a password prompt, without switching user to root, be it by su or temporarily by sudo, ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Pods on two different nodes communicate very slow, any idea why?

I am learning k8s and I have 3 nodes k8s cluster. I have just recently deployed k8s with kubeadmin and so far it is working great. everything working perfectly but the only problem that I am facing is ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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2 answers

Need help understanding label overwrite behavior in kubernetes

I am learning kubernetes by walking through a kubernetes tutorial. While working through the exercises in module 4, I observed an odd behavior from kubernetes when overwriting a label. I could use ...
Lee Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

minikube: Using a storageclass to provision data outside of /tmp

Absolute minikube/kubernetes neophyte here. I'm using minikube with vm-driver = none (in case that matters) to deploy an application that gives me the option to specify a storageClass for ...
JFitzDela's user avatar
1 vote
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Getting error when updating the Minikube installation

Iam trying to start Minikube but it gives an error: Error getting primary cp:could not find master node What is the reason for this error & How to fix this error?
Paul's user avatar
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0 answers

minikube not running with virtualbox, how to fix that?

I am using windows 10 professional edition. Installed virtualbox and also enable virtualization on bios, that's why able to run windows 10 64bit machines as VMs in virtualbox. When I started minikube, ...
user2331760's user avatar
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minikube on macos with m1 darwin without docker

Ok, in my search for a development environment without docker desktop, I am exploring minikube. The issue is that minikube (at the time of writing) cannot run on macos with m1 chip because hyperkit is ...
santiago arizti's user avatar
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Injected vault-agent pod failing to start, api server & vault aren't communicating

I have a local kubernetes cluster using kind. It is a single node cluster. On this cluster I am following this guide to setup Vault & the vault-agent-injector. If I follow the tutorial step by ...
max_sargent's user avatar
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How to generate or change HostPath in kubernetes config for each developer?

In Kubernetes, you can create a volume to mount into a with hostpath. This hostPath should provide a directory on the node running the pod. It's useful when you are working in development environments ...
fermin's user avatar
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Does Minikube (or Kubernetes) need CPU-virtualisation instructions to orchestrate Docker containers?

I am looking to learn Kubernetes, specifically from this resource. I only want to run Docker containers, rather than full-fat VMs. It says that I need any of these as a base from which to work: ...
halfer's user avatar
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Connecting NodePort in Minikube

I created a Service and a Deployment but I am unable to access the service with minikube service --url accounts-service or minikube service accounts-service. While the second one opens the browser but ...
King's user avatar
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Minikube Failed to pull image http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

I've a minikube running on OSX with hyperkit with insecure registry enabled $ minikube start 🎉 minikube 1.12.1 is available! Download it: �...
bachr's user avatar
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Minikube does not work with Virtualbox on Mac

I'm running this command minikube start --vm-driver virtualbox -p minikube on Mac to start a minikube instance and I'm getting the following error: Exiting due to IF_VBOX_NOT_VISIBLE: Failed to start ...
Carabes's user avatar
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Kubernetes pod fails with crashloopbackoff error

Created a minikube pod and downloaded an image from the hub Docker.Com private repository. A crashloopbackoff error occurs when attempting to set up a pod to pull the image. I want to fix this error. ...
Paul's user avatar
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Facing error again in minikube renew certificate

When I run kubectl command getting error is certificate expired How to debug minikube errors? kubectl get pods Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
Paul's user avatar
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Cannot properly edit and save worker node specs in Kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes cluster setup using KubeAdm (Setup in EC2 instances in AWS Cloud). The CNI used is Flannel and the cluster is running quite well. My requirement is that I am trying to setup ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
0 votes
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cluster-autoscaler simulator in minikube

I have seen examples for the horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) using minikube (example). However, I'm wondering if there is a similar tutorial to get hands on experience with the cluster autoscaler (CA)...
Kiran K.'s user avatar
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kubernetes on virtualbox and visual studio code

I have installed kuberenetes with minikube on windows in virtualbox, for the moment I'm using visual studio as yaml IDE and using cmd for kubectl commands. I want to know how can I define Visual ...
Alireza Nasri's user avatar
0 votes
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minikube on virtual box loses HostOnly network after host was in sleep mode - How to recover?

I'm running minikube with the vbox driver. I noticed that when I get back to my workstation after it's been in sleep mode, I can't do kubectl get pods (or any other kubectl command). Some digging and ...
Tom Klino's user avatar
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Minikube files do not persist after restart

I'm using minikube version 0.28.0 and files don't persist after a restart. I ran into the problem after noticing my database data disappears after a restart (even though the pods, pv's, and pvc's say ...
s g 's user avatar
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1 answer

minikube - Error starting cluster: kubeadm init error

My environment: $ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) $ uname -a Linux X.X.X 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 14 21:49:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux $ ...
alexus's user avatar
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Stop minikube on Ubuntu shutdown

I'm new to Kubernetes, I have internal instruction on how to setup the app locally using minikube. The problem is that I sometimes forget to stop the Cluster, if I do when shutdown the system it will ...
jcubic's user avatar
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Error creating directory: /var/run/kubernetes

Title: Permission Denied Error when Starting Minikube: Failed kubeconfig Update : writing kubeconfig: Error creating directory: /var/run/kubernetes: mkdir /var/run/kubernetes: permission denied trying ...
kushal shukla's user avatar
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Tried to set up a K8 cluster from scratch on Ubuntu 22 but the kubelet is failing to register nodes

The kubelet service shows the below error Apr 05 14:13:06 estk8worker0 kubelet[90209]: E0405 14:13:06.863258 90209 kubelet_node_status.go:92] "Unable to register node with API server" err=&...
Sks's user avatar
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0 answers

Cors issue when deploying a mernstack app on minikube

I have a mern stack app (react vite + nodejs) web app that is working fine as i enabled cors middleware to allow my frontend to send requests to the backend but the problem is when i tried to deploy ...
Achref's user avatar
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0 answers

How to access a docker-compose container running with Minikube?

I used to setup and run some containers in my local machine with docker-compose with the Docker daemon running via Docker Desktop. I uninstalled Docker Desktop (due to licensing issues) and installed ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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minikube dns does not resolve on host fedora systemd-resolve

I have setup minikube with the docker driver, but the problem is the same with the virtualbox driver. I'm on fedora 39 and i followed the explanation here:
thiebaut fischer's user avatar
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Mounting a local directory in Minikube causes "File system loop detected" error when a pod uses it

I would like to run MongoDB in Minikube, while mounting a local directory to the pod so that MongoDB can use the data in it. My data is in the ./data directory of my local PC, so I first did this: ...
GreenPenguin's user avatar
0 votes
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Minikube - monitor persistent storage usage

I would like to see if there are potential issues with disk size usage with Minikube. As per my understanding, Minikube allocates 20GB of storage by default and I can control that via the disk size ...
phobic's user avatar
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Configure kubectl command to access remote minikube cluster on virtualbox debian VM

i have set up successfully on debian minikube with simple cluster Debian VM : umen@debian12:~$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-77c947d946-jq2s4 1/1 ...
user61104's user avatar
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Minikube hosted in oracle linux. A web application hosted within minikube not able to access the same from out side browser

[root@master-node-1-sk ~]# kubectl describe services bank-cash-pro-gui-docker-image Name: bank-cash-pro-gui-docker-image Namespace: default Labels: ...
santosh kapse's user avatar
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How to use Ingress to access kubernetes-dashboard on Minikube?

I can access kubernetes-dashboard by getting its URL using minikube dashboard --url. However, using this approach a different portname is used every time I restart the Minikube cluster. Therefore I ...
Joysn's user avatar
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Using apt-get update in Dockerfile is not working

In my Mac, I'm running minikube, version minikube version: v1.24.0 commit: 76b94fb3c4e8ac5062daf70d60cf03ddcc0a741b with VirtualBox, with this command minikube start --vm-driver virtualbox --docker-...
Carabes's user avatar
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1 answer

Kubernetes Ingress always direct traffic to the wrong pod

I have the following setup in a minikube kubernetes cluster (locally) namespace customer-a 1 deployment -> prints "Hi from Customer A" 1 LoadBalancer type Service 1 ingress -> host ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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Accessing Mosquitto MQTT from outside my kubernetes cluster

I have the following Mosquitto setup on my minikube: Deployment: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: mosquitto namespace: mosquitto spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels:...
Daniel's user avatar
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Can't make vsftpd on kubernetes (minikube) with load balancer AND ssl work

CONTEXT School project : to host several services on a kubernetes node minikube including a ftps server on port 21 using a load balancer. School ask us to make our own images based on Alpine. What I ...
Bstorm's user avatar
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Setup bridge for existing virtual birdge that minikube is running on

I managed to setup minikube on my system using kvm2 driver, and it seems to work. However i want to be able to launch the dashboard and access it externally, i.e. access it from another device within ...
Aeseir's user avatar
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Configuring TCP services with nginx ingress on minikube/k8s

I'm new to k8s/minikube (and to some extent, unix networking in general) so if I ask something that seems to make no sense, I'll be happy to clarify! Goal I want to configure a port-based TCP ...
Ben's user avatar
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When starting minikube set to --kubernetes-version v1.7.6, startup fails due to kubeadm attempting to use kube-dns

On my mac and Linux boxes (Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia), when attempting to start minikube compatible with v.1.7.6, the startup fails when it tries to run the /usr/bin/kubeadm alpha phase addon kube-dns ...
Scott S's user avatar
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DEPLOY ERROR: cpu memory error in kubernetes when i try deploy pods

Problem: I cannot start my nginx server cluster, promtail demoset and loki pod to aggregate information. Deploy code: code share Error + statics: dashboard error stats Testing: I already tried adding ...
Francesco's user avatar