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2 answers

1GB VPS - Apache Worker MPM - FCGID - Max concurrent connections - RAM CAP

I have spent a week or two researching and setting up my server to run Apache with the Worker MPM and FCID. I am trying to optimize it to allow for the most concurrent connections possible. It has ...
user1287874's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

mod_fcgi in virtualmin: graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL?

Yesterday around 1am, our server ground to a crawl. This doesn't happen often, but I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. There is no unusual traffic volume, no unusual processes running, just all of ...
mgjk's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How to change suexec root directory from "/var/www" to "/home"?

Hi I've installed suexec using on ubuntu 12.04: apt-get install apache2 apache2-suexec libapache2-mod-fcgid php5-cgi However when I run the following command: sudo /usr/lib/apache2/suexec -V I get ...
Oudin's user avatar
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6 votes
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A single php-fastcgi process blocks all other PHP requests

I've recently switched to a FastCGI setup for PHP (Apache2-worker and mod_fcgid). However, when a single PHP script is very busy, it seems to block all other PHP requests. What would be wrong with my ...
vdboor's user avatar
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mod_fcgid: read data timeout errors

I moved to an unmanaged server that uses fcgid (before I was using mod_php), and in the error logs I see tons of such errors: [Mon Apr 23 21:17:12 2012] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: ...
giorgio79's user avatar
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How to find out the current setting for FcgidMaxProcesses on Apache?

While asking this question, I feel that it may be dumb - but I have no idea at the moment... How to find out the current setting for FcgidMaxProcesses on Apache? Background I experienced the ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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2 answers

mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot after software upgrade

I'm on a shared hosting plan with a Wiki and a Bulletin Board installation. After upgrading the Wiki to the latest release my users are not able to upload files with the integrated "media manager" ...
duenni's user avatar
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How do I run a PHP web application as a particular user and group on CentOS 5 with Apache?

I'm aware there are various different ways to do this but I'm not sure that the "best" way would be for my particular situation: Each site should have its own user account (site user) Virtual Hosts ...
prodigitalson's user avatar
4 votes
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Apache mass virtual hosting & suexec & fcgid

I followed Falco's tutorial and everything now works as expected for 2 users (e.g. john and alice) with their relevant directories (/var/www/john and /var/ww/alice). Now, I want to go to the next ...
centurian's user avatar
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2 answers

How to stop a random ramp in FCGI Processes Killing the server

So got the below earlier to day... Around that time the logs show a ramp in processes(600) and associated memory (1.2g), cpu usage load average (80) untill the server gave out. Server had to be hard ...
Andy Main's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Premature end of script headers, mod_fcgi

I have PHP website running under mod_fcgi in apache2. Problem is that in some cases i get (probability is something like 1/400): Premature end of script headers: controller.php and Internal Server ...
martu's user avatar
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3 votes
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Setting up Apache 2.2 + FastCGI + SuExec + PHP-FPM on Centos 6

I'm trying to follow this very detailed instruction here, I simply changed from www-data user to apache user, and is using /var/www/hosts/sitename/public_html instead of /home/user/public_html ...
mr1031011's user avatar
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500 error after mod_fcgid error

I have this error on my sever: [Mon Feb 27 09:56:03 2012] [error] mod_fcgid: process /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web111/.php-fcgi-starter(7847) exit(communication error), get unexpected ...
Oleg Abrazhaev's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Access Denied for PHP Files Only

Apache HTTP Server 2.2.21 with VirtualHosts under SuExec PHP 5.3.8 via fcgid Arch Linux 2011.08.19 I am getting 403 Access Denied errors from Apache any time I try to access a PHP file. HTML files ...
Hugh Guiney's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Getting PHP to work with SPDY?

I recently switched my site over to using HTTPS in all the URL's. (My post here) I am running Apache with PHP on Ubuntu 12.0.4 I was told that I should install the Apache module for SPDY since I ...
JasonDavis's user avatar
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Configuration trouble: PHP through mod_fcgid on CentOS 5.3

I've been Googling and researching the topic for quite a while but found only one thorough guide... That don't work. I want to run PHP through mod_fcgid on Apache2 - CentOS 5.3. With my current ...
Christoffer's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I check if mod_fcgi is enabled in Apache and/or how to enable it?

I have a VPS with CENTOS 5.7 . We are using Apache 2.2.22 and mod_fcgi is supposed to be running according to WHM. I did a httpd -l and mod_fcgid.c was not listed there. I checked the httpd.conf file ...
Shaz's user avatar
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linux + apache + mpm_worker + mod_fcgid + php5

I am using VPS based hosting for a website and found that default apache2 + prefork + mod_php is too resource intensive for my VPS to achieve acceptable concurrency. (Eating RAM) So I recently ...
Praveen's user avatar
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mod_fcgid process doesn't respawn

I have a Python script running on my server as a FastCGI using Apache2 and mod_fcgid. I let it spawn up to five processes. But I soon get messages like these in the Apache logs: [Wed Sep 02 23:16:34 ...
aaronsw's user avatar
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0 answers

fcgid automatic reload script

I'm a Debian's user and I'm learning mod_fcgid for apache2.4. I want to use it for coding a python script. When I change my script, I have to reload Apache. I have seen that mod_fastcgi has an option ...
romain's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache: orphaned fcgi php processes

We have a webserver with apache 2.2.14, PHP 5.3.2. PHP is executed using mod_fcgid (see bottom). Everything works fine but sometimes, and we still have to figure out what triggers this, when php ...
Maxxer's user avatar
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Internal Server Error and process graceful kill fail

Internal Server Error is registered in browser, in the Apache error log file I can only see the following warn thrown in same time: [warn] mod_fcgid: process XXXXX graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL ...
ibedelovski's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

fcgid, suexec, and userdir

I'm trying to set up per-user trac instances, using fcgid. The problem is that trac requires rw access to the trac instance, so I need the fcgi process to run under the respective user. I have the ...
Martin v. Löwis's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Sympa and Postfix: Apache error on list creation

I have setup sympa with postfix. I am having problems with creating lists. Everytime I create a list I get this in my /var/log/apache2/error.log: postalias: fatal: open /etc/aliases.db: ...
Lucas Kauffman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Error logging with PHP and mod_fcgid

I have a mediawiki install that is acting up. Whenever I try to save an article, it goes to a blank screen. All though if I refresh that blank screen, it will go on to work. I have no idea why it's ...
nbv4's user avatar
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Apache2 + mod_fcgid + php stopped working after upgrade from Debian squeeze to wheezy

I've updated my server from Debian squeeze to Debian wheezy. On this server are several apache2 vhost which running php via mod_fcgid (I'm also using mod_suexec but this shouldn't be the problem). ...
morten.c's user avatar
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lighttpd: Backend is overloaded + fcgi-server re-enabled + all handlers are down

We have a standard lighttpd deployment with PHP-CGI and our error logs are flooding with the following. This is causing a huge problem because we keep returning 500's to our clients: 2012-10-14 14:28:...
AbuZubair's user avatar
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End of script output before headers: php5

I've inherited the sysadmin role on a server that's running a wordpress website on top of Apache 2.4/Debian. It almost works, but it is issuing "500 internal server error" from time to time. In my ...
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
2 votes
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libapache2-mod-php5 uninstalled after update impossible to put back

I use Webmin to administrate my Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 machine. Yesterday, as often, I got notified of updates and installed them. During the installation process, libapache2-mod-php5 has been ...
Nabab's user avatar
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php set_time_limit not working with mod_fcgid?

It seems set_time_limit function call has no effect when php is running with mod_fcgid (the default in webmin). Can someone tell me how to make it work?
giorgio79's user avatar
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mod_fcgid, perl script output going to apache error_log

I'm trying to get an old Perl script running again after installing mod_fcgid. I had to install mod_fcgid for a new client, but it seems to have broken some of my other cgi scripts. When going to ...
LinuxGnut's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I remove the ServerSignature added by mod_fcgid?

I'm running Mod_Security and I'm using the SecServerSignature to customize the Server header that Apache returns. This part works fine, however I'm also running mod_fcgid which appends "mod_fcgid/2.3....
matthew's user avatar
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0 answers

mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for - error repeats every 6 hour

On server, I run Apache via FastCGI using PHP 7.4.13: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ is configured as this: # Use FastCGI to process .fcg .fcgi & .fpl scripts AddHandler fcgid-script fcg fcgi fpl # Sane ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache 2.4 not calling Perl FastCGI Authenticator script

My company is currently trying implement a new Perl FastCGI based login script to work with Apache 2.4's mod_fcgid module. Our old one relied on mod_perl to do the bridge between Apache's basic ...
Jorge_Freitas's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache mod_fcgid can't init env request header

we have a few requests randomly occurring with these errors: [Tue Nov 21 05:10:34 2017] [warn] [client XX.XX.XX.XX] mod_fcgid: can't init env request header, referer: [Tue Nov 21 ...
holger359's user avatar
2 votes
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SELinux - FCGID program being blocked and no log on /var/log/audit/audit.log

I have a setup where a certain link on my Web Server is redirected to a FCGID module. When I disable SELinux with 'setenforce 0' the site works. When I enable it won't work, it gives me a "Error 500 -...
Vitor Boufleur's user avatar
2 votes
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Best opcode cache for fcgid? (APC vs eaccelerator vs xcache)

I have been reading a while the web trying to find out about opcode caches for fcgid. As I understand so far APC is not a good solution for fcgid, since APC with fcgid caches only per process and that ...
giorgio79's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache + SuExec + php-fpm - how to set them up?

I wonder if there is a good guide on how to setup Apache + SuExec + php-fpm? I have a server which I am going to use several separate website. So, I need php to be run as site-owner user. As I can see,...
Vladislav Rastrusny's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Unable to upload files larger than 128KB error because of ​MaxRequestLen update

server : Plesk panel 10.3.1, PHP 5, Apache2 When I updated the plesk panel, I noticed a strange error while uploading files. My server does not allow any file to be uploaded above the 128kb, even ...
Germaike's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What could cause apache2 to not run index.php files through PHP FastCGI handler?

I'm trying to run PHP using FastCGI (mod-fcgid) under apache 2 with the worker MPM. I've used this blog post as a reference. It seems I've got everything working except one thing: When apache serves ...
Tobi's user avatar
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Apache with PHP configured as FastCGI and scripts without suffix

I have working FastCGI PHP inside Apache using mod_fcgid. But I noticed that PHP scripts are executed even without .php suffix specified. Eg: if file is mail.php then and ...
vladimirm's user avatar
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PHP + Fcgid hangs if download interrupted

Note: this is the same as this SO post, but is possibly more appropriate here as I suspect the problem is server config related rather than code related. I'm using a LAMP setup with PHP running ...
El Yobo's user avatar
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3 answers

Wordpress (nginx cache + Apache + fcgid) pegging all 8 CPUs

I have a WordPress multi-user site that pegs all of my CPUs at more than 90% usage: top - 12:02:58 up 55 days, 5:25, 10 users, load average: 20.51, 15.66, 14.90 Tasks: 294 total, 24 running,...
ptn777's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP Include Always Fails

Apache HTTP Server 2.2.21 with VirtualHosts under SuExec PHP 5.3.8 via fcgid Arch Linux 2011.08.19 I am in the process of migrating from shared hosting to VPS. The code I had ran fine before the move ...
Hugh Guiney's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

PHP crashing (seg-fault) under mod_fcgi, apache

I've been programming a site using: Zend Framework 1.11.5 (complete MVC) PHP 5.3.6 Apache 2.2.19 CentOS 5.6 i686 virtuozzo on vps cPanel WHM 11.30.1 (build 4) Mysql 5.1.56-log Mysqli API 5.1.56 The ...
András Gyömrey's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I use SetEnv with mod_fcgid to pass virtualhost specific options to my PHP application? (apache2)

I'm running into some trouble figuring out how I should handle something under FastCGI that worked pretty easily under mod_php. Before I was using SetEnv to pass options from my VirtualHost directive ...
Beau Simensen's user avatar
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Large File Uploads Consume Disproportionate Amount of Memory

Thinking about this more, the question really is: why is Apache putting an in-progress upload in memory instead of on disk? I should be able to upload a file that's larger than the total memory ...
JKS's user avatar
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mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server / 500 Internal Server Error

I've trying to set up an IIPImage server but the Images won't display: First here are logs, configs, modules and permissions: ...
rnsrk's user avatar
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Fix PHP error Invalid argument supplied for foreach() after update PHP & Mysql

I have updated PHP from 5.3 version to PHP 5.6.21 (mod_fcgid) on my CentOs 6.5 vps. The vps holds 4 Prestashop and almost works but cart doesn't work as expected. The php error log contains this ...
ppk's user avatar
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trac: "Internal server error (500)" with mod_fcgid and mod_suexec

I try to setup Trac on a shared server with shell access, SW is Trac 1.0.1, Python 2.6.6, Apache 2.2.15 with mod_fcgid and mod_suexec. I've set it up following the instructions from the wiki of my ...
panne's user avatar
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