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Questions tagged [mongoose]

Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool, or ODM (Object Document Mapper), written in JavaScript and designed to work in an asynchronous environment.

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3 answers

Creating a single .pem file for web server SSL

To use SSL, the web server that I am using requires the location of a single .pem file (-ssl_cert xyz.pem) I have a certificate issued by GoDaddy. They gave me the file: banana.crt The preceding ...
xyz's user avatar
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What could go wrong if I let users create their own Mongo collections?

I am in the process of building a basic no-code solution to build RESTful APIS that support CRUD operations on a MongoDB collection. Right now it is just a Proof of Concept project that I use ...
caravana_942's user avatar
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how to connect to mongo replica cluster which is ssl/tls enabled?

I have three mongo instance(Replicaset) with ssl/tls i.e I have 3 pair of key and cert. Which pair should be used in the Node js connection string ? Is there a way to add all 3 key&crt pair. I ...
Elang Kumaran's user avatar
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Mongoose hang waiting for localhost

I'm using Mongoose on Windows 10, localhost is unreliable. I have tried almost all hosts file combination possible. I have tried almost all qualified names for localhost. Most of the time it just ...
user1169933's user avatar
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8 answers

Basic questions about running a web server

I'd like to run a web server to experiment with. I'm going to to use Mongoose because it looks lightweight and simple enough to understand everything that it is doing. I have a Debian box to run it ...
xyz's user avatar
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1 answer

Mongo DB on Google Cloud VM

I have an Ubuntu VM in Google cloud which is having my Mongo Instance running. I have enabled authentication Mongo config is configured to bind for the and the internal IP of the server. In ...
Aneef's user avatar
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mongoose/mongodb DoS-ing a nodeJS instance [closed]

We have a nodeJS instance inside a AWS VPC that makes a request to a mongodb instance running in another availability zone. The node instance is hit with a particular request a lot. That request is ...
MB.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Which domain-name was requested? Running virtual hosts on Mongoose web server

I'm currently running Mongoose WebServer 5.5 on Windows 7 I have a number of virtual hosts, running on a single Mongoose server on one IP node. The access log entries are typically - ...
Euan M's user avatar
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NodeJS stops listening on port 443

We are having a big problem with nodejs intermittently not listening on port 443. Development claims that this is because node cannot connect to the Mongo database. However, when I get an alert the ...
Stephen Carville's user avatar
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how to connect to mongodb server via ssh tunnel with Proxy Jump (ProxyCommand)

I have an ssh config file like this. I have a proxy jump to host1 from test2. Host host1 Hostname Port 2222 User xxxx IdentityFile ~/.ssh/cert ...
Pradeep Charan's user avatar
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1 answer

Upgrade mongodb replicaset 3.2 to 3.6 on live servers

I want to upgrade mongodb version(3.2 to 3.6) on prd environment W/O downtime. We have one primary node, one secondary node and one arbitrary. We are using ubuntu 16.04. So please guide me how can I ...
Shubham Kamboj's user avatar
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0 answers

How to redirect HTTPS traffic to a proxy on localhost:443?

I'm building an HTTP server in C++ using the Cesanta Mongoose c++ networking library. Essentially I'm trying to redirect traffic from my web browser to a proxy on the localhost. I recently added ...
ageispolis's user avatar
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1 answer

Allow mongoDB Atlas connection to cluster through ufw

Just what the title says, my ufw runs a tight ship and I have no idea how to let the atlas connection through. I am extremely grateful for any help on this. I'm running ubuntu 16.04 and connect to ...
ThisIsNotAnId's user avatar
-2 votes
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Error while connecting to MongoDB database

I'm getting this error which I never used to get before. I haven't changed any code, and I am suddenly getting this weird error and it won't do anything but spit out this error (it won't do the code I ...
Sean's user avatar
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