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How can I monitor Glue jobs that are fired by EventBridge?

My stack is as follows: EventBridge fires a Glue job at a regular interval. Said Glue job runs Python scripts, which run as Step Functions. The output of these scripts is saved to S3. How can I ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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In a cloud environment, should we alert on high CPU utilisation or high load avarage?

What is the best practice for monitoring the system, should the CPU alerts be based on the regular CPU usage or load average? I'm wondering what approach is being used in big cloud environments.
Borys's user avatar
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Why Kube state metrics only shows metrics related to the namespace where it is running?

I have AWS EKS cluster with kube-state-metrics installed in a namespace called "monitoring". This installation is using service monitor and other components (see yaml files below). In this ...
Thiago Scodeler's user avatar
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Proof that aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics works

I am learning to use the aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics subcommand in the AWS command line tool. To prove to myself that I am using the tool correctly, I would like a simple example command that ...
John Skiles Skinner's user avatar
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aws guardduty some alerts won't notify on slack

I have recently setup aws guardduty with slack notification using this guide right, there were a few issues with the ...
logax's user avatar
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Monitor session duration on AWS Cognito

I am using AWS Amplify to host an Angular application and using Cognito user pool. I have created a dashboard on Amazon Quicksight for BI purposes. One of the metrics that I want to monitor is how ...
Fariman Kashani's user avatar
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Can't find Amplify access logs in CloudWatch log groups

I'm creating a CloudWatch dashboard and I want to monitor Amplify access logs beside other metrics. I can find the access logs inside the Amplify dashboard (Screenshot below) but I can't find the same ...
Fariman Kashani's user avatar
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How to collect and consolidate application health across instances in aws

We deploy several applications across EC2 instances. They are jar files, war files on Tomcat, npm based UI applications and python scripts. Each has a different way of validation. For war files under ...
Rohini's user avatar
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CWAgent Disk Space Alarms

I'm trying to implement an alarm(in Cloudformation) for disk space free using metrics from the Cloudwatch agent and I'm having issues with devices shuffling DeviceID. I encountered this earlier when ...
wronglebowski's user avatar
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What's Azure equivalent of EventBridge working with CloudWatch to consume all alerts?

We're trying to find a way to be notified and consume (using logic apps) all alerts generated via Azure Monitor. It seems that AWS allows that via EventBridge, so: "Amazon EventBridge now integrates ...
mrtworo's user avatar
6 votes
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create a CloudWatch Alarm when an ECS service unable to consistently start tasks successfully

If I release a new Docker image with a bug to my ECS Service, then the service will attempt to start new Tasks but will keep the old version around if the new tasks fail to start. In that scenario, it ...
Rich's user avatar
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AWS solution to monitor events from external machines, reported by SNS?

We have a number of robots installed at various locations, and servicing customers. All robots get their instructions from a central cloud database with customer data, and each have an SQS queue which ...
Esben von Buchwald's user avatar
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Enforcing monitoring on AWS resources

We have a couple huge AWS accounts and I've been tasked with implementing guidelines for monitoring resources and ensuring that monitoring is set up for all existing and future resources. Is there ...
blizz's user avatar
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How to monitor network and disk i/o

This is specifically for AWS EC2 monitoring but I'm also interested in the generic context of monitoring input/output. How do I know what the network or disk i/o limit is for any server/service and ...
DaveO's user avatar
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Induce reachability status check failure

I have some tools that monitor the status checks of all my organisation's EC2 instances. I'd like to test them by deliberately inducing a failure of the reachability status check (that comes by ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
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Monitoring AWS RSS feed with zabbix

I ran into this post How to monitor an RSS with Zabbix and want to the same for all 4 AWS regions but no idea how to start
Milister's user avatar
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Multiple certs on an ELB listener. Nagios monitoring only checks the default one, regardless of host name

So I have two sites running, each behind a single Amazon ELB. For the purpose of this post (and my companies privacy), using these hostnames for each: Certs are ...
emmdee's user avatar
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monitoring/troubleshooting aws rds high cpu usage

I have an RDS instance running and it uses an average of 20-30% cpu utilization. Last night it spiked up to 80% for a few minutes and I am trying to figure out why. Error logs show nothing, and I have ...
Simon Ernesto Cardenas Zarate's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to monitor an AWS instance (Linux system) using nagios in local machine as server via nrpe plugin [closed]

I have my nagios core installed in an local machine(linux 16.04), which is perfectly monitoring my local remote machines. But i want to monitor an AWS instance (linux machine) using the same local ...
Maniraj's user avatar
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Flatline in write IOPS in RDS. What does it means?

Yesterday, I have seen below chart in Write IOPS. It was showing flatlined around 11:57 EDT (GMT - 4) and it lasted until around 14:04 EDT (GMT -4). When I checked after a day, I didn't find same for ...
Nazim Ghori's user avatar
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AWS billing-related monitoring

As a sysadmin I typically monitor at the server level, OS level, and application level. I can even do data-center monitoring (temperature of the building, power load, etc.). My organization is ...
user35042's user avatar
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Service Availability monitoring on AWS

Is it possible to display Service Availability (%) for metric i have on AWS, I am able to get graphs, but can't get availability for period selected.
GioMac's user avatar
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Monitor health of prometheus deployment within kubernetes?

The setup is currently this: Kubernetes is deployed on AWS instances within a private hosted zone on AWS (only vpn access to the instances, though there is a NAT gatway), with Prometheus deployed as a ...
flyingcars34's user avatar
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How to send alert for AWS EBS impaired volume?

What is the best method to send an alert via SNS for an AWS EBS volume that has been marked as "impaired"? Within Console > EC2, under Instances > Status Check tab, you can set a CloudWatch alert. ...
Rob Olmos's user avatar
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AWS error rate monitoring for nginx app

What is the best way to get error rate (errors as a proportion of responses) monitoring for an nginx app on an EC2 server in AWS? I'd like an alarm if the percentage of 500 responses goes above a ...
Rich's user avatar
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Is it possible to setup Monit to send alerts to Nagios

I am trying to setup Monit on an auto-scaled group of machines. Ideally I would like monit to send alerts to my nagios service (which is already configured to escalate alerts). I have found this old ...
Danduk82's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a GUI tool to log and view outgoing CURL requests from a Linux server? [duplicate]

I've seen several similar questions - but none that truly answer the question. So here goes: PROBLEM: A script is being run on one of our servers that is making outgoing post (and other) requests ...
Lee Fuller's user avatar
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What is the best way to monitor a http to https redirect on AWS

We have a deployed our Java web application on AWS via Beanstalk. The load balancer is set to forward https (443) to port 80 on EC2, and also forward http (80) to port 80 on EC2. The EC2 instance has ...
MarcFasel's user avatar
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Load times of S3 Static Website

We have recently decided to move our static single page website to AWS S3, the previous server was hosted by Godaddy(cpanel) in singapore. We are using Synthetics New Relic to monitor our website and ...
Pinser's user avatar
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Unchanged Elastic Beanstalk transitions to RED health

I've got an application running on Elastic Beanstalk that seems to randomly transition to RED. The App is running just fine and has been for a while (it is also not crashing) but every once in a while ...
Brill Pappin's user avatar
-1 votes
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10gen mms monitoring service to start after reboot [duplicate]

I have setup MMS agent for my mongoD instances on AWS. MMS Agent is on a separate t1.micro instance. It all works fine however, every time I reboot the server I have to run sudo nohup python &...
user2430670's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Performance data collection for short-running, ephemeral servers

We're building a medical image processing software stack, currently hosted on various AWS resources. As part of this application, we have a handful of long-running servers (database, load balancers, ...
EEAA's user avatar
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Automatically monitor new cloud servers using Open Monitoring Distro (OMD)?

I've been spending some time getting my head around using Nagios, Check_mk and some other very useful tools installed as part of the OMD package. WATO is especially useful for administrating all of ...
Steve's user avatar
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Monitoring AWS Systems Behind ElasticBeanStalk

So I'm getting a company set up in the Amazon Cloud -- creating IAAS protocol/solutions/standardized implementation, etc while also being the SysAdmin for individual systems, app environments, and day-...
A. Avadis's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Monitoring load on AWS EC2

I'm interested in monitoring our EC2 instances to ensure we scale up when necessary. Right now we are monitoring idle CPU time as our metric. We aren't measuring disk I/O as we are not a very disk ...
hortitude's user avatar
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AWS CloudWatch Dashboard for Large Screen Display with Alerting

Does anyone know of a good solution that provides a monitoring and alerting Dashboard for Amazon Web Servics (AWS) CloudWatch service which can used on large screen displays? The system should use ...
Robert's user avatar
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Amazon EC2 Elastic Load Balancing - strategy for zero downtime server restart

I have 5 web servers (Apache/mod_perl) behind Amazon EC2 Elastic Load Balancing, when I deploy codes to the web servers, I am doing this.. For each machine, shutdown the Apache Update the code Start ...
Ryan's user avatar
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4 answers

More detail EC2 instances monitoring? [closed]

I am currently using AWS Cloudwatch to monitor basic metrics of my EC2 servers. But it is lacking of detail monitoring such as partition space used, memory free etc. Should I install and use Nagios, ...
Howard's user avatar
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EC2: Where did the disk space monitoring panel disappear to?

There used to be 8-10 different panels in the monitoring tab for instances in the EC2 web console (I have detailed monitoring enabled, but I suspect it only affects the monitoring intervals, not ...
GJ.'s user avatar
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Monitoring Between EC2 Regions

I'm working on a small EC2 project that involves a handful of servers in two different regions (US East and EU West). My first task is to implement a Nagios monitoring solution. Monitoring within a ...
Aaron Brown's user avatar
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