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AJP monitoring in Apache 2.2 and Wildfly

I need to monitor the AJP connections Apache 2.2 has with Wildfly 8.2.1, but it seems that jboss-cli does not have this metric and I don't know if this is possible in Apache. Any ideas?
Hernán's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Exclude requests in Apache mod_status

I'm using the following command to watch apache status : watch -n 1 links -dump http://localhost/server-status but in here , is a problem with the status. in the status page , the request for ...
unbl0ck3r's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
1 answer

How to automatically restart apache on conf file changes

I'm doing testing with apache editing the 000-defualt.conf file very often on vim, saving, and next running service apache2 restart. What options do I've to automatically restart apache when a change ...
Arnold Roa's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Munin: some pluggins stopped working after moving to different *virtual* host

I used munin as monitoring serfice and I was happy with it. It is located on localhost machine with CNAME being Trying to access from remote machine showed up ...
Zereges's user avatar
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Set up TMG as a reverse proxy, https-to-http

tl;dr I'm having trouble getting TMG to properly reverse proxy an HTTPS connection on the outside, to an HTTP connection on the inside. We have a LAN ( that hosts a Windows Server 2008 ...
Wogan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to identify which specific php file/function is causing the 508 Error (resources exhausted)

My client getting this error out of the blue this weekend. I do maintenance on this wordpress website and it has been online for about 10 years Resource Limit Is Reached The website is ...
Anon's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to monitor clustered tomcat 7 with javaMelody

I would like to monitor my server health. I have deployed my web app in tomcat 7. I am using 4 instances of Tomcat 7 running on the same machine. individually I am unable to monitor each tomcat ...
Kumar's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

run and monitor process in background

I want to run some php file in background and monitor them , what is the best option for me ? I have used nohup , but it is really simple an can not monitor processes well I need only monitor which ...
Ata's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Script or Someway to Watch People Downloading Files from My Server (HTTP)

I am trying to figure out a way to in real time see people downloading files to ensure that the download from that person is successful. I cant seem to get the search string right to find what i need. ...
GotCrypto's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Long response time from server

We have a high traffic website, at peak it has 1000 concurrent users, and in minimum it has 100 users at the same time. In average it has 40,000 to 100,000 visit a day. The problem is sometimes it ...
superuser's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Nagios admin doesn't have permission

I have installed and configured nagios on CentOS using yum I get "It appears as though you do not have permission to view information for any of the hosts you requested..." on the web interface. I ...
rojanu's user avatar
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Custom Nagios script not firing

Recently we've been experiencing a lot of spam hitting our servers causing apache to topple over. To tackle this we've installed nagios to notify us/run some restart commands if the issue arises. ...
williamsowen's user avatar
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2 votes
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Track resource usage of individual website on shared hosting [closed]

I have a Centos 6 web server (Apache-itk, PHP, MySQL) with ISPconfig. I have about 100 websites on this webserver, all of them belong to me. I must be able to track how much of resources (traffic, CPU,...
Dmitri Pisarev's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Real-time monitoring script for apache with only specific fields listed

I am real-time monitoring my website log, but would like to create a script that shows only the following in nice pretty columns. log being used: /var/log/httpd/access_log (default log file and ...
user157574's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Apache httpd server 'is it possible': Alert on specific condition in access/error log

I'm just wondering is it there some module which can detect certain event in access/error log and if it matches it, to send an email with information. example: I want to detect when someone makes ...
Daniel Stoinov's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Setting up apache vhost for Icinga

It's been a while since I've worked with Apache so please be kind - I'm also aware of this question but it hasn't been much help to me. I'd like to set up a simple vHost w/ Apache for my Icinga ...
DKNUCKLES's user avatar
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4 answers

Monitor Apache Error Logs for Specific Strings

Whats the recommended solution to comb apache's previous day's /var/log/httpd/error_log looking for lines that contain a certain string and email when such strings are detected? It could be run ...
Gaia's user avatar
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4 answers

I can't log in to Nagios web interface

When i try to login to Nagios in my web browser and after having repeatedly enter my login and password on my Nagios page, i get this : Authorization Required This ...
Quanticat's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitor Apache: Parse status page?

I want to monitor an apache server. Primary goal is to detect if MaxClients gets reached, but later other values, too. I looked at the nagios plugins, but most plugins seem to parse the HTML of the ...
guettli's user avatar
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Monit failed to restart apache

Apache failed and Monit did not restart it as expected. The error in monit's log is: Error opening Monit id file '/root/' for writing-Cannot allocate memory The problem is that Apache went ...
Lothar_Grimpsenbacher's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Use monit to monitor apache2 subprocesses

I am currently using Monit to monitor Apache and restart it if its memory usage is too high. However, I'd also like to be able to monitor the individual apache2 subprocesses that are spawned, and ...
Matt White's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is a good live request monitor for Apache httpd?

I have used SeeFusion to monitor ColdFusion requests. Is there a similar tool that would allow me to monitor Apache httpd requests in real time? We have a server that was fast and responsive for ...
Robert Louis Murphy's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitoring _current_ bandwidth used by Apache

Afternoon gents, I'm trying to monitor and graph the currently used bandwidth by Apache, I've been trying to use mod_status with /server-status and just parsing this specific row: 16.1 requests/sec -...
Lars's user avatar
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1 answer

Best Metrics for Monitoring Apache Solr instance

We are running apache solr through sunspot. What are the best metrics to use to look at the performance of solr in regards to needs to cluster/scale? I am looking at monitoring these with nagios or ...
pablo's user avatar
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11 votes
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Monit lists Apache as Not Monitored

I've just installed and configured monit according to the monit documentation. All services apart from Apache are listed as Running, but Apache says Not Monitored. The relevant lines in monit's ...
dunxd's user avatar
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8 answers

how to write a script that only acts on new log entries

I feel like this should be a simple thing but I am having a hard time figuring it out. I am trying to write a script that will monitor one of the apache log files and take some specific action. But ...
karmet's user avatar
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Icinga HTTP on Apache server does not return 200 intermitently

I have a server running Apache/2.2.16 on Debian Lenny. The server is host to about 6 vhosts. One of the vhosts is just the FQDN for the server and doesn't have much of anything but an index.html ...
SoMoSparky's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How to set up notifications about server overload? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What tool do you use to monitor your servers? How to get notified (preferably by email) when my webserver reaches certain amount of incoming requests? This way I'll be able to ...
Poma's user avatar
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6 answers

Free Web Based Server Log Viewer/Monitor [closed]

I'm not much of a server guy, but do need to monitor logs for my web server. Preferabbly, PHP, Apache and MySQL error logs. Could you guys offer any advice for free web-based solutions for monitoring ...
David's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Monitoring Apache and Postgres [closed]

What tool would I need to use if I need to monitor an Apache installation and a Postgres installation? In Apache: I'm mainly interested in the logs and the requests per second and few other simple ...
Mridang Agarwalla's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache monitoring busy vs idle workers

For Apache, I want to monitor Busy workers Idle workers Queued requests Monitoring would be done throughout the day, taking a sample every min., in a graphical manner. If such a tool is not ...
Kan's user avatar
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2 answers

Server monitoring tool for Nginx+Apache+wsgi+django

I'm running website on Ubuntu server with following chains: Web server - Nginx+Apache(worker)+mod_wsgi+django Background workers - celery, rabbitmq DBs - mysql, mongo I'm looking for a best ( and ...
Andrew's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What monitoring solution for servers, databases and web applications ? Nagios or Hyperic? [duplicate]

For the purpose of a startup, I have a loan for one physical dedicated server with several virtual machines inside it For now there is mainly 2 VM on this server: VM "tools", using ubuntu server 10....
Nicolas Bousquet's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do get apache display url request in Top and PS?

Is there a way to get apache to display the url that it is handling in top and ps? This would help us nail down performance issues much more faster. Thanks.
user76952's user avatar
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Apache and monit keep crashing

I'm using a VPS on Ubuntu 10.10 to serve my private website and Apache 2.2.16 keeps crashing without a trace. The server is on a very light load with about 300 visits/day. To solve this I have set up ...
Leonard Ehrenfried's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Easy Server Monitoring/Logging point in time solution? [closed]

I managed my company's servers and I need to know if load spiked at 3am on the web or mysql server, what processes were active in apache or what queries were going on in mysql at that point in time ...
Andre Jay Marcelo-Tanner's user avatar
2 votes
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Monitoring per-user resource usage with apache-mpm-itk

So I have this Debian server running apache2 with mpm-itk, so that users have apache to run under their own uid for their own websites. I would like to monitor resources usage (cpu, ram, ...) for ...
user avatar
0 votes
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How to implement a "service temporarly unavailable" page which displays automatically in case of errors?

Is there a way to automatically display a notification page (some styled "we will be back soon") in case a webserver fails? How would that work, considering the domain would have to "suddenly" ...
user569825's user avatar
2 votes
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Monitoring apache's caching

I'm running mod_mem_cache with mod_cache, but I don't seem to have any way of telling whether images are served from the cache or not, so I can't tell how well it's working. Is there some way of ...
Synchro's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

snmp apache 2.2 [closed]

is there any snmp module to monitor apache 2.2?
andrés's user avatar
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3 answers

Show most requested URL in apache

Is there any way to show the most requested URL from apache over a timeframe, e.g. the most requested URL over the past 2 hours. Is this type of thing possible with mod_status or could I aggregate ...
Tom's user avatar
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apache2 http monitoring on Debian Lenny

Is it possible to know if a php file on my server is being accessed by a user? Is there a command I can use through ssh that will list every IP addresses and which page they're requesting? My ...
Bastien's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What do you use to Monitor Server CPU spikes / processes

Sometimes, My apache/Passenger Rails server just spikes to 100% CPU usage and stops working. I need a way to monitor what process spikes it to 100% usage ?. What tools can i use to monitor such things ...
Rishav's user avatar
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monitoring of the virtual host (apache) bandwidth and visitors via nagios?

I've installed Nagios and Centreon, and I want to monitor the bandwidth and the number of visitors of each VirtualHost in Apache server. I've found check_http but it checks only if the virtualHost is ...
djoudi's user avatar
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7 answers

Monitoring solution to help fix slow MySQL queries problem

I have two servers: one that runs Apache and another one just for MySQL. I don't have any monitoring tools installed on any of them. Every once in a while it appears that my SQL queries are running ...
Victor Stanciu's user avatar
1 vote
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Munin - apache_watch_ plugin, does not show any data in the graphs that shows activity for per vhosts

I am using Munin for monitoring my server. I installed the apache_watch_ plugin so that i could see apache related activity. The graphs for apache_accesses, apache_processes and apache_volume work ...
ovais.tariq's user avatar
2 votes
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How to monitor all my apache wildcard vhosts?

I have a virtual host like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ... ServerAlias * ... </VirtualHost> My goal is to have a web page with independent statistics for each subdomain (CPU ...
al3cs's user avatar
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How can I trigger a Monit event when a service comes back up?

Given a config like this: check host web1 address web1 if failed host web1 port 80 protocol http then exec "/usr/local/bin/ -h web2" Can I detect if web1 has returned from failed ...
crb's user avatar
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5 votes
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Are there any tools for monitoring individual Apache virtual hosts in real-time?

I'm looking for a way to monitor and record Apache traffic, separated by virtual host. I am currently using Munin to capture this and other data for the entire server however I can't seem to find a ...
Dave Forgac's user avatar
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3 votes
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Sysadmin 101: How can I figure out why my server crashes and monitor performance?

I have a Drupal-powered site that seems to have neverending performance problems. It was butt-slow about 5 months ago. I brought in some guys who installed nginx for anonymous visitors, ajaxified a ...
bflora's user avatar
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