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Top IPs used output traffic for last month - Debian

I have server running Debian 11 and it is a webserver, I need to know in a specific period what is the IP that utlize more traffic out from the server, I find some tools like iftop and vnstat, but I ...
Khaled Hussein's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to perform healthcheck on NFS clients connectivity from the NFS-Server?

I have three Debian 11 servers let's call them nfs-server which is the NFS server, nfs1, and nfs2 which are the NFS clients. I want to perform some sort of health check from the NFS server to ensure ...
Sinux's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a tool to check and manage file permissions?

I developed a set of rules for file and directory owner and permissions for our company server. E.g.: Projects/: permission 750, owner root, group internal Projects/* (directories): permission 2770, ...
user10070149's user avatar
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2 answers

Monit restart process behavior

Monit's documentation states the following for the restart action : RESTART restarts the service and send an alert. Restart is performed by calling the service's registered restart method or by first ...
Ror's user avatar
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1 answer

Nagios3: Different CRITICAL color for certain host groups

My colleagues want a new host group to have more visibility and want the Critical status to be different color. This is defined in nagios3/stylesheets/status.css as statusBGCRITICAL but as I can't ...
Recct's user avatar
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1 answer

Zabbix: system.cpu.load[<cpu>,<mode>]

I installed Zabbix 4.0 and going through Quickstart: I've added system.cpu.load[<cpu>,<mode>] (that's the key that is ...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
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How do I monitor for security updates for an uninstalled Debian package

I'm looking after a server which has a customised package, based on a patch against an upstream debian package from a different version of debian to what the server actually runs. I want to make sure ...
mc0e's user avatar
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linux network monitoring, average MBps each 1hr

I want to monitor the average network usage for my Debian server. Ive tried to mess with dstat, ntop and couple other programs but nothing seems to work like I want to. Basically I want a program/...
erexo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Systemd restart service if it's not listening to a port

I've been using Systemd for a while in Debian 8. I use the Restart=on-failure option to waken-up a service in case of failure. I will like to know if there is a way to force the restart of the ...
Adrian Antunez's user avatar
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How can I trigger an instant rerun of Check_MK data collection through Icinga?

I am using Check_MK to generate checks to make Icinga (a Nagios fork) monitor a bunch of machines. After starting up Icinga, after some time, Check_MK starts to collect data from the configured ...
aef's user avatar
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1 answer

What kind of ram usage is bad ram usage?

We have been monitoring our Debian servers' ram usage in order to receive alerts when the ram usage goes over a certain % threshold. However, a high % ram usage is not necessarily a problem can even ...
user3655783's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Take some action when errors occur with nginx

I have a nginx/1.2.1 on Debian 7.0 x64 and i want to take some action when some error occurs, something like send mail to me. I found on the web ways to monitor files and take some action when they ...
Matheus Ferreira machado's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Simple method of detecting and reporting server outage? [closed]

I'm looking for a super simple way to monitor one server from another, in case the other goes down (e.g. based on ping), and then send an email if it does. Is there anything out there like this ...
UpTheCreek's user avatar
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2 answers

RAID card monitoring from Debian OS

We have a custom built Debain OS server with this raid card. Is there anything we can do from the OS side to monitor the raid virtual disks? A few weeks ago we had a raid degrade and did not know ...
mradarit's user avatar
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Process monitoring with email alerts [closed]

What are the tools available in debian (highly preferable from standard repositories) that would allow me to monitor one or several processes on my server and send an alert email when processes have ...
Alexey Kamenskiy's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Monitoring average load

I am trying to monitor a system load average using uptime. On my debian box, I used the following: $ for ((i=0;i<=1000000000;i++)); do uptime; done However looking at top, 18% of CPU was ...
malat's user avatar
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1 answer

Templates for daily mail from my debian boxes (like freebsd)

From my FreeBSD boxes, I each day recieve reports daily: File systems used Network interfaces Uptime 4, Mail queue status security: ipfw deny counters login failures refused connections kernel ...
Korjavin Ivan's user avatar
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Debian network monitoring like tkinet

in earlier Debian versions there was a network monitoring tool called tkinet. It did create a network map and it pinged continuously configured resources. When something did not work, the resource in ...
Caesar's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

run and monitor process in background

I want to run some php file in background and monitor them , what is the best option for me ? I have used nohup , but it is really simple an can not monitor processes well I need only monitor which ...
Ata's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

how to set up monit to monitor disk-space

I use monit on my server to monitor apache and mysql running. Now I want to add an alert if the disk gets too full. I added this for testing in /etc/monit/monitrc: check device rootfs with path /dev/...
rubo77's user avatar
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1 answer

Munin : aggregate network traffic

I have a default configuration of munin-node on 3 of my servers, and I would like to create a summary chart that displays total output bandwidth. Here is what I have done minin.conf : [;...
PJ Bergeron's user avatar
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4 answers

monitor/stream bash_history [closed]

is there a way to stream/monitor/log bash history to prevent the ability of someone hiding stuff? would like to monitor and know every little thing that happens so that the list of commands and ...
Nikki Wilson's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Monitoring of disk usage over time - check for large variations [closed]

I'm looking for a tool that would monitor disk usage over time. What I'm looking for is folders or files that grow unexpectedly over a short period of time. I use du , ncdu, baobab (when X is ...
Arthur Lutz's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Cacti not working for SNMP data sources

I installed packages cacti and snmpd on a Debian server. I'm able to display common graphs in Cacti (such as memory usage, load average, logged in users, etc) using the data templates listed as Unix. ...
lorenzo-s's user avatar
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monitor load average every 1 or 5 seconds and do some actions if it's higher than ex. 5

How it can be done without writing additional daemon? P.S. I can't use cron because I need lesser time intervals. P.P.S. Debian 6 x64
user973254's user avatar
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3 answers

How to automatically resume php-fpm?

I am using nginx+php-fpm on Debian Squeeze for a busy server and have had great difficulty to deal with maximum connections being reached. Here the problem is that php processes sometimes just die ...
alfish's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Nagios (Return code of 141 is out of bounds) on random services

We have had Nagios running on one of our servers with out any problems for a while but lately we get (Return code of 141 is out of bounds). The load on the server raised because we gone online with ...'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

ps shows that migration/* processes consume a lot of CPU, but top keep silence about them

here is the result of ps command, shown only first 10 lines ps aufx | head USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S ...
OJ278's user avatar
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3 answers

How to estimate hard drive usage on Linux?

I have a Linux server (Debian) that serves several thousands of live connections. It is easy to find out the memory and CPU usage (in percent) of my system, so I can predict when I will need to ...
tsds's user avatar
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Different possible formats for the Bind9 statistics file

I'm trying to add some performance monitoring for our DNS servers using the Appaloosa templates however it seems that the format of the statistics file created by bind9 ( with statistics-file "/var/...
Ladadadada's user avatar
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Which tool provides per-process (or per-cgroup) resource (RAM/CPU/Disk) monitoring?

I want to have graphs about the percentage of CPU usage, RAM usage, Disk usage which is caused by specific processes (or process groups, or cgroups) on my server (running Debian). The tool needs to ...
Michael's user avatar
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linux system resource analyzer

I have a debian 5 machine that is running php, apache, node.js, and mysql. I would like some report-generating software that will show cpu, memory usage, and network traffic over time. something ...
Hersheezy's user avatar
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monitoring when a process starts using too much memory

I have a Debian server where some processes going rogue from time to time and start consuming too much memory. How I could monitor this at process level so I can set an alarm? Currently I monitor when ...
Eric L.'s user avatar
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Is the smartmontools daemon running regular health checks?

My server has 2 harddisks. I've installed smartmontools on Debian with apt-get install smartmontools, enabled it in /etc/default/smartmontools (start_smartd=yes) and started the daemon (/etc/init.d/...
Hongli Lai's user avatar
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Plugging Monitor into Local Debian Headless Server

I have a debian server (headless) and I need to plug a screen into it for a few days to do some work on it. Thing is, when I plug the screen into the server, there is no video output. How do I get ...
psp's user avatar
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Monitor partition size on Debian

How can I monitor my /backups partition on my Debian-Lenny box? I have sendmail and I would like to receive an email when my partition gets over, for instance, 80% of its total size.
Jonathan Rioux's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Debian - top(1) in batch mode, but sorted by PID

I want to run top is batch / non-interactive mode with -b. However I want the output sorted by PID. What command line option does this? I'm using Debian Lenny and the -o pid option from here ( http://...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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Monitor web server usage on Linux Debian PER DOMAIN

I have been using munin and monit to monitor the overall details of my web server, but as it hosts multiple sites, I would like to know how to monitor per-domain hosted, or something similar. The ...
Greg's user avatar
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4 answers

Zabbix not collecting data

It's the first time that i install a Zabbix server on my dedicated server (debian 5). But zabbix cannot collect data from the server itself (no remote server, it's installed on the server i have to ...
Tristan's user avatar
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centos or tomcat restarting - how to monitor?

I'm a almost totally beginner to server administration. I recently got a VPS box on to learn the stuff, installed nginx and tomcat. The issue is that almost after every one or two days of ...
cripox's user avatar
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5 answers

Free centralized system monitoring for Ubuntu [closed]

Canonical's Landscape service seems really nice. Is there any free alternatives? If not directly, what would you recommend to administer number of Ubuntu (and Debian) servers? Main use cases would be ...
Taskinen's user avatar
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Linux software for monitoring folder changes over FTP?

I have a linux box (Debian) which is up 24/7. I'd like to set it up in such a way, that once a day it connects to a specific FTP server and checks if any files have changed since the last check. If ...
Vilx-'s user avatar
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