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How to monitor wordpress websites individually deployed on an apache2 server?

Since last few weeks there are sudden downs to my EC2 machine and none of the websites become accessible and also ssh to machine stops working. please help me fix it. I have an EC2 machine where ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a free rocky linux monitoring tool? [closed]

I am currently looking for a tool to monitor the performance of two Rocky Linux desktop computers. It should monitor aspects such as the CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage (similar to the Windows Task ...
floriandev's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How to monitor RAM consumption on Red Hat 7.9

Red Hat 7.9 server with 512 GB RAM. We often have alerts about swap being full. Swap is often used 99%. Our server admin told us it is normal for linux to have swap used 100%. There is no way to check ...
iostrym's user avatar
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Running Linux commands execute hidden command to regenerate Backdoor [duplicate]

My CentOS server compromised, the backdoor uploaded in /var/www/html/, I have deleted the backdoor and browsed the backdoor - to be sure it's deleted - it's surly deleted, but when I run any command ...
Dany Burgos's user avatar
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Top IPs used output traffic for last month - Debian

I have server running Debian 11 and it is a webserver, I need to know in a specific period what is the IP that utlize more traffic out from the server, I find some tools like iftop and vnstat, but I ...
Khaled Hussein's user avatar
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Causes of packet loss on multiple persistent tcp connections simultaneously?

The issue was detected while analyzing some application logs, which reported few seconds long spike periods when messages from multiple clients are received on the server with a substantial delay (up ...
tonso's user avatar
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1 answer

send a get request to url in monit (linux)

I'm trying to find out when a file size increase stops and then sends a GET request to some URL. already added this conf in /etc/monit/monitrc check file file.log with path /home/projects/my_project/...
Saeed Ramezani's user avatar
3 votes
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Explain of OOM killer logs

I have a question about the OOM killer logs. We are expecting a lot of OOM kills. The ecosystem My ecosystem looks like below: I have a server with 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM. I am running there the ...
Daniel Hornik's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pink in memory htop

What does the pink color in memory htop means and how can I reset it? You can see example here: htop preview
Maor Bari's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Can Wazuh work for a single agent with less than the stated minimum hardware requirements?

I was surprised to find that the Wazuh server requirements state 2gb and 2 cores are the minimum requirements - but I wonder how much these numbers are tailored towards supporting multiple agents. Is ...
Slbox's user avatar
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Monit: Editing in-built alert text

i have the monit tool setup on a linux box, and it's been monitoring apache and the overall system for a few months. The apache config file is: check process apache with pidfile /var/run/httpd/httpd....
weetch's user avatar
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Linux Auditd monitoring of file operations in mounted folder

I have multi node kubernetes cluster and I would like to monitor file operations that are made by containers in mounted persistent volume. I found the all PV data are located at nodes in /var/lib/...
lukas.hubl's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to perform healthcheck on NFS clients connectivity from the NFS-Server?

I have three Debian 11 servers let's call them nfs-server which is the NFS server, nfs1, and nfs2 which are the NFS clients. I want to perform some sort of health check from the NFS server to ensure ...
Sinux's user avatar
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3 answers

How to monitor memory usage continuously with Linux?

I have a daemon service application runing a Ubuntu server(20.04.1). The total phisical memory is 2G, and the swap space is 4G. Sometime my service was killed by OS quietly, eventhough I add ...
Leon's user avatar
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Is there a tool to check and manage file permissions?

I developed a set of rules for file and directory owner and permissions for our company server. E.g.: Projects/: permission 750, owner root, group internal Projects/* (directories): permission 2770, ...
user10070149's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Create a zabbix alert for a numeric value in a file

I am a newbie in zabbix, I created a script in linux and it will create a file that has a value on it. The data in a file has only one value / number . For example. /home/testuser/textfile.txt If you ...
V.A's user avatar
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2 answers

Monit restart process behavior

Monit's documentation states the following for the restart action : RESTART restarts the service and send an alert. Restart is performed by calling the service's registered restart method or by first ...
Ror's user avatar
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3 answers

Lightweight Linux tools for on-demand performance monitoring during load testing?

I'm tasked with testing out ProxySQL on a couple of Tomcat test servers, comparing its performance and resource utilization with the current Apache DBCP connection pooling. I've got a rough load ...
JK Laiho's user avatar
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1 answer

How to monitor when a file/folder is moved, and where it moved to?

I'm looking for a way to monitor when a file/folder is moved, as well as where it was moved to. So far in my research I've come across tools such as auditd, watch and inotify. While these tools are ...
slightly_toasted's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is there a program to record CPU load and later converting it into an image? [duplicate]

I want to add a system usage diagram to our CI build server for our management so they can see that we need to buy a larger build server when the time has come 😆 Should just save a png or svg image ...
Lothar's user avatar
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Telegraf works manually but not the service - Run Telegraf in background

I have a virtual machine running on Ubuntu 20.04, I installed Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana for monitoring VMs and cluster's nodes. Everythings work except when I try to make telegraf working in ...
LuckyFr's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Recommendations for server monitoring tool without central access to the monitored servers [closed]

I'm looking for an open source server monitoring tool for my servers: All servers running Linux, mostly current Debian Buster, but partly CentOS Other OS (Windows, *BSD etc.) don't matter Physical ...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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Prometheus not monitoring all EC2 instances of a region

I have set up Prometheus for the monitoring of my AWS EC2 instances, but the issue is taht Prometheus is showing up only 1 instance, however in my AWS instance account there are 2 instances running. ...
huzaifa224's user avatar
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I want to monitor SSH with Monit but I got an error

I want to monitor SSH with Monit but I got an error. This setup works with my old Ubuntu 18.04 server but it doesn't work on my new Ubuntu 20.04 server : ubuntu@ov-xxxx ~ $ cd /var ubuntu@ov-xxxx /var ...
mathieu's user avatar
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2 answers

use nethogs in a script

nethogs is a great utility to monitor network traffic by process. However, it is "interactive" and not suitable to be used in script... How can I achieve the following using nethogs or ...
xrfang's user avatar
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How can I monitor cli commands on one machine and execute them on another in real time?

I'm trying to make a highly available topology, by executing all of the cli commands that have been executed from one machine to another - Doing this will syncronize their configurations. Therefore, ...
Kostadin Krushkov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What monitoring system should I use for offline network [closed]

I'm part of a sysadmin\DevOps team for for an application. Currently today we have about 25 - 40 vms running as different parts of the application in micro services on the openshift container platform,...
Noam Yizraeli's user avatar
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2 answers

Systemwide File Access and System Call Monitoring on Linux?

In Windows land, you can run Procmon (Process Monitor) from Sysinternals, which will show you every File access, Registry Query etc Systemwide (screenshot attached). You can then backtrack to find ...
Patrick Rynhart's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

smartctl harddisk check doesn't show Attribute

today i install on my linux server the app smartmontools, after testing my hardrive (raid1) he doesn't show the Attribute. After the command smartctl -a /dev/nvme0n1 ,i get the result without ...
beard black's user avatar
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1 answer

free server monitoring tool for Java based application

I have applied couple of options like Nagios [which lead to problem after installation]-- Apache went irresponsive with lots of segmentation faults child pid 32507 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)...
kah's user avatar
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1 answer

How is possible that free memory goes down and used memory is not going up?

I am collecting the results of free -m command on an ubuntu server every 5 seconds, and preparing a time series graph based on the values of free and used columns. free -m total ...
Kristi Jorgji's user avatar
0 votes
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Best way to monitor for SSL / Connection failures on a server that's still up [closed]

We had an outage issue today (NGinx not successfully restarted by our Let's Encrypt renewal CRON job, so not serving the renewed cert) leading to the server being up according to Pingdom but not ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to use SSH for periodic command execution on remote Server regarding usage of entropy?

I'm planning to set up periodic checks for system health on a multiple remote systems. To achieve this I've set up key-based authentication to execute scripts on remote side without interaction i.e.: ...
ToastStudios's user avatar
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Monitor all processes in Linux with telegraf and grafana

I have a task to configure monitoring of all processes in a Linux system with Telegraf and Grafana. But there is some issue that there are many processes in a system. For gathering information about ...
user avatar
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How to use snmp remotly with MRTG

I'm using CentOS 7 as the operating system. I'm trying to setup a client MRTG to fetch several servers informations. I don't want to install a web server on the remote server. Is there some official ...
executable's user avatar
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snmpd.conf - TImeout with Centos

First of all i want to say i did a lot of researches and i read tons of examples for the last 3 days but i didn't find a solution that's why i am posting here. I would like to monitor services and ...
New_user's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How to show realtime traffic on each virtual network interface?

I have a dedicated server with a few virtual network interfaces, each mapped to a public IP address. How can I monitor the realtime traffic (in packets/s or Mb/s) of each of them, ideally on a single ...
BenMorel's user avatar
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Samhain - Monitor /var/spool/cron/crontabs/

Using Samhain File Integrity Monitoring, I'm trying to monitor changes to the crontab entries. I added the below entry to /etc/samhain/samhainrc dir=/var/spool/cron/crontabs then I added an entry ...
Sudharsan Sivasankaran's user avatar
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Is there any "native" way to check for disk errors/failure?

Currently I check for disk failures using a real hodgepodge of checking syslog for filesystem errors, raid controller/HBA burp errors, and actively writing a file to disk, checking its contents, and ...
Evan's user avatar
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How do I use Nagios to monitor a log file that generates a random ID

This the log file that I want to monitor: /test/James-2018-11-16_15215125111115- I want Nagios to read it this log file so I can monitor a specific string. The issue is ...
NewYearNewMe2020's user avatar
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How to find which processes caused the system slowdowns? To be used after reboot

For the last few days my Ubuntu 16.04 suffers random slowdowns that it prevents the apps from loading and doesn't even allow me to connect via SSH. The only way I can resolve it is by rebooting the ...
Juan Martin's user avatar
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Monitor and act on another process CPU consumption [closed]

I'm looking for away to monitor a specific process CPU consumption and act if the process didn't consume any CPU for the last X minutes/seconds on linux. The use case it that I've a machine on EC2 (...
Eden's user avatar
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4 votes
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Forbidden Invalid CSRF Token +monit [closed]

I have installed monit on AWS ec2 and it working fine. But when I try to restart the nginx service through monit UI,i got an error like "Forbidden Invalid CSRF Token +monit". My configuration check ...
Sruthin Kumar TK's user avatar
1 vote
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zabbix 3.2 - How to monitor RHEL7.2 services in zabbix

I am new in zabbix monitoring. I have 2 operation system to monitor windows and Linux and i have done monitoring windows services but i not getting any result on google to monitor linux server ...
Dexter's user avatar
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Nagios 4.4.1 slows to crawl after about 1 week with frequent 100% CPU utilization

We are running a new Nagios Core server on Ubuntu 16 Server. Everything was running fine until today when all of a sudden, the site slowed to a crawl. Looking at top command results, we are seeing ...
John Virgolino's user avatar
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"not a proper statistics file" when reading sar log files

Why am I getting "not a proper statistics file" when reading sar log files? sysstat Version: 11.2.0-1ubuntu0.2 root@sandbox1:/var/log/sysstat# ls -lh total 4.5K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.9K Jul 12 ...
sherpaurgen's user avatar
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capturing durations (intervals) between tracepoints in perf

When using the perf tool (Linux), is there any simple and convenient way to time durations between two tracepoints? The obvious use is for syscall sys_enter and sys_exit points like sys_enter_fsync ...
Craig Ringer's user avatar
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What are network errors on munin graphs?

I have an VPS running OpenVPN server, that also does have munin installed for monitorig (I've installed it not because it's a real need, but because all these graphs looks cool). At first I've ...
Mikhail F.'s user avatar
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Does nagios XI support notifcations based on a threshold percentage of the number of services in a hostgroup that are in a critical state?

Say there's a hostgroup defined on a Nagios server; and that hostgroup has a notification set up to go off when a certain service or services reach a critical state then a notification email will be ...
leeand00's user avatar
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check_mk using ssh tunnels/ssh proxy

I'm trying to setup monitoring with check_mk and wanted to see if this is possible. My issue is as follows: Layout: Monitoring server: Bastion server: Host A: ...
Munoz's user avatar
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