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How to be sure to keep all the logs regarding a MySQL table data but filter Google Cloud SQL maintenance queries logs made by localhost GCP SQL?

I enabled the flag General_log for a Google Cloud SQL MySQL instance to get all the queries logs in Google Cloud Logging. I get all the queries users make, but also all the queries made to probe and ...
jwtrees's user avatar
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Datadog not collecting logs from file in Kubernetes cluster

I am trying to configure Datadog agent on AKS Cluster and to read logs from file location at /var/log/datadog/messages.log in each service pod. It is streaming all the metrics except logs from file ...
CodeRunner's user avatar
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Systemd CGroups - where are logs for exceeding resource limits?

By default systemd assigns resource limits through CGroups like TaskMax, here's a example of this: $ systemctl status sshd ● sshd.service - OpenSSH Daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/...
GrabbenD's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you limit Exceptions loggings in production

First, please note this might be a JavaScript question, on Node or on the browser, or a Ruby question, whether logging is in files or to the database, etcetera. This is why I'm asking in serverfault; ...
Curcuma_'s user avatar
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Need help configuring SOF-ELK Sans to parse IIS W3C logs

How can I get the SOF-ELK VM to inject the IIS logs like the httpd logs. Here are my filebeats yml configs: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml filebeat.config.inputs: enabled: true path: /usr/local/sof-...
user avatar
3 votes
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Set INFO/ERROR priority for messages logged to journal via stdout and stderr?

We have many production apps (first and third-party) that leave logging up to the process that runs the app and just log to stdout for INFO and stderr for ERROR logs (ie only 2 log priorities: INFO|...
mattpr's user avatar
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Windows Event Forwarding and Sysmon

I'm dealing with a bit of an issue relating to WEF and sysmon I have the collector server setup and 2 domain controllers are configured via GPO to send events to WEF collector. It is configured via ...
hx.m4v's user avatar
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Clean old release files in Sentry

I'm self-hosting Sentry 8 and /var/lib/sentry/files grew to a significant size. I tried launching a script to go through each project's releases via the API, select those older than X days, and remove ...
mpitt's user avatar
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Stackdriver logs stopped appearing in GCP Stackdriver Logging Console

Background I have a Flask server running on GCE's container-optimized image. This server prints a log for every request. Normally, I can view the logs my application prints in GCP Stackdriver Logging ...
Ismail Khan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I use Nagios to monitor a log file that generates a random ID

This the log file that I want to monitor: /test/James-2018-11-16_15215125111115- I want Nagios to read it this log file so I can monitor a specific string. The issue is ...
NewYearNewMe2020's user avatar
2 votes
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HAProxy stats over a specific period

I've set up HAProxy v1.7 with stats enabled and it's working fine, collecting all the necessary stats and showing them on a webpage. Is there a built-in way to show the stats (in particular Bytes In/...
André Mohrmann's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

File based log monitoring with triggers for mails ONLY?

I have various heterogenous services from my company able to log things into files, but e.g. not able to send mails on their own. Additionally, I have logging into files from Apache httpd and Tomcat, ...
Thorsten Schöning's user avatar
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Send email with new entries when they are added to a log file

I have a log file (/var/log/forever.err) which must stay empty. Entries there basically mean trouble. I would like to do the following: Monitor the file If the size changes, email me the new contents ...
Merc's user avatar
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How to monitor logs via Google Cloud agent for occurrence of error?

Basically I'm monitoring the php-fpm error.log file with a custom config: <source> type tail format none path /var/log/php-fpm/error.log pos_file /var/lib/google-fluentd/pos/php-fpm-...
Rob Olmos's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Incident reporting and logging

I am looking into tool (or advice) that would allow me to track and log all incidents that happen on my infrastructure. We have a few servers (50+) and that number is going to increase in the future,...
Igor Hrcek's user avatar
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1 answer

Requests with .php5 extension in server logs

Taking a look at access logs and I see a stream of requests from the same IP address that are making requests to files and appending .php and .php5 to the URLs. The logs look something like: 104.[..]...
Matt Pope's user avatar
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Issue with SSH on RHEL while monitoring logs from SpectorSoft Server Manager

I have 3 servers running RHEL hosting a number of Java applications where each of them generates a log file which I am monitoring from a Windows-based machine with the use of SpectorSoft Server ...
croussou's user avatar
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1 answer

How to monitor/log wireless events including failed authorization attempts?

Is it possible to log wireless events including failed authorization attempts? I have two access points and also would like to see, which one is serving which client and see when client is connected ...
user avatar
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Centralised log monitoring for linux servers [closed]

I've read several QA on this site about monitoring servers, but I found out, that none of them centralises all the logs I want to watch. To describe my situation: 10 linux hosts Using logwatch to ...
Marek Sebera's user avatar
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Using OSSEC to monitor windows services

I'm using OSSEC to trying and monitor services on servers such as Windows Event Log. I would like to know if a service has stopped or started and get emailed accordingly. I have tried a rule that ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 answers

Method to log amount of transmitted data per each IP address in linux

I am looking for a method in linux to log the amount of data transmitted (received and sent separately) for every single IP address to which the data was sent to or received from. These statistics ...
Fermion Portal's user avatar
3 votes
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Simple web tool for viewing log

I'm developing a server deployment script that installs a bunch of stuff and generates a log in the process. I'd like users of the script to be able to view what's happening, on a web page, in real ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
3 votes
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Using Logstash as shipper?

We are shipping logs from servers and using THE logstash on each server for shipping. So we read logs from the glob "/root/Desktop/Logstash-Input/**/*_log". input { file{ ...
Siddharth Trikha's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

View realtime list of connections to Postfix [closed]

I am running Postfix on a linux box with a couple hundred local users with mailboxes. Is there a way to monitor all incoming connections (SMTP) to the Postfix service? I.e. a live stream of "IP ...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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Alerting on threshold crossing?

We are using logstash + elasticsearch + Kibana to parse, store and view our logs respectively. Now, we want a notification/alert when a threshold for a particular log or threshold for a particular ...
Siddharth Trikha's user avatar
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2 answers

How to best monitor/log problems on eth0?

I have manually configured an email server - very simple config and I have done no fancy networking. I simply opened up only the relevant ports via iptables. Once every 10-15 days however, eth0 ...
Michael Tremante's user avatar
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4 answers

Monitoring important log files on multiple linux hosts?

I have a few servers running on AWS and have Nagios/Icinga doing the monitoring of all critical services. We're trying to figure out the best way to monitor all logs - system, DB, PHP, Apache, etc - ...
kouton's user avatar
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OpenTSDB Web interface showing nothing other than header and footer

NOTE: I moved the question from stackoverflow to serverfault as this question didn't attract attention. I have a temporary OpenTSDB and hbase hosted on a aws micro server. ...
Karthik's user avatar
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monitoring error rate with monit

Is there a way to tell monit to alert me if there are more than X errors (e.g. lines matching "ERROR") in a log file in a certain time? My use case would be: errors sometimes appear in my log file (i....
riffraff's user avatar
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Syslog-ng not logging on debian

I have syslog-ng running but it does not seem to be logging to /var/log anymore. Looking at the logs it apparently used to awhile back: -rw------- 1 root root 0 Sep 8 00:55 messages -rw----...
Jason's user avatar
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5 votes
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In sensu, how to configure log level?

I've just installed sensu (with the debian "omnibus" package) and I couldn't find any way to change the log level. Is there any way to do it in both client and server?
Jaime Soriano's user avatar
3 votes
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How to install auditd on CentOS?

How to install auditd on CentOS 6.4 x64 ? I want to Log all commands run by admins Log all commands run by admins on production servers Edit: I can't run aduditd service I did with this tut enter ...
Luka Tce's user avatar
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How to block Bad robots, spiders, crawlers and harvesters

I'm sick and tired of this bad robots, spiders, crawlers and harvesters. I have already configured my server to block IP connected for 5 minutes and with maxretry of 250 using fail2ban. But still some ...
jaYPabs's user avatar
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I'm seeing website that is not mine in access.log

I'm just wondering why there are some website on my access.log that is not mine. Can anyone tell me if my site is used as a proxy? Here's the log: - - [22/Jul/2013:08:23:56 +0800] "GET ...
jaYPabs's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Monitoring solution for external cheap-ass shared hosting [closed]

Some friends of mine started hosting their first startup's code on an extremely DB-constrained shared hosting with surprisingly good customer support; this means that on a given day, while their DB ...
Carlos Vergara's user avatar
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Is there a way to log all files that are created on a W2K8 server?

I've got a W2K8 server with some IIS apps that are creating a lot of files. I would like to monitor what files are created and how big they are. Is there a tool I could use to log all files that are ...
Kees C. Bakker's user avatar
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Tomcat logs web interface

I have several production machines running Java servlets on Tomcat infrastructure. When I want to look at the logs, I have to remote access the machine with ssh, and manually grep the logs for ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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Can pingdom shut down/slow down a site on Heroku?

We have a Rails app on Heroku. We have 2 dynos. We're noticing that the site is not loading today with frequency. Lots of Request timeouts. Also, assets in particular, which are also hosted on Heroku,...
AdamT's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Real-time monitoring script for apache with only specific fields listed

I am real-time monitoring my website log, but would like to create a script that shows only the following in nice pretty columns. log being used: /var/log/httpd/access_log (default log file and ...
user157574's user avatar
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mysql logging activity from specific user or ip

I have mysql server. The server is accessed by my application, and by external auditor (person using mysql workbench). The auditor has specific user and password and dedicated IP and it is granted ...
darko petreski's user avatar
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Apache httpd server 'is it possible': Alert on specific condition in access/error log

I'm just wondering is it there some module which can detect certain event in access/error log and if it matches it, to send an email with information. example: I want to detect when someone makes ...
Daniel Stoinov's user avatar
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What is the simplest way to monitor log files for (a) string/regex matches AND (b) lack of output?

On a single Linux server, there are often lots of independent (perhaps interlinked) services outputting numerous logs to files at known paths. Sometimes bad stuff happens and is written about, to the ...
wodow's user avatar
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Cross-referencing charts (e.g. munin) with log files

Is there a charting package like Munin (or an addon for it) that will let me click on a graph period and then see all the logs on that box for that period? e.g. if I see a huge spike in disk I/O 12 ...
poochie's user avatar
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Monitoring E-Mail Alerts Scalably [closed]

Anyone know of a way to monitor e-mail alerts scalably? For many of my on site services I have them e-mail me on success (and failure) of critical tasks. The reason I have it e-mail on success, is ...
Dom's user avatar
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Reduce munin logging level

Munin is quite verbose, and logs a bunch of things into munin-graph.log, munin-html.log, munin-limits.log and munin-update.log at each run of munin-cron. I already reduced munin-node logging level by ...
petrus's user avatar
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Monitor Apache Error Logs for Specific Strings

Whats the recommended solution to comb apache's previous day's /var/log/httpd/error_log looking for lines that contain a certain string and email when such strings are detected? It could be run ...
Gaia's user avatar
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Kernel Logging disabled?

uname -a Linux host 2.6.32-279.9.1.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Sep 25 20:26:47 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux And start ups: ls /etc/init.d/ abrt-ccpp certmonger dovecot irqbalance matahari-...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Monitoring AWS Systems Behind ElasticBeanStalk

So I'm getting a company set up in the Amazon Cloud -- creating IAAS protocol/solutions/standardized implementation, etc while also being the SysAdmin for individual systems, app environments, and day-...
A. Avadis's user avatar
2 votes
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Search for a log pattern continuously

I am preparing a log watch dog but my concern is tailing always would blow up in some point. Thus, My concern is to monitor the log file always and if a pattern match occurs. Issue some commands on ...
Olgun Kaya's user avatar
9 votes
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How to block Nginx access log statements from specific user agents

I am looking to turn off logging in the Nginx access log file from specific requests from http user agents. Basically from the Amazon ELB Health Check and our external (Pingdom) monitoring. Since ...
briannyc's user avatar