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2 answers

Is it safe to expose monitd http server to the world

I'd like to use monitd for monitoring my webserver. I read it has built in http server. By default it is set to run on 2812 port. Is safe to open the port on firewall and view it via a browser?
Łukasz Korona's user avatar
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send a get request to url in monit (linux)

I'm trying to find out when a file size increase stops and then sends a GET request to some URL. already added this conf in /etc/monit/monitrc check file file.log with path /home/projects/my_project/...
Saeed Ramezani's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Monit: Editing in-built alert text

i have the monit tool setup on a linux box, and it's been monitoring apache and the overall system for a few months. The apache config file is: check process apache with pidfile /var/run/httpd/httpd....
weetch's user avatar
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1 answer

How to filter by service groups in the monit web frontend?

Monit has a feature called "service groups" ( It allows you to filter by groups using the CLI. But is it possible to use ...'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Monitor free space with monit ... but only if the folder is mounted

For my backup, external disk space is mounted via cronjob as /mnt/backup on a Ubuntu machine every night. When the backup is complete, the disk is unmounted. No need to expose the backup drive to ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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Monit restart process behavior

Monit's documentation states the following for the restart action : RESTART restarts the service and send an alert. Restart is performed by calling the service's registered restart method or by first ...
Ror's user avatar
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How do I find the PID file for a process given the PID number?

I'm trying to use Monit to monitor and send email alerts about a process when it stops running, but I need the location of the PID file for that process. I can find the PID number using the htop or ps ...
Alasdair's user avatar
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Send Monit E-Mails via Exim

I installed monit on an Ubuntu 18.04 server and I would like to configure it to send e-mails to my personal e-mail address. I heard that I can send them via the installed exim. However, it does not ...
user's user avatar
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Using "monit" - how to detect empty reply from http process (apache2)

I would like to monitor empty replies from my apache2 process as I am running into a problem similar to "Apache gives empty reply" . I am using monit to monitor my processes, so I am going ...
le_top's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot access monit web interface

I just installed Monit on my server. I want to access to the web interface to manage it but the web is not accessible. The machine is an instance in AWS, the port is open. I have tried many ...
svprdga's user avatar
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1 answer

HTML formatted alert emails using monit

Is it possible to send HTML formatted alert emails using monit service ? I would like to include coloured status based on the alert. Ref:
penguin's user avatar
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Forbidden Invalid CSRF Token +monit [closed]

I have installed monit on AWS ec2 and it working fine. But when I try to restart the nginx service through monit UI,i got an error like "Forbidden Invalid CSRF Token +monit". My configuration check ...
Sruthin Kumar TK's user avatar
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2 answers

Possible to not have a monit httpd?

Everytime I do # monit reload M/Monit enabled but no httpd allowed -- please add 'set httpd' statement Reinitializing monit daemon I get the error about I don't have set httpd. This is my /etc/...
Jasmine Lognnes's user avatar
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Super simple Nagios alternative? [closed]

After having used Nagios for many years, I tried M/Monit, and it is mostly what I want, but still it lacks the option to customize the format of the notification emails sent by M/Monit, which makes it ...
Sandra's user avatar
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How can I make monit poll more often during a state change?

I'm using Monit to monitor various processes that need to be up and running as a group for a web site to work properly. To bring up or bring down the site, there's a definite order by which the ...
Louis's user avatar
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2 answers

check mount point status using monit service

I would like to monitor the server "mount point status" using "monit". Check filesystem is available to check whether that filesystem available or not on the systeam. But couldn't check filesystem ...
KMG's user avatar
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monit restart process periodically

Is it possible to configure monit to restart an application periodically? I'm using monit to check the application health and restart it if it has died. I also want to periodically restart it. Prefer ...
ubi's user avatar
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Log system information collected by Monit to local log

I have configured Monit version 5.6 on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. There are few check like filesystem usage, remote host connectivity check and service monitoring. Now, when I check the web gui of monit,...
Sourav Mishra's user avatar
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monit - "else if succeeded then exec"

I have a problem with monit executing script on success. ~/.monitrc: check host with address if failed url and content == "mainBaner" timeout 10 ...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
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Monit fails to start process

Monit fails to start a Java process that is launched from an init script in /etc/init.d. The init script works when launched from the shell. Monit detects that the service is running and detects when ...
user371087's user avatar
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Use monit to collect metrics?

monit is very useful, simple and stable tool, but one thing is curious: Is it possible to log every monit check? I mean, that it logs only errors, like [MSK Aug 10 15:54:30] error : 'fs-home' ...
Psychozoic's user avatar
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Does monit restart service if service was told to stop via systemd?

I am new to monit and don't use it up to now. Scenario monit should restart PostgresSQL if it is dead PostgresSQL gets started via systemd A sysadmin shuts down PostgresSQL via systemd since he ...
guettli's user avatar
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Running monit AND supervisord simulatenously. Any possible issues?

Two aims: 1) Make sure background daemons such as webserver/rabbitmq are running all the time. If they crash they are automatically restarted etc. For this I am using monit with a config like: set ...
gyaani_guy's user avatar
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2 answers

Simple tool to monitor HAProxy web requests?

I'm looking for a tool that can monitor the number of requests that are going to the nodes within HAProxy to determine the need to push out another node to loadbalance the requests. Can something like ...
coderkid's user avatar
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Monit run script on restart

So I have been trying to get Monit to run a script on start of a service. While Monit has no problem restarting the service, I of course want to be alerted when if my service required starting, not ...
ambe5960's user avatar
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How do I execute monit commands from a shell script without root access?

I've installed and configured monit on a Debian server and opened the http service to localhost and gave rw permissions to the group "monit". I created this group and added myself to this group. The ...
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MONIT: Monitoring logfile on counting and changes of timestamp

I want to monitor a logfile and I am only interested in the "Received new block" lines. I need two different scripts to monitor The height, which should always be one number higher then the height in ...
John Doof's user avatar
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Monit Web Service not available

I'm trying to configure monit on my server using chef solo. When I visit port 2812 response saying this webpage is not availble. config/chef/files/default/monitrc set daemon 30 set pidfile /var/run/...
Antarr Byrd's user avatar
3 votes
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Monit "check program" and restart based on exit code

When I use check process, monit will start the program I define under start program then monit will restart it if it stops. But when I use check program monit will not automatically start it. If the ...
Onema's user avatar
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monit: add NOALERT in an IF construct

On debian jessie, I have configured monit to check for HAproxy particular port forwardings, and to restart it if failed like this: check process haproxy with pidfile /run/ group www-...
Danduk82's user avatar
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Alert on simultaneous failure of multiple monit services

We're using Monit to check our web servers. When the check fails (or succeeds) the corresponding compontent on a status page is updated via a shell script like this: check host web-a-https with ...
Phillipp's user avatar
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How to use number of CPUs as a multiplier in monit config?

What is the best way to use number of CPUs as a multiplier in monit confs? I need this for a system that has varrying number of CPUs, depending on predicted load. Right now the only idea I have is ...
Firze's user avatar
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Monitoring zabbix server (itself) externally

I have some infrastructure (servers, switches etc) monitored by a Zabbix server, setup to alert in case of issues; so far so good. But what if the Zabbix server itself (or any of the underlying infra)...
sxc731's user avatar
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Is it possible to setup Monit to send alerts to Nagios

I am trying to setup Monit on an auto-scaled group of machines. Ideally I would like monit to send alerts to my nagios service (which is already configured to escalate alerts). I have found this old ...
Danduk82's user avatar
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monit: how do I restart many Tomcats without overloading the server?

My server has several separate Apache Tomcat instances that each take a lot of time and CPU to start. It is not possible to start all of them at the same time. This would generate too much I/O, each ...
nn4l's user avatar
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How to monitor the postfix mail queue using monit?

Is there a way to monitor the postfix mail queue using monit? the available scripts just check, up/down/memory or CPU. I would like notices when the queue starts filling up. it would be nice to be ...
Sean Kimball's user avatar
7 votes
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How to restart and alert if condition matches in Monit?

How can I do multiple things when condition is matched? For example if I want to restart a process and also send alert email. I know I can do it with two separate lines, but can I combine them? if ...
Firze's user avatar
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How to configure Monit to alert me when anything appears in syslog

I want Monit to alert me if ANYTHING shows up in syslog - as anything in there would be abnormal. I've tried the following and I'm not receiving any alert emails when I manually add something to ...
runningonplants's user avatar
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Execute custom monit script upon failure to restart the process [duplicate]

I have a case where empty PID files are being generated by certain processes which are monitored by monit. Monit is NOT so good in handling empty files and tries to re-start the process even when the ...
gowin09's user avatar
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Awaken monit daemon every few hours for all monitored processes

I am seeing a problem with monit config in configuring the monit daemon to awaken every few hours and start monitoring the processes which were set to "Not Monitored" state. PROBLEM: When the monit ...
gowin09's user avatar
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Monitoring MySQL – "Execution failed"

Got some trouble with a VPS where MySQL dies on me from time to time. As a temporarily fix I've installed Monit to make sure that the process is restarted when it dies. I checked the site today and it ...
INT's user avatar
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Monit: How to optimally monitor an URL

My webserver runs nginx with php5-fpm. If some trouble occurs, usually php5-fpm hung up, resulting in a "bad gateway" server error. Of course, I never know, if nginx may crash as well, some day. When ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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Configure Monit to monitor PHP5-FPM on Ubuntu/Nginx setup

System: LEMP running on Ubuntu 14.04 I'm trying to configure the tool Monit to restart Nginx or PHP-FPM if ever there is a problem. It is correctly monitoring Nginx however under status for PHP-FPM ...
sparecycle's user avatar
3 votes
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Monit ignores memory usage threshold config

I installed Monit 5.6 from Ubuntu repositories to alert me about unusually high memory and CPU usages on my VPS. It turned out that 75% memory usage is rather usual for my setup, so I changed the line ...
Hnatt's user avatar
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Monitor a process using monit in ubuntu

On my server I have started a service using a script created by myself. I want to monitor that process using monit. I didn't see any .pid file for that process in the /var/run directory. How can I ...
user3793677's user avatar
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Restarting shell script with &disown using Monit

I have a shell script that runs a C++ backend mail system (PluginHandler). I need to monitor this process in Monit and restart it if it fails. The script: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:/...
Solas Admin's user avatar
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How to make Monit "check process" conditional?

I have a monit script that does something like this: check process sidekiq_1 with pidfile /tmp/pids/ start program = "/bin/bash -l -c 'bundle exec sidekiq start" as uid jim and gid jim ...
Niels Kristian's user avatar
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Monit issues with mysql Ubuntu server 12.04

I've installed Monit on Ubuntu server 12.04 but Im having issues getting mysql monitoring to work at all. Here is what I have done so far. #/etc/default/monit startup=1 #/etc/mysql/my.cnf pid-file ...
Eko3alpha's user avatar
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turn off monit text alerts at night

I have monit running 24/7/365 and sending alerts to an e-mail address and text messages to a phone equally. However I would now like to stop the phone text msgs at night so they don't wake me up. I ...
Ron's user avatar
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Monit system cpu usage

Monit version: 5.0.3 Server: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS I want to monitor the system cpu usage with Monit and I am trying as follows: check system host_name if cpu usage (user) > 70% then alert if ...
piazz23's user avatar
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