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-1 votes
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How to monitor wordpress websites individually deployed on an apache2 server?

Since last few weeks there are sudden downs to my EC2 machine and none of the websites become accessible and also ssh to machine stops working. please help me fix it. I have an EC2 machine where ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
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Entuity (monitoring SW) databse backup

If anyone is using quite obscure monitoring system named Entuity, I'm trying to find a good way of extending its database. Currently the system is using MySQL database. For some reason its setup to ...
J B's user avatar
  • 93
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0 answers

How to be sure to keep all the logs regarding a MySQL table data but filter Google Cloud SQL maintenance queries logs made by localhost GCP SQL?

I enabled the flag General_log for a Google Cloud SQL MySQL instance to get all the queries logs in Google Cloud Logging. I get all the queries users make, but also all the queries made to probe and ...
jwtrees's user avatar
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1 answer

Monitoring of MySQL replication and alerting when replication is not working

I have a question about monitoring of MySQL replication and in particular about alerting using Grafana/Prometheus. We have 2 MySQL(MariaDB to be exact) instances for which replication is configured: ...
Dmitry's user avatar
  • 11
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1 answer

How to find usage (memory) of databases inside a Google CloudSQL instance?

I run multiple databases inside a single CloudSQL instance. My problem is that I cannot get monitoring insights at the individual database level. For example, if I want to know how much memory a ...
ayaz's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Asserting on extended information from Nagios's check_mysql

I'm running the check_mysql plugin using NRPE on a remote DB-server, and while I can get satisfactory data on whether or not the server process is working as needed, I see that the plugin outputs a ...
Zalán Meggyesi's user avatar
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0 answers

MySQL least privileges to get database/tables size

I'm using centreon_plugins to monitor some mysql databases. As a best practice I create a dedicated user for monitoring and I give it the least possible privileges. For simple monitoring I usually ...
THe_ZiPMaN's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to monitor mysql status variables and push to slack?

I've been trying to find a free way to monitor mysql status variables and push a slack notification when certain variables hit a threshold (ie: large number of connections). At the moment, all the ...
David's user avatar
  • 851
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1 answer

monitoring/troubleshooting aws rds high cpu usage

I have an RDS instance running and it uses an average of 20-30% cpu utilization. Last night it spiked up to 80% for a few minutes and I am trying to figure out why. Error logs show nothing, and I have ...
Simon Ernesto Cardenas Zarate's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to monitor downtime of a remote third party MySQL Server?

I have a server application on my own server that depends on remote MySQL db running on another server maintained by a third party. How do I monitor when their bd works and when not? I would like my ...
Gherman's user avatar
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1 answer

How to monitor MySQL socket using icinga2

I would like to monitor my MySQL server using icinga2 as the title shows above. My MySQL server uses a unix socket. I tried the following: object Service "MYSQL" { import "generic-service" ...
sysmodder's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Munin and mysql plugin

I've installed munin on a vps and I want to monitor mysql usage of 3 mysql servers, I have configured mysql_ plugin as follow: [mysql_*] env.mysqlconnection DBI:mysql:mysql;host=mysql1.neocrafters....
MacFresno's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Monitoring MySQL – "Execution failed"

Got some trouble with a VPS where MySQL dies on me from time to time. As a temporarily fix I've installed Monit to make sure that the process is restarted when it dies. I checked the site today and it ...
INT's user avatar
  • 121
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1 answer

New nagios/cacti monitoring setup, should I use a dedicated VM?

Currently we have 4 bare metal servers and one small VM server (all running centos6) and I'm looking at setting up monitoring for the Percona MySQL db server and replication slave (bare metal), as ...
xref's user avatar
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2 answers

Monit issues with mysql Ubuntu server 12.04

I've installed Monit on Ubuntu server 12.04 but Im having issues getting mysql monitoring to work at all. Here is what I have done so far. #/etc/default/monit startup=1 #/etc/mysql/my.cnf pid-file ...
Eko3alpha's user avatar
  • 147
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1 answer

Nagios mysql check service definition configuration?

I'm using the Consol Labs MySQL Health Check plugin to monitor my MySQL database. I'd like to change the warning and critical thresholds for the threads connected parameter, but have forgotten how. ...
Elijah Paul's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Update zabbix-agent mysql credentials

I want to monitor my mysql server with zabbix. So i've created a mysql user called zabbix. The user got a secret password. Now is my question where i can update the password in the zabbix config? I ...
David's user avatar
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0 answers

error on installing mytop : Requires:

my mysql cpu usage has been high lately so i'm trying to installl mytop to monitor the database when i try to install it with yum i get this : yum -y install mytop --> Finished ...
max's user avatar
  • 187
2 votes
1 answer

Track resource usage of individual website on shared hosting [closed]

I have a Centos 6 web server (Apache-itk, PHP, MySQL) with ISPconfig. I have about 100 websites on this webserver, all of them belong to me. I must be able to track how much of resources (traffic, CPU,...
Dmitri Pisarev's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

mysql logging activity from specific user or ip

I have mysql server. The server is accessed by my application, and by external auditor (person using mysql workbench). The auditor has specific user and password and dedicated IP and it is granted ...
darko petreski's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Check mysql slow queries

Is it possible to monitor mysql like: if some queries run more then 300 seconds - it will be warning if some queries run more then 500 seconds - it will be critical I tried: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/...
Rafał Kamiński's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Monitoring Redis and mysql server for memory and cpu usage

I want to compare the memory and cpu usage of the the redis-server and the mysql-server. I have used a profiler to get the client data but I would also like to know what is going on on the servers ...
x_maras's user avatar
  • 109
1 vote
4 answers

Recommended MySQL monitoring tool [closed]

I am looking for a good all-in-one monitoring tool for a single MySQL server and underlying Linux OS. I need something that gives me a quick graphical view of what is going on right now and that ...
Laban's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

Monitoring Innodb Lock Monitoring output?

I've found plenty of tools that will monitor the output of SHOW PROCESSLIST and SHOW INNODB STATUS but haven't really found much that indicates it will log, digest and summarize (optionally enabled) ...
Zadan's user avatar
  • 21
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6 answers

Free Web Based Server Log Viewer/Monitor [closed]

I'm not much of a server guy, but do need to monitor logs for my web server. Preferabbly, PHP, Apache and MySQL error logs. Could you guys offer any advice for free web-based solutions for monitoring ...
David's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

MySQL Slave Health Check

I am working on a project like creating database config on fly , got an array of read replicas for mysql instance and keeping one open connection to each and keeping their statics in that service so ...
Kevin Lee's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to monitor mysql slow log and send mail to alert?

I have enabled mysql slow query log on Ubuntu server. I prefer to get the email alert with the slow sql when any slow query appeared so I can optimize the sql. I need a lightweight solution.
Yadun's user avatar
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1 answer

mysql monitoring with monit

can someone please steer me in the right direction. I'm completely new to Monit, set it up, everything working fine, but I'm having a problem with mysql. This is the set up in my conf file: check ...
williamsowen's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I check RAM/CPU utilization by my database?

I am using postgresql. I want to monitor RAM usage of My Database server, is there any query or command which given the RAM usage or CPU usage? Anything regarding MySql will also be helpful. EDIT:...
Rahul Prasad's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Keep receiving warning for abnormally high response time

I have made an account with which monitors the linux. Since few days i keep receving email and i don't know what that means . This is the email Over the last 5 minute(s) (from May 02 ...
Mirage's user avatar
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4 answers

Advantages of MySQL Server Enterprise

We build for a customer a social network site, where we will have on beginning 1 Master and 2 Slave MySQL Server. I'm not sure if we need to go with the Enterprise or use the GA Version. The only ...
Nenad's user avatar
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1 answer

my battle against web-server monitoring - slow server

Munin print-screen for reference: I monitor a web-server which basically runs apache+php+mysql. No emails, no FTP, pure web-server. The server is serving pages ...
cmancre's user avatar
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Tool to monitor MySQL even when a request crashes the server

It happens quite often that my server goes down (from a few minutes to always). I think I managed to found the problem, located to mysql that take a big amount of ram to do a request, but since the ...
Cyril N.'s user avatar
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3 answers

We are moving to two servers from one server due to performance issues. How do we monitor the value of this change?

We are moving to two servers from one server due to performance issues. We are moving our MySQL DB to its own dedicated server and will keep the original machine as the front end machine running ...
MikeN's user avatar
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2 answers

Easy Server Monitoring/Logging point in time solution? [closed]

I managed my company's servers and I need to know if load spiked at 3am on the web or mysql server, what processes were active in apache or what queries were going on in mysql at that point in time ...
Andre Jay Marcelo-Tanner's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

MyTop doesn't display executed queries

I'm trying to use mytop for figuring out what queries are being executed and how long they take. I can connect properly to the db but MySQL on localhost (5.1.41-3ubuntu12.8) up 0+01:...
recluze's user avatar
  • 365
6 votes
4 answers

Monit can't detect MySQL, but I can

Monit is configured to watch MySQL on localhost at port 3306. check process mysqld with pidfile /var/lib/mysql/ start program = "/etc/init.d/mysql start" stop program = "/etc/init.d/...
Matchu's user avatar
  • 213
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL per user monitoring

Is there a tool for monitoring per user MySQL usage? Like number of queries for example. I have been looking on Munin which I currently use, but did not find anything. A similar tool is the per user ...
em2345's user avatar
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3 answers

MySQL Monitoring - Cloud Instances - No System Access

Are there any MySQL monitoring suites/tools built to use on systems such as Amazon RDS where you do not have system access? Looking for something beyond custom tools (nagios, zenoss, ganglia, hyperic)...
user57635's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

mysql query monitor

I have mysql server. I need a free monitor (something similar to the mysql enterprise monitor I need the graphs to be in ...
darko petreski's user avatar
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1 answer

How to monitor crashed mysql tables?

We often get the error Table marked as crashed and should be repaired on some of your mysql tables running on a windows 2003 server. How can I monitor if a table in a mysql db is "crashed"? Is there ...
kcode's user avatar
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7 answers

Monitoring solution to help fix slow MySQL queries problem

I have two servers: one that runs Apache and another one just for MySQL. I don't have any monitoring tools installed on any of them. Every once in a while it appears that my SQL queries are running ...
Victor Stanciu's user avatar
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Catching unresponsive / high load mysql, perhaps with monit?

I'm having intermittent occurrences of mysql causing high load on the machine, making the web app unavailable. I'm using monit to monitor it, but it doesn't catch the issue, apparently because it can ...
Parand's user avatar
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Monitoring mysql server on osx

Is there a good application that will run on osx (GUI) that would let me monitor the queries and other mysql server settings on a remote server? G-Man
GeoffreyF67's user avatar
2 votes
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Solaris disk I/O spike... which monitoring tools do I need?

My Solaris 10 websever / database server disk io keeps spiking at intermittent times. Using iostat -xtc 5 the reads / sec will jump from 3.0 to 1450.0 and %busy will jump to 98% The apache access ...
user avatar
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4 answers

mysql database listener

Is there any way to attach some kind of a listener to a table in mysql to monitor changes ? I have tried to search for this but not found anything. I would like to do this to create a ui with live ...
Zitrax's user avatar
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9 answers

Looking for server monitoring app... nothing fancy.. for Windows [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What tool do you use to monitor your servers? We are looking for a tool to keep an eye on our web servers (http, file exists, connects) and our smtp, pop servers. Also we'd ...
Leo's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitoring MySQL SELECT/WRITE/UPDATE/SLOW queries in Nagios

There's ways to get performance graphs with several monitoring software packages out there such as ZenOSS. There's a plugin available that will graph MySQL based SELECT/WRITE/SLOW queries in a nice ...
imaginative's user avatar
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7 votes
9 answers

Monitor MySQL Replication

What is the best practice for monitoring a slave to make sure that it is a) Still running b) Not too far being the master I would like to alert by email if it is behind, happy to write a script or ...
johnwards's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Simple check to see if mysql is up with Nagios

Is there a simple check to see if MySQL is up on a host with Nagios without authenticating and selecting a table?
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