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Zabbix Server configuration Inquiry

I hope I’m posting in the right place. So, I have a question. I’m trying to set up a simple network monitor (Zabbix) in VirtualBox to monitor the hosting machine. I have everything set up, but the ...
Cam's user avatar
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Huawei S5600 main OIDs?

I'm working with NagiosCore to check the stats of my network's switchs (mainly S5700 (modulars and non-modulars) and S5600). Using SNMP (v2c) I'm able to get stuff defined by myself such as: ...
k.Cyborg's user avatar
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tcpdump: filtering out localhost, packets show up anyway?

I'm trying to use tcpdump to explore what on my computer talks with whom on the world wide web. I've came this far as of yet: lan_hosts="(hosts || to || exclude)" local_hosts="(127.0.0....
xogoxec344's user avatar
0 votes
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Monitoring the OnPremise network appliances from Azure?

People, I have the need to monitor the OnPremise Network appliances (Gateways, Firewalls and other services IP addresses) from Azure, then send an email alert or trigger alert via PagerDuty. https://...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
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On machine reboot via SNMP

Is it possible to reboot a windows or a linux machine via SNMP? Most of information I've found is related to the reload of the SNMP service itself, instead of host reboot.
SergioAlvare's user avatar
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Send notification upon Zabbix active agent shut down

I have configured zabbix server with zabbix active agents but I am not able to get notifications when zabbix active agents shut down. I have no issue getting email notifications when active agents ...
user427751's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

which monitoring tool is good for monitoring system hardware,software,user management and network activity for all kind of operating system? [closed]

Please kindly suggest me the tool for monitoring the system hardware, software, applications, services, user management and network related activities of IT Infrastructure.
Kunal Sapkal's user avatar
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How to securely gather multiple servers data for monitoring

I got an 'admin' server where all admin GUI can be accessed. I also have 2 other servers, 1 web and 1 db. As I expand for a nodejs server/api, I was wondering how could I transfer servers information ...
Jayd's user avatar
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Proxmox Virtual Machine Bandwidth monitoring

I have been trying to find some tool to allow me to monitor and get stats from virtual machine network usage. I have a proxmox host with several virtual machines, and I would like to have some sort ...
Miguel Mesquita Alfaiate's user avatar
0 votes
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Security Test and Monitoring for AWS EC2 running SFTP using OpenSSH? [closed]

I have an EC2 Instance that is running SFTP via OpenSSH on Amazon Linux (CentOS). I'd like to run some tests to check for vulnerabilities that I'm not aware of, and I'd like to run monitoring software ...
T. Brian Jones's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to analyze bytes transferred over a group of servers?

We have around 50 virtual machines. I installed collectd, graphite and grafana and we have some traffic statistics like these: That produces a graph like this: The lines are incoming and outgoing ...
ujjain's user avatar
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How do APM systems monitor and collect machine interactions?

So I generally understand how things like New Relic instrument a .NET app -- the CLR Profiler API makes perfect sense. But what I can't figure out is how things like AppDynamics understand ...
XeroxDucati's user avatar
-3 votes
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Simple uptime monitor for small remote network [closed]

Our company has about 15 small stores with two Windows 7 PCs (and two VoIP phones) at each location behind a SonicWall SOHO. We use various business grade cable and fiber ISPs at each location. ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to implement PushMon on Ruby site

I am looking to implement PushMon on a number of sites using Ruby Padrino. I have the following piece of code from the PushMon site. Where would I place said code. I was thinking of adding it to the ...
user3385136's user avatar
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Are There any Web-Based Load-Balancing Managers? [closed]

I've setup load-balancing and clustering on a few linux systems for serving web and database content, and each time it's a fairly laborious process. So I'm wondering, are there any web-based managers,...
techjwalker's user avatar
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How to add drive space alert on IP monitor?

I am the administrator on a Windows server(GSNAPRINT) installed with IPmonitor tool. I want to add an drive space alert for another server (GSCTTLBACKUP) but was not successful. But there were other ...
user255920's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Is there a GUI tool to log and view outgoing CURL requests from a Linux server? [duplicate]

I've seen several similar questions - but none that truly answer the question. So here goes: PROBLEM: A script is being run on one of our servers that is making outgoing post (and other) requests ...
Lee Fuller's user avatar
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Use Nagios to monitor 2 locations

As I am new to Nagios, I would like to ask if anyone knows how to monitor 2 physical locations using Nagios. So for example, we are having 2 datacenters which are interconnected. I have set-up a ...
Sergiu's user avatar
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Is it reasonable to use an external website as a health check

I have a 4 proxy servers spread across a couple of datacentres that serve a large number of users on a WAN. These are load balanced using an F5 GTM located at each site. My goal is to write a health ...
paulos's user avatar
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Keep showing old processes in nethogs

Nethogs stops showing idle processes after a while. How can I make it keep showing them? I want to have a complete history of processes for long time. Is there any alternative to nethogs?
Daniyal Javani's user avatar
2 votes
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Correlating network issues with severe weather?

Our helpdesk is noticing that many network issues are associated with medium to sever weather at some of our regional locations. Now this has been escalated to L3, I do see a correlation between ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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Monitor server / website load of bandwith

I've been doing a lot of searching around for a tool to monitor a website's "bandwidth" usage, and I'm not talking about how many MB/data is being loaded but the servers actual output speed, to ...
Epodax's user avatar
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NagiosXI- Configuration verification failed

I am using check_ping command to check connection statistics of remote host. When I run the above command on command line, it gives me proper output, shown below: Syntax: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/...
Mandar Shinde's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot network from customers perspective?

We have a web application that we host that is customized for multiple customers. Each customer accesses their version of the site via their own custom subdomain. We are running into an issue where ...
tresstylez's user avatar
1 vote
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Can Observium analyze network traffic?

I'm running a observium server analyzing my office devices, but I'd like to know if there's a way for observium to analyze the network traffic. English is not my main language, so I don't know how to ...
user208659's user avatar
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Nagios mysql check service definition configuration?

I'm using the Consol Labs MySQL Health Check plugin to monitor my MySQL database. I'd like to change the warning and critical thresholds for the threads connected parameter, but have forgotten how. ...
Elijah Paul's user avatar
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3 answers

Monitor HTTP usage on network from Linux free [closed]

I manage a small office network. I am looking to start monitoring/logging internet usage (website requests) for each user on a small network. All the windows clients are running through a switch to a ...
David's user avatar
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Testing DNS "health" -- whether domains are pointing to the correct IPs

I'm planning on switching from one registrar to another. Fortunately I've been able to pre-enter the zone information so that when the transfer takes place, everything should behave the same. However,...
Jordan Reiter's user avatar
1 vote
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Icinga Monitor Website for String

I am trying to use Icinga to monitor a website for a particular string. When I run the plugin from the command line, it seems to work fine, but in Icinga-Web, it always shows up as successful no ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Getting alerts from remote Icinga/Nagios instance

I have an Icinga server (which is basically a fork of Nagios) at one of my clients' sites. I access the server via ssh and don't have access to other ports. Since there are a couple of things that ...
Marcin Cylke's user avatar
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Automatic Node Categorization not working in OpenNMS

I setup a Node Categorization policy in the foreign source definition ; its not working correctly what changes need to be done? Text version: (for bot/crawler) name SetNodeRouter class org....
Darktux's user avatar
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How to diagnose intermittent connectivity issues

At work we are suffering some intermittent faults with the internet. This manifests itself as none of our desktop computers being able to make any requests externally including to ip addresses for a ...
Wes's user avatar
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4 answers

Creating an office network and monitoring all activity without a proxy

We are setting up our office network and would like to track all the websites visited by our employees. However, we would not like to use any proxy based solutions. Our work is highly dependent on ...
Robert's user avatar
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Monitoring networks and switches [closed]

I'm new to this area when it comes to monitoring services and hardware devices. Is there anything specific I need to know? 1) Are some hardware devices more compatible then others? Like, will some ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
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Disk Monitoring with OpenNMS

I'm sure this has been asked before (and actually all over the net) but I'm scratching my head a little over this. OpenNMS is installed on my 2008R2 server and is picking up my nodes fine (detecting ...
PnP's user avatar
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frequent "SNMP error" with Cacti

When adding new devices to my Cacti instance, I get frequent "SNMP error" messages in the device screen. But the error is not consistent, not even for the same device. Here's what I already have ...
nn4l's user avatar
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Ganglia network stats incorrect

I am using ubuntu 10.04LTS. The Ganglia on all of my nodes is not reporting the network usage correctly. There is a fairly large amount of fluctuation on the actual network, but on ganglia it seems ...
softbagel's user avatar
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Is there a pingdom-like service that has hosts in Asia and South America [closed]

I am looking for a remote monitoring service, similar to pingdom, that has more global reach. Right now pingdom only has coverage for North America and Europe. Does anyone know of a competing service ...
MikeJ's user avatar
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Monitoring a tcp port using Zenoss

it's possible to monitor a general purpose service, listening on port 5896, i.e.: tcp:// I just want know if this service is alive or offline, like a fast "nc -zv <...
Andre Pastore's user avatar
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Hiding hosts in Nagios

I would like to monitor a few hundred hosts using Nagios, yet I only want the switch fabric to show up in the statusmap.cgi. Is there a way to prevent a host from showing up in the status map, yet ...
TheWellington's user avatar
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5 answers

Custom server monitoring: Monitoring number of specific files in specific directory

I have many server running on live. Each server has many application. Each application has directory like /etc/somedir1, /etc/somedir2 where in each of that directory has many .html files. The ...
mainkas's user avatar
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Software to monitor Bandwidth, Memory Usage, Load, Etc [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What tool do you use to monitor your servers? Hey I'm just wondering if there's any software available to monitor Bandwidth, Memory Usage, Load, etc. Doesn't matter if it isn'...
Belgin Fish's user avatar
2 votes
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ntop: Which HTTP downloads (URLs) caused the traffic?

My server causes too much traffic, so I have installed ntop to monitor it. On the Summary -> Traffic page in the Global TCP/UDP Protocol Distribution table I can see the traffic is periodically ...
Witek's user avatar
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How can I monitor the network on ESXi node for connections and find the source of a ddos attack

I'm looking for something fairly simple to install, that will monitor network traffic on the vswitch for my esxi node as we're getting ddosed and I need to be able to easily see where the traffic is ...
huddy's user avatar
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Monitoring network connection of Windows Server in real-time

I'm looking for a way to monitor the network connection from my PC to a Windows Server running on our network. My PC is running Windows 7 and the server is running Windows Server 2003 R2. I'm looking ...
Reado's user avatar
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Server Cloud Monitoring

I'm a consultant that has around 100 clients and I would love to monitor all my clients networks, preferably from the cloud so I can tell if their Internet is down. I would like for it to offer a lot ...
msindle's user avatar
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"Enterprise Monitoring Solution" with the lightest agent?

I have a network of disparate remote VPS / "cloud" / colocated servers that I would like to monitor from a central location, using open source software like Zenoss/Zabbix/Nagios/OpenNMS/Opsview/...
mikewaters's user avatar
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I want to be notified when a LAN IP goes live

Is there a tool or something that can notify me whenever a local IP goes live on my network. It could be that it continually ping that IP and display a notification to me whenever that IP return a ...
Hassan Al-Jeshi's user avatar
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Figuring out what's causing a server to slow down

I have a potential client that has a php site that performs fine most of the time. However, every week or so, it will experience lag (slow page loading). I am sure there are a myriad of things that ...
user57187's user avatar
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Monitoring multiple sites on a single server using OpsView

We have several web servers. On each of these servers there can be ~250 web sites. I need to add a HTTP check for each site on each server. Each site has a reserved host header that we know can always ...
Kev's user avatar
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