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-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to monitor remotly multiple windows server for hardware performance? [closed]

We have 5 server installed as VM with "Windows Server 2016" on VMWware. These servers are configured as RDS, means multiple users are working on it. Users which are connected on these ...
Baku Bakar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Comparision trigger in Zabbix

I got two items created for showing certain values. One of them is shoving value from today and the other one from week ago. How can I create trigger that compares them and alert when one of them is ...
Golompg's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Monitor the nginx deployed on GKE cluster

I want to monitor the nginx requests (5xx, 4xx, 3xx, 2xx) where multiple applications are running with different domain urls. Nginx is deployed as Kind : Deployment. Is there a way for real time ...
Sai Anjan's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Monitoring SLA/SLO/SLI using Prometheus

I have done much research about monitoring SLI metrics with Prometheus. I have found only how to monitor a cluster using Kubernetes. I'm hoping to find a response here for simple monitoring. I also ...
Hasagiii's user avatar
  • 111
0 votes
1 answer

How to identify the source of growing blocked processes on a system container (LXC/OpenVZ)

When the number of blocked processes grow indefinitely, how to identify exactly what are these processes. Since I'm inside a system container (LXC/OpenVZ), I can't modify the hosts' kernel modules to ...
Paulo Coghi's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Icinga configuring error

After configuring Icinga host list in host conf i got error like root@server scripts]# icinga2 feature list Disabled features: api gelf influxdb opentsdb Enabled features: checker command compatlog ...
Venkatesh P's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to monitor EMC VNXe3200? [closed]

Currently, I'm using Solarwind to monitor my system, but VNXe can not. Any solution to monitor this? I just get a notification via email or SMS when my disk or array is failed. Thanks.
Trung Hoang's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Analyze single CPUs activities instead of sum of total CPU for what is usefull for?

I'm building a monitor to track down all Linux /proc data that can be usefull to understand how the server is behaving. Still I cannot understand if I should track every single CPU (and in a virtual ...
Max Cuttins's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Use to monitor DNS Server

I want to monitor two DNS Server with Nagios and Check the DNS performances. I have found a plugin with Nagios in :
MicaLyl's user avatar
  • 13
2 votes
1 answer

Log system information collected by Monit to local log

I have configured Monit version 5.6 on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. There are few check like filesystem usage, remote host connectivity check and service monitoring. Now, when I check the web gui of monit,...
Sourav Mishra's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Database Migration for Grafana

Currently i am running Grafana with sqlite3 db and trying to migrate the DB from Sqlite3 to MySql but while doing it on test instance, after migration not seeing old graphs. Can someone please guide ...
Chandan Singh's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Zabbix NFS monitoring

How would you monitor response of mounted NFS directory with Zabbix? I'm thinking about something like $ time /bin/ls -U /path/to/nfs (I think the output from nfsstat(8) relates less with user ...
nodakai's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How do I get an aggregate of all the stats from all uWSGI vassals using uwsgitop?

TL;DR Can anyone tell me how I may get uwsgitop to monitor all of my vassals in my emperor-vassal setup in one shot? I have an emperor-vassal setup for my uWSGI server, and I need to monitor all my ...
Anish Ramaswamy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can I configure PCP (Performance Co-pilot) clients to report to a monitoring server from behind a firewall

I have several computers that are running applications. These computers are on the internet, in that they can connect out to the general internet over port 80. These computers have dynamic IP ...
bryan kennedy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

System-monitoring with Cacti: How to execute arbitrary script when threshold reached?

When doing system-monitor with Cacti[1], can you execute an arbitrary script when a threshold is reached, yes or no? If yes, how? [1] I was planning on using the Cacti plugin Thold but as far as I ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

PRTG Network Monitor custom sensor - return grouped data

I have an IBM DS3512 storage system that I want to monitor. So far I was able to create a custom XML sensor on Powershell, that grabs performance data saved by smcli.exe (the only known way to reach ...
Vesper's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Centralised log monitoring for linux servers [closed]

I've read several QA on this site about monitoring servers, but I found out, that none of them centralises all the logs I want to watch. To describe my situation: 10 linux hosts Using logwatch to ...
Marek Sebera's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I monitor disk IO load on a Windows 2008 server?

We are running multiple processes on our servers, which are mostly CPU intensive, but also use the local HDDs for reading the data. I can trivially look at the CPU load and memory usage in TaskManager ...
Grzenio's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Real time server status on another linux server

I'm looking to make some sort of readable file(pipe?) on my two web servers that shows the id of the mysql server with the least load to use in load balancing as well as some other applications. I'm ...
CuriouslyCory's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Php-Fpm: status URL for all pools

I have an ISPConfig server serving php pages with FPM in ondemand mode. On another server with a single fpm pool I keep daemon monitored using the /status URL and work great. In ISPConfig case there ...
Maxxer's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Automating a collection of Perfmon counters

I have a specific setup I'm investigating to solve a specific need we have: I have a lab that consists of 3 machines, which runs load tests and oversees other investigations as needed. During the ...
Sean Long's user avatar
  • 463
0 votes
1 answer

High response time with pingdom

I have a server hosted at my end, I am monitoring the server with pingdom and also my router. Strange thing is the response time towards the router is fine, but when the traffic flows towards the ...
kirac's user avatar
  • 3
17 votes
2 answers

What's difference between monitoring, tracing and profiling?

I have seen these three words showing up a lot, but don't understand the exact differences between them. For example, collecting CPU utilisation is often called profiling and can also fall into ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Live monitoring on web server logs by tailing the webserver access log

I am looking for a way to find who causes high load on my nginx web server but I do have too many requests per minutes to figure it out which one is the real cause. I want a solution that would work ...
sorin's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

OpenTSDB metrics using data from sar, vmstat and iostat logs

I recently started exploring OpenTSDB for monitoring a cluster that we have in our development environment. As a newbie, I have not delved deep into it, but was wondering if anyone successfully used ...
nom-mon-ir's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Chef / performance data

I am looking into making performance data like page response time integrated with Chef. Does anyone has a clue what would be the starting point? I have already deployed Chef, I have enabled ...
Andrew Smith's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Monitoring networks and switches [closed]

I'm new to this area when it comes to monitoring services and hardware devices. Is there anything specific I need to know? 1) Are some hardware devices more compatible then others? Like, will some ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Monitoring memory (sharedm buffered, cached) for Xserve

I am trying to monitor detailed memory useage over time for MacOSX /Xserver. NetSNMP version on MacOS 10.6 does not report the following mibs oid="." alias="...
geoaxis's user avatar
  • 511
1 vote
1 answer

Server Monitoring: Collect data on Windows machine [closed]

Here's the situation: three servers need to be monitored, all data should be accessible on Windows machine. Standard sensors need to be monitored: - cpu usage - mem usage - disk usage I'm out of ...
Marcin's user avatar
  • 39
1 vote
3 answers

Can I monitor active user count on my iis sites?

We are having problems with performance on our server that host our websites that the processor gets upp to 90%. I would like to monitor the amount of users active on your sites that are published on ...
Dejan.S's user avatar
  • 233
0 votes
2 answers

performance monitoring on server

I think the tool name is SARS? I have CPanel host and need to monitor loads and such. What tool and how do I do it? I'm just wanting to be able to tie in load average with a site randomly not loading ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Have issue with monitoring 32bit app pools running on 64bit IIS

I am performing a monitoring task on my 64bit web server which has couple of applications pools running in 32bit mode. I am using .Net CLR Memory object in perfmon to monitor them. However, my ...
ronin's user avatar
  • 121
11 votes
2 answers

htop Memory meter is full. I haven't even started any service yet

I don't understand why my htop meter is full already. I'm not even running some task. Here's the screenshot of my htop: The green meter shows used memory, the blue meter shows buffers, the yellow ...
Raymond's user avatar
  • 235
1 vote
3 answers

Lightweight (plug and play) machine resource monitoring utility? [duplicate]

I need to monitor my Ubuntu Linux server performance, prior to diving into nagios / zabbix type of "enterprise server monitoring" solutions I would prefer something more lightweight. My requirements ...
Maxim Veksler's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Complete server snapshot for troubleshooting performance?

From time to time, something happens to our website that makes it slow and unresponsive. Inevitably, this happens at like 3 AM, on a day when all the devs have gone to bed early. Are there any good ...
Jesse's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Zabbix monitoring system [closed]

I want to monitor some things and I was wondering what of the following can be done using Zabbix easily, what can be done with some extra effort and what can't be done with it: All computers are ...
Nachshon Schwartz's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Server Monitoring Options [duplicate]

I'm trying to find the best way to monitor my MS SQL server. I have been using pingdom for my web server and want to look at something else. I have done a lot of googleing but they all seem to be the ...
1ftw1's user avatar
  • 103
3 votes
1 answer

Monitor a long running process

I need to start a long running, memory/disk/cpu intensive process on Linux, and monitor it so I can : check it terminates with a good status code, collect stats (mem cpu disk every x minutes ) alert /...
macarthy's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Nagios plugin to take process snapshot when load is high

We have configured Nagios with check_load via NRPE plugin to monitor server load, it reports when load is high, but does not have option to take a snapshot top processes (like top command) at that ...
nitin's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Utility for Monitoring IOPS on servers

We recently ran the Dell Performance Analysis Collection kit which monitors your servers via WMI for 24 hours. You send the file off to Dell and they return a report with graphs of IOPS and MB/S disk ...
RodH257's user avatar
  • 569
0 votes
2 answers

searching for powerfull monitoring tool for production servers [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What tool do you use to monitor your servers? I'm searching for a monitoring system that has the following features: targeted for Amazon EC2 scalable custom plug-ins can be ...
Eslam's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Apache monitoring busy vs idle workers

For Apache, I want to monitor Busy workers Idle workers Queued requests Monitoring would be done throughout the day, taking a sample every min., in a graphical manner. If such a tool is not ...
Kan's user avatar
  • 29
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5 answers

Monitoring service that can run scripts

I'm currently using New Relic's performance monitoring service. Works great so far, except that I'd like some things automated. I basically just get an email notification when performance is bad or ...
apptree's user avatar
  • 365
4 votes
4 answers

Monitoring tools that can take high rate and high volume? [closed]

We're using Cacti with RRDTool to monitor and graph about 100,000 counters spread across about 1,000 Linux-based nodes. However, our current setup generally only gives us 5-minute graphs (with some ...
Jon Watte's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Monitoring bespoke software with Zenoss

We've got a lot of back-end applications that we need to monitor the performance of (metrics such as orders waiting to be processed, time since last run, etc). Currently, this is done by an in-house ...
Andy S's user avatar
  • 65
4 votes
1 answer

"Enterprise Monitoring Solution" with the lightest agent?

I have a network of disparate remote VPS / "cloud" / colocated servers that I would like to monitor from a central location, using open source software like Zenoss/Zabbix/Nagios/OpenNMS/Opsview/...
mikewaters's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Incinga vs Cacti vs Zabbix vs [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What tool do you use to monitor your servers? I'd like to get a good overview of the various monitoring tools. I'm looking for something modern, fresh and lightweight that ...
vdboor's user avatar
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3 votes
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Figuring out what's causing a server to slow down

I have a potential client that has a php site that performs fine most of the time. However, every week or so, it will experience lag (slow page loading). I am sure there are a myriad of things that ...
user57187's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do get apache display url request in Top and PS?

Is there a way to get apache to display the url that it is handling in top and ps? This would help us nail down performance issues much more faster. Thanks.
user76952's user avatar
1 vote
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Zenoss: Getting SNMP stats over SSH

I have the SSH connection working. I have it successfully modeling the device (Ubuntu Server, in this case). What I can't get to work is the SNMP portion. It sounds like I have to custom add the ...
jefflunt's user avatar
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