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cannot process received configuration data zabbix proxy

I have installed and configured a Zabbix proxy version 6.4.13 and I am trying to add it to a zabbix server version 6.4. The point is that, the zabbix servers catches the zabbix proxy and the last seen ...
david sierra fernandez's user avatar
1 vote
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Samhain -- how to stop it reading the entire database into memory?

We have seriously limited resources and Samhain seems to be the solution that responds to limiting resources like CPU etc most robustly for file integrity monitoring. The target environment is an on-...
David Boshton's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any monitoring tools to create scenarios/dependencies check? [closed]

My team and I got the project to test a new monitoring solution that allow us to : Perform classical monitoring checks (through SNMP, ping, sensor status, vendor librairies etc...) Perform checks in ...
motorbass's user avatar
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When should i link a host to a host group or template in Zabbix?

What i understand is that templates defines common entities to reuse them and groups allows us to classify our hosts. Templates are well documented but host groups not. And again, what i understood is ...
Juan-Kabbali's user avatar
-1 votes
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Recommendations for server monitoring tool without central access to the monitored servers [closed]

I'm looking for an open source server monitoring tool for my servers: All servers running Linux, mostly current Debian Buster, but partly CentOS Other OS (Windows, *BSD etc.) don't matter Physical ...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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3 votes
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Prometheus not monitoring all EC2 instances of a region

I have set up Prometheus for the monitoring of my AWS EC2 instances, but the issue is taht Prometheus is showing up only 1 instance, however in my AWS instance account there are 2 instances running. ...
huzaifa224's user avatar
0 votes
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Monitoring the OnPremise network appliances from Azure?

People, I have the need to monitor the OnPremise Network appliances (Gateways, Firewalls and other services IP addresses) from Azure, then send an email alert or trigger alert via PagerDuty. https://...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
1 vote
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Server Monitoring Tool via file transfer

I am trying to figure out a way to monitor many Windows servers with a monitoring tool like Nagios, Zabbix even PRTG. The challenge is that server are onboard vessels without a reliable internet ...
P.K.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Systemwide File Access and System Call Monitoring on Linux?

In Windows land, you can run Procmon (Process Monitor) from Sysinternals, which will show you every File access, Registry Query etc Systemwide (screenshot attached). You can then backtrack to find ...
Patrick Rynhart's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

GCP VM Disk space alert

How can I configure GCPs monitoring suite to look at % disk utilization (in total space used, not IOPs)? The only "disk used" metric I see in metrics explorer seems to chart some kind of units per ...
atxdba's user avatar
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How is possible that free memory goes down and used memory is not going up?

I am collecting the results of free -m command on an ubuntu server every 5 seconds, and preparing a time series graph based on the values of free and used columns. free -m total ...
Kristi Jorgji's user avatar
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Check_MK: How to add service to Servicegroup?

I'm new at monitoring, and would to know is it possible to add a Services to a Servicegroup. What I will do: I have Servers how i monitor and created a Servicegroup, and now I will add queries like ...
lucki1000's user avatar
0 votes
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How to identify the source of growing blocked processes on a system container (LXC/OpenVZ)

When the number of blocked processes grow indefinitely, how to identify exactly what are these processes. Since I'm inside a system container (LXC/OpenVZ), I can't modify the hosts' kernel modules to ...
Paulo Coghi's user avatar
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Ganglia - missing metrics for some of the servers

I've installed Ganglia on my Ubuntu 16.04 servers, recently. I basically followed the instructions here. The problem is, rrd files for sets of the metrics for some servers are missing. Most ...
noname's user avatar
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zabbix 3.2 - How to monitor RHEL7.2 services in zabbix

I am new in zabbix monitoring. I have 2 operation system to monitor windows and Linux and i have done monitoring windows services but i not getting any result on google to monitor linux server ...
Dexter's user avatar
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Does it make sense to monitor free memory and CPU usage on servers?

I am monitoring my servers infrastructure using Icinga2 with some master/satellite configurations. On Linux and Windows hosts I am monitoring the defaults system metrics like CPU usage and free ...
Mat's user avatar
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On machine reboot via SNMP

Is it possible to reboot a windows or a linux machine via SNMP? Most of information I've found is related to the reload of the SNMP service itself, instead of host reboot.
SergioAlvare's user avatar
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OSSEC - Not seeing alerts on the Server from file changes on the Agent

I have an OSSEC server and Agent installed and configured. I have imported the key to the Agent and they appear to be communicating. However, I am trying test the file integrity monitoring feature and ...
user8897013's user avatar
-3 votes
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which monitoring tool is good for monitoring system hardware,software,user management and network activity for all kind of operating system? [closed]

Please kindly suggest me the tool for monitoring the system hardware, software, applications, services, user management and network related activities of IT Infrastructure.
Kunal Sapkal's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to monitor EMC VNXe3200? [closed]

Currently, I'm using Solarwind to monitor my system, but VNXe can not. Any solution to monitor this? I just get a notification via email or SMS when my disk or array is failed. Thanks.
Trung Hoang's user avatar
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How to securely gather multiple servers data for monitoring

I got an 'admin' server where all admin GUI can be accessed. I also have 2 other servers, 1 web and 1 db. As I expand for a nodejs server/api, I was wondering how could I transfer servers information ...
Jayd's user avatar
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Clear filter in csysdig

How is it possible to reset the filter in csysdig and get the default that is present when the program starts?
rfmoz's user avatar
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2 votes
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Log system information collected by Monit to local log

I have configured Monit version 5.6 on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. There are few check like filesystem usage, remote host connectivity check and service monitoring. Now, when I check the web gui of monit,...
Sourav Mishra's user avatar
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Make Nagios stack alarms when no connectivity to HP OVO

I'm implementing a small Nagios instance on a dedicated laptop to monitor some telcom devices. The alarms have to be sent via our customer's reporting tool (like HP OpenView) via SNMP Traps. Nothing ...
3isenHeim's user avatar
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atop not working properly

I've (yum) installed atop utility in centOS 6.8. But when I run any atop command (eg: atop -a) , it is giving the following error in commandline. Malloc failed for current sysstats However, I'm ...
More_pheus's user avatar
28 votes
6 answers

How to find out the number of time series stored in Prometheus LevelDB

i'm responsible for maintaining the Prometheus servers in our company. The metrics however are provided by the teams. Is there a way to find out the number of time series stored in the Prometheus ...
Tobias Wiesenthal's user avatar
3 votes
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Incident reporting and logging

I am looking into tool (or advice) that would allow me to track and log all incidents that happen on my infrastructure. We have a few servers (50+) and that number is going to increase in the future,...
Igor Hrcek's user avatar
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Use monit to collect metrics?

monit is very useful, simple and stable tool, but one thing is curious: Is it possible to log every monit check? I mean, that it logs only errors, like [MSK Aug 10 15:54:30] error : 'fs-home' ...
Psychozoic's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do APM systems monitor and collect machine interactions?

So I generally understand how things like New Relic instrument a .NET app -- the CLR Profiler API makes perfect sense. But what I can't figure out is how things like AppDynamics understand ...
XeroxDucati's user avatar
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CPU usage plot in Grafana

I am trying to plot CPU usage in Grafana. Collectd gives metric to InfluxDB and I get metric from Influxdb into Grafana. I have tried taking derivative of last value but CPU is in negative. I want it ...
kinkajou's user avatar
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Monitor the availability of Marathon Framework [closed]

I am using Mesos - Marathon for App deployment and availability, but sometimes marathon freezes. I tried to monitor the tcp port, but during the freeze port is open and thus not able to detect the ...
Anshul Patel's user avatar
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How to use number of CPUs as a multiplier in monit config?

What is the best way to use number of CPUs as a multiplier in monit confs? I need this for a system that has varrying number of CPUs, depending on predicted load. Right now the only idea I have is ...
Firze's user avatar
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Monitoring zabbix server (itself) externally

I have some infrastructure (servers, switches etc) monitored by a Zabbix server, setup to alert in case of issues; so far so good. But what if the Zabbix server itself (or any of the underlying infra)...
sxc731's user avatar
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Zabbix NFS monitoring

How would you monitor response of mounted NFS directory with Zabbix? I'm thinking about something like $ time /bin/ls -U /path/to/nfs (I think the output from nfsstat(8) relates less with user ...
nodakai's user avatar
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High Load average [closed]

I'm working as a new sysadmin. Monitoring system is working well but since few days ago Nagios Monitoring system warns me that there is a Problem. State is critical , load average is high. This is ...
Sab.Dz's user avatar
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Nagios Notification interval and first notification delay

I have used in past these two parameters in Nagios ( first_notification_delay, notification_interval ) and until now worked perfect for me. Now that I have added new checks which use nrpe command. the ...
Furqi's user avatar
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Icinga2 dependecies of devices on HA

I would like to configure a Host-to-Host dependency on Icinga2, however, one of the Hosts has an HA configuration, so I need the to trigger it only when both HA devices are down. Suppose this scenario:...
lithiium's user avatar
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How to add drive space alert on IP monitor?

I am the administrator on a Windows server(GSNAPRINT) installed with IPmonitor tool. I want to add an drive space alert for another server (GSCTTLBACKUP) but was not successful. But there were other ...
user255920's user avatar
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Monitoring HP MSA2324sa using OpenNMS

I was able to get an HP MSA2324sa storage array connected to a server after someone's advice on here to scan the SCSI bus. Now, I want to monitor the following on the storage using SNMP and OpenNMS: ...
Mugurel's user avatar
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How to check what process or application is deleting a file without using Process Monitor? (Windows Server)

Currently I'm having an issue with a piece of software that makes use of specific files (which are basically xml), sometimes stored on a file share and sometimes stored locally. Every so often one of ...
Dan's user avatar
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System-monitoring with Cacti: How to execute arbitrary script when threshold reached?

When doing system-monitor with Cacti[1], can you execute an arbitrary script when a threshold is reached, yes or no? If yes, how? [1] I was planning on using the Cacti plugin Thold but as far as I ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
0 votes
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Icingaweb2 - Setup returns to start page

I tried to configure Icingaweb2 on Debian 8; it works fine so far, but if I call the web installer ( and click "next", I'm getting redirected to the second page ( ...
MyFault's user avatar
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Exclude field in munin chart

I have written my first Munin plugin to monitor my WAN traffic at home. The chart includes the actual traffic (as DERIVE) and the maximum possible speed (as GAUGE) for my Internet connection. I want ...
Christian Stade-Schuldt's user avatar
7 votes
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How to restart and alert if condition matches in Monit?

How can I do multiple things when condition is matched? For example if I want to restart a process and also send alert email. I know I can do it with two separate lines, but can I combine them? if ...
Firze's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is Collectd a good choice for gathering system metrics [closed]

I had some experience with collectd a year or so back. I remember being impressed by its speed and flexibility, however it was never adopted as the main source of collecting metrics, cron jobs running ...
Brent's user avatar
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Nagios Basic Configuration (for quick addition of new machines)

I recently started to use Nagios to monitor about 25 servers (mainly virtual, with some standalone). Them majority of the servers (including the Nagios host itself) are running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, with ...
Harsha K's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

SNMP service security tab is missing - Windows Server 2012 R2 - DC

I have to configure the security settings for the SNMP-Service on a Windows Server. But they are missing! Here are the facts: OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 I installed the SNMP feature and I believe, ...
frupfrup's user avatar
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Optimal process for finding the root of high load [closed]

I have a VPS (WHM/cPanel) where i keep our clients projects. Some of these projects are well known frameworks and some of them are custom PHP/MySQL codes. At certain times i am noticing high loading ...
kbariotis's user avatar
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NewRelic Availability Monitoring of Third Party Service

Background NewRelic offers availability monitoring whereby you can specify a ping URL for an application and have NewRelic send HTTP GET requests to that URL and GREP the response for selected text, ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Agentless monitoring: how does it work? Advantages over traditional monitoring?

How does agentless monitoring work? From what I understood (or not), it seems this is accomplished by logging into the node-being-monitored from a central server and uploading-then-running scripts on ...
sysadmin04's user avatar