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-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a free rocky linux monitoring tool? [closed]

I am currently looking for a tool to monitor the performance of two Rocky Linux desktop computers. It should monitor aspects such as the CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage (similar to the Windows Task ...
floriandev's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Prometheus Blackbox http_2xx returning 403 since webserver migrated to StackCP

I had working Prometheus Blackbox Exporter http_2xx checks monitoring various web servers. Then the web hosting provider migrated from cPanel to Stack CP. Since then all the http_2xx just return 403 (...
codlord's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Communication failure between agent and Zabbix Docker server

Currently I have the following scenario: First server: I have the Zabbix components: server, gateway and web interface (along with a mysql database), all running via Docker containers (released port: ...
rhuanpk's user avatar
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1 answer

Monitor free space with monit ... but only if the folder is mounted

For my backup, external disk space is mounted via cronjob as /mnt/backup on a Ubuntu machine every night. When the backup is complete, the disk is unmounted. No need to expose the backup drive to ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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1 answer

Create a zabbix alert for a numeric value in a file

I am a newbie in zabbix, I created a script in linux and it will create a file that has a value on it. The data in a file has only one value / number . For example. /home/testuser/textfile.txt If you ...
V.A's user avatar
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1 answer

Telegraf works manually but not the service - Run Telegraf in background

I have a virtual machine running on Ubuntu 20.04, I installed Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana for monitoring VMs and cluster's nodes. Everythings work except when I try to make telegraf working in ...
LuckyFr's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I find the PID file for a process given the PID number?

I'm trying to use Monit to monitor and send email alerts about a process when it stops running, but I need the location of the PID file for that process. I can find the PID number using the htop or ps ...
Alasdair's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Prometheus not monitoring all EC2 instances of a region

I have set up Prometheus for the monitoring of my AWS EC2 instances, but the issue is taht Prometheus is showing up only 1 instance, however in my AWS instance account there are 2 instances running. ...
huzaifa224's user avatar
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0 answers

I want to monitor SSH with Monit but I got an error

I want to monitor SSH with Monit but I got an error. This setup works with my old Ubuntu 18.04 server but it doesn't work on my new Ubuntu 20.04 server : ubuntu@ov-xxxx ~ $ cd /var ubuntu@ov-xxxx /var ...
mathieu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I monitor cli commands on one machine and execute them on another in real time?

I'm trying to make a highly available topology, by executing all of the cli commands that have been executed from one machine to another - Doing this will syncronize their configurations. Therefore, ...
Kostadin Krushkov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

smartctl harddisk check doesn't show Attribute

today i install on my linux server the app smartmontools, after testing my hardrive (raid1) he doesn't show the Attribute. After the command smartctl -a /dev/nvme0n1 ,i get the result without ...
beard black's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Monitor unix process with Nagios Core

I'm begginer with Nagios and i'm trying to monitor if a specific process on my unix machine is up or not. Server and client are on the same machine : Trying to monitor that machine from a Nagios ...
nonely's user avatar
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1 answer

Ganglia - missing metrics for some of the servers

I've installed Ganglia on my Ubuntu 16.04 servers, recently. I basically followed the instructions here. The problem is, rrd files for sets of the metrics for some servers are missing. Most ...
noname's user avatar
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1 answer

"not a proper statistics file" when reading sar log files

Why am I getting "not a proper statistics file" when reading sar log files? sysstat Version: 11.2.0-1ubuntu0.2 root@sandbox1:/var/log/sysstat# ls -lh total 4.5K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.9K Jul 12 ...
sherpaurgen's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How can I install Stackdriver's monitoring agent on Ubuntu 18.04LTS?

I'm trying to use Stackdriver Monitoring on an Ubuntu 18.04 VM on Google Compute Engine. It looks like 18.04 isn't supported yet, even though it's an LTS release. I tried editing the install script ...
Beej's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to exclude specific hosts from a Nagios check_command

I've got the following configuration: define host { name generic-host [...] check_command check-host-alive [...] register 0 } ...
Echo's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Is there any existing tool to monitor the process and restart if it crash? [closed]

I am looking for existing tool to monitor the process and restart if it crashes in Ubuntu. It would be best if it can alert me when the process being restarted via Email or Slack.
Monkey D Luffy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

monit restart process periodically

Is it possible to configure monit to restart an application periodically? I'm using monit to check the application health and restart it if it has died. I also want to periodically restart it. Prefer ...
ubi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to prove a drive isn't in use?

I have a drive that I'm working to replace. I believe it's no longer in use by any system or user and that it can be removed. I've copied everything off of it that I think is relevant. Is there a ...
mlissner's user avatar
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Monit run script on restart

So I have been trying to get Monit to run a script on start of a service. While Monit has no problem restarting the service, I of course want to be alerted when if my service required starting, not ...
ambe5960's user avatar
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4 answers

Notification for Disk-Space Shortage Issue in Server

I have a ubuntu server, and facing frequent space issue, i.e. logs are eating up lot of disk space. So, I want a check to be applied, so that whenever there is less than 5 GB free disk space, I should ...
tanmayghosh2507's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

What is the default root password for Zabbix Appliance 3.0?

I can't seem to find the default password for the root user on a fresh installation of Zabbix Appliance 3.0. Tried many common default passwords, but non worked. Also tried other usernames that might ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Munin not creating html files in Ubuntu

I installed Munin in a Ubuntu Server 14.04 with Apache 2.4.7 But after all configuration, Munin isn't creating the html files in the html dir. This are my files: munin.conf dbdir /var/lib/munin ...
Santiago Mendoza Ramirez's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

ipmitool sensor: does not detect backup power supply

Why doesn't ipmitool detect my second power supply? I have 2 powersupplies plugged into my machine, but calling ipmitool sensor only shows PS1: :~$ sudo ipmitool sensor |grep PS PS1 Status | ...
kevlarjacket's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

snmpd does not update date due to filesystem access error in new ubuntu versions

My Cacti stopped graphing network data for servers that I monitor using snmp. I am able to manually query the corresponding counter using snmpget $ snmpget -v 2c -c XXX XXX . ...
The Shurrican's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Software to record service level [closed]

I provide a cloud service (SaaS) on an Ubuntu machine and will be faced with service level agreements (SLAs) soon. I.e., we'll have to see what service level we can provide (probably on daily or ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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1 answer

Ipvsadm to monitor connections on a load balancer

I am working on to set up Haproxy on a load balancer with two backend web servers in the first period. The problem I am facing is to monitor number of connections to each of my web servers. I have ...
user3185936's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Icinga - Very high check latency in distributed environment

I have a distributed Icinga setup set up as follows: CENTRAL Receives passive check results only DISTRIBUTED A 227 hosts 835 services DISTRIBUTED B 67 hosts 243 ...
Taz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Collectd "interface" plugin reporting cumulative value rather than rate

Collectd's interface plugin is supposed to report octets per second and packets per second, as documented here:, but for me, it reports cumulative ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 123
1 vote
2 answers

Configure Monit to monitor PHP5-FPM on Ubuntu/Nginx setup

System: LEMP running on Ubuntu 14.04 I'm trying to configure the tool Monit to restart Nginx or PHP-FPM if ever there is a problem. It is correctly monitoring Nginx however under status for PHP-FPM ...
sparecycle's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to detect virtual machines freezes

On cloud platforms you often hear that because of high load on neighboring VMs, disks over oversubscribed ethernet, backups, or live migration to other hardware, the virtual machine can 'freeze' for a ...
kvz's user avatar
  • 402
0 votes
2 answers

Monitor server / website load of bandwith

I've been doing a lot of searching around for a tool to monitor a website's "bandwidth" usage, and I'm not talking about how many MB/data is being loaded but the servers actual output speed, to ...
Epodax's user avatar
  • 121
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1 answer

Bypass SSL on localhost when hitting nginx status

I have a location for /nginx_status, and I installed an SSL cert last night. server { listen 443; ... location /nginx_status { stub_status on; access_log off; ...
David Fox's user avatar
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4 answers

Monitoring important log files on multiple linux hosts?

I have a few servers running on AWS and have Nagios/Icinga doing the monitoring of all critical services. We're trying to figure out the best way to monitor all logs - system, DB, PHP, Apache, etc - ...
kouton's user avatar
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OpenTSDB Web interface showing nothing other than header and footer

NOTE: I moved the question from stackoverflow to serverfault as this question didn't attract attention. I have a temporary OpenTSDB and hbase hosted on a aws micro server. ...
Karthik's user avatar
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1 answer

how to get zabbix item values in two different time for trigger?

For monitoring some database servers parameters (NOT ZABBIX self), In zabbix I need to create a trigger for checking an item value at every 15 minute and run if the last retrieve value is increase or ...
shgnInc's user avatar
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3 answers

File Monitoring on Ubuntu 12.04 Server [closed]

I´m looking for a simple way to monitor critical folders for changes to recognize hacks on a ubuntu 12.04 server. After Days of reading How To´s on different programms I´m a bit confused which way to ...
Anatol's user avatar
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2 answers

Process monitoring w/ Haskell angel

I'm attempting to monitor a process w/ haskell's angel process monitoring tool. The process continues to restart in an infinte loop when it is run w/o receiving ...
The Internet's user avatar
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How to connect Java Flight Recorder (from JDK 7 U 40) to a remote JBoss 7

I have a remote Ubuntu server with Jboss 7 and a local Ubuntu desktop machine and I can already monitor JBoss using jconsole and visualvm scripts that come with it. After the release of Java 7 Update ...
Oswaldo's user avatar
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2 answers

Fetching all PHP files and store their size

I like to monitor every php file with their size (and if a new file has been added). On my server are more than 200 000 of em so find takes very long. This is what I do: ls -1 --size $(find -P . -...
LeMike's user avatar
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0 answers

Hyper-V: Monitor and restart unresponsive hyper-v guests

I'm looking for a simple solution to monitor and restart unresponsive Hyper-V guests. I only need this solution for a handful of machines, and only around ten guests. It's mostly Ubuntu guests that ...
RGI's user avatar
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How to block Bad robots, spiders, crawlers and harvesters

I'm sick and tired of this bad robots, spiders, crawlers and harvesters. I have already configured my server to block IP connected for 5 minutes and with maxretry of 250 using fail2ban. But still some ...
jaYPabs's user avatar
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Best way to monitor ubuntu desktop machine [duplicate]

I'm trying to find a simple solution to monitor all desktop machines of my network (~ 35 Ubuntu desktop). I do not want to use passive monitoring like Munin or Cacti but with an active agent on the ...
user avatar
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Nagios has stopped sending notifications

Our Nagios server has stopped sending email notifications. If I run the notify-by-host or notify-by-service commands directly, I get email, and everything works as I expect. When a notification is ...
chris's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to automatically restart crashed services in Linux? [duplicate]

I am Using Ubuntu Server and would like to know if it's possible to automatically restart services that go unresponsive. I am operating a standard LAMP stack and occasionally vital services need to be ...
chrisjlee's user avatar
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4 answers

monitor/stream bash_history [closed]

is there a way to stream/monitor/log bash history to prevent the ability of someone hiding stuff? would like to monitor and know every little thing that happens so that the list of commands and ...
Nikki Wilson's user avatar
2 votes
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Should Munin sit in /var/www/munin or /var/cache/munin/www?

I've just installed Munin for the first time in around twelve months, and I've hit a familiar error. I remember from last year that there is an oddity where Munin wants to keep its html files in /var/...
Oliver Haslam's user avatar
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Monitor multiple Servers Performance [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Monitoring production server In my company there are 5 servers, each one of them is running on different OS such as Linux, Red Hat, Windows, and Mac OS Server. So my ...
Soheil's user avatar
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How to track things that SHOULD happen, but might not have

I am running into a couple of issues with some applications we've deployed and maintain. I have the feeling we have approached this with some anti-patterns up to now, but I would like to see how to ...
Kamiel Wanrooij's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Disk/RAID Monitoring for HP Proliant Servers and Ubuntu 12.04

How can I monitor the status of the hard disks and the RAIDs of an HP Proliant server using Ubuntu 12.04. In Ubuntu 10.04 I could use the cciss-vol-status to query the RAID status periodically but ...
Drew's user avatar
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