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How to check what process or application is deleting a file without using Process Monitor? (Windows Server)

Currently I'm having an issue with a piece of software that makes use of specific files (which are basically xml), sometimes stored on a file share and sometimes stored locally. Every so often one of ...
Dan's user avatar
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0 answers

suspicious connection on server

OS: Windows Server 2003 Monitoring tool: CurrPorts When monitoring traffic on the server for traffic going out on port 80, example of results: 5/1/2014 2:36:23 PM Added cscript.exe TCP server-IP:...
ToastMan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to troubleshoot network from customers perspective?

We have a web application that we host that is customized for multiple customers. Each customer accesses their version of the site via their own custom subdomain. We are running into an issue where ...
tresstylez's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitor multiple Servers Performance [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Monitoring production server In my company there are 5 servers, each one of them is running on different OS such as Linux, Red Hat, Windows, and Mac OS Server. So my ...
Soheil's user avatar
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4 answers

How can an Administrator Discreetly View a Remote Desktop User's Session?

I have a manager that has legitimate reasons for wanting to view a user's Remote Desktop session with Windows 2003 server. Logged into that same server (as Administrator), how can you discreetly view ...
LonnieBest's user avatar
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1 answer

Have issue with monitoring 32bit app pools running on 64bit IIS

I am performing a monitoring task on my 64bit web server which has couple of applications pools running in 32bit mode. I am using .Net CLR Memory object in perfmon to monitor them. However, my ...
ronin's user avatar
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2 answers

Identifying per-CPU usage for a process

We just set up Nagios monitoring for some of our Windows (2003) servers, when looking at one of the servers I noticed this on the CPU graph CPU Graph
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1 answer

DNS - IP Address does not resolve to a hostname

I have AD/DNS running on a Win2003 Server, and I'm using Spiceworks. When I run a scan with SpiceWorks I get a lot of DNS errors. Mainly "IP Address does not resolve to a hostname". And if I look at ...
Logman's user avatar
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1 answer

Tools to help identify unknown server issue

We've been struggling to identify a issue where all our bespoke systems crash at least once a day. We haven't changed all our systems to we're trying to pin down what else has changed which is ...
Mayuresh Walke's user avatar
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3 answers

Monitor Windows event logs for an event and execute a VBS script

I need a free way to monitor the Windows event logs and when a particular event is logged I need to kick off a VBS script. Is there a tool that can do this?
msindle's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

Disk Space Monitoring

I have about 70 servers and I need to keep an eye on their disk space usage. I don't need the information to be real time. I was thinking of running a script daily or having a scheduled task run to ...
Jake's user avatar
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2 answers

windows administration - setting up alerts/emails for failed windows services

What are some best practices, tools sets within the Windows 2003 server that I can utilize to monitor failed application services? We basically have some 3party software that has a few services that ...
user51666's user avatar
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5 answers

What temperature monitoring software is avalible for Server 2003, 2008 and 2008 R2?

I don't have much experience working with servers and I need to monitor temperatures for several servers (remotely). I use hwmonitor for my laptops but it doesn't support server hardware. Does anyone ...
Danny's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitoring network connection of Windows Server in real-time

I'm looking for a way to monitor the network connection from my PC to a Windows Server running on our network. My PC is running Windows 7 and the server is running Windows Server 2003 R2. I'm looking ...
Reado's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows Server 2003 SNMP Disk I/O OID's

It's been about few years since I went near SNMP and I now need to capture some metrics from Windows Servers via SNMP. The last time I did something like this I used iReasoning's MIB Browser to ...
Kev's user avatar
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How to monitor and log processor, memory and other details for website running behind IIS?

I have ASP.NET application installed behind IIS 6.0(Windows Server 2K3). Now when i run the application and i would like to get some load testing scenarios to work on this. While doing the load test i ...
Anil Namde's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

monitor a folder and send files via ftp to clients

I am looking for software that will monitor a specific folder and when a file is created in it send that file off via ftp to a client associated with that folder by the software. I have tried ...
user73109's user avatar
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Windows Server 2003 Process Monitoring and Logging

Can anyone recommend software to monitor and log the processes (CPU, RAM, Disk IO, etc) on a Windows 2003 Server (Like Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer, but with logging)? We have a server that ...
JezB's user avatar
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How to log Windows server share connections?

Can anyone make a suggestion for the best way to log connections and disconnections from Windows workstations to a Windows Server 2003 file share? We're having some issues with workstations that have ...
Scott Bussinger's user avatar
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1 answer

Monitor activity to an IP Address - Windows 2003 and 2008 Server

We are about to decommission a server that was used for email routing. We have a collection of web servers that did use it. I would like to setup some network traffic monitoring on the web servers ...
Robs's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I be alerted if a Windows Server 2003 machine's hard drive is approaching full?

I need to get an email alert when a Windows Server 2003 server's hard drive approaches a certain fill level. How can this be accomplished?
Jerry33's user avatar
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Exchange server 2003 service alerts

Hi I'm looking for a way to send out an email alert when exchange 2003 stores go down or when exchange services enter the stopped state. Is there a inexpensive way to do this?
Datapimp23's user avatar
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7 answers

Monitor linux and windows servers from windows

currently i've got 5 servers (3 with windows server and 2 with linux). I am looking for a tool to monitor all the 5 servers from a windows machine (not the linux one, as i'd be using Nagios). I mean, ...
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1 answer

How to monitor crashed mysql tables?

We often get the error Table marked as crashed and should be repaired on some of your mysql tables running on a windows 2003 server. How can I monitor if a table in a mysql db is "crashed"? Is there ...
kcode's user avatar
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6 answers

How do you monitor the health of a mirrored disk in Windows?

I have a Mirrored Dynamic disk on my Windows 2003 Server. How do you monitor the health of the volume? Is there a way to have the server send an email when there is an issue with the volume? Is there ...
NitroxDM's user avatar
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Script to monitor free space in Hdd

I have a server app that crushes when the HDD free space it's a multiple of 4Gb (on a Windows Server 2003). In general i keep track myself o that weekly since i use the machine from time to time. Can ...
s.mihai's user avatar
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How can I see who's VPNed in and for how long?

I know how to view the VPN sessions currently logged in and how long that connection has been on but I want to be able to view a history of these activities over long periods of time. I don't think I ...
AppsByAaron's user avatar
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3 answers

Free tool to write Performance Counters to MS SQL Database?

Is there some (free) tool that reads Performance Counters (Windows 2008 Server, but 2003 support is a bonus) and adds them to a MS SQL Server 2008 database? Doesn't need to be too fancy as in the ...
Michael Stum's user avatar
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How do I find out which websites are slowing down my server?

Are there any good tools out there that I can use to find out which websites are the biggest drain on my Windows 2003 web server's resources? The server has been steadily slowing to a crawl and I want ...
jessegavin's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Monitor a Windows Server using SNMP

How hard can this be? I want to get the current CPU performance from a remote Win 2k3 machine. I need to use SNMP because the machine is behind a firewall. Assumptions: I understand networking/can ...
Mike McClelland's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Windows webserver monitor and notifier service

I'm looking for a software tool/service, preferably opensource/free, which will run on a Windows 2003 r3 standard server which will monitor bandwidth usage of all the websites it's hosting (a break ...
WestDiscGolf's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

lsass.exe memory leak on windows 2003 server

In the past month or so I noticed that lsass.exe has started to leak memory, getting to 500MB+ of ram in under a week after reboot. Before this I had never noticed it using any significant amount of ...
thelsdj's user avatar
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Hardware/BIOS Monitoring Tools with Email or other Reporting Functionality

I am looking for recommendations for good software that can report the status of hardware it is installed on through an email or IP Connection. A bit of background, my organization has 160 locations ...
Laranostz's user avatar
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Perfmon % Processor Time vs. task manager's CPU usage

I'm new to using Perfmon and performance monitoring in general (so go easy on me please ;) I know that Perfmon doesn't have anything exactly like Task Manager's CPU usage display, but I'm trying to ...
nat's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitoring of a single server and probable bottlenecks

I've been tasked with nursing a single Windows 2003 SP2 server hosting an ecommerce website. A nation-wide promotion campaign is scheduled and my fear is that the poor machine will crumble under load. ...
François Feugeas's user avatar
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7 answers

Backup Exec Monitoring Tool

Does anyone know of a monitoring tool for Backup Exec 12 and BESR 8.5? I'm sick of going through all the email alerts or logging into servers to check the status of my backups. Servers are Windows ...
Mr Virus's user avatar
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4 answers

Cacti: How to monitor Windows Hosts?

I have Cacti installed on a computer and SNMP enabled on my Windows Hosts (Community string : public) How do I get the Windows Network Utilization, HDD, CPU, and more? I would like a guideline on ...
kartook's user avatar
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4 answers

Listing all current RDP sessions

We're running a certain application on a client's server. The app runs on the console session, and basically manages some batch processing. Every once in a while we discover the app is not running, ...
Eran's user avatar
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14 votes
11 answers

Server monitoring? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What tool do you use to monitor your servers? is there a free, open source server monitoring tool like Nagios that runs on the MS stack? It will need to be able to detect ...
Jim's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What is the Best Way to Monitor Server Temperature?

I need to be able to monitor the temperature of a couple of servers remotely. Does anyone know of any free/cheap software that will monitor the server temp and email it or at least output it so that ...
Keng's user avatar
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Monitoring Win2003 box. Server is not in the same network

I've been going through all the monitoring questions, and even the small wiki that one member already started, but I can't seem to be able to grasp the whole concept of monitoring a remote host. ...
GusCrown's user avatar
2 votes
9 answers

Easy way to monitor disk space on multiple MS 2003 servers

I'm looking for an easy way to monitor free disk space on a large number of servers. I would also like to be able to count files in certain folders on those servers
Ron Harlev's user avatar
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4 answers

Web Traffic Monitoring - Small Business Server 2003

My father runs a small business and has had a growing concern about some of the web activity for a couple employees. He's asked that we have a way to report the activity, but its a bit over my head. ...
RSolberg's user avatar
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5 answers

Performance Manager - what counters?

We're currently looking at moving from a traditional Server environment to a SAN/VMWare environemnt. I've been asked to gather performance statistics for our main servers - DCs, File Servers, ...
Tubs's user avatar
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1 answer

DLLHost Problematic DLL

We have a webserver that's reacting slowly. It seems that a DLLHost.exe is the problem (taking ~100% Processor). How do we tell which dll in DLLHost is causing the problem. We've seen which ones ...
C. Ross's user avatar
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