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Identifying processes causing 100% cpu usage [duplicate]

Some users report high CPU usage on their computers during ordinary activities (like Teams calls). How can I collect a report of processes causing high CPU usage over a few hours? I would like to use ...
Christine VACHER's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Monitor Services and Event Logs on Windows Servers

We are standing up a new environment and will be installing SIEM tools, etc. in the future. We have a few dozen Windows 2019 servers so far. I've been tasked with providing a solution for monitoring ...
winsysadmin's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to see which ports a process is using?

While testing our software, a large corporate customer was able to detect the third-party licensing software using port 137. Up until this point we have only been aware of the license software using ...
NinjaLlama's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to monitor remotly multiple windows server for hardware performance? [closed]

We have 5 server installed as VM with "Windows Server 2016" on VMWware. These servers are configured as RDS, means multiple users are working on it. Users which are connected on these ...
Baku Bakar's user avatar
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1 answer

Shinken probe on windows server but windows server on VPN network (monitoring server outside VPN)

I need to monitore a windows server with skinken, but this server is accessible with a VPN connection (with strong security, done by an electronic tool and human action). The monitoring server is not ...
Philippe's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to monitor all the processes from a user in windows server 2012?

I would like to monitoring all the processes which are invoked by a user within a period of time, like a couple of hours, some process may only run less than a second. what is the best way to do? ...
Jim's user avatar
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1 answer

Windows Event Forwarding and Sysmon

I'm dealing with a bit of an issue relating to WEF and sysmon I have the collector server setup and 2 domain controllers are configured via GPO to send events to WEF collector. It is configured via ...
hx.m4v's user avatar
  • 1
2 votes
2 answers

Zabbix low-level discovery - CPU usage per process - two items with identical keys

I'm trying to use Zabbix for monitoring CPU usage by different processes on Windows Server. Processes to monitor are not determined upfront. I want to use LLD to monitor top 3 CPU demanding processes. ...
Paweł Zimny's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does Windows Resource Monitor report the disk I/O related to virtual memory reads/writes?

In Resource Monitor, under Disk > Disk Activity, a list of files is shown along with the disk read/write B/sec being performed on each. When memory is paged to disk (ie. virtual memory is written), ...
tQuarella's user avatar
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0 answers

Monitor Windows Server network data transfer [duplicate]

I would like to monitor the amount of data transferred (Network Out) in a Windows Server. The traffic is composed mainly of files downloaded from IIS. Is there some software or Windows Feature that I ...
DanielC's user avatar
  • 121
0 votes
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snmpd.conf - TImeout with Centos

First of all i want to say i did a lot of researches and i read tons of examples for the last 3 days but i didn't find a solution that's why i am posting here. I would like to monitor services and ...
New_user's user avatar
2 votes
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check_mk logwatch monitoring log with date in filename on windows

In windows, is there a way to setup dynamic dates on logs filenames monitoring using check_mk_agent's [logfiles] section?? In linux I know we can use $(date +%Y%m%d), but don't know if it works on ...
Carol's user avatar
  • 121
3 votes
1 answer

Monitor windows clients network connectivity [closed]

I support a family members small business in my free time. They have 8 laptops running Windows 10. Their actual work gets done on a Windows Server 2016 Remote Desktop Server (running in Amazon AWS). ...
user3249281's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Monitor File Server for transient file locking

I have an IIS webservice (commercial product) that writes files to a remote Windows file server using UNC. From time to time, particularly when writing a large number of small files in a batch, the ...
Michael Rodrigues's user avatar
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textfile for Windows

I need to export some custom metrics generated by a script under Windows. Under Linux, I am already doing it, based on Robust Perception / Brian Brazil article : The node exporter includes many ...
Franklin Piat's user avatar
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1 answer

Icinga 2 check_logfiles with Agent on Windows

I'd like to add a check_logfiles command on a windows machine. Do I have to use the NSClient++ or is it possible to do this with the Icinga 2 Client wich is already installed? I configured the Service ...
flck's user avatar
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1 answer

Monitoring - Calculate bandwidth usage of images

Is there a way to find out the bandwidth usage of a certain mime-type on Windows Server? Eg. How much GB of images is my server serving each month?
mrtnvh's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I monitor deletion of a file on a Windows server?

I have a .bat file on a Windows 2012 R2 server that is periodically executed to refresh the app pools on an IIS server. From time to time, this operation fails because the file has been deleted (by ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

which monitoring tool is good for monitoring system hardware,software,user management and network activity for all kind of operating system? [closed]

Please kindly suggest me the tool for monitoring the system hardware, software, applications, services, user management and network related activities of IT Infrastructure.
Kunal Sapkal's user avatar
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2 answers

Good representative CPU usage score for a multi-core server?

I'm trying to simplify a monitoring system we have. It has a variety of views for looking at the CPU usage of a server including: Average CPU usage (overall, this accounts for all cores). Low and ...
John Humphreys's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitoring server uptime with telegraf / grafana on windows

I'm aware that there are countless solutions for monitoring uptime on windows servers but I want to specifically ask about Influx's server agent, telegraf. We currently have a nice influxdb/grafana/...
scastbur's user avatar
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Server Bandwidth monitoring Windows Server 2012 (with historic data)

I have a requirement to monitor the amount of bandwidth used on a Windows 2012 Server with historic data of what application has used the bandwidth (not just the bandwidth used). This is required ...
omega1's user avatar
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2 answers

ossec realtime file monitoring only reports on first change but fullow up changes are only reported by scheduled follow up scans

we currently have some ossec agents running on windows and real time monitoring for files activated - with the following configuration on the agent site: <syscheck> <!-- Frequency that ...
dalini's user avatar
  • 29
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2 answers

SMS_ReplicationLinkSummary Server WMI Class - Status values

I'm trying to monitor a SCCM environment via a non-SCOM system that primarily uses WMI as a management interface. I've found the following class: SMS_ReplicationLinkSummary Server WMI Class There ...
Techedemic's user avatar
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Set Low Disk Space email alerts for windows 10

I want to set email alerts for my disks, so that if there would be 30GB free space then I will get an email alert. I found some solutions for windows 2008 but they didn't work for me in Windows 10. ...
Misha Zaslavsky's user avatar
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monitor windows server - running behind firewall using WMI

I'm havingg 100 windows machines which is running behind the firewall. But my monitoring server is running outside the network [ public]. For SNMP , I can put one proxy server inside the internal ...
KMG's user avatar
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Monitor latency by IP on a bridge-enabled host

Is there a tool which captures packets, measure latency in realtime and display it with some IP filtering options for Windows ? My particular setup : Internet -> Router -> Host Master -> Host Slave ...
Cqke's user avatar
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Windows post-patching monitoring

We currently provide patch management as a service to a large number of servers. Historically, we have had tier 1 type technicians RDP to each machine after the patching window to verify they are ...
floyd's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

Monitor hardware on servers [closed]

In my company, we deliver hardware installations that all have a dedicated server (Windows Server 2008, 2012). It's usually part of our customers' job to make sure the server stays healthy (by ...
Andy M's user avatar
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4 votes
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Auto restart services with PRTG

I have PRTG monitoring my servers and network. Some of my servers are Windows-based, and I would like PRTG to auto restart services in case they are stopped. This can be done using the WMI Service ...
kfuglsang's user avatar
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is there a tool for windows 7 that can find which program is modifying a particular file [duplicate]

My system is infected by a malware that keeps modifying a particular configuration file. Is there a way/tool to find out which program is making change to a particular file? I am simply looking for a ...
Prabhat's user avatar
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5 answers

Windows Pagefile monitoring with Nagios

I have a NAGIOS check that monitors virtual memory on a windows machine, this check returns all the virtual memory used (physical+ max size of the pagefile). This is not what I want, I have tried to ...
ob_dev's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How to send Windows Performance counters to Logstash + Kibana?

I would like to setup monitoring for system resources on my Windows servers. I've noticed a common configuration in Linux is to use collectd daemon to get system metrics information. From collectd ...
angaran's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can Perfmon be used to monitor free space on a (mounted) SMB share?

Is there a way to use Windows Perfmon to monitor available space on a (mounted) SMB share? For example: on server ABC, I'd have a share \\DEF\SharedFiles mounted. As I can't set up any monitoring on ...
DocZerø's user avatar
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Using OSSEC to monitor windows services

I'm using OSSEC to trying and monitor services on servers such as Windows Event Log. I would like to know if a service has stopped or started and get emailed accordingly. I have tried a rule that ...
Richard's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Determine what has changed a specific key on Windows registry [closed]

History : My C drive disappeared from "Computer" on my Win7. After fixing it a couple of days ago by changing a registry key, I notice today that my C drive has disappeared AGAIN. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\...
Florian Bidabé's user avatar
0 votes
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Why perfmon for remote desktop servers get an empty file (only time stamp)?

I'm trying to remotely monitor a server using perfmon, the output file is always empty and only the time stamp field is there?
user237212's user avatar
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Can't Reinstall Solarwinds 9.2 after installing 10.9.1 Trial version

I am having an issue I am hoping someone can help me with. I own a copy of an older version of solarwinds 9.2, I decided I wanted to give the new solarwinds version a try so I decided to download it. ...
user1632018's user avatar
1 vote
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Testing IPsec with Nagios / Icinga?

Several of my Windows servers are running IPsec. There are a small handful that have problems when rebooting with the IPsec services not coming up. As a result I'd like to set up a monitoring check ...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How do I see all processes start (both linux AND win)? [closed]

I have a situation in which I need to monitor processes starting. I have found lots of ways to see what processes are running at any given moment (e.g. by polling), but sometimes processes start and ...
Moschops's user avatar
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How can I monitor and graph this WMI/WQL data?

How can I graph this data? Looking for a non-cumbersome way to put this data into a graph/webpage. select writeiops from Win32_PerfFormattedData_ISEVirtualDisks_ISEVirtualDisks WHERE NAME = "trax2" ...
LVLAaron's user avatar
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3 answers

Monitor HTTP usage on network from Linux free [closed]

I manage a small office network. I am looking to start monitoring/logging internet usage (website requests) for each user on a small network. All the windows clients are running through a switch to a ...
David's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Monitor the background in Windows or the Windows login screen from changes

This isn't a typical question and I thought of posting this to Programmers Stack Exchange, but I believe here is more fitting. What I want to do is monitor the Windows background or Login screen from ...
Chris's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Monitoring Windows Hard Drives

When you run several 100 windows servers and even business systems, what is a good option for monitoring hard disks and checking for bad sectors? Are there applications out there that can send e-mail ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
1 vote
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Zabbix - monitoring custom values

I have a Windows application (exposed through a WCF service) which needs to be monitored for some statistics (e.g. a graph of online users, a graph of pending documents etc.). I am new to Zabbix, and ...
JustAMartin's user avatar
2 votes
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Tracking Individual Processes in Windows Server 2008, Is It Possible?

I'm hoping we can get a solution together on this. I'm looking to try and narrow down what's happening on a windows server 2008 box that's causing us to have to reboot every 2 weeks. Resource ...
Jason's user avatar
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Automating RDP session availability test

We have a daily procedure when operator logs on via RDP to Windows hosts to ensure the operation is successful so other users can logon at the later stage and to their work. Putting aside question ...
Sergei's user avatar
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Monitoring software for diskspace on windows servers

I'm looking for a lightweight solution to monitor diskspace on windows servers and sent the report to a monitor server that presents the data in a nice gui. The server software can be linux or windows....
Darkmage's user avatar
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Is there a way to collect WMI or WBEM/CIM data with Collectd?

I've got an Ubuntu server running statsd, collectd and Graphite. I'm looking to collect data from Windows servers via WMI. I don't see an official plugin for WMI or WBEM/CIM on Collectd's web site. Is ...
bshacklett's user avatar
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finding the user - without knowing the innards of IIS

Place of crime is WinSrv2008 with IIS7. My IIS apppool user is trying to create a folder but fails. How do I find out which User it is? Let's say I don't know much about IIS7 and Aspnet but need ...
LosManos's user avatar