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Questions tagged [monitoring]

Applications or appliances that observe machines, systems and networks to find problems and notify administrators.

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Monitor Windows Server network data transfer [duplicate]

I would like to monitor the amount of data transferred (Network Out) in a Windows Server. The traffic is composed mainly of files downloaded from IIS. Is there some software or Windows Feature that I ...
DanielC's user avatar
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Prometheus: scrape interval is 1m, but resolution is still 15s

tl;dr: My scrape interval is 1m, yet I have a 15s resolution. Why? My prometheus configuration includes a job to scrape kong metrics: - job_name: kong_blue honor_timestamps: true scrape_interval:...
aspyct's user avatar
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How is possible that free memory goes down and used memory is not going up?

I am collecting the results of free -m command on an ubuntu server every 5 seconds, and preparing a time series graph based on the values of free and used columns. free -m total ...
Kristi Jorgji's user avatar
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Best way to monitor for SSL / Connection failures on a server that's still up [closed]

We had an outage issue today (NGinx not successfully restarted by our Let's Encrypt renewal CRON job, so not serving the renewed cert) leading to the server being up according to Pingdom but not ...
Ben's user avatar
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Debian on HP Gen9 — most recent hpssacli appears to be too old

I've installed a recent Debian 10 Buster system on to the server, which is HPE DL360 Gen9. It has P440ar adapter, which works with the "new" hpsa driver. As far as I remember, RAIDs were configured ...
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
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Check_MK: How to add service to Servicegroup?

I'm new at monitoring, and would to know is it possible to add a Services to a Servicegroup. What I will do: I have Servers how i monitor and created a Servicegroup, and now I will add queries like ...
lucki1000's user avatar
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Measuring/monitoring Unbound Resolver Performance

I am running Unbound resolver on FreeBSD, and i am looking for a solution to measure its performance.sometimes there are some delays in regard of resolving domain names,and my customers are ...
Zareh Kasparian's user avatar
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MySQL least privileges to get database/tables size

I'm using centreon_plugins to monitor some mysql databases. As a best practice I create a dedicated user for monitoring and I give it the least possible privileges. For simple monitoring I usually ...
THe_ZiPMaN's user avatar
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Programs to monitor CentOS servers and workstations?

Are there programs / solutions that would allow me to monitor the hardware, software, issues, performance, networking and I/O of approximately 100 CentOS/Rhel servers and workstations? Google finds ...
boardrider's user avatar
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NAgios: add/import a list of host to ping, automatically?

I am searching for a way to automatically add a few hundreds of hosts to ping in Nagios. I guess there could be procedure or a file to fill with something like an /etc/hosts file to have Nagios to ...
dominix's user avatar
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Azure Monitor Metrics

About 4 weeks ago we had a development SQL database on azure and it was great as we could see the CPU and other information. After doing what we needed to do to make our database work with Azure, we ...
Rodney Ellis's user avatar
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How to manually install Stackdriver Monitoring on Google Cloud Platform

We are running several microservices on Google Cloud Platform (GKE using master version v1.12.9-gke.15) and have been using the Stackdriver integration for logging and monitoring (
Prerok's user avatar
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HTML formatted alert emails using monit

Is it possible to send HTML formatted alert emails using monit service ? I would like to include coloured status based on the alert. Ref:
penguin's user avatar
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Smoothing Grafana graph

I'm setting up montinoring on my company infrastructure. I installed Grafana with the Prometheus Datasource. I built my dashboards and have rather "Spiky" graphs. I was wondering if there was any way ...
Ror's user avatar
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Disk usage metrics missing from Prometheus node exporter

I used Prometheus and node exporter a while ago and had access to node_filesystem_* metrics to monitor disk usage but I've recently fired it up on some other servers (Ubuntu Linux) and those metrics ...
Sam's user avatar
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Zabbix eth0 incoming traffic, triggering false alarms?

I'm a bit confused right now, I just got this false alarm I had an item set up to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic on my servers and despite it working as intended for A WHOLE MONTH, suddenly I ...
GoatZero's user avatar
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Google App Engine Traffic Analytics by UserAgent/Operating system

I have an app running in Google App Engine. Their ecosystem seems to provide some facilities for analytics from logs in StackDriver. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get a simple chart ...
atxdba's user avatar
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How to visualize current CPU usage of a pod with Grafana

Is there a way to visualize current CPU usage of a pod in a K8S cluster? I tried different Prometheus metrics like namespace_pod_name_container_name:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_rate and ...
Volodymyr Melnyk's user avatar
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Analysing latency for a single request

I have the following (very simplified) network : (ingress) -> DMZ (nginx) -> HA Proxy -> Reverse proxy (nginx) -> Application Server (tomcat) All the layers send information to ...
ehi84636's user avatar
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Is it safe to use SSH for periodic command execution on remote Server regarding usage of entropy?

I'm planning to set up periodic checks for system health on a multiple remote systems. To achieve this I've set up key-based authentication to execute scripts on remote side without interaction i.e.: ...
ToastStudios's user avatar
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Centreon - Plugin command does not work with simple quote

I have a problem with one of my sonde (plugin) in Centreon. On my poller server, I launch this command: /usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/centreon-plugins-master/ --plugin=os::...
Quentin Rey's user avatar
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Nagios3: Different CRITICAL color for certain host groups

My colleagues want a new host group to have more visibility and want the Critical status to be different color. This is defined in nagios3/stylesheets/status.css as statusBGCRITICAL but as I can't ...
Recct's user avatar
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How do i make stackdriver graphs show 24 hour format dates

In my stackdriver dashboard, the horizontal axis is always date/time but it displays in am/pm format, e.g. 5pm, which is a pain as everything else in my workflow is 24hour. I cannot for the life of ...
dan carter's user avatar
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3 answers

How to monitor HTTPS and TCP Load Balancers on GCP

we are using HTTPS and TCP Load balancers in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and we want to monitor them (e.g. with Stackdriver). For us, one main criteria seems to be the amount of healthy backend ...
Dominik Müller's user avatar
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How to monitor network and disk i/o

This is specifically for AWS EC2 monitoring but I'm also interested in the generic context of monitoring input/output. How do I know what the network or disk i/o limit is for any server/service and ...
DaveO's user avatar
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Zabbix macros, how to access hosts by name, and their items or keys

I have a zabbix 4.2 installation. I have it currently monitoring a network device via generic SNMP queries with my supplied OIDs. The data is being ingested just fine, graphs are populating as ...
user145837's user avatar
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Monitor all processes in Linux with telegraf and grafana

I have a task to configure monitoring of all processes in a Linux system with Telegraf and Grafana. But there is some issue that there are many processes in a system. For gathering information about ...
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nrpe for Windows - filter and arguments change threshold values

i have my monitoring Linux server with NRPE Plugin for Nagios Version: 3.2.1 and i installed on the windows machine NSClient++ with this .bat script. set setupfile="NSCP-" msiexec /...
FaxMax's user avatar
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Clean old release files in Sentry

I'm self-hosting Sentry 8 and /var/lib/sentry/files grew to a significant size. I tried launching a script to go through each project's releases via the API, select those older than X days, and remove ...
mpitt's user avatar
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How to check Azure VM Port Heatbeat

I have an application providing http services in a specific port (eg: 8181). This app is autonomous and independent of IIS and any other application server. It is installed in a Azure VM. I want to ...
Eduardo Spaki's user avatar
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Multiple HTTP checks per host with Icinga2

What is best practice for configuring multiple HTTP checks for a host? I know there is that "apply" method: apply Service "http" for (http_vhost => config in host.vars.vhosts) { ... } But i ...
fitcfitcfatc's user avatar
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Monitor unix process with Nagios Core

I'm begginer with Nagios and i'm trying to monitor if a specific process on my unix machine is up or not. Server and client are on the same machine : Trying to monitor that machine from a Nagios ...
nonely's user avatar
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OCSInventory handover table and form

I need to make some kind of handover table. Records would look like this: PC , user , action , date; X , Y , return , 10.07; X , Z , hire , 11.07; A , Y , hire , 16.07; etc. Each record would ...
Pigeonnn's user avatar
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Azure Monitor Alert for Windows Services

Is it possible to add an Azure Monitor Alert for Windows Services running on Cloud Services? We have a web app running on Cloud Services depending on a service we installed on the instance VM, we ...
neualex's user avatar
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Zabbix service.discovery multiple templates for distinct items and triggers

service.discovery in Zabbix returns a JSON array of all current running services (based on filters) for each host. I would like to create a template hierarchy where i have a parent template that ...
Cristian Matthias Ambæk's user avatar
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Server component version number reporting and collecting - what is this called?

What is the name given to software which reports versions for a given set of software components (libraries, applications, etc) on one or more servers, and the collection software that runs on a ...
Pete Cooper's user avatar
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Zabbix - Web scenarios trigger. How to ignore the first failed attempts?

Problem: Trigger send an e-mail immediately when the site is unreachable. System: Linux Debian Stretch, Zabbix 4.2.1. Current configuration of the web scenario: Scenario: Name: ...
maar's user avatar
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Count instances of a pattern's match in a real-time log file, in a specific time frame, using PowerShell?

I've to intercept a pattern in a log file and, when this pattern is matched for 5 times in 5 minutes, send an alert... I've wrote this lines, but I'm stuck... I don't know how to handle the time ...
ilRobby's user avatar
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How to identify the source of growing blocked processes on a system container (LXC/OpenVZ)

When the number of blocked processes grow indefinitely, how to identify exactly what are these processes. Since I'm inside a system container (LXC/OpenVZ), I can't modify the hosts' kernel modules to ...
Paulo Coghi's user avatar
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How to suppress recovery notification in Stackdriver?

I have Alerting Policy in Google's Stackdriver which sends a notification when there is an error in the specific log. For the obvious reason, there is no recovery for such condition, i.e. I don't want ...
Vitaly Karasik DevOps's user avatar
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Microsoft Telemetry Data

I work at a large company and started digging through firewall logs to get my head around the network and what is going on. I noticed a HUGE amount of traffic going to I cross-correlated ...
IamNotTheOne-_-'s user avatar
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kubectl top node doesn't work. Looks like an issue with heapster

I have a fresh k8s cluster on gke. Whenever I run kubectl top node gke-data-custom-vm-6-25-0cbae9b9-hrkc I get Error from server (NotFound): the server could not find the requested resource (get ...
Korjavin Ivan's user avatar
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Stackdriver logs stopped appearing in GCP Stackdriver Logging Console

Background I have a Flask server running on GCE's container-optimized image. This server prints a log for every request. Normally, I can view the logs my application prints in GCP Stackdriver Logging ...
Ismail Khan's user avatar
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How to use snmp remotly with MRTG

I'm using CentOS 7 as the operating system. I'm trying to setup a client MRTG to fetch several servers informations. I don't want to install a web server on the remote server. Is there some official ...
executable's user avatar
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NRPE not working after NRPE plugin upgrade from v2.15 to v3.2.1

I'm migrating our Icinga 2 from Debian 8 to Ubuntu 18.04. The old server had NRPE plugin 2.15. The new server has NRPE plugin 3.2.1. If I try to connect with the new plugin to old NRPE servers (v2.15 ...
Michael's user avatar
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Mapping network connections between servers

Sometimes I'd like an easy way to produce lists over everything a server accepts or connects to. Not what it can connect to/accept connections from (firewall rules etc) but actual connections. I can ...
Erik I's user avatar
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Monitor SSL Certificate Changes

Is there a good tool to check when a certificate has been changed, in our environment we have certificates being changed by an operational team that is creating issues. I looked at NAGIOS ...
Astronaut's user avatar
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Telegraf not working with sysstat options like `-d` or `-n ALL`?

I am attempting to setup Telegraf on a Proxmox (Debian-based distro) to send metrics to InfluxDB. However, it seems to be complaining about sysstat syntax. I am using the sysstat plugin in Telegraf. ...
victorhooi's user avatar
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How to check to exist a unit systemd on the servers by Prometheus?

I have a service 'service_1' on the servers. And I need checking by Prometheus existing this service on the servers. node_systemd_unit_state showing only metrics for existing services. Maybe I can ...
tutunak's user avatar
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snmpd.conf - TImeout with Centos

First of all i want to say i did a lot of researches and i read tons of examples for the last 3 days but i didn't find a solution that's why i am posting here. I would like to monitor services and ...
New_user's user avatar

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