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Questions tagged [monitoring]

Applications or appliances that observe machines, systems and networks to find problems and notify administrators.

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Causes of packet loss on multiple persistent tcp connections simultaneously?

The issue was detected while analyzing some application logs, which reported few seconds long spike periods when messages from multiple clients are received on the server with a substantial delay (up ...
tonso's user avatar
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Nagios core GUI/UI fails to open after nagios-4.4.6-4 to 4.4.9-1 update on Rhel8

Nagios core GUI/UI fails to open after nagios-4.4.6-4 to 4.4.9-1 update on Rhel8 vm. Whoops! Error: Could not read host and service status information! Nothing in /var/log/nagios/nagios.log. /sbin/...
LinServFaulter's user avatar
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Samhain -- how to stop it reading the entire database into memory?

We have seriously limited resources and Samhain seems to be the solution that responds to limiting resources like CPU etc most robustly for file integrity monitoring. The target environment is an on-...
David Boshton's user avatar
1 vote
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What are interfaces when viewing vnstat data?

I'm trying out vnstat. I can see rx (recieved) and tx (transmitted) data counts for two interfaces. Simple enough. But what are the interfaces? how can I look up what service they represent?
Will's user avatar
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Monitoring of MySQL replication and alerting when replication is not working

I have a question about monitoring of MySQL replication and in particular about alerting using Grafana/Prometheus. We have 2 MySQL(MariaDB to be exact) instances for which replication is configured: ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Proof that aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics works

I am learning to use the aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics subcommand in the AWS command line tool. To prove to myself that I am using the tool correctly, I would like a simple example command that ...
John Skiles Skinner's user avatar
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How to monitor windows GPU in zabbix

I am using zabbix 6.0 and I wan to monitor the gpu usage and temperature and other things related to GPU of my windows host, How can I do that, I have windows 10 and agent installed
biplab 's user avatar
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send a get request to url in monit (linux)

I'm trying to find out when a file size increase stops and then sends a GET request to some URL. already added this conf in /etc/monit/monitrc check file file.log with path /home/projects/my_project/...
Saeed Ramezani's user avatar
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How to find usage (memory) of databases inside a Google CloudSQL instance?

I run multiple databases inside a single CloudSQL instance. My problem is that I cannot get monitoring insights at the individual database level. For example, if I want to know how much memory a ...
ayaz's user avatar
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How to monitor web servers by checking their availability and integrity?

Good morning, My objective is therefore to monitor several web servers and ensure that each one is UP, available, but also to verify that they have not been victims of attacks. The idea is to find ...
Lynow's user avatar
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Monitor Services and Event Logs on Windows Servers

We are standing up a new environment and will be installing SIEM tools, etc. in the future. We have a few dozen Windows 2019 servers so far. I've been tasked with providing a solution for monitoring ...
winsysadmin's user avatar
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aws guardduty some alerts won't notify on slack

I have recently setup aws guardduty with slack notification using this guide right, there were a few issues with the ...
logax's user avatar
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How to monitor systemd?

I am looking for a way to monitor systemd services: Basic things such as whether they are running or not is a good start (and anything else on top is a bonus). I tried using node_exporter, but since I ...
Newskooler's user avatar
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Monitor disk I/O with zabbix

I'm running both zabbix 5.0.30 and zabbix agent 5.0.30 on Centos 7 In Centos 7 server, I executed this command [root@STG-front default]# iostat -d sda Linux 3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64 (STG-front) 01/09/...
TRONG NGUYEN's user avatar
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Warning: atop.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units [closed]

I was trying to change the atop log interval on CentOS 7 cPanel server from 600 to 60 seconds and tried editing the file /etc/system/system/ (Environment="...
linuxtale's user avatar
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Explain of OOM killer logs

I have a question about the OOM killer logs. We are expecting a lot of OOM kills. The ecosystem My ecosystem looks like below: I have a server with 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM. I am running there the ...
Daniel Hornik's user avatar
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Obtain statistics of CPU and memory usage from one cgroup

Context I have a system in which I have to check periodically usage: relative (percents) for CPU and absolute (GB) for memory. How it's currently implemented Language we're using is python. system-...
Jakub Kuszneruk's user avatar
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PRTG PowerShell Remoting Requirements for Custom EXE/Script Advanced Sensor

I've created a script for checking the TLS certificate assigned to an SMTP Relay server which supports SMTPS. The code is available here if that's of interest. The documentation says that powershell ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Pink in memory htop

What does the pink color in memory htop means and how can I reset it? You can see example here: htop preview
Maor Bari's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can Wazuh work for a single agent with less than the stated minimum hardware requirements?

I was surprised to find that the Wazuh server requirements state 2gb and 2 cores are the minimum requirements - but I wonder how much these numbers are tailored towards supporting multiple agents. Is ...
Slbox's user avatar
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Monit: Editing in-built alert text

i have the monit tool setup on a linux box, and it's been monitoring apache and the overall system for a few months. The apache config file is: check process apache with pidfile /var/run/httpd/httpd....
weetch's user avatar
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How to monitor specific NGINX error codes with Logwatch

I've just started implementing NGINX rate limiting, and need to monitor when rate limiting is actually happening on a server. I found out Logwatch will send daily logs by email which sounds perfect. ...
Kit Johnson's user avatar
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Linux Auditd monitoring of file operations in mounted folder

I have multi node kubernetes cluster and I would like to monitor file operations that are made by containers in mounted persistent volume. I found the all PV data are located at nodes in /var/lib/...
lukas.hubl's user avatar
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Zabbix how to monitor multiple databases server on one host?

I am new to zabbix and I am trying to monitor multiple mysql databases. I have one server with two docker container that each have one mysql database. To monitor the first database I used the MySQL by ...
Gregory Boutte's user avatar
2 votes
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How to perform healthcheck on NFS clients connectivity from the NFS-Server?

I have three Debian 11 servers let's call them nfs-server which is the NFS server, nfs1, and nfs2 which are the NFS clients. I want to perform some sort of health check from the NFS server to ensure ...
Sinux's user avatar
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Ansible security best practices for monitoring

I have several servers at home. I would like to have one computer that will monitor activity on those and notice me if something is wrong. For that reason I install ansible there. In order to have ...
Addman's user avatar
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How to get cpu hardware id on Android systems?

I need get CPU voltage and temperature from /sys/class/hwmon but need find the CPU ID to find the correct directory, by example: $ ll /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 sep 3 13:...
e-info128's user avatar
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3 answers

How to monitor memory usage continuously with Linux?

I have a daemon service application runing a Ubuntu server(20.04.1). The total phisical memory is 2G, and the swap space is 4G. Sometime my service was killed by OS quietly, eventhough I add ...
Leon's user avatar
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Apache mod_status, full machne readable details

Apache's mod_status (i.e /server-status) outputs HTML, including what HTTP clients are accessing what thing right now. There is a text format (/server-status?auto), but that doesn't include the ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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How do i use the mail CLI? [closed]

I want to make a simple bash script that curls websites and sends out an email if the HTTP_Code is above 299. I am not very fond of the mail CLI tool. I want to use a SMTP Server to send the ...
Issykul's user avatar
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Monitoring tool for remote borg repository

I am currently using Borg Backup which is connected to a remote repository hosted in Hetzner. Borg is being run daily via cron. While I place some log files to see if backup is working, I would like ...
Alison Perez's user avatar
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How to filter by service groups in the monit web frontend?

Monit has a feature called "service groups" ( It allows you to filter by groups using the CLI. But is it possible to use ...'s user avatar
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How do you limit Exceptions loggings in production

First, please note this might be a JavaScript question, on Node or on the browser, or a Ruby question, whether logging is in files or to the database, etcetera. This is why I'm asking in serverfault; ...
Curcuma_'s user avatar
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Zabbix Server configuration Inquiry

I hope I’m posting in the right place. So, I have a question. I’m trying to set up a simple network monitor (Zabbix) in VirtualBox to monitor the hosting machine. I have everything set up, but the ...
Cam's user avatar
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Monitor free space with monit ... but only if the folder is mounted

For my backup, external disk space is mounted via cronjob as /mnt/backup on a Ubuntu machine every night. When the backup is complete, the disk is unmounted. No need to expose the backup drive to ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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Monitor session duration on AWS Cognito

I am using AWS Amplify to host an Angular application and using Cognito user pool. I have created a dashboard on Amazon Quicksight for BI purposes. One of the metrics that I want to monitor is how ...
Fariman Kashani's user avatar
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How can I get an alert me if ping is not sent from windows service I created?

Let me explain the problem. I created a windows service that should run a method every minute, but it seems to fail at random times for an unknown reason. The application doesn't crash but some how a ...
user1605822's user avatar
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Can't find Amplify access logs in CloudWatch log groups

I'm creating a CloudWatch dashboard and I want to monitor Amplify access logs beside other metrics. I can find the access logs inside the Amplify dashboard (Screenshot below) but I can't find the same ...
Fariman Kashani's user avatar
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Need help configuring SOF-ELK Sans to parse IIS W3C logs

How can I get the SOF-ELK VM to inject the IIS logs like the httpd logs. Here are my filebeats yml configs: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml filebeat.config.inputs: enabled: true path: /usr/local/sof-...
user avatar
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How to see which ports a process is using?

While testing our software, a large corporate customer was able to detect the third-party licensing software using port 137. Up until this point we have only been aware of the license software using ...
NinjaLlama's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there a way to monitor remotly multiple windows server for hardware performance? [closed]

We have 5 server installed as VM with "Windows Server 2016" on VMWware. These servers are configured as RDS, means multiple users are working on it. Users which are connected on these ...
Baku Bakar's user avatar
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How to monitor outbound bandwidth usage in Linux?

Currently I use vnstat to monitor my bandwidth usage. What I want to achieve is to get data for making the decision whether to stay in a more expensive but unlimited cable based plan, or to switch to ...
jackthehipster's user avatar
3 votes
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Set INFO/ERROR priority for messages logged to journal via stdout and stderr?

We have many production apps (first and third-party) that leave logging up to the process that runs the app and just log to stdout for INFO and stderr for ERROR logs (ie only 2 log priorities: INFO|...
mattpr's user avatar
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How to get hard disk status from RAID with SmartCTL for monitoring purposes?

I have a FreeBSD with a RAID running 3 Hard Disks. I was given the challenge to monitor its RAID - If a hard disk fails or it presents some problem i need to know. So, the first thing i am doing right ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
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nagios-nrpe-server output different vs running locally

To be sure I don't have any double definition of the command, I created a new debug command name in the nrpe config /etc/nagios/nrpe.d # grep -R debug debug.cfg:command[debug_check_disks]=/usr/lib/...
The Shurrican's user avatar
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Debug Prometheus Blackbox Exporter http_2xx probs

We are using the Prometheus Blackbox Exporter (blackbox_exporter, version 0.19.0) to check HTTP endpoints. Now we need to implement a check with the fail_if_body_matches_regexp. The check should ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Is there a tool to check and manage file permissions?

I developed a set of rules for file and directory owner and permissions for our company server. E.g.: Projects/: permission 750, owner root, group internal Projects/* (directories): permission 2770, ...
user10070149's user avatar
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Possible exposable asset type on Google Cloud

One of the ways to secure a cloud environment is to monitor all of the assets that we have. Recently, I made a script to get information regarding those assets by using GCP API, but I need to do it ...
Insight Habor's user avatar
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Can you turn off Exchange transport certificate expiration warnings (event 12017)

For the last few days, the system log on our Exchange server has been filled with "errors" like the following: Error 1/14/2022 2:15:10 PM MSExchangeFrontEndTransport 12017 ...
mcwayliffe's user avatar
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Kafka: monitoring length of queues / topics

We have several producers and several consumers connected via Kafka - basically, it's batch processing jobs that are created on demand, placed on Kafka in several queues, and the batch processors pick ...
Florin Andrei's user avatar

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