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Questions tagged [monitoring]

Applications or appliances that observe machines, systems and networks to find problems and notify administrators.

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Monitor website (http) not accesible via webmin (server status tool)

I am trying to workout how to test that a site is inaccesible with webmin's tools... System and server status. This is... an URL that should not be accesible to anyone except certain IPs or an http ...
luison's user avatar
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Create a zabbix alert for a numeric value in a file

I am a newbie in zabbix, I created a script in linux and it will create a file that has a value on it. The data in a file has only one value / number . For example. /home/testuser/textfile.txt If you ...
V.A's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any monitoring tools to create scenarios/dependencies check? [closed]

My team and I got the project to test a new monitoring solution that allow us to : Perform classical monitoring checks (through SNMP, ping, sensor status, vendor librairies etc...) Perform checks in ...
motorbass's user avatar
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2 answers

Monit restart process behavior

Monit's documentation states the following for the restart action : RESTART restarts the service and send an alert. Restart is performed by calling the service's registered restart method or by first ...
Ror's user avatar
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Is there any NATIVE disk monitoring solution for storage in Azure VMs?

I have done plenty of digging, but it looks like this may be a shortcoming in Azure. I cannot find a native solution in the Azure portal to tell me when VMs are running low on disk space. What if I ...
Charlie Echo's user avatar
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3 answers

Lightweight Linux tools for on-demand performance monitoring during load testing?

I'm tasked with testing out ProxySQL on a couple of Tomcat test servers, comparing its performance and resource utilization with the current Apache DBCP connection pooling. I've got a rough load ...
JK Laiho's user avatar
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Comparision trigger in Zabbix

I got two items created for showing certain values. One of them is shoving value from today and the other one from week ago. How can I create trigger that compares them and alert when one of them is ...
Golompg's user avatar
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Query apache for how many responses (of each status code) it has served out for better monitoring & graphing?

I have several apache web servers installed from standard Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/etc. I want to monitor how many requests they are handeling. I am now looking into prometheus & grafana after 15+ years ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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net-snmp reporting zero for interface speeds on CentOS 8

My monitoring system is using data from SNMP polls to build graphs. This works fine with a few dozen RHEL 6 and 7 hosts, but graphs for all my new CentOS 8 hosts are not working correctly. I've done ...
miken32's user avatar
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Why does my prometheus dashboard only show 2 weeks of data when I have longer term data available?

I have Prometheus configured with Thanos. I'm using the Node Exporter Full dashboard to view data from the node exporter. Regardless of what time range I select (e.g., now-20d), the dashboard only ...
larsks's user avatar
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GCP: Way to get "paged" via the GCP Cloud Console Android app?

I'm using GCP and have set up the GCP Cloud Console Android to notify me of errors and alerts. But my phone is on silent/vibrate most of the time and I miss alerts. Is there a way to get the GCP ...
Kannan Goundan's user avatar
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Huawei S5600 main OIDs?

I'm working with NagiosCore to check the stats of my network's switchs (mainly S5700 (modulars and non-modulars) and S5600). Using SNMP (v2c) I'm able to get stuff defined by myself such as: ...
k.Cyborg's user avatar
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How to collect and consolidate application health across instances in aws

We deploy several applications across EC2 instances. They are jar files, war files on Tomcat, npm based UI applications and python scripts. Each has a different way of validation. For war files under ...
Rohini's user avatar
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tcpdump: filtering out localhost, packets show up anyway?

I'm trying to use tcpdump to explore what on my computer talks with whom on the world wide web. I've came this far as of yet: lan_hosts="(hosts || to || exclude)" local_hosts="(127.0.0....
xogoxec344's user avatar
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2 answers

Automating Adding Projects to the Metric Scope

I have an "Alerts" project in Google Cloud and want it to monitor the metrics of several other projects. On the Cloud Console, I can easily add these projects to the metric scope of my ...
alexjohnson's user avatar
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How to monitor when a file/folder is moved, and where it moved to?

I'm looking for a way to monitor when a file/folder is moved, as well as where it was moved to. So far in my research I've come across tools such as auditd, watch and inotify. While these tools are ...
slightly_toasted's user avatar
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how to enable monitoring in google cloud for kubernetes through rest api

Anyone can help me how to enable monitoring in google cloud through restapi.? just like in gcloud sdk gcloud services enable monitoring while creating a dashboard, able to see some metrics through ...
sumit madan's user avatar
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how to monitor a secure lab's machine and product's log files from my organization laptop?

I'm trying to find a solution that will help me to monitor the product's machines and log files in each one of them. here are some fact about my working environment: I have a product that's installed ...
Hiddai's user avatar
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IIS 10: is there some way to trick it into letting me use an IP address as the host name of an HTTPS binding?

I have a cluster of IIS servers sitting behind a load balancer at a vendor. The vendor's load balancer determines if the server is functional by accessing a special monitoring page on the server, and ...
el_pinko_grande's user avatar
5 votes
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Netdata, prometheus and grafana - why recommended in this constellation?

Currently I do setup monitoring-service for our Server. I've found some articles, which recommend to use: Netdata, prometheus and grafana So I wonder what are the benefits to use all three of them. ...
suther's user avatar
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How to monitor login authentication using http_check nagios plugin

I'm using the http_check Nagios plugin to monitor an URL and I'd like to test if the login is working given specific user and password. I've made several attempts with different approaches but none of ...
Pedro's user avatar
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A difference between traceroute and mtr one day

When doing mtr to it kept showing 2 hops in Germany ? At the same time running traceroute to it never showed Germany. I'm in the USA, seems odd after multiple runs it ...
nick nanosun's user avatar
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2 answers

Prometheus not connected to alert manager in GKE

I installed kube-prometheus-stack 15.3.1 into a GKE cluster using helm (in "monitoring" namespace). I used the values.yaml to open up ingresses on some of the components and to add SMTP info ...
Toby 1 Kenobi's user avatar
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Is the Pod Resources API disabled on Google Kubernetes Engine?

Problem Summary: We're using DCGM Exporter to collect metrics about GPU workloads. When deployed on GKE, the exporter does not return GPU information about other pods or containers (when it's expected ...
Ash's user avatar
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Create alerts of for two projects in gcp monitoring workspace

Hi I have two projects project-A and project-B. I have created a monitoring workspace in project-A and added project-B in that workspace. I want to create alerts from log based metrics . I have ...
Abhinav's user avatar
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Snmpd stop working without any changes

I am monitoring multiple server/router with snmp. Everything was working but today I saw that 3 server was not responding anymore via SNMP. The 3 snmp daemon stoped at the same moment (Saturday 6 AM) ...
rebug's user avatar
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how to create a script shell command

Hi evry one can someone help me to get this command with scrit shell ? root@VPS:/work# cpan Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging requires configuration, but ...
Rayen Ben Said's user avatar
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Zabbix - Setup Web Scenario Trigger that accepts multiple response codes

I am running some Zabbix Web Scenario's to gather information on certain websites and API's for some of the API's 401 and 404 status codes are acceptable and I want to adopt these in the trigger ...
EdinTC's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a program to record CPU load and later converting it into an image? [duplicate]

I want to add a system usage diagram to our CI build server for our management so they can see that we need to buy a larger build server when the time has come 😆 Should just save a png or svg image ...
Lothar's user avatar
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Hyper-V Integration Services - Guests stop reporting IP Addresses

I have a few Windows guest VMs running on Hyper-V with Hyper-V Integration Services installed that will periodically stop reporting their IP Addresses to the host operating system, usually after ...
Micah Hunsberger's user avatar
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Telegraf works manually but not the service - Run Telegraf in background

I have a virtual machine running on Ubuntu 20.04, I installed Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana for monitoring VMs and cluster's nodes. Everythings work except when I try to make telegraf working in ...
LuckyFr's user avatar
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How do I find the PID file for a process given the PID number?

I'm trying to use Monit to monitor and send email alerts about a process when it stops running, but I need the location of the PID file for that process. I can find the PID number using the htop or ps ...
Alasdair's user avatar
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Shinken probe on windows server but windows server on VPN network (monitoring server outside VPN)

I need to monitore a windows server with skinken, but this server is accessible with a VPN connection (with strong security, done by an electronic tool and human action). The monitoring server is not ...
Philippe's user avatar
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Send Monit E-Mails via Exim

I installed monit on an Ubuntu 18.04 server and I would like to configure it to send e-mails to my personal e-mail address. I heard that I can send them via the installed exim. However, it does not ...
user's user avatar
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Blackbox-exporter modules header

How to provide headers in modules in blackbox.yml. module: prober: http http: headers: Authorization : "----" This returns in error parsing config file:yaml: unmarshal errors
Ravi's user avatar
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Is there any tool or service for checking your server's version and detect vulnerabilities and patches? [closed]

I am looking for a tool or something like a server/control panel that can list all the infrastructure I am using and its version (i.e. Redis Server version 6.4.x). It would be useful in order to get a ...
mtm41's user avatar
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How to run zabbix agent as root in Ubuntu 14.04?

We have some legacy servers which runs on ubuntu 14.04 and we need to execute zabbix-agentd as root for getting some performance information. zabbix-agentd version = 5.0 I've followed this guide but ...
Juan-Kabbali's user avatar
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Get diagnostics information from failed connect from Grafana to InfluxDB

I've tried to set-up a local Grafana instance in a Docker container and I'm trying to connect to my local InfluxDB that is running on the same machine. I can connect to InfluxDB without any issues, ...
Alexander Pacha's user avatar
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When should i link a host to a host group or template in Zabbix?

What i understand is that templates defines common entities to reuse them and groups allows us to classify our hosts. Templates are well documented but host groups not. And again, what i understood is ...
Juan-Kabbali's user avatar
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SNMP Network traffic difference between ifInOctet and ifHCInOctet

I try to monitor some Cisco 2960x Switch devices and I know there are the SNMP OID's ifInOctets (32-bit Counter) and ifHCinOctets (64-bit Counter). Can someone explain me whats the difference between ...
sno0z3's user avatar
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How to aggregate Munin's interface traffic graphs?

My goal is to aggregate Munin's interface traffic graphs into one stacked graph for quick overview over the traffic across all servers. This is the an example of an individual graph, I want to ...
burnersk's user avatar
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Recommendations for server monitoring tool without central access to the monitored servers [closed]

I'm looking for an open source server monitoring tool for my servers: All servers running Linux, mostly current Debian Buster, but partly CentOS Other OS (Windows, *BSD etc.) don't matter Physical ...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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Monitoring disk with dockerized collectd

I'm trying to monitor my host's disk usage using collectd from within docker. I'm using the df collectd plugin, but I keep getting the message: collectd[8]: df plugin: cu_mount_getlist failed. ...
Thomas Johnson's user avatar
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How to monitor datadog-agent's certificates expiration?

I have an nginx-pod which redirects traffic into Kubernetes services and stores related certificates insides its volume. I want to monitor these certificates - mainly their expiration. I found out ...
Ondřej Doležal's user avatar
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Monitor the nginx deployed on GKE cluster

I want to monitor the nginx requests (5xx, 4xx, 3xx, 2xx) where multiple applications are running with different domain urls. Nginx is deployed as Kind : Deployment. Is there a way for real time ...
Sai Anjan's user avatar
3 votes
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Prometheus not monitoring all EC2 instances of a region

I have set up Prometheus for the monitoring of my AWS EC2 instances, but the issue is taht Prometheus is showing up only 1 instance, however in my AWS instance account there are 2 instances running. ...
huzaifa224's user avatar
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Check_MK: Custom User Notification goes to all users not to the one in Contact Groups

I would like to kindly ask for some advice. I have configuration that looks like this: Users are in Contact Groups. In Host Folders I have permissions to Contact Groups. And Hosts inherits this ...
Lisek's user avatar
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Monitoring the OnPremise network appliances from Azure?

People, I have the need to monitor the OnPremise Network appliances (Gateways, Firewalls and other services IP addresses) from Azure, then send an email alert or trigger alert via PagerDuty. https://...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Website Monitoring of Tor Onion Services [closed]

How can I monitor the uptime of my website's tor hidden service endpoint so I get an immediate notification if it goes offline? Bonus points for fancy monthly/yearly uptime reports. I'd like to make ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Cannot get alert message from UpTime Check

I try to send alert message of UpTime checks through Slack and Email. I added channels in alerting and apply policy in UpTime check but I cannot get any message. How do I get these alert messages?
Sarah's user avatar
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