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Questions tagged [monitoring]

Applications or appliances that observe machines, systems and networks to find problems and notify administrators.

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-1 votes
0 answers

How to monitor wordpress websites individually deployed on an apache2 server?

Since last few weeks there are sudden downs to my EC2 machine and none of the websites become accessible and also ssh to machine stops working. please help me fix it. I have an EC2 machine where ...
8 votes
1 answer

God Process Monitoring - CentOS - Event System Not Found

I have god installed on at least a dozen (or more) servers running CentOS 5.5 in both i386 and x86_64 flavors that work perfectly. I just setup two new CentOS 5.5 x86_64 servers and installed God, but ...
0 votes
0 answers

Zabbix monitoring JSON-File

I want to monitor a JSON-File looking something like this. { "data": [ { "ID": "112940", "Type": "type1", ...
0 votes
1 answer

When to use Thanos/Cortex over Vanilla Prometheus?

Generally when I look around or try to understand the HA setup for Prometheus the most common search results are Cortex & Thanos. I've also seen M3 and Victoriametrics on the list. What I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why does my prometheus dashboard only show 2 weeks of data when I have longer term data available?

I have Prometheus configured with Thanos. I'm using the Node Exporter Full dashboard to view data from the node exporter. Regardless of what time range I select (e.g., now-20d), the dashboard only ...
2 votes
1 answer

Nagios Notification interval and first notification delay

I have used in past these two parameters in Nagios ( first_notification_delay, notification_interval ) and until now worked perfect for me. Now that I have added new checks which use nrpe command. the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How should "CPU usage per node" be interpreted in Google Cloud monitoring?

In the monitoring tab for Composer (Airflow) on Google Cloud there is a graph showing "CPU usage per node". How should the values in this graph be interpreted? What value would indicate that ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to log each virtual machine resource usage cpu time, mem etc

Running Apache with mpm_event on a shared linux server with about 5 websites (VMs) I would like to log each VM's usage of the memory, cpu time and bandwidth for each 24hr period and have it email to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can't set warning / critical thresholds in munin plugin-conf.d file

For some reason, I cannot get warning thresholds to work on any of my munin installations on ubuntu. For example, one of the provided plugins I have working is the netstat plugin. Now to set the ...
0 votes
0 answers

monitor pgp expiration date from ciphermail gateway

I can lookup the expiration date of my public keys (PGP) in the webui of ciphermail. But is there a more convenient way of monitoring the expiration date of the PGP public keys?
0 votes
0 answers

Monitor Docker containers on EC2 instance from Splunk Enterprise

I need to monitor the Docker containers running on my EC2 aws machine on Splunk enterprise. I have installed Splunk and added Splunk forwarder to my EC2 machine and I am running a Docker httpd ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I monitor Glue jobs that are fired by EventBridge?

My stack is as follows: EventBridge fires a Glue job at a regular interval. Said Glue job runs Python scripts, which run as Step Functions. The output of these scripts is saved to S3. How can I ...
0 votes
0 answers

[Monitoring and Alerts Configuration for Google reCAPTCHA v3 Enterprise Edition]

0 I am reaching out for technical assistance regarding our implementation of Google reCAPTCHA v3 Enterprise Edition. We have successfully created keys for our sites and are now looking to set up ...
0 votes
1 answer

Zabbix: system.cpu.load[<cpu>,<mode>]

I installed Zabbix 4.0 and going through Quickstart: I've added system.cpu.load[<cpu>,<mode>] (that's the key that is ...
4 votes
3 answers

Repeat monit alerts

How can I have monit continue to alert me on an interval until the condition has been fixed? Here's an example config: check filesystem datafs with path /dev/sda1 if space usage > 80% for 5 times ...
0 votes
0 answers

Entuity (monitoring SW) databse backup

If anyone is using quite obscure monitoring system named Entuity, I'm trying to find a good way of extending its database. Currently the system is using MySQL database. For some reason its setup to ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a free rocky linux monitoring tool? [closed]

I am currently looking for a tool to monitor the performance of two Rocky Linux desktop computers. It should monitor aspects such as the CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage (similar to the Windows Task ...
0 votes
0 answers

cannot process received configuration data zabbix proxy

I have installed and configured a Zabbix proxy version 6.4.13 and I am trying to add it to a zabbix server version 6.4. The point is that, the zabbix servers catches the zabbix proxy and the last seen ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to query Azure quotas and limits in Azure Monitor?

Microsoft Azure subscriptions are subject to a variety of quotas and limits, for example number of total CPU cores and number of VMs of a certain family. How can I query the current quotas and actual ...
3 votes
3 answers

NRPE not working after NRPE plugin upgrade from v2.15 to v3.2.1

I'm migrating our Icinga 2 from Debian 8 to Ubuntu 18.04. The old server had NRPE plugin 2.15. The new server has NRPE plugin 3.2.1. If I try to connect with the new plugin to old NRPE servers (v2.15 ...
0 votes
1 answer

Error 404 when trying to access Kubernetes dashboard from remote laptop using SSH proxy

I have a remote cluster on a remote private Cloud to which I have only SSH access (no GUI). I started the proxy server with: kubectl proxy --address= --accept-hosts=.* And started a local SSH ...
0 votes
0 answers

Preprocessing failed for performance counters zabbix, MSSQL server

I've connected my MSSQL server to zabbix via ODBC. I'm receiving results for some items but for other items errors are returned: Preprocessing failed for: [{"object_name":"SQLServer:...
3 votes
1 answer

Simple web tool for viewing log

I'm developing a server deployment script that installs a bunch of stuff and generates a log in the process. I'd like users of the script to be able to view what's happening, on a web page, in real ...
0 votes
0 answers

Adding Aruba switch to monitoring tool via SNMP protocol

I am trying to add few aruba switches to a monitoring platform observium but failing to do so. the coumminity string and the trap address are perfectly fine but it doesnot seem to work. It would be ...
0 votes
1 answer

MONIT: Monitoring logfile on counting and changes of timestamp

I want to monitor a logfile and I am only interested in the "Received new block" lines. I need two different scripts to monitor The height, which should always be one number higher then the height in ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to monitor HTTPS and TCP Load Balancers on GCP

we are using HTTPS and TCP Load balancers in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and we want to monitor them (e.g. with Stackdriver). For us, one main criteria seems to be the amount of healthy backend ...
0 votes
0 answers

Trouble Configuring Zabbix Exporter with Prometheus for Grafana Dashboards

I'm currently attempting to set up Zabbix Exporter to fetch Zabbix metrics into Prometheus for visualization in Grafana dashboards. My goal is to utilize Grafana's features for creating insightful ...
0 votes
0 answers

Free/total and when free= 10% of total color turns red

I am using Grafana and I am trying to display the values of "Free space/Total size" as actual values rather than calculations. I would like to create a value mapping so that when the free ...
2 votes
3 answers

Exclude a process from being listed in `top`

Is it possible to exclude some processes from being reported by top? For example, I would like to exclude itself from its listing (ie, I don't want top to show in the process list). I would also ...
0 votes
1 answer

monitoring/troubleshooting aws rds high cpu usage

I have an RDS instance running and it uses an average of 20-30% cpu utilization. Last night it spiked up to 80% for a few minutes and I am trying to figure out why. Error logs show nothing, and I have ...
0 votes
0 answers

Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus

I need a little bit of help here. I have a Kubernetes cluster up and running and I have a dedicated machine for monitoring with Prometheus running on it. I already have node exporters running and ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to create ops-agents policy that will install ops-agent on all Ubuntu 22.04 VMs?

I have created this ops-agent policy to install ops-agent on all my running Ubuntu 22.04 VMs, but the policy exists in the Cloud console when I navigate to Monitoring -> Dashboards -> VM ...
0 votes
2 answers

What could help to find what is causing sudden 100% CPU usage hanging my VPS?

I have a VPS I manage on my own. There are running just as much as a few Node.js projects, docker projects, crowdsec. The usual CPU load is about 20%. Occasionally server's CPU usage skyrockets to 100%...
0 votes
2 answers

Multiple HTTP checks per host with Icinga2

What is best practice for configuring multiple HTTP checks for a host? I know there is that "apply" method: apply Service "http" for (http_vhost => config in host.vars.vhosts) { ... } But i ...
1 vote
4 answers

How to monitor RAM consumption on Red Hat 7.9

Red Hat 7.9 server with 512 GB RAM. We often have alerts about swap being full. Swap is often used 99%. Our server admin told us it is normal for linux to have swap used 100%. There is no way to check ...
1 vote
1 answer

Prometheus Blackbox http_2xx returning 403 since webserver migrated to StackCP

I had working Prometheus Blackbox Exporter http_2xx checks monitoring various web servers. Then the web hosting provider migrated from cPanel to Stack CP. Since then all the http_2xx just return 403 (...
1 vote
2 answers

How to view historical usage metrics, per process?

My first inclination here would be something built into SAR, or the sysstat package in general. If that is indeed the case however, I can't seem to find this solution. What I would like to see, and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Zabbix macros, how to access hosts by name, and their items or keys

I have a zabbix 4.2 installation. I have it currently monitoring a network device via generic SNMP queries with my supplied OIDs. The data is being ingested just fine, graphs are populating as ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to be sure to keep all the logs regarding a MySQL table data but filter Google Cloud SQL maintenance queries logs made by localhost GCP SQL?

I enabled the flag General_log for a Google Cloud SQL MySQL instance to get all the queries logs in Google Cloud Logging. I get all the queries users make, but also all the queries made to probe and ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to expose monitd http server to the world

I'd like to use monitd for monitoring my webserver. I read it has built in http server. By default it is set to run on 2812 port. Is safe to open the port on firewall and view it via a browser?
54 votes
4 answers

ipmitool - can't find /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmidev/0

Based on a previous question, I installed ipmitool (yum install ipmitool). Even after a reboot, though, i get the following error when trying to run ipmitool power status: Could not open device at /...
3 votes
5 answers

Smartphone app to sound an alarm when a specific email is received

This may be borderline Server Fault, so I'm cool if it's decided this question is migrated elsewhere. As a sysadmin, I am responsible for responding to any monitoring alerts which occur out of hours. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Running Linux commands execute hidden command to regenerate Backdoor [duplicate]

My CentOS server compromised, the backdoor uploaded in /var/www/html/, I have deleted the backdoor and browsed the backdoor - to be sure it's deleted - it's surly deleted, but when I run any command ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mystery "Failed to locate executable"

I've been setting up a monitoring solution for various servers using Promtail, Loki and Grafana, following this article. I got a monitoring machine running Loki and Grafana (on Rocky Linux 9.3) and a ...
5 votes
4 answers

Netdata, prometheus and grafana - why recommended in this constellation?

Currently I do setup monitoring-service for our Server. I've found some articles, which recommend to use: Netdata, prometheus and grafana So I wonder what are the benefits to use all three of them. ...
1 vote
4 answers

Is there a GPO to allow standard users to access Resource Monitor

I need to allow standard domain users to be able to access the Resource Monitor on Windows 7 without adding them into the administrators group on any local machines. Is there a domain GPO setting to ...
0 votes
0 answers

IIS curretly processed requests counter

I am experiencing issue with my application and suspect it might be because I am testing on client Windows/IIS which has 10 concurrent request limit. Is there a way to monitor the current value of ...
0 votes
0 answers

Monitor outgoing connections with timestamp and process [duplicate]

Actually, I have a CentOS 8 server which is executing brute force attack to other servers. But I have no idea what application or process is performing this attack. I wish to know if there's any tool ...
0 votes
1 answer

In a cloud environment, should we alert on high CPU utilisation or high load avarage?

What is the best practice for monitoring the system, should the CPU alerts be based on the regular CPU usage or load average? I'm wondering what approach is being used in big cloud environments.
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0 answers

Error trying to get disak space usage from discovered VMS using Zabbix

I am trying to create a trigger on a template called Template Virt VMware Guest in order to extract the % of free space of the VMWARE VM that has the template inherited. What I did was: Going to the ...

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