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Questions tagged [mx-record]

The MX record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain.

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104 votes
6 answers

Why can't MX records point to an IP address?

I understand you should not point a MX record at an IP address directly, but should instead point it to an A record, which, in turns, points to the IP address of your mail server. But, in principle, ...
dayuloli's user avatar
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46 votes
6 answers

DNS using CNAMEs breaks MX records?

We are trying to move all our websites we host to CNAMES as we are planning on moving servers in the new year and would like the ability to move some clients to one server and other clients somewhere ...
johnwards's user avatar
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42 votes
8 answers

Can you lookup a domains past nameserver & mx record history?

If is possible to find out which nameservers a domain was previously pointing too? I need to try and find where a domain was previously hosted so that I can try and gain access to an old hosted email ...
Luke McCallum's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

Best Practices for preventing you from looking like a spammer [duplicate]

I'd like to feel more confident setting up mail for my clients with regards to false positives. Here's what I know: SPF records are good, but not every spam filter service/software (SFSS) uses them. ...
gravyface's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

DNS: Is it valid to have an "MX" record and no "A" record?

Say you own a and you only want to use it to send and receive email via [email protected]. You don't want to provide any kind of website. Can you set up the DNS records to include an "MX" record ...
xyz's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

DNS: Subdomains that Require Both an MX Record and a CNAME

Let us say we own the zone I would like each of my customers to get their own subdomain, such as needs to be a CNAME to a given ...
Michael Gorsuch's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to set two MX records for one domain?

I've seen articles about "different subdomains for different MX records". But I want two records for the same domain, @abc.example for example. Originally, I used Live Mail(MSN) to host my emails, ...
9am-5pm com's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Is it bad practice to declare MX from differing networks?

We're using a 3rd-party service provider to send transactional email. I recently noticed increased failure rates for a given receiving domain. The sends fail with the error "498 No MX for"...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How do I set an MX record in Route53 for a GoDaddy domain?

Can't seem to find an answer to this question on AWS' forum, not in the Route53 manual, nor on Stackoverflow/Serverfault in a way that makes sense...and GoDaddy's support sure as heck ain't got an ...
Sean's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

MX Records - go to two servers?

Right now I have a single mail server for IMAP. Let's say I want to introduce Exchange but not all users will be on it. Some users will be on my "legacy" IMAP, others on the "new" Exchange. Is it ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

DNS MX/SPF/DMARC records without actuall emails on domain

I created website for someone, but also someone (I guess some SEO guy) told this person that I made big mistake because there are missing DNS records on domain (mx, SPF, dmarc). Now I need to "...
norr's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Server 2012R2 DNS server returning SERVFAIL for some AAAA queries

(Rewriting most of this question since a lot of my original tests are irrelevant in light of new information) I'm having issues with Server 2012R2 DNS servers. The biggest side effect of these ...
Grant's user avatar
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15 votes
10 answers

Using fake MX records to combat spam

I have a client that is getting heavily spammed.. It's the 15th of the month and POP3 bandwidth is almost 100 GB. There are only 7 e-mail accounts on this domain. I installed SpamAssassin set it to 5 ...
Mikey1980's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Can you reference a CNAME record in an MX record?

We have several domains all pointing their MX records at, an internal mail server. We are looking to outsource our email to a new supplier, who would like us to use mail....
NeilS's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Benefits of using a subdomain for sending email?

Assume I own the domain name, I am creating a setup where I receive email sent to [email protected] using Google Apps. The MX records for already point to Google's servers and it ...
Michael Brook's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Are SPF needed for domains that do not send mails and do not have MX record?

I have some domains registered that do not send mails. I have totally removed MX record for these domains on my DNS. Is it still useful to set an SPF record in order to avoid spammer to send mails ...
Marco Demaio's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Are separate dns records necessary for web and mail on a single server?

When setting up a web/mail server on a single server or VPS with one IP address almost every guide online follows the same structure for DNS: IN A hostname....
Jeff's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

A way for DNS record to say "this domain has no mail server"?

What is the appropriate way to set up a DNS record that says "this domain has no mail server"? I assume I need a special MX record to do this, otherwise it will be assumed that the A record is the ...
700 Software's user avatar
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2 answers

Can an email server be set-up on an Azure VM?

I am considering the possibility of setting up a simple SMTP+IMAP email server for internal use on an extra small Azure VM. When I say internal use I don't mean "used by internal users", but for use ...
Ivan Zlatev's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Why do some TLD have an MX record on the zone root? e.g. .ai

I have no idea why the following TLD have a MX record on the root level of the zone. This does not make sense at all. Does this show the technical incompetence of the NIC? Please comment If I'm wrong....
Roland's user avatar
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3 answers

How can you test a backup / secondary MX server?

I'm wanting to set up a secondary MX server using Postfix but I am wondering what is the best way to test this prior to putting into production (by adding its MX entry)? One possible way is to test ...
thomasrutter's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

record DKIM on IONOS makes sense?

If I am sending mail through SMTP, I understand that it is IONOS who signs those emails, right? I would like to add the DKIM header to my emails. I know that it is necessary to publish a CNAME record ...
Diego's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Under what circumstances (if any) should an MX record point to localhost?

I'm thinking that there's absolutely no reason or justification for this, but before I open my mouth and get some admin in deep kimchi, I thought I should ask. Is there any circumstance in which an ...
HopelessN00b's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Can I setup an MX record for a particular user email address?

I would like to configure 2 MX records : - One MX record that identifies an email server to the domain that will handle all of the emails except one email - Another MX Record that will ...
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10 votes
3 answers

MX priority server behaviour

This is a question about MX procotol priority. If I have two server as MX with different priority: MX 10 serverA MX 20 serverB Is this guarantee by the protocol that the MX 10 is the prefered? Can ...
Tobia's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to include multiple spf domains with different mechanisms in a single spf TXT Record [duplicate]

EDIT : How to Mix the different mechanisms (a , mx , ip4 , ptr and include) to create single SPF file from 4 I know that 2 simple SPF records like v=spf1 ~all v=spf1 ...
Jaffer's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

MX Record Priorities

What does do each of the values 0, 1, 5, 5, 10, 10 mean? Google says you can do that or use 1st 1st 3rd 3rd <-- how are these different or the same? Will 0,1,2,2,3,3 act the same as 0, 1, 5, 5, ...
Steven's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

MX records, better setup for load balancing and failover

Take domain, it has two mail servers and, both already configured, usually I would go with the following setup: 1200 IN ...
Krdan's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What does MX in SPF mean? [duplicate]

I'm setting up an email server, and I'm a bit confused by SPF. Following some examples, I set my SPF record as follows... v=spf1 mx ip4: ptr: -all I follow what ...
Dan Repperger's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Can I have separate IP for A record & MX record

I have site which is configured on a.a.a.a IP and my mailing solution([email protected]) which I want to configured on y.y.y.y IP address. Is is possible to have separate IPs fo my A record & MX ...
user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

MX record point to itself, possible?

Lets say I have the following DNS active for domain (leaving out priority and ttl) A A MX ...
LPChip's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

MX Record Propagation

How long does it take a change in MX records to propagate? Is the MX record TTL the max time it will take or do we also need to wait for all DNS records to propagate? We are changing our mail server ...
Ryan's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can I have an MX record for a 3rd level domain?

I have mail working for right now. My mx records point to my assigned google postini servers. Works great. I have another server out in the wild that is completely disconnected ...
Christopher's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Will an MX record "follow" a CNAME record?

I have a situation I'm trying to work through that I'm not entirely sure how to solve. Here's the situation: I have a domain, let's say, that I want to set up e-mail addresses on,...
Ryan Brunner's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

is there any way to determine the date a domain DNS record like MX record was published?

We need a way to determine when exactly a DNS record such as MX was published for a domain. Does anyone have a clue?
maggot's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Wildcard for A and MX records possible?

I'm building an app where each customer can have their own subdomain. For this example, he setup his subdomain to be: whisky I created a wildcard subdomain in my DNS: *.myapp.example A ...
wyred's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Issue Creating Two MX Records with Different Priority Using Google Domains

How do I add another MX record to Google Domains that uses a lower priority? When I try to add the lower priority MX record it gives me this error, "Record already in use". I followed Google's ...
sissonb's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Base64 encoded MX records in TXT records

A lot of domains hosted by Namecheap contain strange DNS TXT records that appear to be base64 encoded, that when decoded look like a weird kind of MX record - having the structure of both a priority ...
Henry's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to point MX record to my VPS

I own a domain and I host a website on github pages. My A record points to github. I'd like to host mail on a VPS (which only has an IP address), but apparently, I cannot use an IP address as an MX ...
learnvst's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How do I set up my MX records to properly forward mail to my Gmail account?

So I have to confess that I'm not a network admin so my knowledge of DNS is very limited, and I think I've screwed something up. I own a domain--let's call it I had my hosting provider ...
soapergem's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do I see so many domains from businesses without MX records?

I'm doing internet servers for like 30 years now. The last three years I went back into operations and working with all the new infrastructure wonders. Feels really great. From time to time I am doing ...
itsafire's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to resolve SPF configuration to allow Google sending mails?

we are configuring DNS for a GMail service, the MX records are configured as to Google says, however, in the DNS check, there is a warning: SPF must allow Google to send mail on behalf of the domain ...
poseid's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why SMTP Reverse DNS Mismatch Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner?

I have set rDNS to for IP with my hosting server and also in DNS control panel. However, I am still failing this test Result: SMTP Reverse DNS Mismatch Warning - ...
atifdarr's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why isn't the MX record propagating after pointing a domain to Yahoo Mail Server?

I have bought a domain The domain provider is It is currently pointed to a Hostinger for the web files. The Yahoo mail server is supposed to be working with Yahoo ...
Jed's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Hotmail sending email to A record not MX records

I have my website hosted at one location, on a server that also accepts email, and I use Google Apps for mail as my email provider. I've had no problems in the last 18 months, and no reports of email ...
PeterB's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How do I setup a secondary incoming mail server?

I currently have a server running Debian 6, with postfix and dovecot handling email. This server hosts email for a number of domains and users, so I use MySQL as my backing store for users and ...
Abraham Vegh's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Setting MX records with Registrar vs. Nameserver Host

I'm a bit confused about what has happened with one of my client's email accounts. My client registered a domain at She wanted to start using email for that domain before we had her ...
Kerri's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

If I change a nameserver but preserve the MX record will it harm email?

My client already has email setup with a provider but would like their website hosted by a different provider. Currently they just have a NS record pointed at the company that hosts their email. I ...
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6 votes
4 answers

Do I need SPF, and how do I set it up?

I've read that SPF is a way to ensure that spam sent in my name is evidently fake, and I'd like to use that. How do I set up SPF? Or is it already in effect? I have two domains hosted on,...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How do I set my MX records such that mail to my domain goes one place, and mail to all subdomains goes elsewhere?

I have a domain name, for which I'd like mail to be routed to different servers depending on the circumstances. Mail sent to an address should go to the server mail.server1....
Travis's user avatar
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